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Everything posted by FreshPrince

  1. Somalia;792783 wrote: SSC State and Khatuumo State. What do you mean "SSC State and Khaatumo State" as if there are "two" states in Sool, Sanaag and Cayn (Beesha Block Territories)?
  2. Sayid*Somal;792817 wrote: Look at they way they are crowding around him Even Cigal's widow Edna Aden would have sexual intercourse with the British Foreign Minister to get Ictiraaf. This is disgrace and embarrassing. She is full of cuqdad Somalinimo to the point she never leaves Hergeisa.
  3. ^ Somaliland has never existed before and it didn't exist for the past 21 years either. You are a minority, trying to bark more louder than your limit. lol Sit your butt down and enjoy your rights. Let the majority handle their business
  4. Xaaji Xunjuf;783757 wrote: You want to include half of africa this is a really a bad joke so who said somalilad wants to unite. all british colonies British east africa there are hardly somalilanders living there. isn't the name "somalilanders" a Colonial-given name? Why do you use it? looooool
  5. Somalilanders say that since SSC and Awdal were under the Colonial British Empire, then Northern Somalia or the former british-somaliland protectorate should go together in one direction. the question to somaliland is, if your argument is that ssc and awdal were under british control and that's why they are part of somaliland today, then why not include kenya as part of somaliland because kenya too went under british control? looooool
  6. USC nor Maxamed Farax Caydiid are at fault here. Somalia's enemy wasn't USC or Caydiid or Siyaad Barre or SNF. Somalia's enemy is SNM. They masterminded the destruction of Mogadishu, they masterminded the instigation between Dblocks (SNF) and Hblocks (USC), knowing that if SNF and USC kill each other off, they can secure their interest. I am a son of SNF and I say this with pure Nationalism, USC and Caydiid are NOT the cause of Somalia's destruction. It's Siilaanyo and his SNM mafia with their help from Mengistu and British.
  7. Long before the so-called "Somaliland" fantasy existed, the SNM clans of Hergeisa, Burco and Berbera have committed genocide and systematic slaughter against the people of SSC, Maakhir and Awdal States. Go ask the survivors of the 1989 ambush of Wadamagoo and Beer. Another mass murder occurred in Xudun, Ceerigaabo, where the SNM militia attacked civilians on a Eid Celebration and killed hundreds of men, women and children. Did I mention how the SNM completely annihilated the famous Refugee Camp near Hergeisa that was harboring the Somali (OG and Awdal Clans, mainly) who were evacuteed from the Mengistu oppression in Somali Galbeed? YES, the camp hosted over 350,000 refugees, mainly from the OG and Awdal tribes and in 1991, after the Somali National Government of Siyaad Barre collapsed, the SNM moved in like Cockroaches and systematically killed the refugees of that camp. SNM militia are the enemy of Somalia. They hate and have killed ANY Somali that isn't from the tribes of Hergeisa, Burco and Berbera. So, why should anyone from Awdal, SSC and Maakhir agree to go under their rule? That's ridiculous! lol
  8. LOOOL, they are ALL from the same CLAN. XX says Somaliland isn't a Clan-State, what a hypocrite!
  9. Where is Human Rights? Civilians being slaughtered with Anti-Aircraft machine guns by the SNM militia (Somaliland aka Somalidiid militia)!
  10. ALL WEBSITES ARE REPORTING THIS: Xasuuqii ugu weynaa Geeska Afrika oo Malayshiyaadka SNM-tu Shacabka Laascaanood iminka u hayaan kumanaan dadweyne gadoodsan ayaa isku soo baxay wadooyinka waa weyn ee laascaanood kuwaas oo ka soo horjeeda Maamulka SNM waxana dadweynahani ku dhawaaqayeen eryo ay ku dalbanayaan in ciidamadda SNM-tu ka baxaan Laascaanoodn Dadweynaha Laascaanood ayaa la soo baxay calanka Jamhuuriyadda iyo waliba boodhado waa weyn oo ay ku qoran yihiin hal ku dhegyo ay ku taageerayaan Maamulka Khaatumo state, waxana la sheegay in dadweynahan qaar ka mid ah wadooyinka Laascaanood ay sudheen Calanka Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya Malayshiyaadka SNM-ta ayaa si arxan daran rasaas waa weyn ula dhacay dadweynaha kuwaas oo aan u kala aabayeelin, waxana la sheegay in xasuuqii ugu u darnaa Geeska Afrika uu ka dhacay Laascaanood, dhaawac iyo maydka shacabka ayaa daadsan wadooyinka magaaladda Laascaanood sidoo kale cusibitaaladda laascaanood ayaa la sheegay in ay buuxsameen dadka dhimashadda iyo dhaawacu soo gaadhay ayaa u badan Haween iyo Caruur Goor dhaw Muuqaalo iyo Codad Short URL: Laascaanood,(Lasanod Online)- Mudaharaado sababay khasaare dhimasho iyo dhaawac ah ayaa hadda ka socda magaalada Laascaanood. Waxaana la sheegayaa in mudahraadkan uu keenay dhimasho iyo dhawac soo gaadhay shacabka mudhaharaadayey. kuwaas oo maleeshiyada Somaliland rasaas ooda kaga qaadeen. Wararku waxay sheegayaan in tiroba saddex qof ku geeriyootay rabshadahan ka dhacay magaalada, dhaawucuna uu yahay in ka badan toban qof. Wadooyinka magaalada ayaa lagu xidhay dhagxaan iyo taayiro lagu gubay wadooyinka magaalada. Mudaharaadkan ayaa ka dhashay kadib markii maamulka Hargeysa haween kasoo guray magalooyinka Burco iyo Hargeysa, si ay mudahraad ka dhan ah maamulka Khaatumo ugu qabtaan magaalada Laascaanood. Shacabka magaalada oo ka war helay qorshahan ayaa saaka billaabay banaanbax si looga hortago Haweenkan laga keenay Gobollada Waqooyi. Kala socda Lasanod Online wixii war ah ee kasoo kordha mudaharaadkan.
