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Asalaamu calaykum WR WB and Ramadaam Kariim to all my brothers and sisters. May allah except our prayers and duah for this blessing mounth. aamin. Dear Nomads. As we may all be aware of, this month has been the months of the month when the most evil creature (and i am not talking about BUSH) is locked up behind bar, sentencing for short period of time. This justice from allah has given us(believers) the chance to top-up our unstable imaan, without the distrubance/wisper of IBLIIS. However, i would like to take this opportunity to urge all of you brothers and sisters to take this time wisely with the absent of Ibliis and the rest of his family.
Want to Know more about Seattle Actually not really, because i believe ive explored everything that it had to offer on my last year tour(vacation). I must admit, i was Flabbergasted seeing how beautifal the city and the sea was, and to top it up those wonderful highways that looked like you about to jump on rowlercoaster. Another thing ive found it fascinating was how maryooley's have not lost their roots yet. for instance, ive noticed that majority of the people do communicatie with their own mother tongue, listen to somali music (which ive started listening to it recently),etc. However, i was dissapointed seeing how people do lack with their deen practise due to duunya ambition and goals. Other then that, i had to give it up 4 seattle. thumps up y'llllllll
"Name one besides Saudi" from kashafa. 1. Yemen I hope that have answered your question.
*****eykum Salaam wr wb brother Kahf, ramadaam kariim to you and the rest of the SOL members. May allah strengthen our weak heart, aamiin. The best muslim country to live in? this is an excellent question that does not have a single answers to give brother.As we are all aware there are many countries out there that do follow the shariah-law, but each and every one of them has their own system to Pursue, whether is to do with strict immigration laws nor as any other mather. the whole purpose is that you want a country where you feel freely (so-called democracy), and you can blend with your fellow brothers and sisters, and entire vibe/mood is right, then i sugest you can select the following country: If for instance you have an idea of living a place where life is Comparable to western world, but in a muslim country, then i would sugest you pack your bag to UAE or Egypt. On the other hand, if you are more into devoted environment,where grass are greener for deen wise, then i would personally advice you to go to YEMEN. Somalia: At the moment,it is out of the equation brother. Note:: In UAE-you bound to find them tight *** -jeans walking down the high-way.
my dream destination is to take my baby-boo to one of the finest global beach that has ever excisted, which is famously known as MALINDI (Kenya). Despite been there on july, i am dying to go back there and get some more sunbathing.
Alxamdulilah, Monday is a blessing day for Armz_. everything is laid out for me in a suitable manner, where after a long sunday nite on the phone, chit-chatting and gosipping like a "FOODLEYS". may allah forgives my dirty/hardcore shukaansiis,Aamiin. my schedule allows me to sleep half of my day in my double size-bed (not marriege yet, and dont dare ask me why ive got that... ). starts class on 2.00 till 4.00. gets back home early in order to consume enough canjeero to boost my energy for my next task. around 6, i try to visit the gym regularly in order to strengthen those chicken legs that lacks definition. by the time i come out the gym, my day is almost done. THATS WHAT I CALL "IDEAL" MONDAY BLUES.
iPOD Athena, wlc to the family sist. but in order to be amongst one of us,surely you must be part of the blood right.unless you and Inc have little "som'n som'n" unfold story that you want to publish in the "SOL press", which am sure w'll be so pleased to here , and we'll be more than happy to give both of y'll a helping hand. To caano geel, thnx 4 the wlc + compliment brother, really preciate it. and Also wanna thnx each and every 1 of y'll involvement. lastly to non-judgemental. i am so Repentant to hear this sad experience you've came across on your first trip to brixton(a city where crime multiply). but i can assure you that on your next Voyage, you will not have to go through the same trauma nor any other events that is similar to wat you've experienced while you in brixton. once again if you wanna know mo info, just holla @ your boy .
Once again, i would lyke to thnx each and every one of y'll namads that has warmly wlc me and made me feel ease in this "SOL society". Your contribution ment a lot to me, and i really appreciate that. specially seeing how iPod wiggle and giggles in the dance floor + giving my new/unknown eedo (quruxley) a tight hug, which felt tremendous . and to brother Orgilaqe, brixton has changed significantly over the last few years bro. in 1990's, it was countable on the amount of somalis that was living into the jamaican area/state. whereas now the area is overburden by our kind (horn of africa)of ppl.hence, we have captured the blocks and no longer suffer's a great damage no more, and finally our mammers are walking freely with their chin-up, flashing their million dollar chains on.
It is pity to hear something like this, after you've worked so hard in those three year in HE (higher education), thinking you have finally accomplished you goal, and now that you are ready to tackle the world, with your rich source of knowledge you have developed through those years. Later on ended up nothing or non-graduate jobs in order to pay back the loans that you've borrowed. Despite facing these Circumstances,i would strongly recommend all-somalis to have the same ambition and determination they've already had, by not allowing to let one or two people who's dream been Shattered Influence them.
thnx 4 the invitation Homeboy, even dough you are a bit too late. laakin waa iska caadi, qof bidaar dheer oo salaan la soo hor maray wili aduunka lama sheegin LET ALONE eey ka dhacday. horta kaalay, waxaa lagaa dhigay MODERATOR aa maqlaye, eena waxaa isku maleysaa BUSH oo white house laga interview gareynaayo. damn hommie, exposing my age lyke that, word which u. by the way u know i still luv you, rite,rite.
Ramadaam Kariim to all y'll. may allah increase our imaam and help us become a better muslim, aaamiin.
I totally couldn't agree more raganimo.i strongly believe that we should be a littlebit wiser and strongly recommend the sister to go back to her root, by actually directing her to these so-called "ruwaayad" (which i totally believe that is a same as poppling in a niteclub/rave.
lollll@ "best way to over come shyness: walk,feel, and believe you're hot. *DO NOT over do it*". I found this Hellerious dude. Me personally, the most effective way that i do overcome this so-called shyness is to take a deep breath and put on one of my deadliest smile that fools the nation. little do they know about this "farax's history. In many occasion i have realised that what most malies (somalis) do lack is the importance of sunshine smile in their daily face. No wonder why our blessed/beloved prophets recommend us to smile all the tyme. so the real lesson that we have to learn here is to put glowing face, LYKE THE SUN RISE y'll.
Hi there aeronwen, thnx for the wlc sist/bro, really appreciate that. i am so astonished on the way you have spotted my special field, as it takes time on most ppl.
Asalaamu calaykum WR WB to all normads, i am so Contented to take this opportunity and proudly express myself to all y'll Intellectual and amazing SOL.i have taken off my hat 4 y'll after reading some of the excellent topics that has been posted in all sections,and the amount of usefull site that has been shared at one another is remarkable. maashallah, my allah bless y'll. By the way since i am fresh from the boat (as y'll state call it flight 13), i would really appreciate it if i can have few min of your precious time by actually telling who must who be + their character, since i shall be sharing ideas with them. Many thnx to y,ll.