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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. Xiinow, Abo, XX, and Co are forgetting these guys (Kamboni) paid their lives and limbs defeating AS in their strong hold, and XX and co are talking about strength and numbers when the proof is out there. Waryaa dee where were these government soldiers markii AS dhagta la hayay. Ciyaarta masaajidka ka daaya ee dani socotay wax kale la imaada.
  2. ^You were wishing for a war between Gedo and Jubba communities and that didn't materialize, hence all the talk of strength and numbers? Waryaa Oba ceebtaada qarso ninyahow.
  3. The mentioning of Raas kamboni name excites certain people, wonder why is that? Kambonis are on the driving seat of this bus and anyone who thinks they can be intimidated, must be delusional.
  4. General Indhacade. Really?? This must be a joke
  5. All he's saying is let's take our begging bowl to unexplored territory, Israel this time. The mentality of waiting for bail outs never ends. Kuyeh "Israel will turn Somalia into a paradise..." Someone should tell him that only Somalis can pull their country out of the ditch. Dawarsi/tuugmo meelkasta la taagannahy.
  6. Somaliland government handed over one of the suspected AS culprits who were behind the assassination of Sheikh Abdulkadir Nur Farah. This one along with another guy were arrested in LA a day after the assassination took place. He's believed to have been the master mind of the whole plot. Justice should be done swiftly. Kudos to Somaliland government for thinking through this and doing the right thing. Read it below: Ciidanka amaanka Somaliland ayaa maanta 13 March,2013 ku soo wareejiyey Puntland eedeysane ka mida dadkii wax ka maleegey dilkii Alaha u naxariistee Shiikh Cabdiqaadir Nuur Faarax. Shiikha ayaa Masjidka Al-Badr ee bartmaha magaalada Garowe lagu diley 15-kii February,2013 xili uu tukanayey Salaada Casar. Ninkan oo lagu magacaabo Cabdulaahi Cismaan Axmed ''Caynte'' ayaa u baxsadey dhinaca Somaliland maalmo ka dib dilka Shiikh halkaasi oo lagu qabtey,waxana suurogashay ka dib wadahadal dheer inay Somaliland ku soo wareejiso Puntland si loo maxkamadeeyo. Saraakiisha Amaanka ayaa haatan baaritaano ku wada ,waxana GO loo sheegey in maxkamad la horkeeni doono dhamaan eedeysanayaasha loo haysto AHN dilkii Shiikh Cabdiqaadir Nuur. Wasiirka Amniga Puntland Gen.Khaliif Ciise Mudan oo ay wehelinayaan saraakiil ciidanka ah iyo xildhibaano ayaa kala soo wareegey Deegaanka Tukaraq ciidanka Somaliland oo ka keeney tan iyo magaalada Hargeysa. GAROWE ONLINE -
  7. Nune, why did you dig up this news? Relatives of one of the pilots is in this forum.
  8. Great revolutionist he was indeed. Loved by the poor and oppressed, and loathed by the west and its corporate/capitalists. He run for office three times and won it fair and square. If that's a dictatorship, then so be it. Let the western media cry fault as they wish.. RIP El Comandante. Watch John Pilger's "War on Democracy"
  9. How big is Wajer or other Somali counties in that matter, vote wise that is? They can tip the balance?
  10. Xiin, So, for them the constitution is something "Faroole and Co ay soo dhoodhoobeen" yet its product, the Federal Government is an holly one that must be obeyed. They say the federalism is illegitimate system and must not be mentioned let alone used, war xagay salaadu iska qaban la'dahay?!
  11. MMA, dowladdaan hadda joogto waxay ku timi constitution federal ah. Sida ku cadna waxaa waaye, in 4 sano ka dib dadka u codeeyaan. Inta laga gaaraayo taas, system-kan ayaa meesha soconaaya. 18 gobal ee aad leedahay iskood ha isku xukumaan, yaa hadda ka horjeeda. Jubada dhexe iyo mid hoosaba hadaa leedahay dadkii lahaa aa loo diidanyahay, taas waa sheeko kale. The reason why most of southern regions have been in turmoil is because of the tribal in fights that you're tiring to ride under the rug. Saaxib, I dont think federalism was what has been stopping people to live in harmony in the past 22 years. And federal or no federal nothing has been solved yet. Just give this system a chance and see if it works. Qofka aan rabin federal-ka ha sugo inta laga codaynaayo.
