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Ciidamo Marines ah oo Ruushka ka socda oo saacadaha inasoo aadan soo galaya xeebaha dalka Soomaaliya. Iyadoo maanta dowladad Canada ay shaacisay ciidamadeeda badu in ay soo galeen biyaha Soomaaliya yaa caawana waxaa dowlada Ruushku ay sheegtay in saacadaha inasoo aadan ay ciidamadeedu soo galayaan Soomaaliya si ay burcad badeeda u baacsadaan. Iyadoo maanta dowladad Canada ay shaacisay ciidamadeeda badu in ay soo galeen biyaha Soomaaliya yaa caawana waxaa dowlada Ruushku ay sheegtay in saacadaha inasoo aadan ay ciidamadeedu soo galayaan Soomaaliya si ay burcad badeeda u baacsadaan. Arrintan ayaa waxaa ay ku soo begmeysaa iyadoo habeenkii isniinta ee lasoo dhaafay golaha amaanka ee Qaramada Mdioobay uu anisixiyay qaraar sheegaya in dalalka caalamku ay soo geli karaan xeebaha Soomaaliya si ay ula dagaalamaan burcad badeeda ka qowleysata biyaha Soomaaliya. Saraakiisha ciidamada Bada ee dalka Ruushku waxaa ay sheegeen in ciidamadoodu ay marka hore howlkgalkooda ku bilaabi doonaan soo bad baadinta 4 ruux oo ruushan ah iyo 5 filibiin ah oo lagu dul-heysto markab laga leeyahay dalka Dhajka oo lagu heysto xeebaha Soomaaliya. Burcad badeeda heysata markabka dhajka ayaa hada sheegtay in ay doonayaan hal milyan iyo boqol kun oo doolarka Mareykanka ah laakin shirkada markabka lehi waxaa ay sheegtay in ay bixineyso 7 boqol oo kun oo keliya. Hada waxaa xeebaha Soomaaliya lagu heystaa 3 markab oo laga kala leeyahay Jarmalka ,Dhajka iyo Turkiga oo dhamaantoodba ku wada sugan xeebaha Soomaaliya. Laakin burcada ayaa sheegay in ay shaqaalaha maraakiibtaa dulsaaran dili doonaan hadii la isku dayo in awood loo adeegsado,waxaana aan la garanaynin halka ay xaaladi ku dambeyn doonto maadaama hada awoodaha shi sheeye ee soo galaya xeebaha Soomaaliya ay u diyaar yihiin in ay la heystayaasha soo bad baadiyaan xeebaha Soomaaliyana ka nadiifiyaan burcada. Dowladda Ruushka ayaa caawa sheegtay in ciidamadeeda badu ay soo gaba gabeeyeen diyaar garowgoodii ugu dambeeyay ayna saacadaha soo socda usoo dhaqaaqayaan xeebaha dalka Soomaaliya.
