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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. Austria got close to 9 mil where UAE is about 4 million, based on my source. It's like twice the size. Anyhow, UAE is doing quite well.
  2. Innaa Lillaah, Allah ha u naxariisto.
  3. ailamos, Austria and UAE have similar population? Check that again, I doubt they do!
  4. ^Waxaagu waa "dhaba.." iska celi runta waad og tahay. Iska daa is yeel yeelka.
  5. Dajiye dhibta jirta waxay tahay, in aad aaminsan tahay in Mr. Moalin dad wax ka saari karo. Allow caqli
  6. Lol@dhaba, waryaa Che don't mislead the poor guys, mise sheekadii "shangoolle" run noqotay? Dajiye, Xiin oday buu noo yahay Laakiin suaalaha "dhaba.."maad ka jawaabtid.
  7. ^ Dajiye will tell you "war moogaa tahay" and keeps you wonder.
  8. Isn't the guy a deputy speaker of Kenyan parliament? Whether he endorsed secession or not the guy holds no political weight to change anything on the ground. Nor does he represent Kenyan's foreign policy. Let us not over hype things and make him something he is not. I think what's happening is nothing more than Kenya's dirty politics in play.
  9. Originally posted by Thankful: Also, Said Mohamed Rage came back. I'm not sure why. Just to please some folks who were unhappy with this admin!
  10. Bigboy just relax bro and don't take things personal, I am sure Duke has nothing against good Hashi. It's just misunderstanding.
  11. ^Aw tusbaxle waxaa iigu dembeysay isaga iyo Cawke oo la leeyahy "war cullumada ha la kala qabto" Adigu ma aragatay?
  12. ^I would have fussed like him, had my Phd holding uncle(poor me, don't have one) were reduced to mere deputy ministerial position. How dare you Duke!!
  13. This is nothing more than corrupted Kenyan politicians jabbing each others' jaws.
  14. ^ I am afraid you will go banana on us if we tell you what happened to her! Is she also an aunt?
  15. ^I bet he means "we" the people of North Eastern Province of Kenya voted this man in. Don't work your self up every time you see the word "We".
  16. ^We get it, Mr. Bigboy. Congrats to your uncle!
  17. ^Big boy is right, "wasiirul dowlo" is state minister and not deputy minister. Deputy minister=Wasiir ku xigeen!
  18. ^ Lool@kuwa xilka baneeyay Nice one!
  19. So some ministers are keeping their post? Juxa and Ilko-jiir thought not on the list will remain in their post, I would assume.
  20. Hope the competent young minister keeps his post as he shown a passion beyond believe for the post. Well done Juxa! Rumor has it that Faroole is going reshuffle his cabinet, some will remain and some will get the axe. Time will tell.
  21. Gheelle.T


    Odayga geesahaa laga galay ma waxuusan xan xantoonbaa He was having "what a night" moments. Enjoy while it lasts.