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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. ^ You have one helluva pervert mind War meesha ka tir lyrics ninyahow, caruurtu yaysan arag waxaas!
  2. In all the holy books including the Bible women are the inferiors of men and don't have equal rights by any stretch of the imagination! As a feminist this is the one part of religion that i have a major ... Gabadha intaa un baa dhibaysa dee. Ee ha la waydiiyo equal rights ay ka hadlayso. Ma inay Imam local masjidka ka noqoto rabtaa?
  3. Maaddeey, I thought JB posted it, but it was another one that he posted, my bad. Anyway, the question was not about whether his assessment was right or wrong, it's who he is and what he stands for. After all he is an opposition representative or former spokesperson of LRA and what he says about AS manners not. He is in line with his party/rebel's political line. To oppose any and all of the Ugandan government's foreign and domestic policies. That includes it's involvement in African affairs(Somalia, DRC, Sudan and etc.) I am surprise that you bought his arguments as if he cares about AS or he is with them. I found Afyare Elmi guy more knowledgeable about the situation and logical than the other 2.
  4. NG, got it awoowe. The house with that price just looked bit odd to me, that's all awoowe. It's the location that priced it up, I see.
  5. ^And what's so especial about the location, ya NGONGE?
  6. I just can't believe that house is $3.5mills. Com on guys. If $3mil+ homes in London look like that, how does your ghetto look like?
  7. ^ No don't, please. Now would you be a gentleman, show some manner and stop being like Cawke?
  8. Your are either Cawke or that Max guy. Wareerka naga daa awoowe!
  9. JB already posted this, beside LRA guy is opposed to Ugandan government and of course would blame everything on Ugandan governments. He states what would any opposition representative would have said.
  10. Cawke, askari kuugu dhagan meesha iyo kan Sheikh Shareef la taagan, kee baa khatarsan?
  11. Check some more funny ones here
  12. I take that back and think he may go to Miami. lol Boozer signed with the Bulls today and Stoudamire with the Knicks..
  13. Miami is out of the picture now. They already resign Wade and got Bosh, so they probably over salary cap. I think he will stay with Cleveland and Boozer or Stoudamire will come along. We will wait and see tonight.
  14. ^Ee intaas lee u sheeg Mr. MMA. Wixiisa waxaa waaye German inay raayaan ay niyeeysteen and Spain won it by luck. Naga daa hee MMA meesha waxba ma lasoo shir tegin.
  15. MMA, there were no controversy on this game. Could it be that you can't swallow a clear defeat? Ramos was down inside box by Podolski and any one could argue that to be a penalty. Just give it a rest would you? Just wondering though,how in the world would that win be called a lucky win? When Germans were boxed in their on half and hardly getting any break (counter attack as they usually do.)
  16. Bob, awoowe you already stated the team you are with so don't bother changing it, too late. MMA making all the excuses he could find for a team that lost fair and square. Awoowe congratulate the Spanish team and move on. Your Germans came as predictable as they could be and lost to a better side.
  17. Bob, each team you support seems to be loosing the block, it's you with the bad luck I guess. This is Spain's cup papa!
  18. He could have sent them to the semi....what a miss it was! oooh o
  19. Gyannnnnnn what did you do..daaaaam