New York(HR Media):- Golaha Amaanka ayaa soo saaray Qaraar uu ku ogolaanayo in ciidamada Caalamiga ah ay gudaha u geli karaan Biyaha dalka Soomaaliya si ay ulla dagaalamaan Burcad Badeeda afduubka ka wada xeebaha dalka Soomaaliya. Qaraarkan ayaa soo baxay maalin kadib markii ay Dowlada Soomaaliya codsatay in ciidamada Ajaanibta ah ay soo geli karaan Biyaha Soomaaliya. Badeeda. Qaraarkan oo numberkiisa yahay 1816 ayaa waxaa u ololeenayey dalalka Maraykanka iyo Faransiiska oo ay hada ciidamo ka joogaan xeebaha dalka Soomaaliya. Qaraarkan ayaa baneenaya in ciidamada Caalamiga ah gudaha u geli karaan biyaha dalka Soomaaliya ayagoo ku raad jooga burcad badeeda. Ciidamada Caalamiga ah ayaa inta badan sharciyan loo ogolaan jirin in ay biyaha Soomaaliya mar walba soo galaan, walow ay Maraakiibta dagaalka ee Isbaheysiga Maraykanka marar badan ay gudaha u galeen biyaha dalka Soomaaliya. Qaraarkan ayaa ah mid ku aadan Burcad Badeeda ku sugan dalka Soomaaliya ayadoo aan qaraarkan loo adeegsan karin wadamada kale oo ay ka jiraan Burcad Badeeda sida dalka Indonesiya iyo dalal kale ee Koonfurta Amerika kuwaasi oo sheegay in aan lagu soo xad gubi karin biyahooda. Dowlada Soomaaliya oo ayadu sheegtay inaysan awood u lahayn la dagaalanka Burcad Badeeda ayaa ayadu biyaheeda u fasaxday ciidamada Caalamiga ah in ay gudaha usoo galaan ayagoo la dagaalamay Burcad badeeda Soomaaliyeed. Xeebaha Soomaaliya ayaa hada lagu heystaa sadex markab oo laga afduubtay gacanka Cadmeeda ayadoo maraakiibta intooda badan ay burcad badeeda kasoo afduubtaan Biyaha Caalamiga ah kadibna gudaha ulla soo galaan biyaha dalka Soomaaliya, ayagoo markaasi kula gor gortama in la bixiyo lacago madax furasho ah. Dowlada Puntland ayaa ayadu horey u dhaliiceysay wadahadalka lala galo Burcad Badeeda, isla markaana cambaareysay lacagaha madax furashada loo bixiyo. Maamul gobaleedka Soomaaliyeed ee Puntland oo kamid ah dowlada federaalka ayaa ayagu dhinacooda kasoo horjeeday in ciidamada caalamiga ah fasax weyn loo siiyo in ay wakhti walba biyaha Soomaaliya soo gelin karaan. Maamulka Puntland ayaa horey ugu baaqay Golaha Amaanka in dhaqaale iyo tababaro lagu kabo ciidamada Soomaaliyeed si ay ayagu biyaha Soomaaliya u illaalshaan, hase yeeshee arrintan fikir ka duwan ayey dowlada Federaalka ka qabtaa, midaasi oo hada sheegtay in loo baahan yahay in ciidamada Maraykanka iyo kuwa kale ee ay gudaha usoo galaan xeebaha Soomaaliya. Burcad Badeeda Soomaaliyeed ayaa caqabad weyn ku noqday isu socodka Maraakiibta iyo gaadiidka sahayda gargaarka sida iyo kuwa Ganacsigaba ee biyaha Soomaaliya maraya. Sanadkii lasoo dhaafay ayaa xeebaha Soomaaliya ayaa lagu afduubay maraakiib iyo doonyo gaaraya 26 markab. Cambaareynta maamulada Soomaaliya ee ku aadan lacagaha madax furashada loo siiyo Burcad Badeed ayaa salka ku heysa, ayadoo Burcad badeeda oo lacago badan sanadihii lasoo dhaafay helay, ay si weyn isu hubeeyeen isla markaan wax weyn ka bedaleen qaabkii ay u hawlgali jireen, burcad badeeda Soomaaliya ayaa lagu sheegay kuwa halista badan Adduunka uguna abaabulka badan. Horseed Media
Link of the same story - Puntlandpost
