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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. There is rift between them and it has something to do with the road map and its implementation. It may not be that big of deal, but surely it's there.
  2. If What Ina Macallin is saying turns our to be true, then Sharifku is in dhiiqo big time. Why sign something and appose it week later? Miskiin
  3. Few foreigners were abducted allegedly by AS and Kenya acted by invading Somalia. Now the marauded teenagers retaliated back(if they are behind this) with explosions(something they are good at). What now? Round up all Somalis including those that are Kenyan citizens? Close the borders? Deport the refugees back to their homeland? If the whole thing was about border crossing and kidnapping, then Kenya could have avoided all of this by simply securing it's borders borders without making all the fuss of late. But if AS was just a scape goat sort of, to invade Somalia, then Kenya should prepare itself for further violence from these guys. Only the poor Somalis and Kenyans will be the losers at both ends of the line.
  4. What's the news here? Farole send his own son to speak at some Think tank center in? Imaan's special envoy aint no Ambassador!!
  5. Here is what Mr.Abdel Jalil, head of the Libya's Interim Government said today: " slamic law Abdel Jalil said the NTC's commission would be governed by a religious edict issued by the head of the Islamic Fatwa society. Click here for more of Al Jazeera's special coverage On Sunday, Abdel Jalil declared the country "liberated" at a ceremony in the eastern city of Benghazi, starting the country on what is planned to be a two-year path to democracy. At that ceremoney, he had announced that Islamic law would be "basic source" of all legislation in the oil-rich country, and that any existing laws that contradict this would be struck down. While this stipulation exists in the constitution of neighbouring Egypt, Egyptian laws remain largely secular, as opposed to those of Iran and Saudi Arabia, both of which also use Islamic law. Abdel Jalil outlined several changes to existing laws, including the banning of the paying of interest by banks and the legalisation of polygamy. On Monday, Abdel Jalil sought to allay concerns that hardline interpretations of Islamic law would be used, saying that he wanted to "assure the international community that we as Libyans are moderate Muslims". He said a referendum will be held on the country's new constitution once it has been drafted. On Monday, France said that it would be keeping a close watch over Libya's respect for human rights following the announcement regarding Islamic law, the country's foreign ministry said. "We will be watchful of respect for human rights and democratic principles, notably cultural and religious diversity and the equality of men and women to which France is unswervingly attached," Bernard Valero, a ministry spokesman, said." We will see if they stick to this and make it(Shariyah law) the law of the land.
  6. Richard Dowden is another Matt Bryden and that Pham guy. This type of propaganda has been tried again and again, and it never worked. Secessionists need to re-invent their PR and come up with a different strategy. Kuyeh "Not a single Somalilander I know wants reunification" Really, what a simpleton!
  7. Lived by the sword died by the sword. Unlike other dictators who fled to other countries or caught hiding in rat holes, he fulfilled his words of dying defending his country, whom ever his opponents may be. RIP, Colonel!
  8. Kudos to the UAE. Somalia should be rebuild bit by bit. And if PL is assisted with it's fight against the Piracy, is it a good start. I don't understand what all fuss is about here. Trucks and tents have been given to PL, so what?
  9. Wadani or Waddani? Xagga af Somaliga waad ku horayseen, sidan maxay tahay?
  10. An interesting interview with the PM. He talks about ending the transition, the alleged UN walk out, Turkey's assistance, AS and more. Here:!
  11. Val, maxay ahayd maahmaahdii " nin durbaan tumtay ilaaq dalbay" Iyadaa heestay, codse meesha kuma hayso, miskiinta. I guess it's fair game to criticize the quality of her vocals, not of her looks though
  12. Kii is qarxiyay codkiisa: Bishaar's own words "Gaallada dadka waxay ky mashquulinaayan cilmi maadi ah.... diintii waa lagaa mashquulinaa" What a brainwashed kid he was.
  13. The world has lost a creative genius indeed. RIP Mr Cook should carry on Steve's vision for the company, I hope! Apple, I believe is a too big of a company to fail, and will survive without the its father.
  14. I was listening to the tune and felt like posting it. But to answer your questions, yes there is a song called lillalow (you would have known it haddii aad barjaysay abid). And it's hard to know what's the most played Somali track. If I was betting, I wouldn't have put my money on Indhadeeraley though! Lillalow by Mooge. Track # 40
  15. Tabloid news, laakiin meesha cod kuma hayso Shukri. :mad:
  16. Sayid Khaliifa: Track 5 rocks...
  17. Isn't this all about the 300 or so OLF suspects hiding in Hargaysa? Rumor has it that Gabose resisted the Ethiopian demands that SL to round up and handover the suspected Oromo/OLF junior leaders and fighters believed to be in Hargaysa, it caused him loosing his post.
  18. Alle ha unaxariisto dadka la xasuuqay. AS kuwii difaaci jiroow, maxay oran maanta? Ardayda iyo hooyooyinka ay laayeen, maxay qiil uga dhigan?
  19. Barigay waddaniyadu jirtay ayay ahayd "Ka tashada cadaawuhu isku tiirsanaada"
  20. It's heartbreaking. May Allah ease his suffering and rest his family in peace.