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Everything posted by SpectaKooler

  1. So what did you say on that "one" post that they are all having their high-tech sputnik spiel on? Something about a kalashnikov? lol
  2. ^ Agree. For starters, how about calling it a Bounty, instead of a booty? What a True pirate the man is.
  3. So...what are we, too liberal or too conservative in that we need a change? If it aint broke, why fix it.
  4. 17 pages, already. Wowzers. Ehm. *str8's up a bit* Hello everyone!
  5. Originally posted by BiLaaL: This is more than just propoganda from Al-Shabab - it was inevitable. A timely and smart pre-emption on the part of AS. Sadly, countless Somali lives will be lost at the hands of these mercenaries. Could the December 3rd Shamo Hotel bombing have signalled their arrival? We'll never know. Investigations into just who was behind that attack are as unclear as ever. The Golden age for these security firms have unfortunately already begun. Somalia now attracts the world's best security companies including Blackwater Worldwide, Asia Risk Solution, Secopex, Aegis Defense Services, Hart Security or ArmorGroup, both on land to fight these one-sided battles, but also on the sea to protect the growing need for piracy protection. Tough luck - After all, We put ourselves in this position.
  6. Cup wont be the same without Togo. Great opener though! Cant believe Mali pulled it off in the coupls mins! Way to go!
  7. SpectaKooler


    GDw -- Shukansi baa kugu dhamaaday. In any event, the Avatar's overrated. Great colour effects, but a pretty flat plotline. Go see it anyway, just to tell everyone u did.
  8. Single incomes (that of one parent) are almost not enough to support any families in this tough economy. So, what if thats the case? Women should be educated but...there's always being on welfare?
  9. So, where's the flag? There should be a flag in the pic somewhere. :confused:
  10. Thnk you all for ur responses! Norfsky: Getting him a job would be pretty easy, monitering him and seeing what he does with that money - a whole another task. Volunteering or something of an educational thing could maybe be good. He's already refusing to do afterschool activities like sports and academically challenging clubs, though. Maybe its the peer pressure of a being a young kid excelling having him at odds, with the stereotype of "cool" or something. Since he's started highschool he just hasnt seemed as enthustiastic just about anything. That Big picture is definately lacking. Cynical-lady: This is some what of a smaller town. Most of the kids he hangs out with are children of the parent's friends. Other Somali kids, with the exception of maybe one or two black kids (school mates and such). Now, the Gaalo kids were the first ones on the chopping block. As for the Somali 1's, when u look at them from afar, they all look normal. Not one inparticular stands out as a bad apple. I told the parents that they'd have to sit down with the other families and see maybe if those kids also had an issue. The response I got was luke-warm. Seemed as if they were hessitant not to even bring up the issue, for fear of "shaming" their own kid in the community or appearing as bad parents. Getting away from the enviroment could be good for them both. (Ps: Frank. As in the Postsecret Frank or the over the radio advices Frank?) Abu-Salman: The deen is important to us as a family. My nephew's grown enough to already understand the whats good n' whats bad. At this age though, they think they're gonna live forever, and have the time to make mends later on. Getting him to understand that the world is all but 2 days might make him rethink on where he's going. This we will work on some more. Thanks for those Cd' picks. Chubacka: Ur right about the part where his parents would have to try hard not to overreact. To be fair to them though, Somali parents arent exactly well equipped in this day and age, especially in a country whose culture they could barely understand, let alone relate with. Finding out personally made me sick to my stomach, cant imagine what they must go thru. My bro & I already made it a personal task to see if we can hang out with him, making up some sort of schedule where we could maybe do something together. Thing is he already attends a mosque. I suspect since many of his friends go there for dugsi related things that it may just be a place to just "hang-out". Getting him away from his familiar cycle's gonna be hard, but im sure it can be done. 2+2: lol@ gay. No comment, buddy. Not a Canadian, but that camping thing sounds pretty cool. Instead of the Native American's, though maybe we'll haul him to our local homeless shelter. That'll make him stay away from drugs. And from enlisting in the US military. 2, for 2.
  11. Just found out that my cousins 16 year old kid has started experimenting with smoking weed + whatever else he's smoking. He got a call one day from school, kid throwing up nonstop, blood shot eyes, high as a kite, & reeking of it. Took him to the hospital, but they said that there wasnt really anything else in his system. Must say it came as shocker and we all felt stpid for not noticing what the hell was going on all along. There were no real signs. He's what u call a typical somali kid who was smart, did well in school, and all of that. Went to Dugsi and spent enough time at home, watching tv like the rest. Anyway, from what im thinking, he isnt completely gone and there is this feeling of prevention still in the picture. Suffice to say we're not giving up on him. He's 16 for God's sakes. As it stands: My cousin's tried talking to him, Parent to child, Man to Man, Authority to subordinate. Gave him some good ole' whupping when none of that worked, and is now so stressed he's planning on taking him to and from school every day. I told him Baby sitting a 16 yr. old is bound to not hold up forever, but more than that I didnt really know what to say. Options as they stand were; To run and take him to Somalia or something? Seriously? :rolleyes: If so, how would that solve the problem? Somalia's pretty unstable and if Africa, im sure there are drugs damn near everywhere. Period. To Move? The neighborhood they live in is relatively safe, and they own their own house. So any moving's gonna be a bit major for their entire family. Any Suggestions fellow Somali's? Anyone had something similar happen to anyone they knew's kid or whatever?
  12. My brother called and said that they weren't celebrating in Nairobi, on Sunday, but on Monday instead. We spoke to him the first part day, so perhaps it had changed? Anyway, I guess its still better than when the religious authorities in the small town that you live in disagrees and half the population celebrates one day, and the other, the next day. Happened to us last year. When we went to our local mosque to find out that it was closed and that we needed to find somewhere else to go for prayer. OR FAST! As the guy put it, "since EID was tomorrow". Yikes! :mad:
  13. 10%? lol. Such a Cheap couple. Why didnt they just move? Besides, Im pretty sure the wall is thin on the other side. Wonder if those neighbors got their rents reduced on the basis of not getting any privacy even when peeing from their intrusive neighbors.
  14. Heart breaker, I know who you are That guy over there, stuck-up like he some kinda star. It aint like its all new to me; Matter of fact, I dont know what you do to me Something about you is inviting. cant believe I still tremble every time I see you like I'm struck by a lightning. But heartbreaker I know who you are, and I'll continue backing away til I'm way too far. This isnt a place for me at all. Good luck deceiveing her, you aint getting this one.
  15. Eid Mubarak, good folks! Maybe its just me, but I find it terrifying how this Ramadan actually came and went by at that alarming pace. Ah Well! :rolleyes:
  16. Whether its worth it or not depends on the outcome. University isnt for EVERYONE, you know.
  17. Will it be viable any new state in an era of globalization to depend on Pastralism in the long run? Having population growth and other related factors in mind, do you think agriculturalism will be the better choice? Farming or Pastoralism is just a preference of subsistence for the people back home. One gives them the movement, the other ties them within a geographical reach. With the abundant droughts and such, not sure how farming could be a better option either, unless u live right by a river or something.
  18. He prolly wrote "I'm Rich, B!itch" on that updater.