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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. Waryaa Duke, soo adigan reer Maakhir iska waararay with mere protest of Mr Hunguri? War hadalkaas ka noqo nin yahow.
  2. lol@ new allpuntland.. The mouthpiece of Faroole eh? Waraa Che, would you give the guy a chance or you will be a staunch opposition to the anyone and everthing you don't trust?
  3. Farole iyo ina Shire si bay iskugu egyihiin ma istiri? mise waa koofiyo barwanida iyo shaarinka?
  4. Xiinow, war ii warran see wax yihiin? Santaaro, indeed change will come insha Allah.
  5. Nuune, Faroole is from Australia and he won a parliament election/selection not a popular election. No one thought he was a front runner up until late last night. I am not going to say how and what made him to be the president, but he played his cards well(rightly or wrongly) and at the end of the day won the election. Gen Ilka and Nuradin were out smarted on the old dirty politics. I am glad that Adde is aint coming back and that he accepted the result as of now.
  6. Waryaa AT&T, do you know that he got the entire 17 votes of Sool+Ceyn and 8 of of the 9 in Nugal in the first round of the voting. Tell me now reerka rajada siiyaya odeyga. Xiin, war heedhe maxay tahay PM miyaan laguu soo diri karin? war albaabka naka fur dee..kkk As for Gen Ilka jiir, he was doing well up until he got the blessing of the old man(yey). And this time it did backfire on both. A lot of people may think Yusuf's endorsement will give you the ticket to the top post, but things have changed quite a lot in PL. The old man was for Adde till his resignation and then started campaigning(behind the curtains)for Ilka. But some of the powerful Issims and also MPs have blamed(partially)Yey for what has been happening in PL since Adde came to power and didn't want him to have any say in this election.
  7. Congrats to President A/Rahman Faroole. That been said, Faroole is an educated fella and old politician. He is known for his arrogance and hardheadedness, but also shrewd when it comes today's Somali politics. He was the reason why Hashi of Sool lost the election to Adde back in 2004. Hashi fired him from the post he was holding at the time and Faroole's Nugal constituency was what triumphed Adde to the seat. The Irony is that today Sool & Ceyn sent him to the highest post. In anyhow, he is the new president and I wish him all the best. I hope he brings the needed changes Pl is crying for.
  8. Originally posted by nuune: For those supporting Nuuradiin, feel sorry for the crew who endlesly went as far as over 20 pages to sell us he qualifies for the job, the guy didn't even spend alot of time in Puntland to see what is happening there. As for Ilka Jiir, he is just run-away virgin from Somaliland You kept saying those same line over and over what's with that? Where do get the impression that he didn't spend time in PL? Those 2 guys you mentioned above were qualified and contested an election(how ever system may be)and lost. They have accepted the lose and as they have promised before the election, they will work with the winner.
  9. Che, easy young man. Were there some guys that we wanted to win? yes there were/are qualified people and hopeful candidates for the post and Faroole was one of them. Faroole maybe arrogant, but not ignorant and I think he can lead. Besides boys in Garowe have mere 5 seats in the parliament and certainly them alone didn't select him. I was supporting a young fella who would have been the best man for the post, but unfortunately he didn't win. Am I disappointed? Yes, but not sad, because the old crook is at least gone.
  10. Dhakh War ninku waalanaa....Does this means it is "she" and loose?
  11. ^^dacaayadda especially this time around Wasiirro iyo kuxigeenno tiro badan ayaa lagu qancinayaa ciddii harta. on a serious note though, the next admin(who ever that be)should work on establishing political party system so this nonsense clan make-up can disappear. Xiinnow my man Nuurka is still in, even though Duke ruled him out to be the next Pres. He's still much alive and got quite numbers of MPs that can put him in the second round easily. Also, there is deal between him and Ali Bashe as the rumor has it. Don't know much about Ali Bashe and his influences in Sool.