Jabuuti(HR Media):- Wasiirka Ganacsiga iyo Warshadaha ee Puntland Md.Cabdisamad Yusuf Abwaan ayaa booqday magaalada Jabuuti halkaasi oo uu u tagay sidii loo dhameystiri lahaa heshiis ganacsi oo dhexmaraya Dowlada Jabuuti iyo Puntland. Wasiirka Ganacsiga ee Puntland ayaa sidoo kale u gudbay Magaalada Muqdisho ee xarunta Somaliya. Wasiirka Ganacsiga ee Puntland Cabdisamad ayaa Horseed Media uga waramay safarkiisa Jabuuti, asagoo sheegay in safarkiisa uu la xariiray kulankii dhawaan dalka Jabuuti ku dhexmaray Madaxweynaha Puntland Md.Cadde Musse iyo Madaxweynaha Jabuuti Ismaaciil Cumar Geele oo ka wadahadalay xiriirka ganacsi ee Jabuuti iyo Puntland. Wasiirka Puntland ayaa sheegay in uu magaalada Jabuuti kula kulmay Wasiirka Ganacsiga iyo Warshadaha, wasiirka Kaluumeysiga iyo dekkada, Agaasamayaan iyo mas’uuliyiin kale oo badan oo kamid ah Dowlada Jabuuti. Md.Cabdisamad oo xalay u waramayey Barnaamijka (Maxaa Dhacay Maanta) ee idaacada Horseed Media sheegay in safarkan lagu falan qeynayey sidii loo xoojin lahaa xiriirka ganacsi ee labada dhinac oo bilihii lasoo dhaafay hakad ku jiray, wuxuuna sheegay in ay arrimahaasi la xariireen dhinaca Jabuuti, isla markaana hada lagu gudo jiro in la dhameystiro xiriirka ganacsiga ee labada maamul. Wuxuu sheegay in Maamulada Jabuuti iyo Puntland si wadajir ah u magacaabeen Guddi soo dhameystira habka ay uwada shaqeyn karaan dhinaca Ganacsiga. Wasiirka Ganacsiga iyo Warshadaha ee Puntland Cabdisamad Yusuf Abwaan ayaa shalay gaaray magaalada Muqdisho, kadib markii ka ambabaxay magaalada Jabuuti. Wasiirka Ganacsiga Puntland ayaa markii ugu horeysay kulan kula yeeshay magaalada Muqdisho Ganacsatada gobalka Banaadir, ayagoo ka wadahadalay dhinaca ganacsiga iyo waliba sidii hoos loogu dhigi lahaa qiimaha Sarifka Dollarka. Guddiga Ganacsatada Banaadir ayaa soo dhaweeyey Safarka Wasiirka Puntland Muqdisho ku yimid ayagoo sidoo kale ugu mahadnaqay Dowlada Puntland burburintii Warshadihii lacagaha Shilling Soomaaliga sameyn jiray ee ku yiilay gobalada Puntland. Wuxuuna sheegay in ay ka wada shaqeyn doonaan labada dhinac sidii looga hortagi lahaa hoos u dhacdanbe oo ku yimaada Shilling Soomaaliga. Horseed Media
^I agree with you my man on that, Duke's love for Oday Yey need no detail on this board...
Nimanka if they avoid to have any contact with Ethiopian let them do, for god sake they have every right to do that, but the fools for once should be reminded that the host is Djibout and the intiators of this peace effort are the UN, and Ethio, TFG are only invited similar to them, so sometime to protest against every little nonsense will damage your civility and undermine your genuine protest later... it will only display their weakness, Xiinow nimanka usheeg its good to supress your dislike in some cases and sometimes to only suprise them later of your boldness and solid negotiating position...
Lol, It's hard to take the truth Ai? I know and thats why they say truth hurts Like it or not, SL Admin is a useful basket, you know what the useful basket in your home is good for ... Ethiopia is having the cake easy, so easy over there, so stop your gibberish
^Athiga why attack Duke, are you suggesting A. qasim is innocent, and he's only one and not a clan, so stop the clan issue, the individual and the name posted here in not Clan's name... get the facts forward, A. Qasim is a crimanl and one of the worst Somali warlords, no doubt about that... Bring forth your point, remember every thread or topic has a direction, let it take its course...
