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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. Well done Mr. President. Intaa aa tiri baan inakuna laheyn oo nalakula dagaalay
  2. This is a nice photo op, but we also need more than photos and handshakes. Can the Kuwaiti walk the walk? Enough with the cash hand outs, show us some real projects on the ground. A hospital or school or rehabilitation of a single highway!
  3. Nin culus ayaa ka tagay Soomaliya. Allah ha unaxariisto, reerkiisa sabur illah ha ka siiyo.
  4. Mukulaalow, according to Garowe Principle II, the traditional elders assisted by civil society members will select/nominate the MPs. There are al large pool of well educated incumbents already there now(our own Solers amongst), but there are also the useless warlords and number of oldies whom should be kicked out. Let's also not underestimate the chiefs, they themselves know what's good for their constituency. Keep in mind some of the elders are themselves well educated!
  5. Not only will there be a smaller parliament, but one with educated MPs as its members. The trashy warlords will be thrown out so will be the old and the illiterate that occupy there. This is a new dawn for Somalia and hope we will not waste this golden opportunity this time.
  6. Val, got it right! It all depends the creativity and the skill level of the chef.
  7. FB, I think Sashimi is just raw fish where Sushi is cooked rolled rice.
  8. I often eat Thai food (quite tasty and spicy) and love most of normal dishes. Comfort or not, I wouldn't try any insects, reptiles, and rats. Or anything that deem not Halal. Anything under the salt water, rocks!!
  9. Ooch rejected by the man they so dear loved and even sang for. How sad and pathetic Wonder how Godane and his other lackeys felt.
  10. King, maad dadka ciyaarta ka daysid. The link you posted is about song for Garowe. Farole or no Farole, this will be debated, corrections be made where needed, and passed. Marka qaylada iyo saraxanka yareeya.
  11. Who in his right mind is going to apply a Somali citizenship? War naga daaya sheekha xariirta
  12. Maxaa lagu diiday in laga doodo oo la badalo qodobkaa? Iyo wixii kale oo shaki ku jiro. Waa diidnay war maaha!
  13. ^War PL mar ha laga baxo transition-kan baas hadday tiraa, waxa lagu diidan yahay maxay tahay. Yaase yiri la iskama hubin karo, soo kaa meel kasta yaal oo la leeyahay akhriya oo waxii khaldan sheega. Waa diidnay un baa socota. Wax pl u gaar ah oo ku qoran meesha ku qoran bal keena. Beside, PL did not write this constitution, it actually had few members among the authors.
  14. Xiinow, inta diidan waa inay marka laga doodayo ay muujiyaan waxa aysan rabin, ka dibna ama badalkiis keenaan ama vote ku diidaan. War oohintu orgiga ka wayn. Qolyaa isku xulufaysi wada, deadline Aug waa soo dhowaatay iyadoon ay wax ku heshiin, marka tani waa mar marsiyo la rabo in dib road map-ka loogu dhigo ama status quo la iskaga jiro.
  15. Haddi ay PL diidi lahayd contitutions-ka malaha inta hadda diidan way taageeri lahaayeen. Guddigan qoray PL waxay ku lahayd fraction, maxaa dusha looga saaray waab yaabe.
  16. Gabdhahu ma yaqaanaan ninka, inta kale warkooda naga daaye
  17. XX, this man is not a threat to Buhodle nor to Khatumo as he's from the town. What's threat to Buhodle however, is your clan militias and their tanks. So, if you really care about Buhodle, then tell your Adeer Siiranyo to take his men back to their camps in Burco.
  18. Ayeeyo iyo awoowe badankood waxba ma akhriyaan kolayba, Soomali iyo English wuxuu ku qoran yahay wont make any difference to them. Someone will have to explain to them, anyways. Immigration issues here are as bad as they are on the other side of the pond. Not to mention the cost of immigration lawyers. Somalidana beenta aan qor qorno inay ka daba imaanayso waa iska illoobaan. Mararka qaarkood dhiiqada ay ku jiraan wax ay ka bixi karaan xattaa maaha. Juxa, caawi intaa caawin kartid, madax xanuunna iskaga adkayso!
  19. Walle AT&T wax buu soo sittaa. Tani caashaq ka wayn
  20. I don't know about the Oodka, but the oldman, NGONGE has been spotted in the streets of Hargaysa. Hargaysaan Booth ka furayaa oo rag marqaansan ku waraysanayaa baa laga soo sheegay, Bal JB ha la waydiiyo odayga meeshuu geeyay.
  21. XX, Axmed Indha-shareer maxaad ugu tagtay? Bal hal meel oo aad negative news AS iyo Indho-Shareerane kaga sheegtay soo deji! Xaaji, dadka Ethnic Somaliland ah dee wax kama sheegtide naga daa ciyaarta.
  22. Golcantarabaqash inay isku baxshaan ay ahayd. Oba, naga daa dee, waxaan oo kale waa ceeb see camal!! This is what you would expect from XX tand not from Oba ibn Shareef