  12. MMA, is toorasho ma ka dhici karto iyada oo Federal la yahay? What makes you think the old 8 provinces system will not create even more divisions. Runta jirta waxaa ah wixii horey u shaqayn waayay, din ha loogu noqdo in la qaato waa adag tahay. kiinyadan lagu wada waashay, maxay uga duwan tahay Ethiopian ka Bay, Bakool, iyo Hiiraan fadhiya. Waa tiresome to repeat the same thing again and again. Marka reality ha la aqbalo, saaxiib.
  13. Horta waa imisa members in the Kenyan Parliament? And how many are Somalis?
  14. ^Federal bay kaga dhagtay baan filaayaa. Dadka ku dooda 18 gobal ha loo soo magacaabo governors, waxaa moodaa inay hurdo ku jiraan. Haddii Federal is qab qabsi buu keenayaa ay leeyihiin, sidee 18 kii gobal sidee loogu heshiin marka dhanka qaybsiga qabiilka. Bal Mudug, Hiiraan, Sanaag, Bakool, Jubba, iyo gobalada la wada dago qofka loo soo magacaabo soo miyuusan qabiil ahaanayn. Wakhtigii nin Waqooyi ka yimi Gedo gee, Galgaduudna Baki gee waa dhamaatay.
  15. 60kii qof qabiil ahaan ka soo jeeda waqooyi ama bari ayaa ka soo bixi jiray Banaadir, Alta Jubba iyo pasa Juba. That era has long gone, marka reality-ga jira maanta in la aqbalaa waa khasab.
  16. Ambassador American was having fun there too. He has a quite entourage of fanaanin and ciyaalka xaafada around him all the time. I saw him one time with Caato guy of Bartamaha, and the whole environment was just like ciyaalka caafada sort.
  17. Warya, if Hilary Swan, an Oscar winning actress worth millions of dollars can be brought by a Chechnya warlord to bday bash, why can't Axmad Naaji and other broke singers perform for a Somali warlord. They need to pay the rent, you know! Baashaal oo saalooti lagu sameeyay lee maahoo. Give him a break!
  18. Oba, artists will sing for anyone who will pay the right amount. There is no such thing as "fanaan qaran."
  19. Oba, did you watch the whole thing? He was there. In fact he was sitting few feet from Morgan. Poor you. Listen to Cajami at 15:15.
  20. Oba, Ambassador America isaga meeshu joogaye, iska Qaranka malaga saaraa?
  21. Maaddeey and Co, why are you attacking a privately owned businesses? What have they got to do with the government or AMISOM? Amisom waa laga cararaayaa shacab masaakiin ahna geesiyo aa loo yahay. Illaahay meel daran idinka tuur Shayaadiin. Shacabka dhintay Alla ha unaxariisto.
  22. Some of the Gedo delegates are already in Kiska and the rest are en route to the town.
  23. ^Waa run oo in dumarka la qabo doodaha lagu soo daro waa khalad. Sida middan hoos ku xusan. Malaha qofbaa xasuusan doona Back to the topic....check on 59.15 C/Weli said golahayga hadda jooga ee wasiirrada hore isuma aannaan aqoon and he even said wallaahi.....and that is not true, waayo atleast 3 ministers (Maaliyedda, Arrimaha Gudaha iyo Caafimaadka) waxay ku koreen amase ka soo jeedaan gobolka Galguduud, magaalo-madaxdiisa Dh/Mareeb ayayna ku koreen oo iskuul ku soo dhigteen, xogta aan hayana qaar bay C/Weli isku iskuul iyo dugsi ahaayeen. Wasiirrada A. gudaha iyo Caafimaadka waxaa kala dhalay labadii Shiikh ee magaalada ugu caansanaa.....Macallin Maxamuud iyo shiikh Yuusuf. Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga waxaan maqlay inay xaaskiisa qaraabo yihiin. ..Who knows inta kale ee wasiirrada ah ee uu indirect u yaqaanneyna?. Anigu ma qabo in warka qof hoggaamiye ah sheego inta sidii kaniinigii loo laqo haddana biyo laga daba geeyo...waxaa ila habboon in si cilmi iyo caqli ku jiro oo eex iyo maalayacni ka dheer loo lafa-guro......Checkmate PM Gaas