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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. DhagaxT, there was no one to pass the ball to sxb and it was no way a pass. Just give him the credit!
  2. Some people are going fishing tonight! How does it feel winning a championship on opponents' home court?
  3. Brazil did what they do best, WIN WIN and WIN. They put pressure on the Korean till they broke their back. Second half was literally played on the Korean half of the pitch. Give the samba boys the credit they deserve. By the way, there was no lucky goal as some of you were alluding to. Maicon scored that goal as he wanted it..
  4. Nuune, ninyahow ciiddanka iyo police aad ka hadlayso haggey joogeen? Xeryihii ciidamada qabiilaa ka buuxay oo hub baa la qaybsanaayay, police shaqo ku jirayna warkiis daa, ee Xamar kale ayaad joogtay makii la qaxayay. Turuufada ha iska daayo iyo sheekada dhalanteedka ah. Cawaale, odayga waxuu generalize gareeyay marka inuu caddeeyo lee rabay! Ha is cafiyo oo ha la xisaabtamo waa wax fiican, siday ku dhici lahayd baa la isku fahmi la yahay soo maaha
  5. ^Dadka lala dagaalaayay waa kuwee? Kuwa la dagaalaayay iyo kuwa cuqdadda qabana dee noo sheeg. Code languages iska daa awoowe ee warka si furan u sharax
  6. Espn3 just pulled the plug off on me! Damned, they asking us to login to "your" ISP account.
  7. i am using this one
  8. Maaddeey kan malaha waa 18jir coon ah That's an AS/HI soldier for you.
  9. And I thought Cameroon was best hope for Africa and look how they end up. We will see how Ivory Coast fight tomorrow. I hope they get a draw!
  10. North spot on buddy! 1st goal was indeed offside, tell them "Banoonta Barta" I think the ref was great and kept the game rolling well. Over all it was clean game with lot and lots of opportunity missed by both sides. We will see if the Bafanas can pull a win over Ur or Fr.
  11. Before Zidane there were these guys. Both were part of the Algerian team that beat Germany in 1982. Lakhdar Belloumi Rabah Madjer
  12. The man who defied age and brought joy to the African giants. Who could forgot in 1990 and the goal against the Columbia!! What a goal and what a dance it was, indeed. Roger Milla
  13. Faustino "Tino" Asprilla
  14. Arguably one of the greatest defenders of all time. Franco Baresi
  15. BOB, you should wake up from this coma papa! Celtics will have next three games played at home and they already stole one at LA. Pressure is on LAMERS now. And if I were you, I would worry about winning a game at Boston rather a championship.. All the Celtics need to do is have their bench play well and Rondo minimize turn overs. I think the only worry is KG not living up to expectations. I know he is not 100% fit, but come on man, you can't let that sloppy Spaniard walked over you like that.
  16. Mubaarakoo yaar.. Illaahay ha ka dhigo kii wax anfaca. Feisal Town qol ayaan uga sii qabanaayaa!!
  17. I tried to find it on Kick-azz, (torrent) but the movie aint there.
  18. Gheelle.T

    Who is B?

    So he left the site, but still reads his PM? Classic!! War heedhe what was the name of that Kris-Kross song?...
  19. Tuujiye ay dhaheen, waraa saaxiib seef la bood caadi aa noqotay see camal? Meeshaan carruur haddeey imaadaan in la karbaasho waaye, inta dad 18+ aan ahayn maba loo ogolo. Kaalay adi ciyaalka maa suuqa cali boolaay ku baad jirtay. Iska her nooh ninkaan.
  20. Tuujiye, give the young fella a break would you? There is no way or form he insulted the religion of Islam or any other in this thread. I don't know if you have had some beef with him in previous threads, but in this one he is right on almost all of his Khat analysis and points/articles. If you find some holes in his analysis, just point them out and let others judge, but smearing his character is just foolish.
  21. somalia, Upper cut al Manny Pacquiao style.
  22. Unless there is serious medical danger or complication for the mother, one should not abort a baby regardless of any disability the baby may have. This is a case where "woman's right to abort" is misused and has gone awfully wrong. The little Poor life was breathing for 24 hours while wrapped in a blanket.
  23. ^War sxb Tuujiye and Nuune si bay kuu daba galeen ee maa mid gafuurka jabishid?lol