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Everything posted by Emperor

  1. ^You got it correct now, thats the way to do it, the trick in this kind of questions is not to apply the logarithmic rules immediately, first simplify to make it quadratic, find the value for the variable set, and then apply the log rule. You will get the right answer in either equations.
  2. ^Mujahid Alshabaab are against the dismemberment of Somalia, you are openly for it, how would you reconcile the two? Isn't your point that we should support Alshabaab as long as our interests meet but when they collide will fight against them to the teeth. Don't you think Duke too will support Alshabaab when they head for Somaliland to restore the Somali Unity because he's pro Union.
  3. Its good news that they are cleared of any wrong doing, no more bad name for the Somali community, we have enough of our problems lets hope that nothing is brought up against them anymore. Its sad they won't air this news or the media wouldn't give as much interest as they did when arrested.
  4. ^Whatever uu lamaqnaa, the man can come back in style, innaba caadi ma aha Abti iyo Tolka, I am on the same note with you on this one, indeed XIIN must repent. Haha
  5. Gaalkacyo: Xaalada Magaalada Gaalkacyo oo maanta kacsan. 8. oktober 2008 APL Tool Send This Article To A Friend By Email | Saaxiibkaa warkaan ugu *** Email Print This Article | Daabaco warkaan Gaalkacyo(AllPuntland)- Wararka naga soo gaaraya Magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa sheegaya in aysan wanaagsaneyn xaalada Magaalada Gaalkacyo wixii ka dambeeyey xalay markii la dilay ganacsade aad looga yaqaanay Magaalada. Wariyaasha AllPuntland ee ku sugan magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa xaalada ku safiraya mid kacsan, waxa ayna sheegeen in laga qabsi qabo in ay dadweyne careysan banaanbaxyo ka dhigaan gudaha Magaalada Gaalkacyo. Cabsidan ayaa ka dambeysay markii saaka haween careysan ay dhagxaan ku tuureen qaar ka mid ah Xarumaha Magaalada Gaalkacyo ee ganacsiga, warar soo baxaya ayaa sheegaya in ay Ururada Haweenka & kuwa dhalinyaradu qabanqaabinayaan Banaanbaxyo maalmo badan socon doona oo ay uga hadlayaan Xaaladaha amaanka ee Magaalada Gaalkacyo. Allaha unaxariistee Maxamuud Sheekh Cismaan oo aad looga yaqaanay magaalada Gaalkacyo oo ay xalay dileen niman hubeysan ayaa saaka lugu aasay Magaalada, waxaana aaskii ka soo qeybgalay Dadweyne fara badan oo ay ku jiraan Madaxda dawladda Puntland ee gobalkaasi ugu sareysa. Saraakiisha Amaanka ayaa ugu baaqay dadweynaha in ay isdajiyaan ayna socdaan baaritaano ay wadaan ciidamada amaanku, oo ay ku ogaanayaan cidii ka dambeysay falkan habeenkii xalay lugu dilay Marxuum Maxamuud Sheekh Cismaan luguna dhaawacay mid ka mid ah Wiilashiisa. Hadii ay banaanbaxyo ka dhacaan gudaha Magaalada Gaalkacyo waxaa guud ahaan joogsan kara ganacsiga guud ee Magaalada Gaalkacyo, xaalada Magaaladuna waxa ay isku badaleysaah sidii ay noqotey maalinkii la dilay Allaha uraxmadee Cali Jaamac Biixi oo lugu dilay Masjid asagoo ka soo baxaya. Xaalka Magaalada Gaalkacyo mahan mid wanaagsan, waxaana jira shaki weyn oo ay kala qabaan labada xaafadood ee Magaaladu, kaasoo ku aadana cida ka dambeysa dilalkii ugu dambeeyey ee Magaalada Gaalkacyo ka dhacay. " Qof walboo wax ku dila dhinaca Koonfureed wuxuu soo galaa waqooyiga, kan wax ku dilaana Waqooyiga wuxuu si aan gabasho laheyn kugalaa Koonfurta Magaalada, hadee taasna ilaa laga baxo xaalku noqon mayo mid wanaagsan" Ayuu usheegay AllPuntland mid ka mid Odayaasha dhaqanka ee Magaalada Gaalkacyo. Maxamuud Siciid Cabdi AllPuntland, Muqdisho
