Br. Nur
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Time flies when we are having fun, this post was from last summer, subhannallah, see how time passes. Let us revive this page and discuss aqeedah issues in a NatURal way Nur
2985 This party has no hangovers, no headaches, I cant even tell you how long, it is endless, just bear with me, it is going to last all 24 hours ( the addition of your numbers). Sareedo sis looooool, I am really gettin g a kick outa this, the fun is just begining, please spread the word, the more people , the more fun. Nur
Baashi bro and Sareedo sis Your advice taken, inshaAllah, I will cover the two states that you have mentioned. If I may make a small correction of the SABR state that i made earlier, actually there is no Sabr State , the state is called Ibtilaa State, SABR is the cure for those who suffer Ibtilaa. And inshAllah, we shall cover the Nima state, and delve in the real meanning of the word Nicmah. Nur
Nomads, R.S.V.P. is an acronym that stands for the French words " "répondez s'il vous plaît" it simply says, min fadlak, low takarramta, please Respond and tell us if you are coming to the party or not, so that we plan for the right amount of camel milk, food, drinks and entertainment, so that is why I asked you to respond, who is coming and who is not, I can see that the Devil is not coming ( literally) and so is his advocate, but I would be happy if I can get more bang out of this invitation. We are almost there, I am really pleased to read your responses, this is great, I am excited, but for this party, if the number of of R.S.V.P is equal to the number of those who read this invitation, then, the percentage who responded may be very low, this page is read across continents, including Nomads sitting in small crowded internet cafe's, in Suuq ul Dhahab Gold Market area in Dubai, one day as I was posting an article on SOL, I was sitting in one of these Somali owned internet cafes, and next to me was this perfectly Hijabified, dignified Somali lady who had trouble accessing her account, so she asked me for help, and i recall typing her name, she was Um-Caadil, if by chance she is reading this page, I would like to invite her and her entire household to this party too. Anway, I am proud of all those who responded, but we still need some more, like yur ayeeyo Cawrala, and abti Rooraaye, Wallahi, I have some great news for yaaaaw, as brothers in DC say it, so lets get few more hits for this page. Nur
That is right! For a select few For a limited time! Yes, you are one of the special invitees! If for a long time you were all dressed up and had no where to go, Do I have some great news for you, please dont be a no show. This is a true party and reception at a special mansion, and if you respond early, it may the best advertisement you've ever responded to, so confirm by showing your interest on this thread, and inshAllah you will make it if you follow directions well. After receiving enough responses on this thread, inshaAllah, I will give you direction to the location of the party and reception, so invite as many family and friends as you can, they will thank you for this. Question: Read Nur backwards in Somali, what do you get? This is a TRUE offer, it is no joke, try me! Nur
Nomads Did you know that: 1. That every Sujuud, prostration in prayer, ascends you one degree higher to heaven, erases a sin. 2. That prayers are the key to getting rich, " And enforce prayers in your household, and bear with that responsibility, We do not ask you to sustain (them), We sustain you, and the good ending belongs to the piety. 3. Prayers relieve stress 4. Prayers make you balanced, when you are in trouble, you do not despair,and when you are doing well, you share. Nur
Rainbow walaal You writer " Brother Nur clarify this for me please: are you suggesting that before Adam A.S there were some creatures living in the universe, If you do, do you have any supporting evidence from the Quran or the Sunnah. From what I know I understood that, the Word "Khalif" meant some one that will overtake the responsibilty of running the affairs of the land from Allah(after Allah S.w craeted the universe in seven days) in the case of Adam and that he will be accountable of his actions and also his children will be accountable of their actions. I hope you understand my question. [/QB] " Answer: Bismillah wa bihi nastaciin. Yes I do understand your question well, here is the answer. Al Baqarah Aayah # 30 " Wa idh qaala Rabbuka lil malaa ikati innii jaaclun fil ardi khaiifatan" And recall ( a time in which) your Lord said to the angels, I shall (create, apponint) a khaliifah on earth" The word (idh) in Arabic is (Cadf) a connecting word to the last passage verse in which Allah SWT talks to mankind and questions them of their bad choice of disobeying and denying Allah SWT bounties on them, since he gave them life when thay were dead, and provided for them all the goodness on earth and the horizons, sun moon and stars and all the benefits we derive from these celestial bodies, so the word (idh) stresses, " How can you THEN, disbelief, given that you were chosen as the khalifa on earth" Khalifa in this verse has the folowing meanings. 1. Mustakhlaf , REPLACER, someone who took over a role from someone else. " Wa anfiquu mimmaa jacalakum mustakhlafiina fiih" " spend a portion of the ( wealth) that you were made as care-takers after others" This taa'wiil is the choice of mufassirs like Al Hassan, and Qataadah. 2. Khalaa'ifa " Thummaa jacalnaakum khalaa'ifa fil ardi min bacdihim li nandhura kaifa tacmaluun" " And then, we made you to take over their place on earth AFTER THEM, ( Not After Allah) so we may see your choice of actions" because in Tawheed we learn that Allah is in the heavens, not everywhere as the Sufis say. 3. Ibn Isxaaq used to interpret khalifah as , a DWELLER , who are not the same species as those who departed. From the above the question that forces itself and the very question about the Neanderthals is " who was dwelling on earth before children of Adam.? First let us go back to the question raised by the angels. " O Allah, are you going to (REPLACE) on earth someone who WILL do mischief on (earth and who will spill(human) blood(in cold blooded murder)" Clearly the angels have demonstrated in this question: 1. knowledge of past behaviour of former accupants of planet earth, and since that was the only behaviour they knew of those entities, they prejudiced the arrival of the new creature, thinking that he will also do mischief and spill blood. 2. That being khalifah on earth meant making ibaadah and tasbiih and taqdees of Allah 3. That they, the Agels were proven to have good behaviour and worship of Allah SWT. purpose of creation, thus: 4. They, the angels deserved to become the Khaliifah ( replacers of past dwellors on earth) due to their qualifications. The above meaning was my choice of tafseer on which I built my Neandarthal Theory, which I will explain inshAllah. Now, many scholars have taken a shot, (without solid substantiation from the Hadeeth )regarding the dwellers of earth before the arrival of Adam and Eve, (I miss my parents, and yours!) They said, the Jinn was living on earth, and they caused mischief and kiled each other (like Somalis). I am not implying here that Somalis are Jinn! good Jinn is better than bad Somalis, ( Although some immigration officers would argue they are Jinn due to their resoucefulness in travelling without documents from Kurtunwaarrey all the way to Barrier Reef) , just because they killed the lobster out of each other. The question is, could the Neanderthals or the fossilized creatures found on earth be part of other creations of Allah SWT who dwelled on earth and spilled blood? Well, that was may take, and the Neandertal part was just a reference to Mad Mac who I was taunting to reply, but I do believe that the Khalifah meant REPLACERS, and definetely not Representatives of Allah SWT as you suggested, which can make man the Shadow of Allah on earth as the Popes have claimed for themselves. The Debate is open Nur
