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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. ^War Somaliya shaah maba aha waxa laga cabo, waa songar iyo biyo. Haddaa diido, way ku caayi
  2. AUN intii dhimatay. One wonders how in the world did she get passed the security gates with the suicide belt? Where were the security personnel responsible to safe guard the place? Or she must have had someone inside who helped her get through. Something is so fishy here.
  3. Barnaamij Tacsi SomaliChannel: " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  4. Kudos to President Shareef. Xilkasnimada aadka u sareysa uu sameeyay iyo khudbada khiima badan. Marxuumkana allow qabriga u iftiimi.
  5. Awguuriyo to you both! Libaaxyarana caano iyo caafimaad!
  6. They are, NG. Online versions. Washington post, AFP and few more. Actually they were on SOL's front page this morning.
  7. Zack, he may have born in somewhere in Nugal, but he grew up in Galkacyo and started his education in there. Either way, his family will decide where they want him to be buried.
  8. The Warrior President:
  9. Here is a quote from an Ethiopian General on the late Col. Yusuf in the battles of 77 before the Soviet came to the rescue Gen. Wassihun described the strength of the Somalian army that invaded Southern Ethiopia through Bale and Sidamo and its hand picked leader Col. Abdulahi Yussef (who was president of the transitional government of Somalia until recently). When Gen. Demissie was appointed commander of the Southern Corps, the Somalian Army was only 60 KM from Awasa. Col. Abdulahi’s army was marching to Addis Ababa emboldened by his success at controlling vast territories and dawning of Ethiopian fighter jets and capturing the famous Ethiopian fighter jet pilot, Col. Legesse Tefera . It took three days for the then Col. Demissie Bulto to reorganize the retreat ting Ethiopian army, turn it into a fighting force, and drive the Somlian army beyond the border. Gen. Wassihun concluded that what prevented the elite Somalian force and its prized leader was the strong leadership of Gen. Demissie and the heroic deeds of many under his command. The military operation in the South against the Somalian army is one of the marbles yet to be chronicled in the annals of war in Ethiopian history. Of course what prevented the Somali army to reach its goal was the combination of the elite Soviet advisers, Cuban,Yemenis and other Warsaw block foot soldiers that were deployed to assist the Ethiopians.
  10. Garowe (RBC) Madaxweynaha maamul goboleedka Puntland C/raxmaan Maxamed Faroole ayaa galabta shaaca ka qaaday in meydka madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Col. C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed lagu aasi doono magaalada Garowe ee xarunta maamulka Puntland. C/raxmaan Faroole oo shir jaraa’id ku qabtay magaalada Garowe isagoo ay wehliyaan qaar ka mid ah golaha wasiirada Puntland ayaa sheegay in aas qaran loo sameynayo Allah ha u naxariistee C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed. Madaxweynaha Puntland wuxuu kaloo uu sheegay in calanka hoos loo dhigi doono mudo saddex maalmood ah, iyadoo aas ballaarana uu ka dhacayo Puntland beryaha soo socda. Hadalka madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa soobaxay iyadoo Madaxweynaha DKMG Soomaaliya Shariif Sheekh Axmed uu magacaabay guddi qaran oo aaska madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf diyaariya. DKMG Waxay shaacisay in aaska madaxweyne Yuusuf uu ka dhacayo Muqdisho maalinta beritana laga soo dejin doono garoonka diyaaradaha Muqdisho. Allah ha u naxariistee madaxweyne Yuusuf wuxuu xalay ku geeriyooday dalka Imaaraadka Carabta waxaana ehelada ay sheegeen in Soomaaliya loo duulin doono saacadaha soo socda.. He should be buried wherever his family decides. I am sure their wish will be honored.
  11. I have contacted with close relatives of his while ago, the legend has passed away. AUN
  12. May he rest in peace. Eheladiisana Sabur iyo iimaan. Aamiin.
  13. Dr. Osman, Mohamed's mom is actually not from Hargaysa's clan as some people believe. Anyway, what other gossip have you heard in your local coffee shop?
  14. A Somali with a billion and half? That's quite an achievement, good for the fella!
  15. Most of those photos are quite old, i think. The town is much larger than these pics show. Nice climate and beautiful scenery btw. Welcome back Xudeedi!
  16. Did she commit suicide or they have tortured her to death.? No one can imagine the abuse she and the rest of domestic workers go through behind the close doors. And Lebanon is supposedly the civilized one among the Arab countries. I hope the Habashi Embassy/Government will make some noises on her behalf, at least? God bless her soul!
  17. They sent another brain washed kid to his death. AUN intuu dilay.
  18. Waa naf la caari. When is he going to blow himself up?
  19. Maaddeey;803436 wrote: Jamia Mosque Is this the one in Downtown? There must have been some expansion/additions to it, back then it looked lot smaller than this. Downtown Nairobi is quite neat and pretty. Easleigh may jidadka gododka ah ka dhisaan!!
  20. He wasn't ,but we are his descendants or rather descendants of ancient EGYPTIAN tribes.
  21. ^This is where they may have got the idea from Sayid, reer Qardho dhagax tuurka aad khatar ku tihiin ee oday Faroole ha naga soo dakhrina