  6. Ina'lilaahi Wa'inaa ilayhi Raajiicuun, A prominent Businessman, the former Amal/Dalsan owner and former leader and spokesperson of Alitixaad Islamiya movement Sheikh Maxamed Sheikh Cusmaan's brother Maxamuud Sheikh Cusmaan is brutally murdered in Galkacyo... Ilaahay ha unaxariisto. -------------------------------------------------- Gaalkacyo: Ganacsade goor dhaw lugu dilay magaalada Gaalkacyo. 7. oktober 2008 APL Tool Send This Article To A Friend By Email | Saaxiibkaa warkaan ugu *** Email Print This Article | Daabaco warkaan Gaalkacyo(AllPuntland)- Warar ay AllPuntland ka helayso Magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa sheegaya in goor dhaw gudaha Magaalada Gaalkacyo, lugu dilay Ganacsade ka mid ahaa ganacsatada sida weyn looga yaqaano Magaalada Gaalkacyo. Ganacsadaha la dilay waa Maxamuud Sheekh Cismaan, waxaana dilkaasi geystay niman hubeysan, waxa ayna dilkaasi u adeegsadaan Bistoolado, waxaana la dhaawacay sidoo kale mid ka mid Wiilashiisa. Gurigiisa Agtiisa ama ilinkiisa ayaa lugu dilay caawa, waxaana lasheegay in ay baxsadeen dadkii ka dambeeyey dilkaasi, waxa ayna sidoo kale sheegayaan Warar soo baxaya in dadkii falkaasi geystay ay galeen Koonfurta Magaalada Gaalkacyo. Allaha unaxariistee Maxamuud Sheekh Cismaan wuxuu ka mid ahaa ganacsatada sida weyn looga yaqaano Magaalada Gaalkacyo, wuxuu xubin wanaagsan ka ahaa gudiga amaanka ee Magaalada Gaalkacyo. Odayaasha dhaqanka ee Magaalada & maamulka Puntland oo ay xiriiro badan la sameysay AllPuntland ayaa hadalkooda ku soo koobay in ay ka xun yihiin falkaasi, waxa ayna sheegeen in ay goor horeba xireen goobo ay ku tuhmayaan in ay ka baxaan dadkii falkaasi geystay. Xaalada guud ee Magaalada ayaa kacsan dad badan oo careysan ayaa soo buux dhaafiyey magaalada, lantigooduna kala baqaya, waxaa mararka qaarkood magaalada ka dhaxeysa gaar ahaana Xaafada uu kuyaalo gurigii uu daganaa rasaas xoog leh. Laamaha amaanka ayaa siweyn usugay amaanka halka lugu dilay Allaha unaxariistee Maxamuud Sheekh Cismaan, waxa ayna baarayaan goobaha ku dhow dhow goobta uu ka dhacay dilkaasi. Todobaadyadii ugu dambeeyey Gaalkacyo waxa ay ka nasatey falalka amaan darada ah, oo ay ugu horeeyaan dilalka qorsheysan balse dilkan ayaa wuxuu noqday mid markale caawa ay Argagax qabaan dadka Magaalada Gaalkacyo. Faahfaahimaha kala soco www.AllPuntland.com Maxamuud Siciid Cabdi AllPuntland, Muqdisho
  7. Xiinow Awoowe Waaban caraysnaa, with the Eid celebs and the Month of Ramadaan I was expecting to recieve my roses and well decorated cards privately and smoothly delivered on time, waan yaabanaa kawaran wondering danbigaan galay muxuu yahay, the postman was on strike hadaan gartay, thanks for the info now I will have to clear up everything and re-initiate the channels of communications.
  8. ^I second that, the legend of the big Shadez should be given the return and access the main gate.
  9. ^She does, it might just be 'acting' like you said it.
  10. This topic has not taste What is career? and how can somebody be so attached to their career, what level and to what extent? Would they give up for a better or more rewarding position. NinBrown, thats damn statistics, you are a lurking mysoginist, your point is damn if you do damn if you don't, so either way education or no education Woman's place is the Kitchen miyaa xaalku?
  11. ^It practically done, its what you need to do it then you will understand, just get your family members together and demand for an immediate Tahliil session.
  12. Lol @ NG, what are you insinuating and how come no one thinks the way you do, Femme is not such a fighter, others would have ripped you into pieces by now. NinBrown, Canduufta is all part of the same cure, waa Barako or Karaamatul Awliyaa in other words, haven't you had 'Tahliil' from Xerta Xaafada plus Ciyaalka dugsiga oo caduufo waawayn loo qariyay Femme could it be 'Il' or 'Ayn', Waligaa Miyaa lagu Jeclaaday oodiiday , take some Tahliil or Xaqa iska bixi.
