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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. They started from here in 1991 to where they are today, multimillion dollar company.
  2. Creating businesses and making money are things we are good at, but it's mind boggling that those brains can't bring about the most important aspect of life to human kind, peace. What a waste!
  3. Hashi energy One of the Somali success businesses in East Africa.
  4. ^Like Mahiga will spend overnight in Mog. Let's see if the two Shareefs or parliament will hold a meeting, let alone a conference. Conference in Mogadishu or anywhere else will not bring about changes as long as this nonsense leaders are on the helm. Let's keep dreaming.
  5. After James (beardie)Harden was faulted out, the Thunder's whole offense game changed. Scoring only 6 points for the last 4 mins of regulation+the overtime. That was a complete melt down.
  6. MMA, widaayoow memory of xamar lee la isku ogaay, Baraawe see camal. Mardhow meesha dhan tuuloyin oo la maqlin iyo buuro aa laga soo buuxinaa iska fiirso Thanks for the great pics..
  7. Taleexi, inaad S*S si wax isku ahaydeen waa iska ogaa, laakiin ma Qardhaa isku kiin keentay? Shoo isna Taleex sheeg sheeg!
  8. Kolay Nairobi joogaan Somaliddii oo dhan(PL, SL, GM, TFG-SH H) UN ayaana ku casuumtay. Isbaddal waa jiraa kolay.
  9. Colbert, J-Leno, and other comedian had a field day with this story. Evidence was all there, just look at his movies: Predator TrueLies Junior Raw Deal Collateral damage Red Heat Twins (boys are week apart) Conan the Destroyer Pumping Iron....
  10. Haddana ma Uztaadkii iyo British foot soldier baa la is dhinac dhigay? Cadaalad xumadaa daya!
  11. JB, your defense is that PL sites took the picture, therefore they can't be reliable. Waar ninyahow, your health minister, Mr. Xoog is sitting right next to TFG and PL ministries under the name Somalia. Like it or hate it, SL is part of a nation called Somalia. Now, what's the stand of SL gov on this issue. Koley sooner or later ina Waraabe will utter it all out. Aha now it's all denial eh..Photoshop. War wasiirku ma ka qeyb galay shirkan mise maya?
  12. ^ Dee kuwa SL ma iyakaa ku dhaca wasiirkii oo Somalia hoos fadhiya inay soo dhajiyaan. Sawirka wasiirka maad soo dhajisid.
  13. ^Awoowe, this buries the mantra of SL is separate nation. What ever happened to " we will never sit with Somalis?" In the eyes of the world, SL is just part of of the failed nation of Somalia. One nation under the blue flag!! Waxay illa tahay durriyadda heavy weight-kii SOL waxay ku mashquul sanyihiin May 18 preparation.
  14. Date: 16–24 May 2011 Location: Geneva, Switzerland The Sixty-fourth session of the World Health Assembly will take place in Geneva during 16–24 May 2011. The Health Assembly will discuss a specific health agenda prepared by the Executive Board as well as the programme budget, administration and management matters of WHO... Among the delegates from SOMALIA are, TFG Minister of Health, Puntland's Minister of Health and Somaliland's Minister of Health. From left, PL health Minister, TFG Health Minister, far right SL Health Minister. Somalia indeed!
  15. Ismaaciil Mire Wuxuu Yidhi: Kulligood addoomaha rabboow qaybsha kibistiiye Qof kastoo kabtiya ama kalaha ama kur dheer fuula Bad kalluun ku jirra kollay ku tahay amase koob shaah ah Ninba kadabkii loo qoray Illaah wuu la kulansiine Inaan ruuxna soo korodhsanayn kaa ha la ogaado ..
  16. ^Waar markaa Zack Pune meel la dhaho uu jaamacad uga jiray. Ninku waa oday
  17. Ina Shangole iyo Amriki soo iyagii la lahaa waa la dilay! AS attention ka weyn midkan Amison iyo Somalida ayay rabaan, laakiin looma soo jeedo. Nasiib darrada haysata nimankaas.
