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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. Haddii u joogana waxaa la oran lahaa, muxuu wax ugu soo qaban waayay dalka... Where will the money for the infrastructure come from unless you go beg for it? Unless you think the mere 25 million annual budget(all of it from inland taxation) would cover to build Airports, Seaports, and pave roads. I guess not. Taleexi, lol@former Puntland.. Pl sidii ay aheyd wagii la dhisay maaha, xanuun yar unbaa haaya wayna ka kici. Awoowe, dayacu 2 region kuma ekka oo wixii laamiga bari iyo galbeed ka xigaa tuubadu si fiican uma gaarto. Laakin, inta kalaa jana ah micnaheedu maaha.
  2. ^ All we know is that Farole was for election, and we will find out where he stands on this accord. He was not the ones who have been mediated in Kampala nor is he a signatory of this accord. It's by far for the TFI.
  3. Awoowe xaggay salaadu iska qaban la'dahay. Cuuke is good indeed, but the man who has appointed him to post must has been blind. Isn't this one of PL success story? How could you say PL government has not dealt or engaged with the "Mudug group" when infact this success story can be attributed to the highest office of the admin by taking on the old guard who were and still are an obstacle to peace in Mudug. Naga daa dee saaxiib!
  4. NG, saxib what's so good about the accord? What is there for the TFG to sort out? Don't you see anything wrong with the wording in the accord? E.g The agreement, in effect, is a new constitution. There is no parliament (as the Accord revokes parliament powers) and there is no president (as the president, similar to a parent-child relationship, is repeatedly given orders and chastised under the terms of the Accord). Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni signs the document as a witness, but also as an enforcer. “HE President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda will Guarantee the implementation of this agreement and sign below as a witness.” Not only that, but also states that IGAD (Amison) will take action on who ever breaks this agreement. Meaning TFG leaders will be held accountable if they do not follow whatever IGad deems to be the interest of Somalia. What sort of Government will TFG be then?
  5. Garowe online's editorial take on the issue regarding the Kampala accord, and where Somalia's interest lies on all of this political saga...Very interesting read and quite to the point. I Hope Farole agrees with his son(s) on this! Kampala Accord: Somalia surrenders its sovereignty for the two Sharifs? 14 Jun 14, 2011 - 1:46:25 PM GAROWE ONLINE EDITORIAL | What remains abundantly clear to all is the role of Uganda in the signing of “Kampala Accord” As a failed state, Somalia is used to being ridiculed, chastised and threatened at will. It is a fact that the lawlessness in Somalia, caused by ignorance and fuelled by hate, has destroyed the country’s unity, integrity and peace. Everything is for sale in Somalia. The leaders have sold the country into various pieces to various agents of foreign governments. Criminality became commonplace and the opportunists profited. The people became victims of lawlessness. It is a cardinal mistake to write off Somalia, however. The country has suffered immeasurably, yet something keeps Somalia afloat. The war scars and hostilities are there, but below there is a foundation of Somalinimo (Somali-ness) that floats below the surface of dispute. Somalia gained its independence from European colonialism in 1960, and Uganda gained independence two years later. It is a remarkable turn of fate that Somalia today finds itself in the grip of foreign governments, each persuaded and driven by narrow agendas that put Somali interest somewhere between nonchalance and indifference. Uganda’s role in Somalia is clear to all, as it is one of two African countries (+Burundi) that have contributed troops to the AMISOM peacekeeping force in Mogadishu. As such, Uganda has some political weight in international political circles, when discussing the issue of Somalia. What remains abundantly clear to all is the role of Uganda in the signing of “Kampala Accord” by TFG President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and TFP Speaker Sharif Hassan. Uganda, like Somalia’s immediate neighbors Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Kenya, has vested interests in Somalia, and particularly with the TFG, due to the AMISOM deployment. The agreement was signed to end the term-extension debate, but in a Somali-flavored political twist, a new debate arose to create further divisions and disputes. In Mogadishu, protestors took to the streets to support TFG Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, who is supposed to resign under the terms of the Kampala Accord. President Sharif is a political amateur by any standard. Politics is an art of finesse, style and efficiency. It is difficult to imagine Sharif’s qualities meet the standards of leading a fragmented, sorrowful, and desperate nation. If anyone had a question, the answer is clearly written and signed in the Kampala Accord. Certainly, no Somali leader would sign such an illegal document, which surrenders Somali sovereignty over to external entities. The agreement, in effect, is a new constitution. There is no parliament (as the Accord revokes parliament powers) and there is no president (as the president, similar to a parent-child relationship, is repeatedly given orders and chastised under the terms of the Accord). Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni signs the document as a witness, but also as an enforcer. “HE President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda will Guarantee the implementation of this agreement and sign below as a witness.” The Kampala Accord cannot and must not be implemented in Somalia. The more the international community pushes Somalia towards a corner, and thereby towards the edge, the more resistance will increase and the more bloodshed and chaos – only beneficial for Al Qaeda and its Al Shabaab affiliate. It is a proven theory time and again. It is an embarrassment for the UN Security Council and the rest of the international community to approve a process of Somali-led consultation initiatives in Nairobi, but conclude that process with a unilateral agreement signed by the TFG President and TFP Speaker. Despite the on-the-surface political differences, the two Sharifs were comrades of the Eritrea-based Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia (ARS) – the group who hijacked the Somali peace process in 2008 and created the Djibouti Agreement – source of Somalia’s current political crises. Fool us once, shame on you. Any national agreement in Somalia must include the legitimate stakeholders who represent the various constituencies that form the Somali political entity. But a unilateral agreement signed by old comrades, aiming to trick the Somali people yet again, is an experiment for failure. If anything, Somalia has experienced first-hand a litany of failed experiments. The UN Security Council must urgently weigh in on the Kampala Accord, which defers elections for another year (if implemented). The TFG term expires on August 20, 2011, after which point there could be a number of ‘presidents’ supported by various foreign interests. It is in the interest of global security and stability to ensure that a smooth political process takes place in Somalia before August 20, as the alternative favors Al Shabaab terrorists. Indeed, the alternative deepens divisions and disunity in Somalia and threatens to further break apart the country. No doubt, most Somali political entities will not recognize the Kampala Accord, no matter the extent of foreign pressure. The international community now has a chance to the take the side of the Somali people, who have spoken loudly. Somalia needs new leadership to chart a new path towards peace, security and stability, and to guide the country’s post-war recovery. But an illegal term extension proves to the public that the international community does not care about Somalia – playing into the hands of terrorists who recruit young Somalis, indoctrinate them with terrorist propaganda, convince them to leave places like Minnesota, and become suicide bombers in Mogadishu. The Kampala Accord – the failed experiment – can be stopped now. Yes, Somalis caused the war among themselves, but today – this is the world’s moment. Garowe Online Editorial Send Questions/Comments to :
  6. JB and the rest of the secessionists have no say in this. We know where you stand all that is Puntland. This way please .................
