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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. ^Maya laakiin guurku is more than sexual as you have hinted. It's about love,management, raising a family,and basically building a mini society. Laakiin dadka inta badan hal meelbaa u cad, hence why u intaa dhaafin or furitaanku u batay. Adiga laakiin, gabdhihiina waxaa tiri lugaha cabbiraan/fiirsadaan, nimankiina inay raaxeystaan oo kali ah
  2. ^Murqa kuusane, adi guurkii dhan sariirtaad dhaafin weyday, see camal?
  3. You are correct on the context that each grouping should get 1 post. But then are we going to have 5 ministerial positions? Either way composition of any cabinet that to be named has to reflect to top three positions. At least that's I thought they were done before. Awoowe, this 4.5 is a corrupt and a useless system, but it's really as easy to challenged and changed as we are thinking it's. Let's just wait and see how he's going to make it happen.
  4. Remember the President, PM, and the SPKR of the parliament are part of the 4.5. In your scenario there will be some that will be left in the cold!!
  5. They don't need caqli gelin, they need men. So please step aside and let the young fellas rock these young ladies' world
  6. Jidkaas saa u sheegaysid hayuu yahay, arbaca rukun iyo aargada inay gadaal soo jiraan waaye. post some of prewar Arbaca Rukun pics.
  7. Aliyah, I meant to say as long as they have some relatives living abroad they tend not to worry about the financial burden the multiple wives may bring. He/she can always call a cousin and ask for few changes to survive. So let them repopulate the land!!
  8. Nina, if I throw a wild guess I would say it's in Shingaani, jidka School Yusuf -Alkowneyn to Safaarada Chinaha. Adi maa sheegtid haddii aa taqaanid?
  9. Ogeygii 90 jirka ahaay wax record-kiisa jabinaaya meesha ma joogaan. The rule is, if you have relatives in the diaspora then you can marry 2 at the time.
  10. How could he ignore the same system that brought him in the first place. The whole TFG is based on this and till the whole system is demolished,it will be hard to over pass. It's a bold move though I doubt the 4.5 parliament that he wants its approval would pass anything less then qabiil based cabinet.
  11. Allamagan, didn't mean to attack you awoowe, and you seemed to overlooked the quotation and other mark. If it came to you as personal attack, my apologies sxb. That being said, I agree with you that we should all have a hope for the country to come out of this mess and it will hopefully happen soon. You do know SOL discussion get heated sometimes waryaa, isxijiskana wax xun maaha, inaa kaaga dhow ahay aaba dhici karta
  12. They are just trying to tell the media that they are still around n can cause havoc on the innocent Somalis where ever they live. The media has forgotten these lunatics for past week so and they want to get back to the center of attention, hence why they attacked Dhuusomareeb.
  13. Puntlandi is the only news portal that reported this story, and I don't know how credible it is. So far, there is no official statement from Puntland admin.
  14. Would have loved to spend few nights over this 10 star cottage to have a peace of mind.
  15. Aaliyah, I think the poor wife never expected her husband's lover would show up and worse embrace him in front of cameras. I think she should have the right to that moments. I blame him for being an-$$$, but the wife disappointed me for not putting a bit of cat fight. Imagine all the publicity that would have created..
  16. The wife actually knew her hubby had relationship with this mistress of his, but this was the first time the wife met and seen the woman.
  17. ^Did you say it was your first WC? Illaa baby baad ahayd mise Burcaan TV soo gaarin.. Jokes aside, I think 1990 was one of the most exciting WC ever played. It was the rise of the African Nations talents and the great moments the legend Roger Miller show cased in that WC.
  18. Allamagan, I would assume that you will support the TFG now. What's this new hope you are showing now. Or is it that "your man is selected" just asking!
  19. Qardhaawi is the one on the hot seat now and needs to reconcile with other Cullumah and ask his maker for forgiveness.
  20. ^Good luck with you and your new found love of SOL, dear!!