If kids can talk, the pain of Divorce. Nurtel Social Engineering is Bringing you another imaginative rendering. This time we will explore the pain a divorce victim has to endure at the delicate age of three. A Nurtel Story about a fictitious Somali immigrant family residing inNorth America. When a Marriage breaks down. A Letter to Dad. Dear Dad, It has been a while since I saw you and mommy holding hands, you may not realize but at age 3, I pretty much follow and understand what is going on between you and mom, I just can articulate myself. As you are well aware, I did not choose to come to this world and suffer because the two individuals who are responsible for my presence on this planet have parted ways. It kills me to know that I will be a statistic as most social misfits happened to be the victims of a family breakup. So, what does it mean for me that you and mommy finally decided to bring an end to this relationship that nourished me and gave me hope to amount to something like a Doctor, Engineer, a Businessman etc, when I grow up. Dad, last night, when you and mom where yelling at each other I was so scared, I ran for cover form flying dishes mommy threw at you when you spit on her face and pushed her against the wall, for a moment, that picture of abuse to my mommy got me so angry, If I had a gun I would not have hesitated to shoot you in the head. That picture is implanted in my subconscious forever, and I can not reconcile it with earlier rosy pictures in our family album. In our family album, I see you and mommy just married, big smiles and cheering relatives, mommy looking like a queen, slim tall and beautiful, and you looking like an ideal father, complete with an innocent looking smile that speaks kindness and love, a potential father who will raise a great family, in the next page, I see mommy pregnant and see you caring for her, holding her hand coaching her for her expected child birth. I see uncle Ducaale and aunt Maan-u-Roon, niknamed Maano congratulating you and mommy for my birth, little did they knew what you were about to do to their sister. Everyone in my moms family used to talk well about you, you were an example to the rest of my mommies younger sisters, now look what you have done. In just two years in your marriage you lost focus to walk your talk for promises you made for the two individuals in this world who loved you the most, and for which you are responsible. Dad, Mommy used to tell me that you were a devout Muslim, and used to tell me that she wanted me to be like you when I grow up, your community involvement was a testament to what mommy told me, you even went out of your way to help teach Islamic classes on Sundays to Somali kids in community Center for newly arrived refugees. As you got involved in the center, your absence took longer and longer, forgetting that a wife and a toddler where at home waiting to see their Papa come home to share historic and lasting family moments, and later, as you became busy with your business, you would not even show up at the center for prayers let alone giving lessons. Whenever I ask mommy about your whereabouts, she would tell me that you are busy working for yourself in some business projects. As A kid, I resented that you stopped hugging and kissing me, whenever I see you come home, you look like adrained, angry and irrespective of the dearest person in the world to me, mu mommy. Yesterday, when mommy picked me up from the daycare alone for the first time, she had tears in her eyes, she was regretting her choice for a husband, she told me that she has chosen you among many successful bachelors who were after her, she selected you against her families wish after they felt uneasy about your ways, but you have calmed mommy down by saying that your love for her would overcome everything, unfortunately, that love failed to overcome your character, a Somali proverb says, " Wad qardhaaso la yaab, dhalanna, waano la yaab" gone are the happy days, when you rocked me in the carousel at Chuck- e- Cheese, the days when I would wait the doorbell to ring so I would open the door and you'd hug me and have chat with me, tickling my feet with feathers, days when, you would look at me with warmth and love taking very long stares at my face as if you could see yourself in the reflection of my tiny eyes, unfortunately, time has changed, and today, neither me nor mommy are factors for your happiness, worse yet, from the way you treat mommy, the woman who sacrificed so much to marry you, is your avowed enemy. But what was my fault? Why wouldn't you consider me as part of the stakeholders in this marriage, a third party to be considered, and for once, why wouldn't you think to remain married for my sake? Dad, I plead with you for the last time, come back, we need you, you need to erase that ugly picture that you have left in my memory with love and compassion. I can not see another man with mommy, it will be very difficult for me to see another man in our house, If you choose not to come back, All I can say, is " Maa facalahul jaliil, fa huwa jamiil", may be, Allah will present a better father than you for me and a great husband for mommy, I know she deserves one. Your son Cag Biciid, Junior Nurtel Social Engineering Labs 1450, Ijaara Expressway, Somaliland
Enjoy this story. Once upon a time there was this man in the jungles, enjoying a nice day watching the equatorial lush green foliage and the exotic animal life, suddenly, the man hears the movement of a lion behind him, he runs for his life, but the sounds got closer and closer, and the man keeps running for his life. The man came face to face with the lion, and to his right a deep well, his options are narrowed between drowning in the well and being chewed by a hungry lion, the man decides to jump in the well hoisting himself with a rope tied to the top of the well for drawing water. As he reached the bottom of the well, the man saw a huge man-eating snake taking a nap at the bottom, the man pulls himself up in the middle of the well, suspended between a hungry lion on the top and a sleeping snake at the bottom. Meanwhile the man noticed that two mice, one black and one white were chewing the rope he was hanging on, making it thinner and thinner. The man begins to swing with the rope hitting the sides of the walls of the well periodically, and suddenly feels a sticky feeling on his shoulder, as he examined what it was, he finds that it is honey as there was a bee colony on the wall of the well, the man starts licking the honey to his satisfaction until he remembers where he is and jumps out of bed. The man was dreaming all along. The man went to a Sheikh to interpret his dream: The sheikh laughing, asks him : " You do not understand this dream?" The man replied "yes sir, I do not, please interpret it for me" The Sheikh said " The lion that was chasing you is the angel of Death ( Malakul Mowt) The well which housed the snake is your grave The Rope in the well that you were hanging on, was your lifetime ticking away The Rodents chewing your Rope , black and white mice are the day and the night. The man asks "The honey, Sir, What is the honey" The sheikh says : The honey is the life of this world ( Dunyaa), its temptations which made you forget that there was death behind you and a grave ahead of you. You end up in the grave while savoring the taste of the honey up until you find yourself standing trial for your deeds in a court of law of the most just kind, Think Different Today Stop Swinging, and licking the honey Repent Nur
