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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. Good that Somalia is taking part in Shangai 2010 WXPO, but what's with the third pic with siiblayda and the guy pointing to the building? That's not scene from Somalia.
  2. ^I read those article and wasn't convinced. There are so many holes in the research it self. Can we safely say that bad roads and bad truck drivers are the causes of accidents in Ethiopia rather consumption of Hareri? As for you alcohol analogy, it doesn't cut with me, try again. How much is too much? What about the brand, the percentage of spirit, and the size of the person drinking it? Waraa yaan ku wareerin kow dheh. I don't chew khat and don't care who sells it or buys it. Ban it or burned it. Allow it or regulate it. At the end of the day it will come down to one's personal choice of chewing it or staying away from it. So who cares.
  3. ^Awoowe, Tunisia was famous for this kind of things and I guess those Europeans got tired of Arabs/Barbars and want to explore a new frontier. If they are bringing money to the local unemployed youngsters, then let it be. By the way I would have different opinion if the tourists were old men preying on young girls or boys like in Bangkok. That's BIG NO NO.
  4. This is some sort of employment so why hate? lol Let the tall guys of Senegal milk the whitey hags.
  5. Can someone tell us what in the world is Haatu talking about? You must be confused on this as you were on Barca v Inter footy marches.
  6. Duke, how are the illegal immigrants from the south of the border any headache to the society in general and to us in particular?
  7. Khaldaamiin and with their obsession. Every caddaan's dairy baad war ka dhigtaan.
  8. Good for democrats! Let the republicans alienate any one of color and become the party of the whitey..
  9. Karla Bolonde, Ahmad Al-Guray raggiisii were chewing it when karbaashed habasha's empire. I dare you refute that! Oz, harming more? How so? Investor creates job for locals and uplifts thousands of people from poverty.. Com'on now!
  10. Waadh filmka halkee laga daawan karaa dee? Give us some link(free one that is.)
  11. Oz, do you have anything against Qaat? I just bought 400 acres land in the mountains region of "cal madow" to harvest a localized and genetically modified qaad/khat so that Somalis will no longer be dependent of Kenyan and Ethio imports leafs. Please leave the thing alone till I get my investment back
  12. Duke, if you mean it should be banned in Somalia, AS already did that. But ailamaos is accusing khat chewing folks for double standards, me guess! Got his gist now?
  13. Kenyan started doing uncle Sam's dirty laundry(war on terror) lately so little karbaash way u baahan tahay! Today 8 young Somali coast guards were handed over to them by the British navy patrolling Somalia's waters, so they can stand trial on piracy charges. Bal Kenyaay maxaa kaa galay howshaas.
  14. ^Are you suggesting that Khat has the same affects of alcohol on people? How does Khat intoxicate people? And the by way if you are looking at religious point of view, alcohol is prohibited and mentioned in the holly book, that can't be said on Khat or can we? Don't repeat "but it's intoxicant" please
  15. Somali dhib uma keenayso ban kaan. 10 passport been wada wataan. Even Somali-Kenyans hadda seddex seddex bay wataan.
  16. There are hundreds of Europeans and other western citizen in UAE prisons for credit dept that they couldn't pay. Something they would have simply claim bankruptcy in their countries. If they fear the west so much, shouldn't they let these guys go?
  17. Originally posted by ailamos: it just sounds quite hypocritical to ban certain intoxicants and allow others for the sake of reasons that, to me, are incoherent. I agree with you that Western countries to allow the consumption alcohol and banned substance such as Khat, Cocaine, Hashis/Marijuana, and Opium. What a hypocrite they are. Seriously though, you can't compare Khat to Alcohol, they are not in the same league.
  18. There is nothing wrong visiting a sick person, but to turn the entire ICU into a football field is NO NO. I remember an incident where security guard was called on group of Somalis for not only being loud, but when a young guy started preaching DIIN to gaaladii both visitors and nurses. Markaan jirrano yaan is jeclaanaa!
  19. Kashafa, you are not a good PR man. You have been repeating these same lines God knows for how long. If I were AS I would have demoted you to a mere water boy. On a serious note though, there is no any group in Somalia's warring functions(including yours) that are capable of taking the whole country. And that's the fact, but you are blinded by a false rhetoric or in denial. Wake up from this conquest fantasy of yours before you wet your self. Hunguri, Umalayn maayo inuu wax badan ka fahmaayo waxaad u soo qortay gabanka
  20. ^Habarta maxaa aamusiyay intay shaqadu socotay? Naga daa Awoowe ha nagu deeyn tan camal. Mise aduu marqaanka iska kaa tusay habarta?
  21. ^Dadka ay ka hadlaayaan those scholars waa adigoo kale. Aragaanee illaa iyo 2008 waa soo soconaa aa lahayd walina 50 sqkm yaad marba dhan u sii oradaan.