  7. Let me try to read what you're saying correctly; SSC's disunity is his fault? Bosaso's airport wasn't completed because he travels to Addis and Kampala? Farmaja's sacking is his fault? Duke, you must know something we dont know or you're just mad at the man. Either way, above criticism makes no sense to me.
  8. If visiting towns is how we measure a success, then tell us how many leaders before him have visited those eastern or western regions mentioned above? It's fair to criticize the man for his political dealing with all that TFG or SSC, but to say he's failure, is little bit disingenuous on your part. PL is part of Somalia, and any of its leaders would have to deal with other Somali political leaders(how ever corrupted they may be) be it Shareef or Sakin. I don't know how Farole is any different than those before him as they have alliances with warlords. He's got two more years to rule, two more that would in God's will, be better for PL and Somalia.
  9. Give the MAVS all the credits as they proved us wrong. They showed up for every game and contested to win. As for the big 3 guys and the rest of the Heats team, what can I say.... Swallow it(bitter defeat) and move on!
  10. If it was suicide, then it must have been carried out by AS. Your niece ha isku kaa qarxiso waa naxdin wayn. Allow Alle.
  11. Well put ya Duke! Lol@ old beauty contest.. dude you got jokes.
  12. There was a time when most people thought this soft spoken former teacher would be the hope of the nation. He turned out to be the snake his former comrades have been accusing him off, all along.
  13. Unfortunately, people's trust matter not as far as Somali politicking is concern. In the dog eats dog world of Somali peninsula, if you are Somali politician or yearning to be one, you get to be in survival mode at all time. Forge unholy alliances with devil and fight back, not against your enemy, but your own boss. What happened to Farmajo is classic Somali double dealing politics where there is no principles, beliefs, or morals. Farmajo did what his was asked to do, and the only mistake he made was to put his trust with Shareef (snake).
  14. Xiin, i would have loved to see the two entity meeting in one of their own capitals, and that would have been something to celebrate about. But in Addis? gimme a ........
  15. Xiin, unless SSC is on the table, this meeting will be a meaningless. Neither entity has a majority support of the people whom their land is negotiated, and if they are not present on the table, this will be meaningless mediation.
  16. What a sad event. Why would Ethiopia mediate the two? Why in Addis? What is SSC's stand on this(since they are the stake holders on the so called border?) Have they been consulted?
  17. There may be some truth to this story. I am hearing Sheikh Shareef has accepted some of Sakin's demands and has thrown Farmajo under the bus. The rumor has it that there will be a new PM, return of half of the old corrupted TFI cabinet(sakin's under hands), and a year extension for the inflated Parliament. Shareef Ahmad gets extension for himself, new constitution, and he will hand pick half of the going to be cabinet. Intaasi waa waxa la yiri!! Tani mid raja leh maaha
  18. I have once watched a documentary about Ethiopian tribe where babies were sacrificed(by throwing them to the river) for been born with upper front teeth. They believe that such a child would bring a bad luck to the community. What backward culture, but then who can blame them..
  19. Nin tuug ah oo dukaan inuu jabsado raba ayaa nin dukaanka iridiisa duca la fariistay " Ilaahayow faqriga iga saar, Illahaahyooy..." Cabbaar intuu sugay, uu markuu kii dhaqaaqi waayay wuxuu ku yiri " anaa ninkaa taa wax uga waayay, ee shaqada ila gal ama gacma taag taaga meel kale la aad."(dambigiisa Alla ha cafiyee) Awoowayaal, tan duco lagaga quusay' e, shaqay u baahan tahay ee meesha kuugu dhow ka bilaaba oo wax badal! Nabaddii ku soo celi aysan shaqo la socon, waa sheeko adag.
  20. One down three to go! And if the Mavericks come with the same game plan as the one last night, they will be a toast in 4 if lucky 5 games. Dirk alone can't win them games, and the Heats aint like the inexperience Thunder. How the Heats closed the game, and also the ability to double team big players like Dirk without giving big plays,show you their resiliency as a team. This team is bound for the ultimate glory. Hooray to the BIG THREE and the Heats !!
  21. Africa iska daaye, we are in Alaska and in Canada's Northern Territories just to chip pennies.
  22. Darn those Villas look good! We are even building in Mozambique...They were just like us not long ago, guess it's time we should borrow a brain from Mozambique!