Istigfaarka Walaal, Waxaa laga soo wariyey Suubanihi SCWS, inuu yidhi : " Dadyohow, Allah dambi dhaaf weydiista, una towbo keena, maxaa yeelay anigu waxaan istigfaarsadaa maainkii boqol jeer" Sidaan horey uga soo hadlay, mar walboo qof dambi ka dhaco wuxuu qofkaas isu bandhigay ciqaab Allah oo ifka intuu joogo ku dhacda, waxaana ciqaabta Allah looga baxsadaa marka hore in la dhowrsanaado,( Taqwo) oon marka horeba dambi lagu dhicin, Laakin waxaan wada ogsoonnahay in bani Adamku uusan marna hureyn inuu dambi ka dhaco, sidaa darteed si looga baxsado ciqaabta Allah markii aan dambi galno waxaa loo baahan yahay in Allah laga baryo dambi dhaaf, ama Istighfaar. Marwalboo dambi naga dhaco, malaaigtu wey qortaa, waxaana loo bandhigaa Allah acmaasheenna xun iyo kuweena fiican maalin walba. Allah naxariistiisa wuxuu noogu soo dedejiyaa ciqaabta dambigeenna adduunka intaan ku noolnahay si aan u galno jannada annagoo nala meydhay, oo daahir noqonnay, maxaa yeelay waxaa laga soo wariyey suubbanihii inuu yidhi Jannadu waa wanaagsan tahay, mana galo qofaan wanaagsaneyn, sidaa darteed, waa in la is meydhaa, taasoo nalagu meydho ciqaabta iyo dhibaatada nagu dhacda intaan adduunka ku noolnahay. Allah SWT wuxuu leeyahay," Wax walboo musiiba ah oo idin soo gaadha, waa waxey galabsadeen gacmihhiina, (sidaas ooy tahayna Allah), wax badan buu cafiyaa" Meeshaas waxaa ka cad in dambi walbaa uu keensado ciqaab adduun. Hadaba, sidee baan uga baxsannaa ciqaabta aan ku muteysanney dambigeenna? Waxaa looga baxsadaa ciqaabtaas in la badiyo istighfaarka, maxaa yeelay istigfaarku wuxuu meydhaa dambiga, sidaa darteed qofkii badsada istigfaarka waa laga dhaafaa ciqaabta uu ku muteystay dambigiisa, Allah wuxuu leeyahay: " Allahna ma aheyn mid (dadka ) cadaaba, ayagoo istgfaarsanaya" . Aayaddaas waxey timaameysaa in qof afka istigfaar ku haya aayan ku dhaceyn musiibo adduun oo ah cadaab dambi, marka istigfaarku waa sida Insurance policy. Waxaana laga wariyey Rasuulka SAWs inuu yidhi, " Qofkii hadwalba istigfaarsada, Allah ayaa wixii hammi ku haya faraj uga fura, markuu cidhiidhi galana, Allah ayaa u fura meel uu ka baxo, Allahna wuxuu qofkaas ka arzaaqa meel uusan ka filaneyn" Waxaa kaloo jirta in dambigeenna uu naga horjoogo inaan helno kheyraadka iyo nicmooyinka aan jecelnahay, sida ubadka, maalka , daaqa xoolaha, iyo wax walboo naga farxiya, sidaa darteed, kadeedku waa ciqaab ah in lagaa horjoogsado in laguu soo daayo nicmooyinka aad jeceshahay ood raadineyso. Allah wuxuu leeyahay: " Rabbigiinna dambi dhaaf weydiista, wuxuu ahaa mid dambi cafis badanee, wuxuu idiinka soo daadin cirka roob badan, wuxuuna idin siin maal iyo ubad, wuxuuna idiin yeeli beero wuxuuna idiin yeeli wabiyaal" Meeshaas waxaa ka muuqata in dambigeenna uu naga horaatgan yahay nicmooyinka cirka iyo dhulka, taasna lagu gaadhi karo in la badiyo istigfaarka. Marka halkaas waxaan ku soo koobnay in dhibaatada looga hortago, laguna celiyo istigfaar. Sidaaso kalena nicmadaha lagu soo daayo istigfaar. Sidaa darteed istgfaarku wuxuu ku dhaxalsiiyaa farxad iyo laab furan, Allah wuxuu leeyahay: " Rabbigiinna weydiista danbi dhaaf, una towbo keena, wuxuu idiin raaxeyn, raaxo wanaagsan" ( Huud 3) Istigfaarku wuxuu kordhiya xoogga, iyo caafimaadka, wuxuuna kaa horistaaga cudurrada: Allaha SWT wuxuu leeyahay: " Rabbigiinna weydiista dambi dhaaf, una towbo keena, cirka ayuu roob badan idiinka soo daadin, wuxuuna idiinku kordhin xooggiinna xoog kale" ( Huud, 52) Alloow, haddey dunuubteyda badatay, waxaan ogaaday in cafiskaagu uu ka weyn yahay dambigeyga, Allow, hadduu qofka wanaagsan oo qudha uu kheyr kaa fisho, Qofka dambiilaha ah, yuu baryaaa oo cafiya oon adiga aheyn? Allow, ma lihi tab aan kugu soo gaadho, oon aheyn, inaan raalli kaa ahay xukunkaaga, oon raadinayo cafiskaaga, anigoo ah Muslim. Nur [ July 10, 2010, 02:54 AM: Message edited by: Nur ]
Allah wuxuu ogeysiiyey Nabi Daud: Daaudow, Haddey ogaan lahaayeen kuwa iga sii jeeda ( oo aan i xasuusan), hilowga aan u qabo iney ii soo laabtaan, iyo sidaan u jeclahay tawbadooda, wexey la dhalaali lahaayeen hilow ay ii qabaan dartii. Daaudow, taasi waa sidaan u raadinayo kuwa iga sii jeeda, hadaba ka warran jaceylka aan u qabo kuwa i doonaya oo isoo raadinaya? Allah SWT wuxuu leeyahay: Waan ka xishoodaa addoonkeyga oo gacmihiisa igu baryaya asgaoo leh " Rabbiyoow, Rabbiyow" oo aan celiyo ( anoon ka aqbalin ducadiisa), markaasey Malaa'igtu waxay leedhay, " addoonkani ma aha mid istaahila in loo dambi dhaafo" Markaa baa ku dhihi " Laakin anigaa ahal u ah Taqwada, iyo dambi dhaafka, waxaad markhaati ka noqotaan inaan u dambi dhafay addoonkeyga" Waxaa ku soo arooray Xadiithka: Hadduu addoonku gacmahiisa cirka u taago ( asagoo Allah baryaya) oo caasi ah, Malaa'igtu way ka xijaabta codkiisa Allah, markaasuu ku celceliyaa aaagoo leh " Rabbigeeyow" markaasey Mala'igtuna ka xijabta codkiisa Allah, markaasuu mar afraad ku celiyaa "baryada Allah " markaasuu Allah dhahaa, " Ilaa gormaad iga xijaabeysaan codka addoonkeyga?" Waa i kan adoonkeygow, waa i kan , waa ikan addoonkeygow waa i kan, waa ikan addoonkeygoow waa ikan" Allah wuxuu leeyahay: Bani Adamow, gacmahayga ayaan kugu uumay, waxaanan kugu rabbaayadeyey nicmaddeuda, adigana waad i khilaafeysa, waanad igi caasineysaa, haddaad ii soo llabato, waan ku cafiyaa, Hadaba, halkeed ka heli ilaah anigoo kale ah? Allah wuxuu leeyahay: Addoonkeeygoow, waxaan kaa abuuray jirid la'aan, waxaanan kuu yeelay maqal, aragti iyo caqli, Addoonkeygow, waan ku asturaa ( ceebahaaga) igamana cabsatid, waan ku xasuustaa, adiguna waad i illowdaa, waan kaa xishoodaa, adigana igama xishootid. Yaa iga weyn aniga oo jira? qofkee soo garaacay albaabkeyga oon ka furi waayey? qofkeena wax i warsaday oon wax siin waayey? ma bakhayl baan ahay ( wax siinta) , si uu addoonkeyga iiga bakhiilo (ducada)? Waxaa u yimid Rasuulka Allah SAWS nin reer baadiye ah: Markaasuu ku yidhi, " Rasuulkii Allow, yaa xisaabinaya khalqiga maalinka qiyaamaha? Markaasuu Rasuulka Allah SAWS ku yidhi: " Allah (ayaa xisaabinaya)" Markaasuu ninkii reer baadiyeha ahaa yidhi: " Ma ruuxiisa" ? Markaasuu Rasuulka Allah SAWS yidhi. " ( Allah ) Ruuxiisa (ayaa xisaabinaya uunka) markaasuu ninkii reer baadiyeha ahaa qoslay asagoo leh: "Allow adigaa mahad mudan" Markaasuu rasuulka Allah ku yidhi ninkii, maxaad