  12. I doubt that Adde will easily drop out of the race even if he knows that he aint going to get any support from the MPs. That been said, there will be an interesting scenario where one of the major sub-clans that make up PL will loose the top 3 positions. Saleban and reer Sool in general made a calculated decision and are vying to secure the VP position regardless of who wins the election. If the Gen. wins and the rumor that him and Saleban had stuck a deal turns out to be true, then reer AY will be out, which is good in my opinion. But if one of the candidate from M,N and Bari wins, then I don't know how that man will manage to satisfy both entities of Sool and Sanaag. I think the best way out is to give most of the cabinet seats to which ever community that looses the the PRE,Vp, and Spkr. We will wait and see, and hope that no one group gets pissed off or feels being left out.
  13. how about this one ya'all
  14. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: quote:Originally Posted by JacayBro "Col.Cabdillahi Cali Careys ayaa Madax ka ah Guutada 4aad ee Maleeshiyada Emagthi wuxuuna aad u xumaaday xidhiidhkii uu la lahaa Cabdillahi Yussuf, markii Abaanduulaha Ciidamada loo magacaabay Sarkaal Beeleed ay Jifo hoose yihiin Odayga oo la yidhaahdo Saciid Dheere, kaa soo hore u sii raaca Duqii Adeerkii ahaa ee Cabdillahi Yussuf." Waxa la yidhi indeed. Col Careys is the guy in the middle with the hat. He is actually closer to Yeey sub-clan-wise than Siciid Dheere is. The article has few facts twisted. Carays is an ambitious tough guy and if he decided to work with Nuur Cadde's government instead of evacuating the thousands of Puntlanders who are part of the TFG army, then that is a great move for the country because you simply can't have a "national" army made up of one clan from Mogadishu. Broad representation will validate the TFG's existence and make the nation move forward with progress. The author needs his facts checked ma istiri!! Careys is indeed much closer to Yey than Saciid Dheere is. And I don't think if there is any feud between Careys and Yey. This whole thing is made up story "Waxa la yiri" at its best. Ina Yey is the guy who has the last say of where those PL guys will go and most probably will be back to PL. We will wait and see what happens next though.
  15. That was tight ms KK. Do you still remember that ciyaal ciyaaley(more like gardho yariis heesahood) song back in the days? Gabar yaroo shub caano, mara shabeella xirata, ku dar hee
  16. Qaaci with out Dararamle's kaban aint Qaaci Marqaan at its best!!
  17. And the sad thing is that she can't even keep the gifts.. Damn Arab leaders. "Unfortunately for the Bushes, Rice and other recipients, they won't be able to enjoy the gifts as they have been turned over to the General Services Administration and government archives in accordance with federal law, which bars officials from accepting personal presents in almost all circumstances."
  18. BE, Duke simply reports news about TFG and sometimes spins the news based on his likings. Some people don't agree with him and some do. I don't know what exactly you are protesting about. Is it Duke that you don't like? or is it the news he pastes in here? People always copy and paste news and as long as they don't break the SOL's rule it is all good to go.
  19. AT&T, I have noticed every time you get heated argument or dislike duke's post, you bring the entire the Puntland in to the picture. I am not saying there is anything wrong with it, but just wondering if that has anything to do with those 2 ONLF guys? War heedhe ma wayla lagu xidh iyo fat stone ka imaadeen arrinku orgiga ka weyne? By the way, I still consider you as a friend unless you put me in the same box with Xiinka..
  20. ^^ Had Puntland not handed over those 2 ONLF dudes, I am sure your stand on PL would have been different. waryaa let it go. By the way why do you change your name every week? Just wondering!
  21. Where in the article does she tells him to resign? Misleading title ma istiri?
  22. I was reading this article on Garoweonline and thought maybe it has something to do with your call of resignation on El president. Link: a_19/Yus.shtml
  23. Duke is to something and he knows things we don't know of. I don't think this is a political spin on Duke's part. Waryaa tell us what is up man!!