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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. Abti, soo anigii kuu hiilliyay sheekadii Xiin kugula dagaalay, Xbashiyadii deeqsiyadda ahayd. Waar Xiin waa oday(not age wise) oo xikmad miiran ah, lakiin ninku meesha u ka soo jeedana waad ogtee war hooy magaca Prof kuu ku hodin
  2. If what you wrote above is true, it will be a set back for the 20 year long dream of recognition and the empty slogans of XX. Tolow caasimada haddii Hargaysa la geeyo Ayoub muxu ku diidi!
  3. Xiinow awoowe, federalism or not, what ever agreed system future Somalis is to be governed on, must not be based on the one city system we have accustomed in the past. The centralized system has been tested and failed us. It's the mother that bore the current mistrust among Somalis and the grievance; political and economic marginalization of some segment of the society. So, federalism may not be the answer, but the good Prof. needs a lot more to convince those who have little trust in what previous system of government Somalia had in the past. A mere slogan will not will not cut. How can a society that is already segregated on clan line be best governed with out repeating the mistakes of the past, is the question that should be asked? How would you convince for example, the Northern secessionist to come back to the same system that abused them? Unless there is something else under his sleeves, I doubt what the good Professor is advocating is the answer for our ills. Xiinow, you have said in other thread/page that people will flock to the south once the long awaited peace rains in the land. How so? Is the southern's fertile land the only wealth the land can over? Can you elaborate your "wealth" analogy a bit more? Abti, oo maxaad Xiin iyo aniga noo kala reebtay?
  4. Abtigiis, I thought you will expand the scope of the discussion beyond Farole and what he might have said or done. what will chasing a character going to bring to the table awoowe. He came to the seen unnoticed and will soon go. Whether he will be seen in the political theater of future Somalia, will just be a wild guess. Marka haddii sheekaduba Farole ku wareegaalanayso, dee Carry on!
  5. Abtigis, PL is part of the mess that we Somalis are in today and it will be part of the solution tomorrow. I am sure you are aware of that little fact. What I haven't seen from you yet, is any evidence where PL or its leaders have ever call for Secession. Unless you are equating the political hand twisting to a call for secession. Awoowe, the blue flag flies high and proud in the land of the bunt, you at least embrace that. By the way, if you read what Carafat has written on the other page, it actually makes your case against Sl much more solid and will vindicate you. He argued that PL did harm other Somalis and its people indeed took part in the chaos, and that SL stayed away from civil war in the south, yet the latter is the only one that wants to secede.
  6. The TFG should know that Turkey is there to assist Somalis and not the entity alone. If Turkey takes her generosity across the land, it should let it and not restrict it. The Turkish's good will gesture and their genuine heartfelt toward us is maybe what we were missing all along. they have the capacity and the will do help us find our own feet. Let's welcome them help us in every way they deem fit. Huuray!!
  7. Nassir, you are right that Obama's early aggressive policy toward Israel seemed to be a shift in US policy in ME. But it appears to have been just an empty threats and tough talk on his part. He knows his limits when it comes to US foreign policy in ME and the special relationship with Zionist state. AIPAC and other Jewish lobbyists must have rained onto the Capitol hill to pressure the Dem congress to have him change his stand on Israel. We will see if his policies change should he win a second term. As for Palestinian new state, Russia has publicly announced it will support the idea. Turkey's Erdogan's call on the Arab league to support the Palestinian initiative on its statehood, and his tough talk to the Israelis, will spice things up too. Let's see what follows.
  8. Che, Soomaalidu mana kala maaranto mana isdayso. Just look at this very site and how it feels like home. Marka secession iyo maxaa 4 darbi ii soo arkay boowe.
  9. Abti, xaraaradii baad ka dishay. What you're accusing him of is actually what the whole state and the majority of its inhabitants stand for. Federalism, Political fight wit the TFG when feel left out, and etc.. Dee boorka ka soo baxoo arrinta banaanka soo dhig, naga daa odaygan and his gaffes.
  10. How is PL a pro-secession or Farole in that matter? When or where? Unless you're going by what Nassir has eluded in other thread. As far as I know, PL's beef with the TFG were always about politics and "give me" the piece of the pie that IC gives in the name of Somalia. isn't PL's whole purpose is to be a model for federalism in Somalia, rightly or not? As for your dislike of the guy, that's all good and dandy.
  11. Wonder why you were so hawkish on our Northern (aqoonsi-doon)brothers and show a soft attitude toward the eastern folks(reer kalluun dabte)? You batched up together in your Vuvuzela analyses and here you are lamenting only Farole with all the blames. Why is that? Naga daa dee reer abti unbaad is leedahay isaga dhib nin fair ah
  12. AUN, was he the former footballer or that one is in Boston?
  13. Xuseen Yusuf Tarabi tan la heesaysa waa tuma?
  14. ^ "xaayoow" xaa kuu diiday? BWT, your adeer, the one I knew (AUN) had a strong reer Mudug accent despite being reer Baladwayn and later Beexaani.
  15. Mr. Che, no qabiil names are allowed in here boy Admin Aaliyah waa laga tir tiray post, kan maxaa loogu qalaynaa? It's Friday!!
  16. That was a bit harsh i know. Let just say that you and the majority of slanders in here have a soft spot for Adde. Some of you believe that he was a friend of SL. Of course that's not true, but whatever it's that make you lot hate Farole is all telling of something you guys don't like about the policies he plays rather love for PL. Comon now!