la muusootay ( qososhay) nin yahow reer baadiye? Markaasuu yidhi : "Rasuulkii Allow, Deeqsigu markuu kaa gacan sarreeyo wax buu cafiyaa, markuu kula xisaabtamana , wax buu saamaxaa" Rasuulka Allah wuxuu yidhi: Ninka reer baadiye wax buu gartay." Waxaa ku soo arooray xadiithka , in markii nabi Aadam uu mu caasiyey Allah, uu Allah u yeedhay: " Adamoow, ha ka qalbi jabin eraygeyga ah " Ka bax ( jannada)" maxaa yeelay dartaada loo uumay ( jannada), laakin u deg adduunka, naftaadana u dulli yeel darteyda, isuna jajabi jaceylkeyga, ilaa uu gaadho hilowgaad u heyso, aniga iyo jannada meel weyn, kaaly an mar kale ku geliyee( jannada) Aadamow, sow maadan jecleyn inaan kaa ilaaliyo inaad khaldanto? Adam wuxuu yidhi , haa, ( Allah wuxuu yidhi : Haddaan kaa ilaaliyo inaadan dambi ku dhicin, adiga iyo dhashaada, hadaba, yaan ugu hagar baxaa naxariisteyda? ( oo u baahan doona?) kumaan u fidiyaa deeq, maxaanan dadka isku jecleysiiyaa? yaanse u dambi dhaafaa? Adamow, dambi dulli aad noogu noqoto ayaan ka jeclahay, daacad aad aad la imaato ood ku faanto Adamow, taaha dambiileyaasha ( ka calool xun wexey sameeyeen) ayaan ka jeclahay tasbiixsiga kuwa istustuska ah. Wallaahu Aclam Nur
This topic was prompted by a question posed by MADMAC, when I was done answering him, it turned out to be an educational journey, MADMAC serves Islam, and he does not realize it. Please pray for him, he can't stand hell for a second. Here was my old post. Brothers and Sisters, Asalaamu Alaykum wa rahatullaahi wa barakaatuh All praise is due to Allah, who has completed his divine messages and way of life on us, and have further showered us with his numerous gifts by guiding us to the straight path. I am therefore grateful for the gift of Islam, and if it was not for any other gifts accompanying it, and they are many, it would have been more than sufficient. I also bear witness with all my mind, heart and soul, and with every breath and heartbeat, that there is no one or a thing worthy of devotion, absolute love, supremacy, sovereignty, my subservience other than Allah SWT, known also , by God, Dio, Jehovah, Eebbe. The creator of the Universe and the laws that bind it and break it, the originator of life, and the repeater of it's sequence, the God of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad, The God of the atheists and believers alike, the Just, and fair, who sees all and who has set aside a day for his creatures judgment, so the good among men are rewarded and the evil doers are punished. I pray and seek a befitting place for our Messenger and Prophet Muhammad SAWS, his companions, family and for anyone who follows his footstep seeking the pleasure of Allah SWT ALONE. The most trustable source is the Holy Quraan, while the best guidance toward the Quraan came from Muhammad SAWS, the worst of matters are transformations in faith, because, every transformation, is introducing an innovation which is diverging from the original path, which in turn will eventually will lead to the doorsteps of hell. The credit of what we know of Allah SWT goes to the prophets in general, and to our Prophet Muhammad SAWS in particular, so since knowing Allah SWT is the utmost need humans have, to know his messenger and his sayings comes as the most important endeavor we must seek, and there is no better place to start than the science of the Hadeeth, which is a meticulous compilation of the actions and sayings of the prophet by his family members, in laws and the closest of his companions. The best of behaviors and the wisest of words that we value today, have all emanated from our Prophet Muhammad SAWS, and in following his footsteps, we are indeed responding to the call of Allah SWT " Whatever (matter, idea, law, suggestion, way of doing things) brought forth to you by the prophet, accept it, and fulfill it. And whatever (matter, idea, law, suggestion, way of doing things) he has warned you about, abstain form it" " And Muhammad was not but a mere messenger, before him many messengers came to pass, therefore, if he dies, or is killed, are you going to go back to your old ways (of lifestyle)? whoever goes back to the old ways, is not harming Allah with anything, and Allah will surely reward, the grateful ( among his creatures, who respond to his call) " Now that we have stressed the importance of the deliverer of our faith and the Quraan , it goes without saying that the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad SAWS are of utmost importance second to the Holy Quraan, as his actions and sayings are the practical application of the Quraan. Ayesha, the wife of the Prophet may Allah be pleased with her, who was the source of great part of the Hadeeth, and the teacher of the companions, said of the prophet SAWS " His Character was the Quraan" in other words, he lived as an embodiment of the message of Allah SWT to be emulated by mankind. He has therefore set the real standard of decent behavior, and the criterion of morality and right and wrong in all matters of life and in every sphere of interest we have, for all peoples and for all times. His message is therefore binding and eternal. Based on the above, I humbly begin putting together the case for the importance of the existence Hadeeth, the drivers for the appearance of the hadeeth, the men of the Hadeeth, and the sciences of the hadeeth. The following is a quick edited survey of the Hadeeth that I have contributed as an answer to MAD MAC, which is relevant to be a starter in this thread, as we will go beyond the surface this time around to treat this topic the best way possible as a service to Allah SWT and in search of his pleasure Alone. Introduction The Prophet Muhammad SAWS spent 23 years delivering the message of Allah to the people of Allah in Arabia. His companions who have known him and his opponents alike respected him in a way no man was ever respected in History. Prophet Mohammed SAWS, since his childhood was known for honesty, within his tribe , the Qureish, they called him Mohammed Al Ameen, or the honest. At age 40 when he suddenly the revelations came to him with the message of Islam, it caused great anguish among his closest relatives and tribe alike. Because his message was compromising the position of their predominant and highly regarded tribe among the Arabs. In a sense, the message was similar to a southern white fighting for the rights of the blacks in the 1800's can you imagine the uproar he could have caused? In those 23 years of active Dawa (Preaching) of Islam and political and military life, his companions, listened and memorized his sermons and speeches, short and long. A father would narrate it to his children and so on. So while he lived there was no problem with authentication as he was alive and no one has attempted to make up stories. During his life, the prophet warned that anyone who falsifies a hadeeth is securing his permanent place in Hell. For that reason, the companions took great pains in not reporting a Hadeeth that they doubted its authenticity. After his death, the Muslims saw the importance of compilation of the Hadeeth and a meticulous system of collection was set up for the collection and classification of the Hadeeths. This process grew into a new Islamic science in its own right called the sciences of the Hadeeth (al Cadl- wal- Tajreex, cilmul- isnaad, Al taraajum etc) These are sciences that set qualification standards of credibility for narrators of the Hadeeeths, ISNAAD, or the science of referencing, which was born with the Hadeeth science, and the AL Taraajum, which are the biographies of the reporters of the hadeeth, their genealogy, geography of their lands, cultures and everything related to the reporters of the hadeeth as a measure to qualify there assertions and motives. As we will learn in this thread, the Muslim scholars went great lengths to ascertain the authenticity of the hadeeths for fear that imposters would make up hearsay hadeeth and they have actually created some. Because the product in question was the word of the holy Prophet SAWS to be transmitted to human kind, Islamic scholars invented the due-diligence and credit and background check system employed by the financial and the law enforcement industry today for the purpose of authentication. Topics to be discussed in this thread: 1. Definition of hadeeth, 2. Classification and glossary, 3. Methods of narration. 