Those refer themselves as Landers and the secess are the most confused beings you will ever witness, SL have only few days ago celebrated the TPFL's anniversary in Hargeisa, now they want to accuse others of being Ethiopians lackeys... SL have for many years practised the extradition of innocent Somalis to Ethiopia, their leaders have shamed and pimped themselves to Zenawi, the whole of Berbera port is purely locked and only used for the purpose of Ethiopia's import... all of that and you have yet to get any reward or recognition from them, no other Somali Admin or for that matter leaders in the whole of the Somali peninsula did go that low, and you stil have the audacity to finger point, shame on you...
Why do people have to always be pessimistic or think negatively, this is no Delta its Puntland, lets have some good hearts and wish better for one another, no doubt in the back of mind this project will lead us to prosper and its benefit will reach every Somali living anywhere on this god green Earth. Like my man Duke said, we will take the risk and share the benefit with the rest... Its good to know that exploration and siesmic data collection is taking place in Dharoor as we speak... It's real, no chance for the synics... Well done, President Cadde Musse...
^When and where have you watched his opening lines... Huh, don't tell me I gota watch this shit program to check out this low life...
Barack Hussein Obama wins Iowa (97% Whites)
Emperor replied to Libaax-Sankataabte's topic in General
^There was a news reporter for the BBC who suggested that the white house would be too small to accomdate both the Clinton dynasty and the rising popularity of reer Obama's... They will be far too big names to share or have enough space for both, the white Guri will simply get a bit over-crouded -
BREAKING NEWS: AP says Obama clinches Dem nomination
Emperor replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
PS: I don't feel like reading or talking about Somali politics tonight -
BREAKING NEWS: AP says Obama clinches Dem nomination
Emperor replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Obama Becomes First Black Democratic Presidential Nominee The Third African American Senator Since Reconstruction Makes History By JENNIFER PARKER June 3, 2008 RSS After a bruising battle, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., has won enough delegates to clinch the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, ABC News projects based on exit polls and reporting. Obama, D-Ill., becomes the first African-American major party presidential candidate in the nation's history. U.S. Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. announces his candidacy for president of the United States at the Old State Capitol in Springfield, Ill., Saturday, Feb. 10, 2007. (Charles Rex Arbogast/AP Photo)But the candidate emerges battered after a bitter, five-month fight against Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., who was vying to become the party's first female presidential nominee and was once considered the likely nominee. Delivering soaring speeches tied to a popular message of hope and change, Obama's insurgent candidacy inspired record-breaking campaign contributions, record turnout by black voters, and wide support from independents, liberals, young voters, and high-income, better-educated Democrats. Although he won the majority of primary contests -- 33 to Clinton's 20, not including Michigan and Florida -- the Illinois senator struggled to win the support of white, blue-collar voters, older voters and Hispanic voters. The issue of race cropped up again and again for the man seeking to become the nation's first black president. When tapes of Obama's longtime pastor excoriating America surfaced, the Illinois senator distanced himself from his pastor, and ultimately from his Chicago church, delivering a widely applauded speech on race and religion. If Obama is elected president, he will be, at 47, among the youngest presidents in history. His Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., would be the oldest presidential candidate to win a first term in office at age 72. Obama's Rise No stranger to record books, Obama, became the fifth African-American senator in U.S. history and was the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. Born to a white, American mother and a black, Kenyan father, Obama has spoken openly of his struggle to find acceptance in the black community. First living in Hawaii, Obama's family moved to Jakarta, Indonesia, when he was 6, where he lived for a time with his mother and Indonesian stepfather. He has credited his upbringing for making him sensitive to America's flagging image abroad. Attending Columbia University and Harvard Law School, Obama worked as a community organizer, a constitutional law professor, and a lawyer in Chicago before becoming a senator in the Illinois state Senate in 1996. -
Barack Hussein Obama wins Iowa (97% Whites)
Emperor replied to Libaax-Sankataabte's topic in General
^This lady would add nothing to the skinny man's table, whether she runs with him or not matters less, if he's set to lose in November he will lose regardless, but remeber John Edwards is a great alternative and very popular among the white working class.... It's all down to the compaign group, Obama's compaign manager did a terrific job, they trashed the Clinton dynasty with their all power machine, dirty-race politics and 30 plus years of experience, what makes Mcain any different? I must give it to this man, David Plouffe, what a strategist magician... He's set to make history in November... Uniting the party and running unimaginable compaign against the Old Mcain... The Clintons will have to support and compaign for the skinny regardless to restore their reputation, remember they had lost their old image in this compaign, the former first black President(Bill) made a that saw all African Americans turn to Obama, to undo and repair damage they are forced to support the man who destoyed them... PS: BBC Newsnight is reporting now that he had won as he accumulated the number of delegate count required... Huurrreeey -
^Take the pic out man, Lst you too, it is too graphic to tolerate...