  13. ^I also didn't read it, its a form of protest against AT's fake fictional story paraded to us as true, why the insistance, Sheekooyinkaaga oo dhan true manoqon karaan, if you over-do-it, way kaa fashilmaysaa, embed your story's title with "True Story" only sometimes, not markasta kwoning that you have so many stories and so much to tell
  14. Waxaan waligay ma maqal... Diin halagu saaro oo Tahliil cab.
  15. ^Lol, Horn isn't gona pretend to answer that question Intresting development, its good and I for one welcome it.
  16. Ciid Saciid to all SOLers. Taqabalaahu minaa wa minkun Saalihal'acmaal.
  17. Wishing him my luck too yaa Red Sea, we the people of Kismayo welcome this move, a great move indeed. God may bless this new breed of Islamic movement that had taken over Kismayo, unlike any Islamic groups seen in the Somali peninsula, a new dawn and hope for the Somali people... Long may he live and rule that beautiful land. Ramadaan Kariim.
  18. ^Ya Allaah If I am trying to better myself from now and onwards ma waxaad itiri, bil-caabud, thanks my sister... Hadalkaa aad tiri Somalidu way iska dhahaan, hadal tiro iyo kuxumayn owgeed, laakiin Culimada Muslinka aad bay ugu guubaabiyaan qofka Muslinka ah inuu isbadelo Bisha Ramadaan, xataa hadii uusan samayn jirin amaba samayn doonin kadib waa inuu iska doondoonaa ayay Culumadi yiraahdaan waayo waxaa suurtagal ah inuu ilahay halkaa hanuunka kasiisiiyo oo lacalallaaha uu qabatimoba, mideeda kale Bishaan Muhimad iyo Raxmad ayay leedahay waana qofka inuu kafogaada wax kasta oo danbi u keeni kara, bal in yara hadaad ila fahamtid Xadiiskaan, waad in Bishaan qofku inuu danbi iska ilaaliyo kasii xad-dheertahay kuwa kale... Nabigu SAW, wuxuu yiri: من أدرك شهر رمضان فلم يغفر له ، فدخل النار ، فأبعده الله ، قل آمين ، فقلت آمين " [ أخرجه البخاري في الأدب المفرد وابن حبان والترمذي والطبراني بإسناد حسن ] Oo ah "Ninki Bisha Ramadaan soo gaara, oo aan loo danbi dhaafin sidaana naarta kugala, ilaahay hakufogeeyo, Aamiin dhahaya ayuu kuyiri Saxaabada, markasay dhahaan Aaamin", inaa lilaaha, Nabigaa habaaray xataa. Xadiisyadu way badanyihiin marabo inaan umooqdo qof wacdiyaaya ee point yara ayaan rabay inaan kutuso si aad jigraarka iga daysid, bal inaan Nabiga SAW habaarkiisa kabaxsano xataa waa lagama maarmaan. Bishana waa midii dab badan qoortooda laga xoraynaayay naarta loona dhaafaayay banbiyadii ay horay usoo galeen, ilaahay hanaga midyeelo kuwaas Insha'alah, Ramadaan Mubaarak.
  19. ^Its redirected to daallo.biz English is just a language and not knowledge... But who are these Somali Hackers or crackers? Lol, Astaqfurlaah... I think they are in the middle east, probably Egypt?
  20. ^I am here brother, maxaad iigu yeeraysaa oo faa'iido ah, Ramadaan Kariim... Horn, reer Gedo iyo Puntland clans wax laga doodo ma ahan, waa Bil barakaysan akhii hadaadan is hayn karin xataa maalmo ayaa inoo harayee aan iska sugno, mideeda kale awalba anagu qabiilo maba anaan sheegin adiga unbaa meesha qabiilo kadhigaaya, the locals ayaa JVA thugs iyo Barre Hiiraale iska cayriyay, maamulkana waxaa sameeyay the local people-kii Barre dhagaha ulaabay waana Islaami, mana kudhisna 'majority iyo minority' wax layirahdo ee iska saar waxaa kaa buuxa... Dhagayso Hassan Turki's interveiw with the BBC Somali section today. Allamagan, maxaad iigu yeertayna, ma inaan bishaanna halkeeni kasii miis-miisno sidaa kudanbowno... Brother intaa aan iska yara gaabsano danbiyadeeni hore inuu ilaahay inoo dhaafo, waana kusalaamayaa. Ramadaan Mubaarak to you all.
  21. ^Aren't you re-energizing to start up this discussion while you were doing the preaching, halkaa maad iskaga xirtid.
