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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. Che, ha iigu iman Min of fishing sophist ka **** saday Ayeeyo KK, kan adeer dhow dee. Che waa in la kala baraa bahasha..
  2. Che, there are no Joe Biden(s) in Somalia, if you are looking for that kind of qualifications. Work with what you have or can get. Honestly, I dont know much about this guy(ina Sharmarke) I have heard his being about year or so ago for reason that is not related to politics. Of course he is here because he fits the 4.5, he can appease the PL and Faroole, and he is a new blood to Somali politics. Bringing a new generation of Somali politician who are also have their hand clean of the bloodshed..
  3. What exactly are you looking for ya Che? His educational background or detail of his UN work? I don't know either one of them..Some1 help
  4. Che, he was a former UN officer in Darfur and other places. He was injured in Darfur few years back.
  5. Congrats to the new PM!! Kudos to you ya juje, but better not disappoint us with this news.. Now can we see the man's picture, anyone? We have to see the new PM and hear him say HiyA
  6. He spoke well and showed the people that he mean business. He will deliver insha Allah. Waryee Che, Singe? dalta waraq I think you still have some pushtumkhawa left in you. Support the president ya Che..
  7. Abu, what do you make all of these trials though? Yes, those guys(pirates) were committing crimes at high seas, but what gave these Europeans the right to grab them, take them to their home, and worse put on their court? What does the international law say about this? Waan illoobey illeen Soomaali baan ahayn. Yaa wax na weydiiya oo dan naga leh
  8. Min of Fishing it is! I should update mine indeed..
  9. Najmudin, is all good bro. Soph, it's too late mate. Your CV has been rejected based on late submission.
  10. This is one of the reasons why we need a government that represent us. I wonder if there is any jurisdiction or international law that would allow any country to put trail on these poor pirates. Allow na bixi..
  11. Zack, as far as I know, the fella was hit by a bullet while traveling with other UN staff. And it was believed that Jan Jawiin or whatever their name is, were behind the shooting of the UN convoy. Daynile is the last place decent man should look for a news or a fact in any manner. That's my humble opinion about the site.
  12. Zack, Daynile would write anything about anyone, don't believe rubbish like that.. Nuune, is it Nuradin Adan Dirie or this Nuradin Diiriye Farah is another new fella? My man was in Djibouti for last week and so, but not sure if he was interested in PM position at all.
  13. Congrats yaa sayid. How come I am hearing this great news on the internet ya cousin? Allah ha dhigo wiil wanaagsan, dumaashida na alla ha u fududeeyo. Aamiin
  14. Xiin, war afka cuncunkii daaye soo daa... My man Nuradin was in Djibouti some days ago and I would have been happy had there been an offer coming to our way.
  15. Xiin, if those are criteria, I can count list of candidates who will failed. Cirro= not very proficient in English, just like Shreef, and also lacks in higher education dept(degrees) Maslax = balwad baa lagu xantaa(allah yaclam) So, Galeyr and Inna Sharmarke may be 2 men left standing. We will wait what Juje's source say about your insertions. Juje, butler-kii wax ma soo sheegay last hour and so?
  16. $15lakh is about 1.5 million, not bad for small trading company.
  17. Juje waa na wareershey be! Kee ku go'naa markaan?
  18. Originally posted by Ducaysane: But Bishaaro how about if does not drink and qaadka xataa uusan cunin. This guy was the second powerfull man in somalia for 21 yrs. All the peaple who worked with him or even have known him have good things to say about him. I second that him been the second most powerful man in Somalia. That said, I think ilmo Siyaad wax dhib ah oo laga sheegay maan arag.
  19. Did he really built stadium Muqdisho? Thought it was built by the Chinese.
  20. Dan yarta faanka waa dhibaa ee naga daa hee eeddo yaan kugu muddaaharaadin'e
  21. KK, buujimo waabo jirtaa, laakiin nooc ala nuune waaye.. Dee eeddo booyaaso markaan arkay, baan dhahay qofta was part of wealth one percent..lool As for the yarka cad oo article leh, he is keeping a dead horse. Need we say more?
  22. Waraa nuune, geedkoo oo ka bixi jirey xalane adtiisa oo galab daye camal ah miyaa..Mirihiisa aa shaaha lagu dara, laakkin magac kale uu lahaa not BUUJIMO. Buujimo boxing lee u anaaqay!! Eeddo KK waa ku salaamay. You being the privileged lots is noted!!!
  23. His name will move mountains in Puntland sxb - do underestimate the power brockers of the Punt. Shaley ayad adiga iyo adeerka iyo wixii idin la halmala so baxdeen - hortina la mali jirey. Having said I dont think he has that much chance of getting the post - his biggest obstacle would be ;his age' Waryaa Juje, don't you know Duke has other adeers as well oo wax ka maali jirey!!! So, Inna Sharmarke is done deal now eh? Good to see new and young faces in Somali politics.
  24. ^Buuxo, trust me I know a lotttt..And KK is my eeddo soo waa inaa isku camirno noooh!!