4. Biographies of Narrators 5. Science of Referencing (ISNAAD) Today, we will cover 1. Definitions for starters Linguistically, the meaning of (Hadeeth) is from the Arabic word HADATHA, or news, incident, event etc. Hadeeth ( News) linguistically is antonym with (Qadeem) past, old, history, Also, in the Arabic, the young kids are known as (Axdaath) new age ( not to be confused with new age religion). The word Hadeeth in the religious context is reserved to all the news that were reported from the Prophet Mohammed SAWS. So the news needs verification. And the verifications of the story is the science of the Hadeeth. If the same rigorous method of cross, contextual, integrity, background, environment, etc verification is applied to Newsweek and Time Magazines, ( The contemporary Hadeeths), for example, they would not stand a chance in publishing a single issue, why you may ask, and the answer to that question leads to the next Chapter. Types of Hadeeths 1. Category one : Saheeh (Correct) A Hadeeth of this category enjoys the highest credibility, it is used in the Sharia as an augmentation of the explanation of the Quraan. Denial of a Hadeeth in this category is a grave sin and it can lead to Kufr. This Category has many variations of Correctness, and ahadeeth to be ranked Sahih, or Correct must meet all of the criteria's of correctness, ( Political Correctness, is not considered in Islam). As an introductory survey, we will mention three of the elements of correctness for an example. 1. Correct in terms of the line of narration (ISNAAD) 2. Correct in terms of the anthology ( Method of collection) Similar to police evidence collection methods ( Remember the Simpson Case?) 3. Correct in terms of the text itself (MATN). So as you can deduce, a hadeeth can be correct in terms of line of narration and compilation, but still may fail the textual integrity, in this case we call this hadeeth a defective Hadeeth ( maa' lool), failing to reach Sahih level, but still may qualify for other category as we will visit. If on the other hand the hadeeth is textually correct, but the line of narration has a gab in the linkage of narrators, we call this hadeeth Broken chain hadeeth ( Munqadie). If the hadeeth is compiled in a way different than the standard methods employed by the scolars ( Jumhur), then, that hadeeth does not enjoy the Saheeh category and we will visit the terminologies in the days to come in ShaAllah. A hadeeth can further be Correct (Saheeh) for its own contents self support, ( This is like a travel document for a refugee, not a passport for a citizen) we call this category ( Saheeh li thaatih). A Hadeeth can further be correct for the support of another Hadeeth only ( Saheeh li gheirih), or the Hadeeth can serve both roles. In another category, the hadeeth can be saheeh on the conditions set by the compilers ( saheeh alaa shardeyhimaa), the compilers are Bukhaari and Muslim. And the last category of this quick survey is the (Correct-but-Odd) category, (saheeh ghareeb), meaning the hadeeth has qualified for the saheeh category but was reported by only one narrator with top credibility clearance. Criteria For the Classification of The Hadeeth The following Five Criteria are used to classify a hadeeth to be a Saheeh 1. Al Sanad ( Chain of narrators ), The chain is continuous, no missing links. 2.Adaalah, (Narrators Character, must be flawlessly perfect, in terms of piety, credibility, courage, generosity, wisdom and good judgment) If this stringent condition is applied in politics, no US president or any other world leader today can fulfill such requirement. 3. Al Dhabd, ( meaning that the narrator have memorized the hadeeth beyond question, or recorded it in a tablet, and is able to recollect it with consistency whenever requested. This condition implies that he is mentally sharp, serious in delivering responsibilities. ( President Ronald Reagan would not have made it to the Whitehouse with his famous "I Do Not Recall" ) 4. Cadam Al Shuduud, (A Hadeeth must not be an odd hadeeth) , Shuduud means that a narrator who is sufficiently credible provides a hadeeth that contradicts another hadeeth narrated by a more credible narrator, in terms of degree of their respective memorization competencies, lingusitic compprehension abilities ( Not failing their SAT) etc. ( This is analogous to two officers with different levels of security clearance presenting testimony to a judge to support a point of view. The testimony of the officer with the higher level of clearance supercedes the testimony of the lower clearance level officer) 5. Cadam Al E' laal. (Free of any defective characteristic that compromises the hadeeth's credibility ( for example there is a mismatch in the names of the narrators, like saying, Ronald Kennedy reported this hadeeth from John Reagan), so although this hadeeth may have met other stringent requirements, it clearly has a defect (E'llah) although when closely viewed may not present serious infringement of the rules, if we patiently reconstruct the sequence, like ( Ronald Reagan reported form John Kennedy). So Any Hadeeth that passes those criteria with flying colors is called Saheeh in general terms, because, there is more to calling a hadeeth saheeh than this survey of ours can cover. Category Two. The Hassan hadeeth Hassan Hadeeth is not as flawless as the Correct ( Saheeh) hadeeth we have discussed above, but is nevertheless a reliable hadeeth that passed key Non-Fatal error criteria to qualify for applicability with caution, this is like the yellow light when driving, you have to proceed with caution, relying on Quraan as a check, but still leveraging its value on areas were other more reliable hadeeths are not available. ( This is like physicists relying on a theory until they find a better explanation) This Category though, is much more reliable than the next category of the Daciif, weak hadeeth. Al Tirmidhi , One of the major compilers of the Hadeeths has defined the Hassan Category as follows : Any hadeeth , whose narrators: 1. Character is not a Questionable issue , while some of the narrators in the chain may be known to be forgetful in some past narrations , but have never lied knowingly at any point in their lives ever. 2. The Stature of this narrator do not rise to the level of the reporters of the Saheeh category in the above five scoring criteria ( Meaning, they have lower level clearance ), yet, the narrators meets some minimum acceptability standard (beyond scope of this brief survey) to be considered a reliable hadeeth. Final Category is the (Daeef ) category ( Weak hadeeth) any hadeeth who fails in the above two categories is Weak, A weak hadeeth is not advised to be followed or applied in any legal issue nor settle an ambiguity in faith matters nor business law dsiputes. Unfortunately, Many of the Hadeeths floating and causing confusion in the Muslim world belong to this last category, which promts the attack on the Sunnah and Hadeeth and. This type of hadeeth, is the kind of evidence a Judge will not hesitate to throw out of his court. Nur 2002 Nurtel Communications Modern explanation of Legacy Traditions