  22. Asalaamu Alaykum to all my brothers and sisters, I wish you good and pray that Allah SW grants us forgiveness and his Rahma, Aamiin... I invite you to listen to this Insha'alah Ramadaan and Fasting Ramadaan Kariim.
  23. The Essence of Ramadan * By Dr. Jamal Badawi Muslim Intellectual — Canada Like other Islamic injunctions, the benefits of Ramadan are not limited to either "spiritual" or "temporal" elements of life. In Islam, the spiritual, social, economic, political and psychological intermingle in a consistent and cohesive whole. For convenience of presentation, the significance of fasting is discussed under four subheadings; spiritual and moral, psychological, social, and physical and medical. Spiritual and Moral Elements 1- Above all, fasting is an act of obedience and submission to Allah the Almighty. Submission and commitment is based upon love for Almighty Allah and earnest effort to gain His pleasure and avoid His displeasure. If this is the only reason for fasting, it surely suffices. 2- Fasting is an act acknowledging Allah the Almighty as the Only Master and Sustainer of the universe. It is only through His bounties that we have our existence and sustenance. 3- Fasting is an act of atonement for our errors and mistakes, as the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Whoever fasts (the month of) Ramadan on the basis of faith and seeking (the pleasure of Allah), his past errors are forgiven." (Ahmad) 4- Fasting trains the believer in taqwa (piety and fear of Allah). If one volunteers to refrain from lawful food and sex, he or she will be in a better position to avoid unlawful things and acts. 5- Fasting trains the believer in sincerity. Unlike other acts of worship, it is entirely based on self-restraint. Others can never know for sure if the person is fasting or if he broke the fast in secret. Self-restraint requires a high degree of sincerity and faithfulness. 6- Fasting teaches other virtues. Fasting does not exclusively mean refraining from food and drink. Essentially it means refraining from all vice and evils. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "If one does not abandon falsehood in words and deeds, Allah has no need for his abandoning his food and drink." (Al-Bukhari) 7- The spirit of Ramadan with its nightly voluntary prayer (called Salat Al-Qiyam or Tarawih Prayer) and frequent recitations and study of the Glorious Qur'an provides a chance for spiritual revival (a kind of annual spiritual overhaul). 8- Fasting is a form of jihad (striving for Allah). It teaches self-discipline and enhances one's ability to master his needs and desires rather than be enslaved by them. Psychological Elements: 1- It enhances the feelings of inner peace, contentment and optimism. These feelings result from the realization of Allah's pleasure. 2- It teaches patience and perseverance and enhances the feeling of moral accomplishment. 3- Voluntary abstinence of lawful appetites leads one to appreciate the bounties of Almighty Allah which are usually taken for granted. 4- For a whole month every year, Muslims go through a different and exciting experience that breaks the normal routine of life. Not only can this be refreshing, it also teaches the person to adapt to varying conditions and circumstances in his life. Social Elements: 1- Fasting promotes the spirit of unity and belonging within the Muslim Ummah. Millions of Muslims all over the world fast during the same month; following the same rules and observances. 2- Fasting promotes the spirit of human equality before Allah the Almighty. Muslims, males and females, rich and poor from all ethnic backgrounds go through the same experience of deprivation with no special privileges for any group or class. 3- Fasting promotes the spirit of charity and sympathy toward the poor and needy. A rich person may be able to "imagine" the suffering of the poor or "think" about hunger. Yet, one can not fully appreciate suffering or hunger until he actually "experiences" or "feels" them. This may explain, in part, why Ramadan is also known as the month of charity and generosity. 4- Fasting promotes Islamic sociability. Muslims are urged to invite others to break the fast with them at sunset and to gather for Qur'anic study, prayer and visits. This provides a better chance for socialization in a brotherly and spiritual atmosphere. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) indicated on more than one occasion that inviting a fasting person to break his fast (after sunset) is an act which is highly rewarded by Allah the Almighty. Physical and Medical Elements: A great deal has been written about the medical and health benefits of fasting; both by Muslim and non-Muslim scientists. These benefits include the elimination of harmful fatty substances from the blood stream, helping the cure of certain types of intestinal and stomach ailments and the renewal of body tissues. Needless to say that some ailments may be aggravated by fasting in which case the person is exempted from fasting. For those who may be engaged in Islamicially (and medically) undesirable habits such as over-eating or smoking, the self-control and discipline exercised in Ramadan provide an excellent way to "kick" these bad habits. In a sense, fasting is an annual physical overhaul of the body.
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yK-n4CoTQE
  25. Muxaadaro: Axkaamta Soonka Sheekh C.nasir - Masjidul Hudaa Laascaanood