  11. Even the Seylici guy is jumping ship. LOL What did Fuad Adan Cade once said, "I dare reer SNM by themselves to stand alone and be a Dawlad" , In other words, they can't, they need Beesha SSC, Maakhir and Awdal and without those clans, they will crumble. LMAO
  12. AsadSL;777505 wrote: Sad people... I know. You guys are sad people, pathetic too.
  13. To hold demostration against Khaatumo State, under the banner of "Being from Laascaanood". They want the International Community to think that Reer Laascaanood are against Khaatumo State, but it's a deceiving, pathetic move. These women are NOT from the clans of Khaatumo State, but rather they are the clans that settle in Burco and Hergeisa. Waxaa Caawa la keenay Magaalada Laascanood sadex Gawaadhida loo yaqaano Waaraadka oo lagu wado dumar ka soo jeeda beesha SNM oo la doonayo in barito ay magaalada dhexdeeda ku qabtaan mudaharaad balaadhan oo looga soo horjeedo Maamulka Khaatumo State. Waxaana la socda gawaadhidan Tv Qaranka ee SNM iyo Home cable TV oo labaduba laga leeyahay magaalada Hargaysa, waxaa kale oo loo badinayaa inay ka soo qayb gali doonaan TVyo kale sida Somali Channel oo mudooyinkan u danbeeyay aad loo laaluushayay wiilka u fadhiya Hargaysa. Halkan K Daawo Wararkii WidhWidh Online Arinkan ayaa waxaa ka danbeeyay Wasiirada Hargaysa ku shiray Khamiistii la soo dhaafay, iyaga oo doonaya in beesha Caalamka ay ka iibiyaan in laga soo horjeedo Maamulka Khaatumo State, waana dumar laga keenay Hargaysa iyo Burco la doonayo in la yidhaahdo waa dumarkii reer Lascanood mana doonayno Maamulkan Taleex lagu soo dhisay. Dhinaca kale waxaa jira caawa magaalada Lascanood abaabul xoogan oo looga hortaagayo arinkan ay soo abaabuleen Wasiirada SNM ee ku shiray Magaalada Hargaysa, waxaa barito dhini kara isku dhac culus oo arinkani uu keeni karo oo dhiig badani uu dhulka ku daato. Isku soo wada doobow waxaa barito ka qayb galay Mudaharaadkan Axmed xaabsade oo maalmahan ku sugnaa magaalada lascanood siiba xerrada SNM ee ciidamada ku sugan yihiin lana seexda isga oo aamin waayay Hotelkii Xamdi ee duleedka magaalada Laascanood.
  14. Xaglatoosiye is being framed! He is innocent of what he is being accused off!
  15. This rag-tag militia is what they call "Ciidamada Qaranka"? LOOOOOOOOL It amazes me how they try to copy Dawladii Kacankii Siyaad Barre. Have you guys ever seen their militia parades? The music they use is exactly a replica of that of Ciidamadii Kacankii Somalia ee Siyaad Barre. Now, look at their militia commander, he's holding a "Wagar", something that Kacankii Commanders were synonymous with. They hate the Kacan, cause they wish it was them! LOL
  16. LOL, wishful thinking. Khaatumo State of Somalia (only few hours old) is making the SNM (140 years old, since the British came to Somalia in 19th Century) shake in fear!
  17. Bluelicious, thanks. But, frankly, I don't deserve to claim that I'm from SSC or Somalia. The day that my people stood together, united and determined than ever, I betrayed them by willingly going along with my reer abti and their fading away dream. I did the unthinkable and for that, I cannot claim to be from SSC or Somalia. I'm officially done. I'll leave the issues pertaining to SSC to the fellow SSC members of SOL. Aaliyah, I apologize to you personally for saying what I have said to you. It was wrong and uncalled for.
  18. (Moderators Don't Delete This, My Messaging Center Isn't Working) Few days ago, I was so excited that I decided to go on a rampage in somehow advertising the traitor's agenda. I guess, the amount of excitement from the SSC unity and the outcry of my reer abti have driven me to make a little shout outs to make them feel better of themselves. I bleed Somalia and never would I ever be a Somalidiid. Aaliyah, Dervish, Abdul, Liibaan, A-Khadar, and the rest of the SSC crew, please forgive me and I shall shun away myself from here, can't even show my face anymore.
  19. Xaaji Xunjuf;774365 wrote: Freshprince we are not talking about Somalia or Somaliland we were talking about what is divisible and what is not. Lol, so what made Somaliland not divisible? Who said Somaliland cannot be divided? We all know that the clans of Hergeisa and Laascaanood are not from the same lineage. We also know that the clans from Boorama and Hergeisa are not from the same lineage, we also know that the clans of Eastern Ceerigaabo and Hergeisa are NOT from the same lineage. If Hergeisa can divide itself from Mogadishu, then Laascaanood, Boorama and Eastern Ceerigaabo can divided themselves from Hergeisa. You get what you do unto others.