Geeridii Rasuulka SCWS Intuusan Rasuulku geeriyoon, Xujjatul wadaac ayaa wexey aheyd Xajkii ugu dambeeyay oo uu xajjiyey Rasuulka SCWS, waxaan halkaa ku suu degtay aayadda " Maanta ayaan idiin dhameystiray Diintiinna, idinkuna taam yeelay nicmaddeyda, raallina idiinka noqday inaad diin ka yeelataan Islaam" Markey ayaddas soo degta, Abu Bakar Al Sadiiq ayaa ooyey, Markaasuu Rasuulku SCWS ku yidhi Abu Bakar, Maxaa kaa oohiyey oo ku jira aayaddaan? " Abu Bakar wuxuu ugu jawaabay " Waa tacsidii Rasuulka Allah SCWS" Rasuulka SCWS waa ka soo laabtay Xujjatul Wadaac, dabadeed, sagaal casho ka hor intuusan geeriyoon Rasuulka, SCWS ayaa waxaa soo degtay aayadda " Iskana jira maalin, la idiin soo celin doono Rabbigiina, dabadeedna laga abaal marin doono naf waliba wexey galabsatay, ayagoon la duudsiyeyn" Xanuunkii waa ku soo kordhay Rasuulka SCWS, markaas buu wuxuu yidhi waxaan doonayaa inaan booqdo shuhadaada UXUD, markaas buu is dul taagay qubuurtoodii, asagoo odhanaya " Assalamu Calykum, shuhadaada UXUD, idinka ayaa naga hormaray, annana waan idin soo dab soconnaa, oo waan idin ka daba iman doonnaa, anigana hadduu Allah idmo waan idinku soo biiri doonaa" Rasuulka SCWS asagoo soo laabanayaa, ayuu ooyay, markaasey saxaabada ku yidhahdeen " Maxaa kaa oohinaya Rasuulkii Alllow" Wuxuu yidhii, SCWS " Waxaan u xiisay walaalahay" wexey yidhaahdeen, miyaannaan aheyn annagu walaalahaa, rasuulkii Allow?" Wuxuu yidhi " Maya, idinku waxaad tihiin asxaabteyda, laakin walaalahey waa dad iman doonaa gadaashey oo i rumeyn doona ayagoon i arag" Saddex casho ka hor intuusan dhiman, xanuunkii waa ku soo kordhay, wuxuuna joogay aqalka xaaskiisa Maymuuna, markaasuu yidhi " isugu kay keena xaasakeyga " Dabadeed xaasaskii waa loo wada keenay markaasuu Rasuulka SCWS yidhi " Ma ii ogolaaneysaan inaan inaan tago aqalka Caasha" wexey yidhaahdeen, " waan kuu ogolaannay rasuulkii Allow" Dabadeed Rasuulka SCWS wuxuu isku dayay inuu kaco, masa uusan awoodin inuu kaco, markaas baa waxaa yimid Cali ibnu Abi Talib, iyo Fadl ibnu Cabaas, markaas bey ka qaadeen Rasuulka Allah SWCS aqalkii Hooyada muminiinta Maymuuna, ooy u qaadeen aqalka Hooyada Muminiinta ee Runleyda uu dhalay Runlowga Rumeyay Rasuulka, SCWS Caasha Bint Abu Bakar . Wexyna noqotay markii ugu horreysay ay saxaabada arkaan Rasuulka Allah SCWS oo lagu sido gacmaha , markaas bey wexey yidhaahdeen " Maxaa helay rasuulka Allah, Maxaa helay Rasuulka Allah" Dadkii ayaa dabadeed isugu soo soo ururay masjidka, masjidkiina wa xaa ka buuxsamay Saxaabadii, nabigana waxaa loo qaaday aqalkii Hooyoada muminiinta Caasha, , dabadeed Rasuulka SCWS wuxuu bilaabay inuu dhidido, oo uu dhidido,, Caashana wexey tiri " intaan noolaa ma arag insaan u dhidida sidaan oo kale" Markaas bey Caasho qaadday gacanta Rasuulka SCWS ooy ku tirtirtay dhididkiisa,( Hadaba maxey ugu tirtirtay Caasha Rasuulka gacantiisa, oo ayan ugu tirtirin gacaneeda?) Wexey tiri Caasha " Gacanta Rasuulka SCWS ayaa ka wanaagsan kana karaameysan gacanteyda" taasna wexy muujineysaa sida ay u qaddirin jirtay Rasuulka Allah. Wexey tiri Ummul Muminiin Casha waxaan maqlay asagoo oranaya " Laa ilaaha Ilaa Allah, illeen geeridu wexey leedahay sakareaad, Laa ilaah Ilaa Allah, geeridu wexey leedahay sakaraad" Buuqii ayaa ku soo kordhay masjidka, markasuu Rasuulka ku yidhi Caasha "" waa maxay?" markaasey ku tiri " dadku wey kuu baqanayaan , rasuulkii Alllow" Markaasuu Rasuulka yidhi " ii geeya", markaasuu isku dayay inuu istaago, waase kari waayey, markaasey biyo ku shubeen dushiisa todobo weel oo biya ah si uu usoo baraarugo, dabadeed waa la qaaday, waxaan la saaray manbarka, taasna wexy aheyd khudbaddii ugu dambeysay Rasuulka Allah SCWS, iyo ducadii ugu dambeysay Rasuulka Allah SCWS. Markaasuu yidhi " Waxaad mooddaa inaad ii baqaysaan?" wexey yidhaahdeen, " Haa rasuulkii Allow waan ku baqaynaa" Markaasuu yidhi Rasuulka Allah SCWS " Dadyahow, ballanteenna ma aha adduunka, ee waa xowdka ( Jannada), Wallaahi, waxaad mooddaa inaan imminka meesheydaan aan ka arkayo maqaamkeygii . Dadyahow, idiinka cabsan maayo saboolnimo (faqiirnimo) waxaanse idiinka baqayaa addunnyada ( Hantida, iyo maalka) inaad ku baratantaan ( tartantaan oodd) sidii ay ugu baratameen kuwii idinka horreeyay, oo ay markaas idiin halaagto sidii ay u halaagtay ayaga." Markaasuu yidhi Rasulka SCWS " Dadyahow. Allah Allah,, Salaadda ayaan idinku ogohay ku dadaalkeeda" asagoo ula jeeda, Allah ayaan idinku dhaarshayee, Salaadda ku dadaala ee dhowra" aadna waa ugu celceliyey dardaaranka Salaadda. Dabadeed wuxuu wuxuu yidhi : " Dadyahow, Allah uga cabsada Haweenka, waxaan idiinkala dardaarmayaa Haweenka inaad wanaajisaan" markaas buu yidhi : " Dadyahow, Addoon buu Allah u bandhigay inuu kala doorto nolosha adduunka iyo waxa Allah agtiisa jira, markaas buu doortay Waxa Allah agtiisa jira" Qof gartay ma jirin wuxuu ula jeeday macnaha (addoonka), laakin wuxuu ula jeeday naftiisa, in asaga Allah uu kala dooriyey labadaas., Qof aan Abu bakar aheynna ma garan ula jeeddadaas, maxaa yeelay saxaabadu wexey caadeysteen iney si ixtiraam ileh ay u dhageystaan Rasuulka khudbadiisa, ayagoo aan xataa is dhaqaajin markuu Rasuulka la hadlayo, sida in madaxyadooda ay shimbiro dul saaran yihiin ay ka baqayaan iney bajiyaan. Abu Bakar markuu maqlay hadalkaas, waa is celin waayey, markaa buu cod dheer ku u ooyay, asagoo hiinragaya oo taagan Masjidka bartamahiisana, markaasuu khudbadii uu watay Rasuulka SCWS ka kala jaray asagoo oranaya : " Waxaannu ku hureynaa aabayaasheenna Rasuulka Allow, waxaannu ku hureynaa carruurteenna Rasuulka Allow, waxaannu ku hureynaa xaasakeenna rasuulka Allow , waxaannu kuu horeynaa maalkeenna rasuulka Allow, markaasuu ku celceliyey oo ku celceliyey.... markaasyey dadkii qooraansadeen, ayagoo la yaabban sida uu Abuu Bakar khudbada uga kala jaray Rasuulka SCWS Markaasuu Rasuulka Allah yidhi " Dadyahow, ma jiro qof idinka mid ah oo nagu lahaa abaal oo aannan abaal marin, illaa Abuu bakar, maxaa yeelay waan kari waayay inaan abaal mariyo, waxaanan u dhaafay abaal tirkiisa Allah Tacaalaa Cazza Wa Jalla, Albaabyada laga soo galo Masjida waa la xidhaa, marka laga reebo Albaabyada Abuu Bakar, waligood la ma xiro" Markaasuu bilaabay inuu duceeyo asagoo ku duceysanaya ducooyinkiisii ugu dambeeyaay intuusan dhiman.; " Allaha idin tuso (kheyr), Allaha idin xafido, Allaha idiin hiilliyo, Allah idin sugo, Allaha idin gargaaro, Allaha idin xafido" Ereygii