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Everything posted by SpectaKooler

  1. Originally posted by ruqqayah: HP are the best. Agree. They've got the best Graphics for the cheapest price!
  2. No doubts, that any student who's ever taken Chemistry knows how to explain HELL ever so eloquently! :rolleyes:
  3. B, Intriguing idea! Mine is quite similar, though the only two colors that'll matter will be the "Green", and "blue". For my Blue, I'll focus on bringing water to the most drought-stricken parts of Somalia, by way of harnessing the many aquifers that apparently are abundant underground in many regions. I'll come up with/use a simple technique that could be easily replicable, going from city to city, region to region, teaching people how to set up their own wells, making them self-sufficient especially by foreigners For Greens: Planting many plants and trees. Help Undoing all the deforestations by people in many areas. Start a natural fertilizers Company....where people could buy seeds and fertilizers to work on their own lands, thus "greening" up the place all on their own. And there goes my ideas for changing the world for the better. (I promise I wont get mad if any of you decide to act on em' before I do )
  4. Toxic Waste (Hate to see the topic go to waste so here's for its resuscitation: ) New Word: Strawberries!
  5. Its still has to go through the United states Senate for it to be signed into Law. Great Strides tonight!
  6. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: rumors say this has also something to do with few years back when Faroole was sacked and it was Diano who took from his office by force ,,,,,,,, Faroole's got spunk. Doubt he's that risky, though, especially in the midst of everything else thats going on in PL. After all Diyano's not the only one thats out of a job, y'know. Many other minister's got "re-shuffled" the basis making the gov. more effective. Maybe it is just "business", and nothing "personal"!
  7. The UK is by far the stingiest Gov. on earth. :eek: They could have put a stop to it AGES ago. What did they think, these pirates would all of a sudden consult their consciences and release this couple? If that poor lady dies, something should be said about this as well. At least the American's huffed and puffed, swooped in, slayed a few and brought their folks, thats right, HOME!. Then again, this news could all be a ploy by the Pirates to speed up whatever money they had coming to them. If any. If ever. In which case, it should STILL serve as a reality check for those who care about these people.
  8. Huge jump from 2000 to XP. Big jump from XP to Vista. With 7, though, it's exactly like Vista... only on Crack!
  9. PIS has seen its days, and what a good riddence it is for the government (whose to say for the region, though!) Think Diyano should have been better incorped into the agency with Binge. Impossible? Tan labaad to let the media in on it before notifying him, (if that part is even true) shouldnt have been the way to go about it. Foul in fact. Kheyr Allahu ka dhigo, anyway.
  10. JB: was it spicy? I like all the good Spices, just never been able to handle "bisbaas" much. Pathetic, eh?
  11. Chubacka: I hear South America's good this time a Year. Wont'cha, suggest that next time? On the real...heard that very conversation before. Our neighbors had about 6 kids. All boys. The eldest kid got into some trouble with the law, and the parents came down on him hard. The second kid began smoking weed, the parents came down on him hard. Come the third one, reeking of both smoke and exhibiting signs of saqajaan-nimo, the entire family moved to Kenya. It was kindah odd too, because the parents returned a month or so later without the kids. When asked, they responded that they were now in boarding schools or whatever. I dont think its lazy parenting to want a different enviroment for your children, but surely a lazy, temporary, sweep under-the-carpet type of deal that would surely come back to bite u, before it solves anything.
  12. I remember something about him saying how he hated whenever they the term "Up & Coming" was used to refer to him. "I Mean Ive been in the game for a while now, what do I have to do to be "there" is what, he said. Kindah agreed. Good to finally see him up get the attention. Hope he sticks around, though
  13. Aw guuriyo! Wiil iyo Caano Gabar iyo Caano!
  14. Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban: Sawiirkiisa waa kan..... LOL. This cant be serious. Dude's like shorter than the length of two Subs on Super Sunday! :eek: Oh well....May he be "shortly" recognized then.
  15. Twitter is Micro-blogging at it's finest! A friend urged me to get it sometime in the spring of 2008. I was overseas and there was just too much going on at home in terms of news cycles, (not to mention the election coverages) that I was missing out on. So I did, and quickly followed tweeters like CNN, and Breakingnews. The easiest thing in the world. Every tweet had a description of what was going on in less than a sentence and a link to the full article. Saves ya the trip of going to 4 different sites. Back then there were not that many people on it. I'd follow scholars, NGO's, and some pretty cool people. The other day, though, I got curious and decided to import from my contacts, and whaddya know, about 20 people. lol. This thing is REALLY picking up fast.
  16. ^ I agree. Milan and all of northern Italy was never actually all that bad during my stay's. 15 minutes or so away from the Italian part of Switzerland (Ticino), it always felt like they were more conscious about the international matters and quite courtious to "tourists" and immigrants. It's only when one gets further south, that all these random Buon Giorno's people give ya on the street come to a sudden stop. lol Anyway, pretty sad to hear about whats going on. They say Europe is going through what America did in the 60's now with all the race problems and such. Since France, have had to come to terms, maybe its time for the Italians to do so as well.
  17. Has any one asked why the Israelis care so much about maintaining good relations with the Turks? Money sure makes the world go round' and round, eh? :rolleyes: As for the article: The pink elephant in the room is obviously the blatant racism and collective punishments being the modus op on how Israelis deal with anyone who disagrees with them. Just like they said in the article, their way of "softening up" the Turks before they meet with them the coming week. Many of the Arabs who are in their parliaments have complained about these sort of things as well. They've had other MP's called them names and had directly or indirectly been given refusals to rebutt in arguments on the floor. So, nothing new here other than Israel picking a more fair Fight with the Turks this time.
  18. Google may not be letting China use the uncensored version, but there's always BING by microsoft that are more than willing, and somewhat able to do it. When asked, they let it be known that they werent even appologetic about it, saying that China represents its most important strategic search market. Guess when u have a monopoly on everything, you dont really have to worry about any backlashes.
  19. Malcolm X. Hands down one of the best movies ever made! Definitely did the man some justice! (Allahu naxariisto.) A runner-up: Do the right thing. Still remember that guy with the huge stereo on his shoulders. lol -- Has anyone seen "The miracle at St. Anna's"? Thought it was pretty weird and not ur typical Spike Lee movie.
  20. ^ half the capital was a slum and three quarters of the nation lived under poverty. Despite this Haiti was actually doing pretty good the past coupla months. Less violence and political instibilities. A dry spell if you may. Anyway subxanallah! Place is just plauged with one natural disaster after the other. I'm not sure if they'll pull thru. but if they do it'll be long and hard process. The scary part is that there are still aftershocks being felt at this point.
  21. ^ wow. Cidda malaha guroortiina waa meeqo wax yiraaho bii la'aayeen oo General Duke oo ordaayo buu Ilaahay alabaabka kaga soo geliyey; "Bride" and prejudice indeed.