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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. Emperor Awoowe welcome back and hope you stick around for a while now or you are only paying little visit to SOL? Anyway, congrats and enjoy your honey moon!
  2. Here are some of the best goals scored in the "best world cup" ever played. Enjoy:
  3. Sheikh Mukhtaar 'Abdur-Rahmaan Abu Zubayr (hafidhahullaah), for a scholarly explanation of this extensive and multifaceted topic. You can download it here. Since when Ina Godane become an Islamic scholar?
  4. This case is in front of Sup.C judges,so why don't we all sit back and wait for the out come. Or else volunteer your time and money and hold demonstration in front of the court.
  5. Originally posted by Ducaysane: quote:KK posted: Have fun at work dear, I'll try to go back to sleep...hadaan seexanwaayona wardi baan iska gali!!! married women should know better way to fall sleep other then Wardi. waa ku sidee eedo. Deco, siyaaba badan baa loo wardiyaa dee
  6. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: Farts!! - that is what is annoying me today. Nacalad baa ku taal - all of them. :mad: And your "Fart" thread has been deleted ooh poor Sayid. What did they (farts)do you, my Sayidi? Ma Qardhay wax ka sheegeen?
  7. I heard it's a good movie and worth watching. He is been getting some heat and threads from Hindu extremists lately from a comment he made on Pakistani cricket teams, but guess that wont hurt his status in India.
  8. AT&T, xoogaa "Bir" ma inaa daabacnaa aad Ileys iyo kii kale meesha fadhiayay siisaan? Waa hadday dumarka iyo odayaasha siidaynayaan
  9. Suits blue ah ma loo qeybshay toloow? Gen Duke, edit the post man that's disrespectful.
  10. Sacad Ducale, forget about Ceerigaabo tell us when will you close the Somaliland borders? Heard he is going to reshuffle his cabinet, any truth to that El-Genarale?
  11. At&t, warkaa intaad iska deyso, send a delegation ninyahow(Dejiyana ka soo reeb ) Tolku waa la diyaar wax kasta.
  12. AT&T, Idinkaa reerka fahmi la'e waxbay idinla wadi lahaayeen. Sow haddii aan dhagta wax isu sheegnaba waad cararaysaan!
  13. Haddii waxa aad uga baahab tahay ay ku egyihiin email and web browsing, waxaa gadataa Netbook. Waana raqiis, waa fudud yahay, inta aad sheegtayna wuu ku qabanayaa. Acer,ASUS,iyo Toshiba, intuba waxay leeyihiin kuwa fiican. Dell, Hp, iyo Lenovo ka dhigo choices dambe.
  14. SheediMakranis mainly reside in Layari districts of Karachi and the in western state of Baluchistan. Cumaan baa laga keenay waqtigii slave, laakiin qof ku oran kara slave baad ahaan jirteen ma jiro. And they are great footy players too!
  15. Alla ha u naxariisto marxuumka. As for the video, it seems if someone came behind the blue curtain/board on the left and moments later the big boom happens.
  16. Lol@Hunguri, Kaala Makki kee ahaa? Che, waryaa leave meeraa aunt alone. We used to say Pakistanis just flip the pages of the Quran and pick the first word/s they see. How else would you have names like "Bismillah Khan, Lallahu Ruux,(no joke)Allah Bux(bukhas)Rasuul Tabarak"
  17. Che, it indeed means something in Urdu and it's not far from the name in question here...
  18. ^True, but "Dick Cheney" is not Arabic name. Akbar on the other hand has a unique and interesting name, don't you think?
  19. Ooh feel bad for the guy! Read on.. According to reports, a well respected, high ranking Pakistani official has been rejected as ambassador to Saudi Arabia because his name, Akbar Zib, translates as 'biggest dick' in Arabic. Yes, that's really what it translates as. Neal Ungerleider over at True/Slant helpfully tells us that Akbar is a common Muslim name that translates to "the greatest", and Zeb is a relatively common Urdu name (زب) whose meaning in Arabic is a crude word for male genitals. Ungerleider has also put an Arabic article from Arab Times through Google Translate, with some excellent results: There was still no statement from the GCC countries on the reason for refusing to accept the appointment (the biggest cock) ambassador to Pakistan, where ... Arab Times was not able to know the reason too, but after research and investigation shows that the Pakistani diplomat (the biggest dick) is one of the biggest specialists in the Pak-US economic relations and has held an important post in successive Pakistani governments will be responsible for almost one US-Pakistan Economic Relations But les GCC do not want (the biggest cock) and object to the appointment and refused to give his reasons. According to Foreign Policy's Passport blog, Zib had previously been rejected from posts in United Arab Emirates and Bahrain for similar reasons. Meanwhile, Brits and Anglophiles, including Andrew Sullivan, have been noting an unwitting reference to Monty Python in the diplomat's unfortunate name:
  20. ^Guryahoodii soo adigan u diidan ee qori kala hor taagan. Hadday Laascaanood yimaadaan sood xiri maysid ama cayrsan maysid sidii Hol Hol.
  21. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: walahi warqadi walo so tepgereye waliba shabaad ba loogu dhufta , Alla maxaynu yeelna Waxaad yeeshaan inaad iskaga dhaqaaqdaan LA dee. Haddii kale sidii Faruur baad oran "faduul baa Barbara i gaysay"
  22. KK and Sayid, Qardho waa taas la innika caayaayo. Qaloocan iyo Q-town isku mid waaye aa la gaarsiiyay. Where is your Dhiig now? Qardho boota lee haysaan