ugu dambeeyay intuusan ka soo degin manbarka, wuxuu kula hadlayey ummadda, oo uu kala hadlay Minbarka dushiisa: " Dadyahow, igu salaama qofkii isoo raaca oo ummaddayda ah ilaa maalinka qiyaamaha" Mar labaad ayaa loo soo qaaday aqalkiisa, waxaana ugu soo galay aqalka, Cabdul Raxmaan ina Abu Bakar, oo gacantiisu ku haya caday, Markaasuu Rasuulklu SCWS ishiisa ku dhacday cadayga, waana ka jeesan waayey, waana kari waayey inuu hadlo oo uu yidhaahdo i siiya, Markaasey Caasha tri " " Waxaan ka gartay siduu ugu eegayay cadayga indhihiisa inuu rabo cadayga, markaasaan ka qaaday cadayga gacanta ninka, oon ku cadaystay si aan ugu jilciyo Rasuulka SCWS dabadeedna waan siiyey. Wixii ugu dambeeyay oo gala afka Rasuulka SCWS waxey ahaayeen candhuufteyda" Wexey tiri Caasha " Waxaa ii ahaa sharaf in Allah kulmiyey candhhufteyda iyo candhuufta Rasuulka intuusan dhiman" Markaas ayaa aqalka waxaa soo gashay inantiisa Faaduma, markaa bey oohin la soo gashay, maxaa yeelay wexey uga baratay aabaheed, in mar walba ay u soo gasho inuu usoo istaago oo uu ka dhunkado labadeeda indhood dhaxdooda, laakin maanta wuu kari waayey inuu usoo istaago, markaasuu ku yidhi Rasuulka Allah: " iisoo dhowoow Faadumaay" Markaasuu dhegteeda wax ugu sheegay, markaa bey ooyday, markaasuu haddana mar labaad yidhi " ii soo dhowoow Faadumaay" markaa buu haddana dhagta wax ugu sheegay, Markaa bey qososhay. Geeridii Rasuulka ka dib ayaa la warsaday waxaa uu dhegta ugu sheegay oo ka ooysiiyay, iyo waxa uu dhagta ugu sheegay oo ka qosliyey. wexey tiri : Markii hore wuxuu igu yidhi, " Faadumey, caawa mayd baan ahay" Markuu arkay oohintayda, ayuu haddan ii soo laabtayoo igu yidhi " Adiga iigu soo xiga reerkeyga qof isoo raaca, markaa baan qoslay" Markaa buu Rasuulku SCWS yidhi " Aqalka iiga baxa , markaa buu yidhi " Caashaay, ii soo dhowow" Markaa buu ku seexday laabta xaaskiisa Caasha, Hooyada Muminiinta,. Caasha wexey tiri " wuxuu gacantiisa u taagayay cirka asagoo oranaya " Waxaan doortay Wehelka sare, Waxaan Doortay, wehelka Sare" Waxaa laga gartay hadalkiisa, in lagu yidhi kala dooro nolol adduun iyo Wehelka Sare ee Allah SWT. Waxaa usoo galay Rasuulka SWC Jibriil, wuxuuna yidhi " Malakul Mowdka ayaa taagan kadinka ( Albaabka) oo kaa idin qaadanaya inuu soo galo, weligiisna hadda ka hor qofna kama qaadan idin" Markaasuu Rasuulku yidhi, u ogolow inuu soo galo Jibriiloow" Malakul Mowdkii waa soo galay, wuxuuna yidhi " Assalamu Calaykum Rasuulkii Allow, , Allah ayaa iigu kaa soo diray inaan ku kala dooriyo nolosha aduunka iyo inaad Allah la kulantid" Markaasuu yidhi " Waxaan doortay Wehelka Sare, Waxaan doortay Wehelka Sare" Malakul Mowdkii wuxuu dul joogsaday madax Rasuulka SCWS ( Sida uu u dul istagi doona madaxa qof walba) Markaasuu yidhi" Ruux yahay wanaagsan, Ruuxii Muxammad ina Cabdallah, ku soo bax raallinimada Allah, iyo Ridwaan, iyo Rabbi Raalli ah oon cadheysneyn," Wexey tiri Caasha " Markii gacantii Rasuulka eey dhacday, madaxiisuna culeys ku noqday laabteyda, ayaan waxaan ogaaday inuu geeriyooday" Wexey tiri " Waan garan waayey waxaa ku dhaqaaqo, aqalkii baan ka baxay, oon aaday masjidkii ay joogeen saxaabadii, oon ku idhi " Rasuulkii Allah waa go'ay" Masjidkii ayaa oohin la qarxaday, waa kaa Cali, ibnu Abi Talib, oo la fadhiistay murug, Cuthmaanna waa kaa sida carruurta u isula meereysanaya, Cumarna waa kaa odhanaya " Qofkii yidhaaha Rasuulkii baa go'ay, waxaan seefteyda uga goyn madaxiisa" Rasuulku wuxuu u tagay inuu la kulmo Rabbigiisa, sida uu Muuse ula kulmay Rabbigiisa' Laakin maalinkaa waxaa dadka ugu xasilloonaa, Abu Bakar , Allah raalli ka noqdee, Rasuulka ayuu u galay , markaa buu laabta saarey, asagoo oranaya" " Wayeey, saaxiibkey, Wayeey, Kaan jeclaayoow, , Aabbahayoow..................................................... Abu Bakar Wuxuu ku yidhi Rasuulka " Wanaag baad la nooleyd, wanaagna waad la dhimatay," Dabadeed Abu Bakar waa ka soo baxay, dadkii buu usoo baxay, markaa buu yidhi: Qofkii caabudi jirey Muxamad, Muxamad waa geeriyooday, qofkii Allah caabudi jirey se, Allah waa baaqi, ma geeriyoodo. Waxaan usoo baxay inaan ooyo, oon raadsado meelaan keligey ku ooyo" Qofkii sheekadaan maqla, oo qalbigiisa ka dareema jeceylka Rasuulka SCWS, waxaa laga rabaa afar arrimood: 1. Inuu badiyo salliga Nabiga SCWS 2. Inuu Sunnadiisa raaco 3. Inuu barto taarikhdiisa ( Siirada) 4. Inuu hadduu awoodo soo booqdo magaaladiisa Madiina( Shardigaan la ma hubo) Walaal, haddad afartaas sameyso, waxaad arki doontaa inshaAllah, in jeceylka Rasuulka qalbigaaga u galo, oo uu noqdo mid aad ka jeceshahay carruurtaada, maalkaaga, reerkaaga, iyod dakoo dhan. Allah Tabaaraka wa tacaalaa waxaan ka baryayaa inuu nagu wada kulmiyo Firdousada Sare, iyo inuu nala kulmiyo kuwa la jooga Rasuulka SCWS Firdousada Sare, Hana illaawin inaad u duceyso walaalkaa Muslimka ah, ama walaashaa muslimadda ah, ood kala maqan tihiin, iyo inaad usii gudbisisd qoraalkaan qofkaad la jecleysato, wa Salaamu calayykum wa raxmatullahi wa barakaatuh. Waxaa ka tarjumay af Carabiga Walaalkiin Nur [ May 23, 2005, 04:36 PM: Message edited by: Nur ]
This was a response I made to a woman who wanted to know about Somali arranged families, enjoy reading, and your comments are appreciated. Arranged Marriages Islam stresses a strong family relationship, thus, a mariage is not the marriage of two individuals only, rather, it represents a new family link to a larger family, just like Data Networks. If that link is down, there will be a lot of service denials, including but not limited to visitation, help, and birrul waldeyn ( Parental goodwill) As life itself is a journey, the new couple need to network with the rest of the larger family for guidance, unlike what we see today of couples who leave town and do not look back to their folks except when they are in trouble and need speedcash by Wetern Union. A Muslim marriage connects the couple eternally with their folks as an extended family sharing faith and life together. A good example was Somalia's fall from grace when families banded together to help their loved ones out of warring clans and settled them in Norh America. If that family mechanism did not exist, the tragedy would have been similar to that of Ruwanda and Burundi in which over a million peole were massacred to death. Based on th above logic, parents prefer to handpick the groom for their daughter, considering his family bacground heavily to guarnatee that tthe relationship with their daughter continues as before. The family bacground is seen as an important measure for the success or the failure of the proposed marriage. So in a sense, and from the parents point of view this logic makes sense. Now let us look things from the prospective of the young adult. She definetely wants to live her life, not her parents, this is after all her personal decision, as she will be judged for all her actions, good or bad. So why are her parents meddling in her personal life? which is a good question, whose answer when I think about it, and rely on the most reliable Fiqh sources that I came accross, I find that: No parent has the right to forcefully arrange a marriage for his daughter as a wali to someone she does not want to. a parent, thus, has no authority for a forced marrriage, nor a denial of her choice except for cases involving that the daughters choice has Islamic