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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. According to a reliable source all the dead MPs were from ARS (Shareef's wing,) so Sakhar take it easy boowe. And whether they were from PL or SL matters not, they were part of that entity. This seemed to be well planned and calculated attack. They(AS)chose a soft target and executed their plan, and that exposes the weaknesses of this TFG.
  2. Seeker will definitely know this, but can the rest of you guess where this is?
  3. All you have to do if you want to cheat,just quote the person's post, check the url link, and most likely the name of the city will be Unless the picture has been copied from flicker or the other photo hosting sites.. Seeker pic must be Sydney if not London... Zack, Brazilians are not Hispanic
  4. Malika, the dude can speak proper Somali than most Somali youth I see around!He even speaks better than the "somali" interviewer. Waaba hal khaldaan oo reer Burca ah Jow jow JB, duqbilow or whatever he is called waa nin waalan. He seems to be high on marqaan.
  5. Libraville? Ma AT&T baa marka
  6. Waryaa Hunguri xaggaad ka dhacday? Mar baan is iri odaygii ma Hadaaftimu u kacay! I think the first thing Faroole should do is to go there and meet the locals as well as the elders. He has start to build the lost trust and assume the locals that he is/was not at war with any particular clan. He has to listen their grievances and act upon them. I believe he can gradually reform the PIS with less huffs and puffs. Nimankan ilma ictiraaf doon, dee tamashleyntii doorasha ayaa ciid looga shubay. Marka ma waxaan la ciiltoobin baa?
  7. Awoowe, you are not all in sync with your criticism, so I may not have issue with what you have said above. I am actually agreeing with you on most(with exception of the abductions and the killing which I may need to verify ) part, but what I don't agree with others are that PIS targets just specific clans as some were protesting or that it's a clan entity that enriches a particular "sub clan"
  8. Xiin, it's easy to say than done. The powers that birthed this organ had a reason and agendas that wereare much larger than the interest of the state or Somalia as a whole. So to think that Faroole can easily maneuver those interests in the blink of an eye, is just wishful thinking. Give him sometime is all I am saying and I also think some of the PIS criticism may not be wholly true! Ps: Awoowe, what are the grievances of those stakeholders? What are they based on? Is it because this organ is not exclusive to all PL stakeholders? He can't simply please everyone or can he? By the way, why do you think PL solely rely on the PIS?
  9. Oodweyne, despite the obstacles that facing him, he tried to do all that you listed above and I am sure he will try it again, regardless how many times he fails. Shouldn't he be given a time at least to work things out? I think he been "unfairly" criticized with regard of this PIS. This organ has been around for quite sometime and has been functioning pretty much the same way as it is today. And to be honest with you, Farole is the only man who showed some balls to take on the PIS. Let him buy his time and deal with it when the right time comes. By the way, I think there is little bit of exaggerations on the part of it's(PIS) adversaries, especially when they label it as it is the cause of instability in that part of world. They(PIS) may be blamed for abuse of power in some extent, but to call them as the cause of the PL's problem is unjust, me thinks.
  10. Xiin, what exactly do you want him do with regard to the PIS? Don't just say he needs to overhaul it's leadership, tell us what you have in mind!
  11. October wali lama gaarine, muxuu yahay damaashadkan soo hor maray? Odaygaa warkiisa inaad iska daysaan wax ka roon ma leh. Soomaali qofba fikirka uu ka qabo qof badali kara ma leh, regardless how much one tries to portray his legacy.
  12. Does this mean Sheikh Nur is no longer the Moderator of Islam section?
  13. He is cracking as hell! What in the world wrong with Tennessee? lol
  14. Lander, cammu iska baashaal hee marka!
  15. Zackiyoy, anigu ku wareer saaxib. Markii mid la xiro seddex cusub un baad arkaysaysaa. What a coincident ma is tiri?
  16. you have posted 17 posts since 2007 and out of nowhere you came to light today! Xaggey iska qabsan la'dahay....?
  17. Daf daftaada badan, nin baad meel uga shabahdaa!
  18. ^What a cheesy song and video you posted, girl! Better Stay with ur good ol days sort
  19. ^Or better asked him "are you Cowke?"
  20. Boowe ma durba! Timur iyo Ceelaayo ku yeh. War ninku energy badanaa