  18. I found this interesting article and thought I should share with you. The author discuses the difficulties African Professional specially Somalis face finding jobs in Australia... Enjoy ABDULKADIR SHIRE and Ali-nur Duale are masters of disguise. The two Somali men, now in their fifties, have spent more than thirty years between them applying for jobs in Melbourne. Their tactics have ranged from the shrewd (omitting their nationality and native language on their CVs) to the downright devious (“de-Arabising” their first names by replacing them with initials). But their real skill is one that not many people would think of bringing to the job market: making themselves look unintelligent on paper. They call it “downskilling”: cutting from their resumés any hint of a qualification or achievement that might make them appear too smart for the jobs they’re applying for. In Duale’s case, that means hiding a PhD in applied entomology and a distinguished career developing crop protection programs for farmers in Africa and India. In Shire’s case, it’s a Masters in petrochemical engineering and a diploma from Victoria University that don’t get mentioned. But both men have given up that battle. Last October, after seventeen years and more than 300 failed job applications, Shire packed his bags and moved to Brisbane, where he is now helping his wife start a family daycare business. Duale is resigned to continue working as a casual interpreter for a refugee translation service. “People say, ‘Why can’t you get a decent job, with all your qualifications and experience?’” says Duale, who is often described in his community as the most qualified Somali in Australia. “And I have to lie and tell them I just want to do something to help my own people. I’ve even told my children this untruth.” No one has calculated the loss of allowing so many of our best and brightest residents to work as drivers, translators, cleaners or security guards. The “PhDs driving taxis” headlines have come and gone, but hundreds of experienced doctors and accountants and engineers are still driving cabs and doing menial part-time jobs on hourly wages to sustain their families and relatives overseas. Hundreds more have given up entirely, resigning themselves to a perpetual life in the slow lane. Africans, the newest, most foreign group in our cultural melting pot, are invariably suffering the most. Some say it’s always been this way: the waves of Greeks, Italians, Lebanese, Vietnamese and other migrant groups who arrived between the 1950s and 80s all struggled just as hard to find sustainable jobs. But the evidence strongly suggests otherwise. As an Englishman who was offered his first professional job within two weeks of landing in Australia, the stories of Duale, Shire and dozens more Somalis I’ve met have forced me to reassess my opinion of Australia as a place where opportunity is guaranteed for new arrivals. WHEN Lindsay Tanner, former finance minister and federal member for Melbourne, resigned last June, many members of Victoria’s African community felt they had lost one of their own. Not only was Tanner a critic of the hardening of Labor’s asylum seeker policies, he was also the most visible and vocal of the country’s pro-African “champions” – a regular guest at community events, and a loud advocate for greater training and job opportunities among the country’s least-employed migrant communities. Just a week before his resignation, Tanner launched a report by the Australian Human Rights Commission that found evidence of anti-African sentiment in virtually every sphere of Australian public life. Of course, you don’t give up such convictions easily. Within weeks, Tanner was back to assisting two Melbourne-based projects he is particularly close to: the Corporate Leaders Network’s African-Australian Project, through which ten high-profile companies – including the National Australia Bank, IBM, Australia Post, BHP and Telstra – have committed to develop training and placement opportunities for African-Australian graduates; and the Horn-Afrik Employment, Training and Advocacy Project, a homespun initiative with 250 “Horn of Africans” – migrants from Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Somalia – on its books. The next year or two could be make-or-break for both projects. The Corporate Leaders Network has promised to “ramp up” its focus on African jobseekers, and after two job-training workshops in which black faces were notably absent it has reserved a third of the thirty-five places at its next workshop for Africans. The Horn-Afrik project, run by a Somali-Australian out of a dingy room in a tower block in Carlton, has secured federal funding for two more years; yet this project, the only African-run initiative linking the Victorian government and industry to support professional jobseekers, has found jobs for only seventeen people in the past three years – and ten of these have since returned to the taxi ranks. As Australia grapples with increasingly polarised views about our multiracial future, such scoresheets challenge what Immigration Minister Chris Bowen recently called “the genius of Australian multiculturalism.” Conservative commentators continue to portray African communities – and particularly Somalis and Sudanese – as hotbeds of criminality and covert fundamentalism, while popular media outlets stir perceptions of their members as gang members and dole bludgers. But what few people have yet broached are the obvious links between fathers who struggle to find work and children for whom job satisfaction is a concept from another planet. “If we’re losing the fathers, we will lose their sons,” warns Horn-Afrik’s project officer, Omar Farah. “They will drop out of school, live on the dole, and some will go into crime. If your husband is unemployed, your father is depressed, your parents are talking about going back to Africa – how can you expect that family to be striving to adopt ‘Australian values?’” Read more
  19. ^Is that your truck? BTW, have you realized that your figure is reflecting on the picture or rather on the gas pump? Nice hair lol
  20. ASWJ iyagaaba ninkii Madaxda uga ahaa Gedo looga dilay ambush. Sheikh Hassan Sheikh Abdi aka Qoryooley was injured in an ambush and later died in Nairobi hospital. AUN
  21. NGONGE, did i see him say 25 dams? You need rivers and lakes in order to build dams dee, ma baddaa laga dhisayaa dams-ka. Maybe small barrages or reservoirs to hold seasonal rains, but dams, com on now!!. Where is Injieer North when you need him? Nice promises anyway, and I hope they will materialized.
  22. ^Dee adaa waxaan la aqoon qoray markii Hore Galkacyo is Duke turf, aniga will not last in 3 days sidii malaay biyo laga saaray camal inaa noqdo maa rabtaa? In all seriousness, the place is crying for leadership. It's time the likes of Gaagaab and the old guards to go.