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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. Tiger wasn't consumed by sex rather cheating his wife. If he were single, we wouldn't have heard of any his scandalous sex stories.. Duco, addiction has nothing to do with how many people one sleeps with it's the number of times or frequencies that matters..
  2. Ibti, how long ago was that?
  3. Ducaysane, wax waalan! War ma aqaan arrimahaas ee bal soo wareyso kuwa isticmaala dee. Food processor-ka la yaabanaa oo waan u baqay gabadha Duke, I didn't read the part where she wants to stop this constant arousal. Besides it's a good thing(sex)to be addicted to, no?
  4. Yarkaan cabbaad badanaa? Goodness sake would you quit this calaacal for once? Gabdhihii xataa waa kaa daaleen.
  5. There are such devices that make constant "vibration" and can do wonder I bet. Maybe she should get one of those!!
  6. Maybe you are the magician who somehow knows about "royal family's" money shortages.. Ooh no that was sarcasm on your part. You and other guy/girl were alluding to the idea of Saudis wasting money on building something unnecessary and not feeding the poor. And I hushed you two on that nonsense idea!
  7. ^^You were envying on them rather giving opinion on....
  8. ^How did I miss that "jecijahay" ku yeh..
  9. Why so worried about what they do with their monies? It's their money, invested and spent in their own land. Get over it!
  10. ^Waa Xaabsade ina adeerkii. Why do you ask though?
  11. ^Waar danyeeradu waa part of the family taa waan la socdaa.. Where is Norf horta! Nuune, i am just pulling your leg. AT&T, sheekadii Xiinbaa wadaa soo maaha? Waryaa ma Zanu-PF baad ku biirtay sxb?
  12. Ng, dhiig maba lihid ninyahow.. Did you read what nuune said about Burco girls? By the way you have polished your Somali writing skills, what's been happening?
  13. Nuune, hadda gabdhihii reer Burco violent miyaad leedahay? War ka joog..
  14. NG, jaadkay shaxaadan ma runbaa? Kuwa Xamar beesaaniyiin ay ahaayeen, jardiinada intay fariistaan ee gabdhaha u iljabin jireen( doubt you would understand any of what I wrote, KK will help you)
  15. KK, daanyer khaldaan ah wali ma aragtay horta?
  16. Gheelle.T

    Hey Arnold

    Sidii Muridi baa lagu soo hayaa ma is tiri?
  17. They are 85 mills with birth rate of 4%. Somali siday isku haysato oo dalka u cidleynayaan, waa na loo yaabaa!
  18. Xaajiga oo maalin dhow soo dhajiyaa arkaysaa "Yemeni delegation comes to SL" 3 oday ganacsato Yemenis suit xidhan oo Rayaale la fadhiya. Then waa la siin deeyn fishermen.
  19. Malaha garaabadii aa laga gooyay
  20. If your neighbor/coworker was a: - known serial killer would you attend there funeral? - a known pedophile would you attend there funeral? - a known rapist, would you attend there funeral? You mean your next prison cell neighbor? How could one have criminals as coworker or neighbors unless you are sharing a cell with them in prison. Waryaa this is not how you spin things, try it again.
  21. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: saado cali wa qarrandiid. wa reer doon. wa xaqiiqa oo dhab oo jirta. Cajiib! Qarannow xaal qaado. Waraa fiiri haddii ay calanka kuugu dhagsan aay qaadato waa qaran raac miyaa markaas?
  22. Originally posted by Shaakirullaah: quote:If they give interviews they want audiences, if they banned BBC, how will ppl listen to them? If you ban BBC then boycott it all the way, and give ppl an alternative, simple logic. Proclaiming and clarifying the truth by talking to them or endorsing/allowing them to pouch their own agenda are two different things walaal, also simple logic. Logic kaan waa bakhtiga ma cuno, laakiin fuudkiisaan cabbaa. Maaddeey, oo Nuune xamar iyo jubbooyinka ma tagay? Sheikh Aweys ninkii diyaarrada uga soo qaaday Asmara shoo Nuune buu ahaa!