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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. Taleexi, you should rather pick your quarrel with some one dee. Waa maxay sidatan? Soo adigan is dhex yaaciyay adduun oo dhan. Ma Faroole laa, ma PL admin, ma Faroole's sub clan baa, mise ***** politician. Aim your criticism at a target ama naga daa.... [ November 19, 2010, 01:37 PM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]
  2. Kamaavi is spot on with 50 words saaxiib. Re-count it again..I bet you counted the word "le'eg" as two words.
  3. ^Last time I played ball a "burger eating" kiddo almost dislodge my shoulder. I stopped being around the court, let alone play with them!! Caruurtan yay lugaha kaa jebin sxb... Taking a nap in conference room aint for me, coffee should do it for now!
  4. ^Dee ilmaha yar yar la lama ciyaaro! It's mid day Friday and it's already very boring work day. How do you kill time when it just stalls.. Darnnn
  5. Nin reer SOL ah inuu ku jiraa filayaa!! Btw, is Sahra M Ali Samatar the daughter of Gen.Samatar?
  6. Faroole should stop giving these half politics and half religion sermons in mosques and at all places of worships.
  7. Shacabka Soomalida Illaah dhibta ha qaado ay AMISON iyo AS ku hayaan. Aamiin.
  8. I am with Xiin on this, meesha 4.5 baa wax lagu qeybsaday, marka waxay illa tahay Faroole ama inuu is wada raaciyo TFG ama ogolaado wax u dhaxeeya meesha ma laayaan.
  9. Ahmad Qare wali joofane waaye. Al-Shabaab badda macaa ma laga weeraraa
  10. Yaan waalidka oo dhan la isku darin e. Meesha sartu ka quruntay waa aabbaha( there are of course good fathers like Sayid) ee father figure hadduusan joogin, carruurta waliba wiilashu ha u darnaadaan, waa loo yaabaa. Not long ago in where i live, the community organized a gathering day for the youth and children. Kind of like sport activities and such. And among the hundreds that showed up, there were only 4 fathers and rest of kids were brought by their moms. Markaad aragtid hooyo restroom hor taagan oo ku leh wiilkaygan 5 jirka dhinaca dumarka wuu diiday inaan la galo ee tii raggana qof aan ku aamino ma hayo. What would you say about the father of that kid?
  11. Very positive development for the state. The secret service personnel are quite impressive indeed! No more fatigues wearing men in the compound. Good stuff
  12. He was once a lottery winner and a high roller, hence why they called him "Lucky" and today a criminal enterprise boss indicted for serious crime. Mr. "lucky" aint no more!
  13. Libaahe, Somaliland waa ikanaa miyaa sheekada! Maxaa Burco iyo Brava meesha keenay? Lol@Sayid, trying so hard to minimize the damage eh? Cawaale, It's all good bro.
  14. Originally posted by Fiqikhayre: This is shocking! Are also these three accused Omar Sharif's brothers? They claimed they were born from 83-89! Cawaale, if you are talking about these three above, then I don't know where you get their mom been arrested too..
  15. Originally posted by Cawaale: GT, The shareefs kaligood lama xerin, Hooyaadood aa ku jirto. wax laga naxo waaye sxb. Cawaale bal qabooji, hooyadu kuma jirto, bisinka islaanta weyn caruurtan waalan ay dhashay ha ku tirin awoowe.
  16. Faqikheyr, yes the Shareefs are brothers I heard, feel sorry for their parent. There is also a married couple. Duf ku baxa dheh.
  17. Che and Cawale, what exactly are you expecting the community to do? Community isn't law authority and wouldn't solve our social issues. But to think it's idle is to deny the works of those who are tirelessly making the difference on the ground. Mise those youth organizers who are alleviating the conditions of our trouble kids as we speak dont count? And by the way let's not assume if like the community didn't collaborate with the authority on this. FYI, there were 880+ people nabbed by the FBI in this sting in the entire country and Somalis make up 4% of that. Here As for the ages of the accused, most of them actually came to this country as toddlers. One of them I know was a kid few years back. Hard to believe such a bright kid would go off the ladder that easy.
  18. Che, you are comparing apples and oranges here. This sex trafficking(alleged for now)is happening in our backyards not in the war-torn country we left behind.
  19. Originally posted by Boom Boom: We're a cursed community. Things are only going to get worse. We are not cursed community, we just make some headlines every now and then. And things are pretty ok with most of Somalis just the (minority) wackos happened to be in the news.
  20. Che, why do you say it's not a real shock or outrage? Is there something worse than this that you know of? Some of the guys in that list are known thugs and I hope they will be put behind bars this time.
  21. The two jailed girls in Jamaica are in the video and the Iman girl is his sister.. Xaggay salaadu iska qabsan la'dahay
  22. Allah ha u naxariisto. Aamiin.
  23. And some of them have families of their own. They are indicted now, but things will get dirtier once the detailed charges come public.