  17. NG, war dee adigu you're an enemy of the state, so whatever you say about its leaders will not count. Wax fahan. You have interest in its down fall ( bit harsh) but i am going by your "clan is everything" mantra.
  18. Thankful, it is true that there are elements of AS that operate in Galkacyo. Their aim is to kill and cause mayhem wherever they can, just like they are doing in the south. They are the main suspects for the majority of the killings/assassination that have taken place in Galkacyo in past 3 or so years. It has been alleged that members of this group hide certain area of the town. Now, fast forward to the incident that took place last week. In about three weeks ago an elder from Garsoor by the name of "Walloore" was gunned down while prayed a Taraawiix. Few days later three men were arrested hiding in a house in the neighborhood. After interrogating the men, they have confessed to have a link with AS and they have named a man who's an agent of the AS in Galkacyo. This is still an allegation and the men have not been charged as of today. Police has been dispatched to arrest the man, by doing so all things have gone wild. Now did emotions and clan grievances get in the mix, absolutely yes. Did the police and the PSF ( or what ever they are called these days) mishandle the issue, maybe. But to blame Farole for targeting a clan( i know you didn't) or deny AS involvement would be grav injustice to the issue at hand. The issue in Galkacyo has been brewing for quite sometime now, and I believe the way Farole handled it has been the best so far. You can say it's the only city where he has given the locals, specially their elders a weight on what to say in Galkacyo. He has been consulting with them in every step he has taken in Galkacyo. Reer Galkacyo iyaka maalinba lahaa kan deji, kan ma rabto waa Al-ittixaad and etc. Tuhun iyo kala shaki ayay ku jirtaa Magaaladu. Waxaa looga bixi karaa waa wada shaqeyn. As for those who are calling Farole's head. I say, GIVE the man a credit for what he has done right. I think his good deeds overweight the bad policies or his gaffes. He has revived PL's paralyzed institutions, he has made great success on fighting piracy and bringing PL image back. He fought for PL's share in the TFG and the influence it should on Somalia's affairs. Of course he has his shortcomings and what not, but he's not a failure by any measure. Yes he has short temper as he's been accused of, but he's not mad man either. The rest of other cheap shots against him are nothing but lies propagated by NGONGE
  19. Abtis, we shall wait and see reer "aqoonsi doon" response to your thread. XX, kolay waxbuu la maqan yahay!
  20. Abtigiisow soo hadda mid kale ka daba qori maysid oo "jihaadkii" reer abti aad ku taageeraysid. Xullafadii iyo heshiiskii aad Oodweyna iyo NG la gashay xaggee maraayaa? lol
  21. All he has to do is grow a bone and stand on his feet. And not only him, but entire democratic party. The man has been acting in such a feeble way lately, I am afraid he may end up as another Carter. Just watch him tonight, he will promise million of things he knows he cant deliver, and after republicans make noises, he will abandon those promises entirely. The only thing that may work for him in 2012 is that the wackos have no better candidate. They are either religious fanatics who will say anything to please the hardliners, libertarian whose ideas are great, but not wanted by the party, or a democrat in R-shirt, Mitty.
  22. I used to work at night back then. I remember the night before 9/11, I had a long discussion with a fellow African co-worker at work about how religions came to African and the influence they left on us Africans. The fella was from West Africa and devout christian, none the less he was very open about his christian beliefs, the role of the church in colonial Africa, slaves, the injustices and all kind of blames and grievances. I remember him telling me about superstitions in that part of Africa, where despite him being a christian, how they used to visit Muslim Sheikh to cure illnesses or they kept some Quranic objects(frames of the Kallimah or Quran) in their homes. We left work little before 11 that night, and agreed to continue next day. Islam and its influence in my part of Africa would have been the topic to be discussed on. I went home and slept like baby- until the phone started ringing. I ignored it 1st as I thought would be a call from back home asking money, but then it kept ringing.... I finally drag my self answered it. My cousin on the other end kept saying did you see what's going on in NY. I turned on the TV and literately glued on to it for god knows how long. When I came back to work that day, my African friend was livid, asking me how could Muslims done this. Foaming from his mouth and suggesting all kind of things, target mecca and what not. Couldn't believe what got him or why of all people is he talking about this. Not even the Americans were that angry. I was mad at him, I started swearing at him like hell "how could he even utter such and blames Muslims without even knowing what has happened." After heated argument, we were both escorted to the boss' office and were told to cool it off. For the following weeks, the whole work place became so hostile, and despite the fact the management tried to control employees' opinion as much as they could, but that didn't stopped the print outs, the sarcasm, and some times people(including my African bro) camping to a corner and do some sort of prayers, specially at break times. For weeks we haven't talked, but as things settled down a bit, he came and apologized, our discussions and chit chats however, were never been the same. Other than those early days when emotions were high, I haven't personally found my self in any kind of situation where I have been profiled or denied opportunity. That being said, It indeed changed the world and our lives as whole.
  23. They don't need an adoption, but assistance in their own country with their kins close. Muslim or nor Muslim, we shouldn't open the window of adoptions at all. Or it will open a Pandora box we may not be able to control. Ethiopia is already a hot spot for westerners wanna be adopter parents.