BREAKING NEWS: AP says Obama clinches Dem nomination
Emperor replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
^Kool, good to hear the skinny brother is taking over one of the greatest party in America... Generale, did you make your way to his Victory speech in St. paul, MN... I was reading the Indepedent newspaper today where they said he is set to deliver his victory speech over your corner, and how is the reaction among the Somalis in MN? -
^Yes the man seems like he's serious, he wants to familairize himself with the faces that matter in that part of the world. But the other candidate Muxidin doesn't need any of that, he has constantly worked and met these elders on daily basis in the last 5 or 6 years. He's, I beleive, the strongest of all the candidates thus far, I would give him 70% chance of winning it but will see how things will change in the coming months. As for where he is, he's in Puntland and lives there permanently, he has two main offices in the two largest cities of Puntland, Galkacyo and Bosaaso. I was speaking to his compaign director earlier on the MSN who was in Yemen(I joked wether he was part of the TFG-Dj-Yemen traingle efforts , laughed and said its purely for Punt, remember Yemen President, people and other officials have always had close ties with Puntland), he told me the candidate was in Galkacyo as of this morning and went to asses the Airports damage caused by the fired rockets... He said they will focus on the security issue and release a statement, Puntland's security is paramout....
^Anything is negotiable adeer, stop looking for any daldalool to prolong the Somali conflict... Marxabeeyay means shafka la isku salaamay, no wonder you thought it 'Xabadeeyay' because waxaa kugu qafilan dagaalka Somalida inuu sii socdo...
Sol members a political force to be reckon with?
Emperor replied to wacdaraha_aduunka's topic in Politics
^Adeer I never sent any dim for any political reason apart for humantarian... I doubt Duke did either and JB is from Somalia you cannot include him the diaspora, by the way those men can speak for themselves but its the likes of you, the naive, inactive and less-logical that can be brainwashed to send money for war and to cause more trouble in that part of the Horn... -
^You are right Saaxib, I know little about these creatures, but I think I won't be off the mark by miles by assuming that a 35 year old single and insecure woman resembles more like a teenage girl broke out with her bf...
President Yusuf will travel to Djibouti in person tomorrow to close this chapter...
