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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. Originally posted by Castro: quote:Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Kooonfurians needs to be removed from somaliland asap. احمق فوق الاحمق أكيد!
  2. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: horta what is "Curvy" in Somali ?? Back in the days when one sees a "curvelicous"lady he would say "qoftaas farass waaye" Ask Nuune and Castro.
  3. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Gheele.T...That they could terrorise anywhere in Somalia is given! Terror is the word my dear friend! One to cover his face and take out a soft target(judge coming out of mosque, in this case) in not something to applaud the veiled boys. What else do they have in mind?
  4. Oodka, I still don't see how Faroole's past political miscalculation is any relevant in to this terror attacks. The young "veiled" boys are thread to both his administration as well as anyone before him. Anyways, you have valid points there and we should leave it here.
  5. Allah ha u naxariisto inta dhimatay. Oodka, wiilashan afka duuban walle way soo socdaan ee siyaasadda ka daa. I should remind you that a year ago Hargeisa had all the security apparatus you've talked about and we all know how they penetrate that. Inside helpers or not they are capable of doing the unthinkable again(God Forbid.) Don't try to milk this tragic terror news boowe, you never know where it might hit next.
  6. There were 10 or so Al-shabab/sympathizer that were sentenced recently in Booso, and I think he was the sitting judge. It's fair to assume that those "takfiiris" were behind his assassination.
  7. War ninka waxaan soo qoray muu soo sawiro baabuurta "parking" ku jirta ee uu ka hadlay iyo khamri la kala iibsanaayo? The last picture is also misleading and definitely not from that little buush as you can see the brick wall and concrete floor. That ugly jiindal house could indeed be a place where an old woman sells tea.
  8. What did Cawke(my King)said about this chicken? Che and Nuune are left out too?? Waryaa AT&T, kuwa reerkii ah intaa qado xaal marin ah u kaxeeyay, oo Chicken iyo Tilapia aan ka dharjiyay, baa gar la ii haystaa kale. Shimbir iyo kalluun buu tii noogu daray bay hadda joogtaa Meel aan u baxno waan garan la'nahy
  9. Lol@Duke's family. I feel sorry for the teenager ones, but those grown up guys knew what were signing up for and kissed the dust.
  10. ^Ngonge, did you show her the pic of that "fossil" and his young bride as well?
  11. AT&T xattaa aniga lol@Paragon. War horta qolkii yaraa waa dhicisoobay. Everytime I log in to it, it kicks me out in few seconds, what's with that?
  12. ^Farxiya kabayare and Farxiya Fiska are two difference girls.
  13. This is what he said according to PL media: Madaxweyne Farole ayaa sidoo kale sheegay xili uu ka hadlayay dhanka nabadgalayada in Puntland ay ku nool yihiin dad Soomaali kala duwan ah islamarkaana ka soo jeeda Qabaa,ilada kala duwan ee Soomaalia, hasa ahtee waxa uu tusaale u soo qaatay Dadka asal ahaan ka soo jeeda Ismaamulka Soomaalida Ethopia waxa uuna sheegay in Dadkaa ay yihiin Dad walaala la ah Puntland in badan oo ka mid ahana ay ku nool yihiin Puntland oo ay ka ganacsadaan. read it here
  14. Duca, maalin dhoweyd 2 gabar bas aa ugu tagay, wuu ku dhaafay nasiibkaas.
  15. FaraxB, maxay tahay waxa ka sheegaysid gabadha, Nuune and Paragon, qolka diyaari Xiin anaa keenaaya.
  16. Paragon, gabadha meeshaad ka soo heshayba waa eesh calaa cod. By the way whatever happened to that"shir room"of yours or was it one day thang?
  17. Here is another one of her songs Lol@jump in my kabaweyn..
  18. Odayga inuu "fit"yahay waa la arkaa..War hadda inay ilmo jaa conceived noqdeen aa dhacda, anaka arooskii aan wali ka hadloynaa
  19. Inay iyadu cusub tahay "hubaal weeyye"laakiin heestu ma cusub tahay?
  20. Puntlanders? Your are trying so hard my man. Just quit it dude.
  21. Xiin, apparently he was paying attention to her looks rather her well articulated speech. I have doubts if Aw would do any better