or moral character problems. A parent is further abliged to accept the marriage of his daughter to any Islamically qualified candidate which is acceptable to his daughter, if he does not, The Prophet SAWS said," There will Fitna and evil on earth" But there are incidents that a parent reacts in an irrational way by forcing his daughter to marry someone because the parent is afraid if he does not, his daughter will join the Spice Girls. In Kuwait, a father who loved his daughter very much noticed that she was crossing many decency lines, he bought her a very expensive car, put her in the best schools, only to see that she wanted more and more " Freedoms" and less supervision. One day, the girl came to her dad with a bold proposal: to go to Britain for higher education. The Kuwaiti father knowing that they have no relatives in UK, and that his daughter would have to live alone, could not entertain the idea, but, he could not refuse it outright either as he loved his daughter and did not want to cause her anguish. So he told her that he accepts the idea, but suggested that she has to go to Makkah for a pilgrimage before she goes to UK for school, alone. She accepted and the family packed to go. The entire family took a driving trip to the holy land, including the spoiled girl. When they came close to Makkah, the father veered off road to visit an old friend of his who lived in a desert enclave inhabited by some bedouins who lived with their camels. The bedouins welcomed the wealthy Kuwaiti family to their modest tents nearby their camels and sheep and offered some refreshments. The men sat in a tent and the women in another tent. After a short while of discussion, the father of the daughter asked a young camel boy if he wants to get married to his daugher in nearby tent. The young camel boy could'nt believe what he was hearing, specially an offer coming from a wealthy modern Kuwaiti family in vacation. The young camel boy accepted the offer and the marriage contract was drawn without the consent of the girl. The father, and the rest of the family packed and left the desert, leaving behind the miserably crying daughter in an environment she was ill trained to live, with someone she hardly knows how to talk to let alone conducting other relationships with. Three years have passed, Her family came back to see how she was doing, to their surprise, they came to visit an extremely happilly married pregnant woman with two kids. The family shed a lot of tears, on each others shoulders and the daughter confided to her father that she never lived happier, sitting beside her smiling and happy camel boy husband who can not speak a word of English which she does. The Kuwaiti Spice Girl fan became, a camel milking girl. What a change of a course! Now we can all argue, what would have been good for that girl, an Interior Designer trained in UK living in a small apartment on the Thames with a boyfriend unsteadily feeling used and abused, or a mother of three happily living in the desert. But it is only that Kuwaiti girl who can tell us which lifestyle would have been better if she indeed lived both lives, one at a time, but again, like Quantum mechanics, that is impossible. Life is a big dream, it will all pass, and we can only capture memories of good and sad times, at the end, we will wake up to a new permanent reality, that of the day of judgement. A day in which all the measures of good and bad are not the ones we set, nor those our society accepts, rather, those set by Allah SWT. The sooner we align our wishes and desires to those of Allah SWT, the happier we shall feel. Subxaankallahumma, laa ilaaha illallaha illaa anta, nastaghfiruka wa natuubu ileika. Nur
The Hasanaat Restaurant A great place to end your day after a tiring work week. Let us visit The Good deeds( Hasanaat) Restaurant this evening, As you enter this classy restaurant, you feel a warm welcome from deep inside yourself, the ever present aroma of the the good deeds being served is inviting, each good deed will lead to another, and if you are not careful in balancing your appetite, you may literally get carried away to another world where there is no pain nor sorrow. Let us have a close look at todays specials: 1. Appetizers. a) Dhikr-a-la-Shukr, This dish was prepared with an ounce of a realization of the Nima of Allah SWT, mixed with a spoon of (shame on your actions) served with the freshness of Duaa mint. b) Istighfaar, Tasbeeh, Tahleel, Takbeer are also variants of the Dhikr , they all come with (Salaat alal Rasuul) seasoning. 2. Soup do jour: Sadaqa, Our chef took great pains in preparing this dish, it was prepared with all the herbs that clean your bad deeds, do not start your day without Sadaqa, it goes down very smooth when taken with a feeling that you have not overpaid. This dish comes in many forms and sizes, the smallest of which is a smile on your face for your brother or sister in faith and has no upper bound limit. 3. Main course and side dishes: a) Qiyaamul Leil: This is a rather a juicey dish, cooked very slowly over ninety minutes, long sujuud, long rukuuc and feet swelling stand that mimics the stand of the day of judgment, This dish is broiled with tears flowing down your cheeks, sauteed with heart murmur and skin shivering caused by the verses you are reading, culminating in a state of electric shock down your spine. This dish is for a select group of diners, since not many customers request this dish regularly, the rewards are tearfully enjoyable.. Once you start with this dish, you cannot stop. But like exercise, it is difficult to start. This Dish has several side dishes without additional cost, such us the reward you get when you wake others up to do Qiyaamulleil, Making duaa al Qunuut for your self , parents, family and friends. b) Reading Of Quraan: This is the most delicious of all dishes after Qiyamul Leil. As you know, Qiyamul Leil incorporates the Quraan, so you actually get two dishes for the price of one. Salaat + Quraan. Let us look at Quraan: It has all the nutrients the Soul needs, For those suffering periodic doubts, The Quraan clarifies ambiguities vividly with examples ( He said , Lord how do you revive the dead?) In case you have unresolved questions. Quraan offers ready satisfying answers. It has stories of old to heed, Guidance to follow and Fiqh of the deen. Unlike other hasanaat Dish, Quraan reading ( Tilaawah) offers ten hasanah per letter you read, multiplied up to hundred thousand folds ( Reading Quraan in Haram of Makkah for example, earns the reader 100000 hasanah per letter read, for a grand total of one million hasanah per letter. Now if you make khatam al Quraan in one month, you become a trillionnaire, thus you get thousand times more hasanat than Bill Gates has dollars. What is the motivation to collect good deeds (hasanaat). 1. They wipe out sins and Bad deeds 2. They lead to other Good Deeds (hasanaat), thus amplifying your efforts. 3. In The day of judgment, you need a deep pocket since many people will claim your good deeds credits to pay for the evil you have done to them, so it is wise to have enough left over for your skin after you pay claimants. Nur 2002 eNuri Softwaano Series Wireless Connectivity To Your Creator [ September 19, 2008, 11:44 PM: Message edited by: Nur ]