Wafdiga DFKM u matalaya shirka Jabuuti oo gaaray dalka Jabuuti Posted to the Web May 31, 18:13 Muqdisho:-Wafdiga u matalaya DFKM shirka Jabuuti ayaa gaaray dalka Jabuuti waxaana wafdiga horkacaya R/wasaare ku xigeenka ahna Wasiirka Warfaafinta iyo Sport-ga Axmed C/salaan Xaaji Aadan Wafdiga ayaa waxaa uu ka kooban yahay 21 xubnood mar uu saaka la hadlay saxaafada R/wasaare xigeenka ayaa waxa uu sheegay inay raji wanaagsan ka qabaan inay guulo wax ku ool ah kasoo baxaan shirka Jabuuti. Dhinaca kale diyaargarow balaaran ayaa ka socda dalka Jabuuti iyada oo ay dalkaas ku sii qulqulayaan wafuud ka socota QM Jamacada Carabta iyo Midawga Afrika. Hogaanka Sare ee Isbahaysiga ayaa joogin Jabuuti waxaana la filayaa in uu soo gaaro dhawaan dalka Jabuuti wafdiga Isbahaysiga ayaa haatan ku sugan dalka Yemen. C/casiis Maxamed Farax Halgan.net
Jabuuti: Wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Jabuuti (Wafdiga Dawlada iyo Xubnaha Mucaaradka oo is marxabeeyay) 31. maj 2008 Jabuuti (AllPuntland) - Wafuudan dhinacyada shirka uu u dhaxeeyo iyo diblomaasiyiin caalami ah aya aku qul qulaya Magaalada Jabuuti, halkaasoo la filayo inuu ka furmo Shirka Dib u Heshiisiinta Dawladda iyo Mucaaradka wajigiisa labaad. Wafdiga Dawlada oo ka kooban 21-xubnood ayaa ka duwan wafuudan hore, waxaana sare loo qaaday xubnaha shirka Dawlada oo wajigiisii hore ahaa 9-xubnood. Xubnaha Dawlada u matalaya shirkaas ayaa ka dagay Jabuuti, iyadoona halkaas ay ku soo dhoweeyeen Saraakiisha Qaramada Midoobey, Gudi gaar ah oo ay Jabuuti u saartay soo dhoweynta Dowladda. Magaalada Jabuuti ayaa gashay mashquulkii ugu cuslaa, iyadoona Hotelada Magaalada ay buuxiyeen Wafuud caalami ah oo shirkaas kor joogto ka noqon doona. Shirkan oo ah mid ahmiyad ballaaran leh ayaa labada dhinac ee Dawlada iyo Mucaaradka waxaa laga dareemayaa hididiilo aad u weyn, waxaana la filayaa in dhinacyadaas ay si rasmi ah isku soo hor fariistaan. Wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Jabuuti aanu ka helno ayaa sheegaya in ilaa iyo hada aanu furmin shirka, isla markaana ay dhici karto in shirku dib u dhaco maalinta berrito ah, maadaama waqtiga shirka la filayay inuu qabsoomo la soo dhaafay. Ilo ku sugan Jabuuti ayaa sheegaya in qaar ka mid ah Xubnaha Mucaaradka ee horay uga tirsanaa Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ay Hotelka Wafdiga Dawlada ku soo booqdeen, dabadeedna ay is marxabeeyeen. Sidoo kale Xubnaha Wafdiga Dawlada waxaa ku soo booqday Hotelka la dejiyay Wasiiro ka mid ah Dowladda Jabuuti oo ku dhiira geliyay Wada hadalada. Kulanka oo muhiimad gaar ah leh ayaa waxaa u kuur geli doono Wafuud ka socota Golaha Ammaanka oo maalinta berri soo booqaneysa, waxaana 15-ka dal ee ka tirsan Golaha Ammaanka ay yihiin kuwo wakiilo ka kala socda. Inkasta oo Kooxaha Mucaaradka ay is khilaafsan yihiin, hadana mucaaradka intiisa badan ayaa xaadir ku ah Jabuuti, hase ahaatee Madaxda isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta ayaa ku sugan Dalka Yemen, kuwaasoo la filayo in saacadaha soo socda soo gaaraan Jabuuti. Shirka Dib u Heshiisiinta Dawlada iyo mucaaradka Isbaheysiga Dib u Xoreynta ayaa ah kuwo aad indhaha loogu hayo waxyaabaha ka soo bixi kara, iyadoo wada hadaladan ay ka xoog badan yihiin kuwii hore, maadaama Beesha Caalamka oo idil ay usoo wada jeesatay. Cabdicasiis Maxamed AllPuntland
Sol members a political force to be reckon with?
Emperor replied to wacdaraha_aduunka's topic in Politics
^Good idea brother, I am afraid every1 is busy with his life... then again, unlike most of the Somali diaspora perception, I believe Somali politics is controlled or driven by people from inside the country... the diaspora only send petrol to fuel the conflict however have no say at all...
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