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Everything posted by FreshPrince

  1. Shirweynaha Khaatumo2 Oo maanta si habsami leh uga furmay magaalada Taariikhiga ah ee Taleex ayaa Ergada SSC ay aad u buuxdhaafisay, waxaana ay dhamaan soo wada gaashay ergadii loogu talagay inay ka qayb qaataan Shirweynaha Khaatumo2 waxana sidoo kale Magaalada Taariikhiga ah ee Taleex soo buux dhaafiyay Shacabka SSC
  2. General Duke;770669 wrote: Abtigis now that was much better. As we are all comparing SOL members to Somali political leaders. I would say that you have an uncanny similarity to Omar Jess , a not too bright prisoner, who lacked a sense of humor, had wet dreams of ruling Kismayu ,when ever he got an idea it was always a bad idea and always failed to overcome his checkered and abusive past. Loooooooooooooooooooool, Casha Caydiid aka Cumar Jess had wet dreams of ruling Kismayu.
  3. 16th Century, we fought against World Powers and Ethiopia, we got defeated with the loss of thousands of lives, yet survived! 20th Century, we got bombarded, we lost a great deal of our population, wealth and land, we fought against World Powers and Ethiopia, directly and indirectly, YET we survived! 21st Century, we are attacked by inside enemy to dismantle what we shed blood for, we will...we will.....RISE (again), Insha'allah! WE SHALL RISE (Again).
  4. Peace Action;770520 wrote: Hey don't be hard on our brothers from Somaliland, they feel left out. They need little bit of attention. Isn't that how YOU guys feel? You guys whine and calaacal about how you have been left out in Somalia, since the 1960s and how you guys became "minority" in Somalia since the Independence of Somalia in 1960. lool
  5. Abdul;770508 wrote: is not owned by the SSC community. Whatever happened to lol Also, is not owned by the SSC Community, I believe so.
  6. Eng: Maxamed Cali Mirre oo u Jawaabay Hadalkii ka Soo yeedhay Jabhadda SNM- Waraysiggii uu bixiyay Eng: Maxamed Cali Mirre uu Siiyay idaacadda BBC Waa mid lagu ku diirsasho iyo ku dayasho Mudan. Eng: Maxamed Cali Mirre Waxa uu difaacay Qadayadda Guud Ee Degaanka SSC iyo Mida Soomaaliyeed, Isaggoo Fariin Culus u diray Soomaalidiidka in ay Dadka Degaaanka SSC Degan Marnaba ka mid Noqon doonin Soomaalidiidka. Siddoo Kale Eng: Maxamed Cali Mirre Ayaa Wuxuu ku tilmaamay Dadka iyo Degaanka SSC in ay Yihiin Bridge-kii isku hayay Labadda Gobol ee Waqooyi Iyo Koonfurta Soomaaliya.Siddaas la Adligeed aayan Ogaalaan doonin in Xiriirkaas (Buundadaas) la jarro. Wixii aad adiguSamaysay Dadka ha Ku Ceebeen, Haddii Kale Adigga ayay Ceeb kugu Noqon: Eng Maxamed Cali Mirre oo ah nin Aqoon u Leh Cilmigga Aduunka, Luuqaddo kala duwan ku hadla,ayaa Wuxuu Ugu Maahmaahay Jabhahadda SNM in Dadka SSC ku Ceebaalaysanayaan Waxay Igu Horey u Sameeyeen, Oo ah in Ay igu Samaysteen Maamul Iyaggoo Qabiil ah Balse Hadda ay Diidan yihiin, in Qabiilkani Shirro Si ay Uga baxaan Maamul Xumadda iyo Siyaasadda Kala Qaybsan. Puntland,Somaliland Mise Soomaaliwayn: ?? Mar uu Wariyuhu Su’aal ka Waydiiyay balse Shirkan Khaatumo Meesha uu Aaqirka ku danbayn doono? ayaa Eng: Wuxuu Meesha ka Saaray in Dadkani ayan Marnaba laga yaabin in ay ka mid Noqdaan Maamulka laga Magacbaxay Soomaaliland, Siddoo Kale Wuxuu Siiraaciyay in Dadka ay ka sii jeedaan Maamulka Puntland kaas oo uu ku Tilmaamay in ay ka Niyad Jabeen. Qadiyadda Guud: Eng: Maxamed Ayaa Wuxuu Tusaalle Wanaagsan u yahay Dhamaan Dadka Degaanka SSC in ay Yeeshaan (Qadiyad Guud)oo ay ka Midaysan yihiin. oo ay Dadka SSC Masuul ka Wada yihiin inay difaacaan Qadiyadda Guud iyo Rabitaan Shacabka, Xitaa Haddii ay Jiraan Aragtiyo lagu kala Duwan Yahay. SHaqo Wanaagsan;(Good Job) Ahmed Laarri Daalacday:2038 Short URL:
  7. LOL @ "In Somaliland we are humane, no one will harm you." This is their rhetoric and persuasion for the love of God. I think I need to call off from Work, just to laugh for the next 8 hours straight. LMFAO
  8. 'Liibaan';770197 wrote: Anagu shuqulka habraha ma faduulino, ee maxaa idinka afaaraha reeraha kale aad ka rabtaan. Fitnado wax fiican, maaha. SSC, Azania, iyo Puntland waa dad walaalo ah oo wada dhashay. Looooooooooool @ Anagu shuqulka habraha ma faduulino. ENOUGH SAID WALLE OO BIILLE!! Trying to instigate between brothers and countrymen.
