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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. Malika, it's and Tracy is one of my fav soul singers of all time. Enjoy Jody Watley's friends feat. Eric B and Rakim ooh what a glory days these were lool
  2. NG, I can imagine you sitting in front of this TV and shouting "Ya llah ya Rossi" guuuoooaal.
  3. NG, it was Rossi's WC and he shined in that game with his hat trick(or did he score 2 goals?) That been said, I think the Brazilians were solid team, but the Mafioso had the better luck that day. By the way, your love with the blue flag is noted
  4. NG, would you agree that Italy vs Brazil match in 82 was/is the best wc march ever played. What a loss it was for the Brazilians.
  5. Sayid, geel aren't even allowed into the city let alone seeing you with 100 halaad iyo baarqab War meeshii dhismo "parking lot" aa meelkasta ka socda and you are talking about geel!!
  6. Kan haddii Qardho laguu geeyo, maxaad ku diidee?
  7. Heartbreaking story. It's clear this woman is mentally sick, but wonder why her family(specially her mother) let her keep the baby if they already knew her condition.
  8. Alla ha unaxariisto Xassan Giyaajo. He was a family friend and qaraabo. Shalay ay illa aheed markaa gurigiisa weynaa ee Casa de Populare aan taagnaa. Alle ha u naxariisto, Aamiin
  9. Originally posted by Sensei: S. Max'ed Cawaale is obviously very pleased to see the doctor!!! GD,I assume you are somewhere in there. Yeah,probably they used to be childhood friends. I see some of my relatives there as well! Well done reer Manayaabolis
  10. Norf, I watched some of 82 WC in VHS in later years, 86 was my 1st WC. Only NG would remember 82 and 78
  11. Originally posted by AYOUB: I can understand when foreigners meet and there's something lost in translation, but how could some Somalis in London open a school and call it "Sabiil Institute"? Af carbeed bay ka raadinayeen!!
  12. Imagine this American rock star touring in Somalia He's got good melody
  13. The firing of him is well deserved. It's hard to believe someone who wrote countless articles about civil rights and what his people have gone through, would say something like that. And the assumption he made that Muslims dress certain ways and can be picked up from crowd. Did the 19 hijackers wear Kufiyah and Khamiz? What a Id10t.
  14. Originally posted by AYOUB: ^ If they were in Asian rather than European attire, you've moaned about "our dhaqan", right?
  15. AS to avenge Abu Yazid's death So they will avenge for an Arab man killed in far away land and in the process will kill innocent Somalis. What a logic.
  16. Allamagan, kuwa qatanaa in a sense of rural development yes, but as for Landcruiser gado, dee naga daa Midda kale the same perception aad ka kaysato tii 60 ayaa tan "aabbe" Siyadna dad ka qabaan.