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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. Not sure if this may have already been posted in SOL before or not, but it's worth sharing it. The Nansen Refugee Award for 2012 is given to Somalia's Hawa Aden Mohamed as an acknowledgement of a life devoted to helping others. In particular, the award recognises her visionary work in providing education to transform the lives of thousands of displaced women and girls, who are among the most vulnerable members of Somali society. Read on.. Below is another related video
  2. The landscape is so beautiful yet so remote. No wonder why the Shabaab chose it for a hiding place. Well done PL security.
  3. There are Kuwaiti Arabs (Bedouins) who are denied nationality in their own country, and we are talking about Somalis who has place to go back to. Either abide by their laws(good or bad) or leave their countries.
  4. ^Do you know one as well? Sorry for bringing some bad memories back......
  5. Don't believe a shtt Che tells. He always inject some weird thoughts into a thread and the muddy the whole thread..
  6. ^Did you ever ask the kids what happened to them after the home cook cambuulo? Meeshaas aa uga haray ani.. Adi lee waaye
  7. ^Still, you should have reported him, of course to your parents or to "Red beret" or whoever else your connections were Jokes aside, it's your latter day liberal brain that telling you things. Wadaadka was harmless.
  8. ^Poor you..Did you ever tell on him to someone?
  9. MMA, saaxiib haddiiba aa kaa joogto waxaan camal Soomaliya kama dhacaan, sheeka xariir aa haysaa. Dhalinyaro gacmaha laga gooyay inay xadeen cell phones ma arkin? Qof geed intii lagu xiray dadka dhan daawanaaya, mid kale tooreey ku dilaayo cawaannimo maaha? Qof qoorta laga goynaayo, mid musbaar madaxa laga taago, waxaas waa "good justice" in your eyes miyaa? Naga daa dee sxb. Soomaaliya oo nabad ah aa tuugo la feer feeri jiray, waliba intii indhaha laga xiro. Kuwaan cellphone aaba lagu haystaa, kuwo dacas masaajid ka xadaaya aa washamsi lagu qaadi jiray. Kuwo diinsoola loo qooynaayo oo feeraha la isdhaafin jiray waaba maqlay. Meeshan waxaa na tustay tuugo(alleged) oo lagu goobtay waxaan aheen ma arki. Nuune, soo dhowaaw sheekhunaa..Intee ka dhacday?
  10. ^ Nah, the above scene is thing for the sissies, they hacked you with ableey/tooreey in Hargaysa or Garowe. And in some other places, AK47 would do the job first, and then your dead body would be dragged on the streets.
  11. Soomalida markii hore cawaan ma ahayn miyaa? Waxaan mid ka darran ay gudaha Soomaaliya ka sameeyaan, mise falalkaas waa aftax? Naga daa dee sheekadaan raqiiska ah saaxiib. 2 tuug oo la jug jugeeyay wax wayn ha ka dhigin.
  12. So, according to our secessionist brothers here, Raxanreeb news portal is PL's official mouthpiece eh? The obsession is taking toll on you.
  13. When Clinton signed the " assault weapons ban" back in 1994, NRA never put a fight to challenge the ban. And if the ban is renewed today, they wont fight it in court. They know this type of ban will be cosmetic and have little effect on the overall gun culture in the land. In fact AWB in its 94 act, allowed the possessions and the sale of any such guns predating the ban. So, what's point of having the similar ban again as long as there will be millions of these guns still in circulation. What needs to happened is to toughen the access to all guns. Pass "gun control" laws that will make it harder for people to buy guns in the first place. Thorough background checks, criminal as well as mental. Are the Democrats ready to take on the Republicans on this? That's what need to be seen in the coming weeks and months...
  14." frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Live coverage. Obama speaking. The president literally wept.
  15. Good PR stunt maybe, but not enough. Evicting IDPs from an empty plot of land in buulo xuubay which belong to former president, am afraid will not cut it, and is not even a good start.
  16. Xiinow, ina Cumar Jees leader-nimada maxaad ugu diiday?
  17. ^Did you listen to his speech, Xiin? I must say it was great and stimulating speech.
  18. It depends who's asking the question. Sometime people ask offensive questions out of ignorance and you may take it as harmless. That said, anything asked by the likes of Che and NG deserve a good "dhangalaaso." Hoyada magaceed iyo qof ma dishay maxay tahay
  19. Talking to an stranger (somali) may annoy some when they are in places like London or Minneapolis where Somalis are by the 1000s. But I bet you would act differently if you were in smaller town where seeing people of color let alone Somalis is a rarity thing. Hadal haddii uga cararaysid, hadii dhibaato kuu sheegan lahaa maxaa sameen laheed.