  9. 'Liibaan';770180 wrote: Wa kuwan Soomajeesteyaashi, Mujahidintii aafka ciida uu daray SNMtii Kalshaale ku soo dhushay. LOOOOOOL These men deserve great respect and to be treated the best way possible!
  10. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;770108 wrote: That too happened in Xamar, back in early 1991, after the immediate fall of dowladii kacaanka. Kuwa militia ka mid ah jabhadii Xamar qabsatay started inay dadka soo qab qabtaan because of qabyaalad qurunkeeda. And they would ask abtirsigooda, laakiin haddee kasii shakiyaan waxee leeyihiin 'kow, laba' tiri. Waxee sugaayaan kii u qaldama. Kow, laba, sadex....sideed, sagaal, toban, kow iyo toban . Maskiinkii 'kow iyo toban' afkiisa kasoo baxo instead of 'toban iyo koow' wadkiisa soo dadajinaayeen, Eebba naf haayee. Waxee aaminsanayeen qofka leh 'kow iyo toban' in gobollada dhexe iyo korkooda ka yimid. Maba oga dad badan ayaa isticmaalo regardless meeshee u dhasheen. Soomaali waxee cuqubada ugu bixi ladahay xasuuqyadaas camal dhiig badan aan waxba galabsan lagu daadiye dhulkeena Soomaaliya. _________________ Xunjuf, kaftan iga tahay waa ogtahay. Moderator, I was there in 1991 too. LOL, I know, somehow evil surrounds me at all times. I'm always at the wrong place at the wrong times. In 1991, around February, we were caught, around 17 of us. We were from different clans, mostly SSC, Hergeisa (my cousin), and few others from Gedo (I don't know how we were together) lol. Anyways, they took us to this Villa with men, a lot of men with weapons and we were told to do the Abtirsi. Few of the SSC were pure blood, so they failed and were automatically taken to the killing squad. My cousin told me to not be afraid or they'll know, but I'm a human, first time I saw that so my teeth shook. They asked me to do my Abtirsi and I used my mother (AGAIN). lol They then asked me, why was I shaking? I answered, cause I never saw people get killed, subxanallah. Anyways, my cousin passed as well, obviously. But, they were still suspicious, because we didn't look alike. I looked like this one SSC guy, AUN who was killed amongst our group, so they (the USC militia) took us to another house and in that house were few man from Hergeisa and Burco, supposedly SNM sent down to Mogadishu to help the USC with everything. He looked at me, my cousin said he's my brother and he said, re-read your abtirsi and I re-read it. I said my mother is from SSC and I used my Dad's Abtirsi as my mom. lol WAX WALAN DHE! Eventually, they let us go, but out of the 17, only me, my cousin and 3 others were freed. I think the other 3 from the South. 12 perished, may Allah have mercy on their innocent souls. This is confusing. More clarification: My mom is from Hergeisa, my dad is from Yagoori. So, I pretended that my mom was from Yagoori and my dad is from Hergeisa, which was a lie.
  11. LOL @ the Moderator. I remember in 1988 back in Buroa, when the SNM captured the town, they went on hunting spree and whomever they captured, they would ask them to pronounce certain words. This was a way to know whether they were who they said they were. The men from Nugaal/Bari/Mudug (Aka Puntland), would pronounce "Adhi" as in "Ari" with an R.. The men/women from Puntland, that were in Buroa at the time would go as far as saying "Hadee Ari". LOL, the men from Kebri-Dhahar, Dhagaxbur, would pronounce it differently as well. I got away, cause I know how to speak fluent Hergeisa/Burco dialect. Plus, my mother is from Hergeisa, so I knew her Abtirsi. LOL
  12. Carafaat;770095 wrote: Siilaanyo and Ali Khaliif Galeyr are very good friends and have a secret agreement. So did Elvis and Siilaanyo, but unfortunately, Elvis overdosed and Siilaanyo didn't make it to being a Manager. Bummer!
  13. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;770067 wrote: This site is moderated, so baliis hala isixtiraamo. Sorry, Moderator. I was joking about what I said, for I have no reason or intentions to harm a clown.
  14. Libaax-Sankataabte;770069 wrote: I see my good friend Garad Jaamac Garad Ismaaciil is enjoying the conference. Great stuff. Khaatumo Ilaahay ha ka dhigo mid meel wanaagsan marta. Everyone is saying "Meel wanaagsan marta", but no one is saying specifically where. lol May I ask you, what is this meel wanaagsan you wanna see Khaatumo 2 to go, really? Ma it's own State, ma P/land, ma S/land? What and where?
  15. Saado can do better. She needs to do Kaban music/songs. She needs to do a Qarami-like song for SSC and Somalia in general. Take us back to the good ol' days.
  16. **************** *************** ***********
  17. ^ IF you have the strength to confront them, then do so. Otherwise, go back to the Circus, people are waiting for you to perform clown.
  18. A_Khadar;770034 wrote: The idea of they will unite to unite with successionists is wrong. So it's right support the Taleex gathering to be successful which will be great for all somalis every where.. I agree. But, you never know what's in the breasts of Men. May that which we dislike never occurs. Amiin!