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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. p.s.... the guy is not a suju. He was born in Aden came to the UK at a young age and has worked hard. He originates from burco. How could we all miss this? This guy is our own NGONGE ..
  2. Awoowe, it's here and it's amazing! And priced right too.
  3. ^Maybe he is dying in that Saudi hospital and Nigerian Government doesn't want to acknowledge that. I am looking forward to those 411 emails from Nigerian "bank mangers" any day.
  4. Bint hamid, God must hate them black people eh? Haitian with earthquake, Somalis with war and famine, and other African with AIDS. But you only mentioned the reason why the Haitian are punished, what about the other ones you have named above( Somalis and the other African?)
  5. Geel jire, why would you send apple machine back to the store for a simple memory upgrade? It's much easier and consumes less time to upgrade memory card on mac than on pc methinks. By the way there is nothing in mac that you can't fix/replace or do by yourself. Just because they look sleek and get tiny pity screws doesn't mean you can't tear them down. All you may need is this site Duke go for it man, you wont regret it, trust me!!
  6. Originally posted by Jacphar: Sacad: Stop watching the 700 club channel. Anyone saw or hear any coverage of Muslim countries providing aid to Haiti? Turkey has a team of rescuers digging the debris. I also saw aid from Qatar and Jordan. Insha Allah Haiti will come out of this and stand strong.
  7. This idea is not that far fetched and can be done! I don't think either party would lose any if they merge, rather will benefit them both. We have witness the political maturity both side have shown weeks back. Also when that border/boundary line was mentioned in the first meeting, both business communities as well as clan elders came out and rejected the idea. That tells you how close the common people of the city really are.
  8. Good timing Awoowe!! hmmmm I think some of the things that the author talks about are needed here in our very own SOL. Laying down a law/rule hmmm Rigorous discipline? Indeed!
  9. Adigu horta isu kay sheeg? Ma Gheele T ayaad tahay. It is only Gheele T and few of his cousins who are astounded Camelboys from Hawd talk about ball. I see you mentioned my name there. Waryaa, not all the camel boys are created equal dee, there are always some exceptions! You are indeed an especial case. By the way your analysis is superb, but not so sure about your footy skills you're so vehemently bragging about D
  10. "dadkii muslimiinta ahaa ee aan waxba galabsanin ee ku waxyeeloobay dhibaatada ka dhacday Hotel Shamo, dadkaas oo ah macalimiintii, ardadii iyo dadkii shacabka ahaa ee kaleeto ee meeshaas yimiday ee dhibaatadu ku gaartay, waxaanu leenahay in alla intii muslimiin ah ee aan wax galabsan ee meeshaas ku jirtay, Ilaahay Subxaanahu watacaalaa ha u naxariisto" Looking at how he puts it,(wording)he is saying those teachers, students, and public weren't the intended target. "Dadka aan waxba galabsan oo ah Muslimiinta" so the Ministers who he didnt mention waa kuwa wax galabsaday miyaa?
  11. Sadly there are some in this very forum who would disagree with you and not only defend this group and what they stand for, but would swear on the name of Almighty that AS hands are clean of any wrong doing.
  12. Innaa Lillaahi wa innaa Illayhi raajicuun. Allah ha u naxariisto marxuumiinta dhimatay. And that suicide bomber and who ever sent him may burn in hell.
  13. Why doesn't he(Mr.Sadiq)write book about Jamal? Obsession iga dheh.
  14. Paragon, they are learning and doing amazing job, indeed!
  15. # Subah wanaagsan (Good morning) # Habeeb wanaagsan (Good night) Subah and habeeb eh?
  16. Allpuntland is retracting that news: Garowe: Maamulka sarre ee Shabakada AllPuntland oo raali galin ka bixiyay war lugu daabacay Shabakada APL… 24. november 2009 APL Tool Send This Article To A Friend By Email | Saaxiibkaa warkaan ugu *** Email Print This Article | Daabaco warkaan Garowe(AllPuntland)- Madaxda sare ee Shabakada Wararka Soomaaliyeed ee AllPuntland ayaa raali galin cad ka bixiyay war lugu daabacay Shabakada AllPuntland 23-November, oo shalay ku beegneyd, warkaas oo ku saabsanaa xaaladaha deegaanada Puntland, gaar ahaana lugu magacaabay in Shaqsiyaad xilal culus ka haya Puntland ay iska casileen xilalkoodii, sida ku qorneyd warkaasi shalay baxay. Madaxda AllPuntland ayaa sheegay in uu qaladkaas ka dhacay warqabadka AllPuntland ee dhinaca Koonfureed ee Soomaaliya, isla markaasna uu ahaa mid ay warkaasi sidoo kale sheegeen qaar ka mid ah Warbaahinta Koonfurta Soomaaliya. “ Warkii lugu daabacay AllPuntland 23-kii Bishan, loogana hadlayay arrimaha Puntland wuxuu ahaa mid aysan waxba ka jirin oo ay raali galin cad ka bixinayso Shabakada AllPuntland, waxaana usheegaynaa Madaxda Puntland iyo dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed ee la socda Wararka AllPuntland in uu warkaasi ku dhacay si qaldan” Ayuu yiri Madaxa ugu sareeya AllPuntland. Howlwadeenada AllPuntland ee gudaha Soomaaliya ayaa xaqiijiyey sida aysan waxba ugu jirin arrimahaasi, waxa ayna xariiro ay lasoo sameeyeen Madaxda magacyadooda lugu magacaabay warkaas iyo kuwa Puntland-ba ay raali galin ka siiyeen Warkaasi. Maamulka Sarre ee APL ayaa ubalan qaaday Shacabka Soomaaliyeed, in aysan dib dambe udhici doonaan wararkaas noocas ah, ayadoo aad horay ugaga barateen AllPuntland warar ku saleysan Xaqiiqo iyo Cadaalad kuna saabsan, Wararkii ugu dambeeyey AllPuntland. Kala soco AllPuntland saacad kasta wararkii ugu dambeeyey ee Soomaaliya. Faarax C/qaadir Geylan AllPuntland This excitement of late with some folks in here, is just amusing
  17. And the Qeylo Weynayaal kissed the dust. Woooophhh
  18. Kuwii dhalay xaggee ku og yihiin caruurtooda? Kuwaas ha la weydiiyo waxaa sidaan ka dhigay.
  19. ^What exactly is he(the writer)talking about? Waraa Che enlighten us, I am lost!!
  20. He married his brother's wife(dummaal) after his brother death. And their ages might not be even real. By the way he is only charged with the rape cases, I think. Alla ha u naxariisto marxuumadda.