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Everything posted by Emperor

  1. Lool @ Blessed and the term rightful owners Mogadishu is my capital dear, it is as mine as theirs (whoever they may be) or every Somali person... If you think the days of the clan animosity and territorial bases within the capital should long continue, then thats your personal view and that of most secessionists, you think the misfortune of your brother is good to prolong a case. In simple, and clear words, I am against the clan bases or system of my capital.
  2. Twisted_Logic, your logic is indeed very much twisted, now you are pro-clan bases and areas of control, while we are waiting for a government of national unity, the peaceful capital of Somalia that's open for all the Somalis, adiguna sidaa ayaa fiican oo clans-ka iskuma xad gudbaayaan ayayba kaa joogtaa, adeer waa sidee the days of looting and Isbaaro miyaa soo carfaysa
  3. 2nd Wife garanay, what's with the 40 days... gabdhaha masidaasaad uliidaa ninyaho Lool @ Probation period, waar adiguba ma cidbaa kuwaydiisay taa. Second or a third wife waa iska caadi, balse drop this timed-period, khashiin fooqal khashiin.
  4. Let me just add one bit, although the content of the message is good I was laughing at the new term, Golaha Guurtida Beesha D-block Loool , we have heard before Golaha Odayaasha Beesha H-block of Mogadishu, and now this, Walle Mogadishu caja'ib ayay leedahay wax kasta way keenaysaa PS: I am sure, AT will disaprove this and say these do not represent me PS2: Good call from Golaha Guurtida Beesha D to welcome and uhambaliyeeyeen President Faroole and his Vice Mr Shire.
  5. Golaha Guurtida ******* ee G/Banaadir Xafiiska xoghaynta guud: War-saxaafadeed. Jimco 16. 01. 2009 Maanta oo ay Taariikhdu tahay 14/01/2009 ,fadhi ay isugu yimaadeen Isimada,Guurtida,Aqoonyahanada iyo wax-garadka Beesha ******* ,dood,wada-xaajood iyo falanqayn dheer ka dib,waxay isku af-garteen Qodobada soo socda:- 1-Beeshu waxay si buuxda u taageertay Doorashadii habka Dimoqoraadiga ah u dhacday ee lagu doortay Gud Golaha Baarlamanka Puntland MD: Abdirashid 2- Beeshu waxay kula talisay Madaxwene C/raxmaan Sh. Maxamuud (Faroole) iyo ku-xigeenkiisa C/Samad Cali Shire inay sugaan Ammaanka Gobolka,gaar ahaan dhinaca Burcad-badeedka oo loo tiriyo in ay qayb ka yihiin xubno sar-sare oo ka tiesan mas'uuliyiinta DGPL,sida ku xusan Resolutionka Golaha Ammaanka ee tirsigiisu yahay SC/9546 ee 19 December 2008,waxaana aan idinkula talinaynaa inaad arrintan is-kaashi kala yeelataan Beesha Caalamka,isla markaasna jawaab cad ka bixisaan Eedeynta Guddiga Monitoring Group oo soo gudbiyay war-bixinta. 3-In ay Beeshu meel kasta ha joogtee ay si buuxda u taageerto Guusha ka soo baxday tartankii Madaxweynaha iyo ku-xigeenkiisa ,kuwaasoo kala noqday M/weyne C/raxmaan Sh. Maxamuud iyo M/Xigeen C/Samad Cali Shire. 4- Beeshu waxay si adag u tilmaantay in la dhamaystiro hay'adihii Dawliga ahaa ee ay is-hortaageen Maamulladii ka horeeyay sida Nidaamka Axsaabta badan(Multi Party) iyo Dhismaha Maxkamadda Dastuuriga ah (Constitutional Court) si looga gudbo hab-beeleedka tagaadiyay Geedi-socodka siyaasadda iyo yoolkii ay Ummaddu higsanaysay,isla markaasna saamayn ku yeeshay hab-raacii xulashada higaanka Xukuumadda loo xuli lahaa. 5-Beeshu waxay la socodsiinaysaa Masuuliyiinta DGPL in lagu darsaday, Hanti iyo Ciidan DFKS,kuwaasoo dhammaantood ay gaar u leedahay DGPL,Gaadiidkasi sidaas darteed waxaan Madaxda MGPL ka codsanaynaa inay arrimaha Hubkan iyo Ciidankanba kala hadlaan Madaxda Amisom iyo Africa Peace and Security Commission (Ambasador Lamanana) oo u dhashay Aljeeriya,taasoo aan ula jeedno haddii la dhiso Ciidan Qaranna Hubka iyo Ciidankuba waxay ka mid yihiin agabka DFKS,haddii ay suurtoobi weydona waxaa laga doonayaa Madaxdaas inay keenaan tubtii lagu furdaamin lahaa Hubka iyo Ciidankaba,waana inaad Go'aan kala gaartaan arrinta oo leh khatarteeda. 6- Madaxweynaha iyo ku-xigeenkiisa waxaannu kula dardaarmaynaa inay door muuqda ku yeeshaan ka go'aan gaarista arrimaha Siyaasadda iyo Ammaanka ee Soomaaliya,sababtoo ah Puntland waa qayb ka mid ah Soomaaliya door muuqdana kuma lahan arrimaha uu hor-boodayo Ahmed Walad Abdalla (Saxnuun,ii 2aad) Puntland waxay xaq u leedahay inay fagaarayaasha ka caddayso fikirkeeda siyaasiga ahmilaa haddana waxaa huwan magaca Soomaaliyeed koox isku reer ah,iyagaana la isa soo hor-fadhiisiyaa,taasi oo aan macne badan samaynaynin,wallaow ay caalamka u gudbiyaan warar aan sal lahayn oo iyagoo is-qaybiyay ka soo kala baxa. 7-Beeshu waxay si cad uga dalbanaysaa Masuuliyiinta Puntland inay si buuxda Ammaanka gacanta ugu dhigaan si Xafiiska Siyaasadda ee UNka loo keeno meelaha nabdoon ee Soomaaliya (Intrium location) sida ku xusan Qaraarka UNka,maadaama ay Muqdishu nabad noqon weyday. 8- Madaxda Cusub ee Puntland waa in ay si deg-deg ah jawaab uga bixiyaan war-bixintii Guddiga Kormeerka Hubka oo dhaleecayn dusha uga tuurtay Puntland,kuna tilmaantay madaxdeeda kuwo la shaqaysta Burcad-badeedka. 9-Beeshu waxay su buuxda u canbaareynaysaa Commonique 28th,30th,31th ee ka kala dhacay New-york,Nairobi,Addis-ababa dhammaantoodna uu shir-gudoominayay Siyoun Mesfin iyo Commonique African Peace and Security Commission ( PRESS STATEMENT ON THE SITUATION IN SOMALIA) Sidaas darteed waxaannu idinku adkaynaynaa inaad dhammaan arrimahan ka miro-dhalisaan. Dr: Husein Mohamed Dirir Mogadishu,Somalia Allidamaale.com kalasoco warar xaqiiqada kusaleeysan Allidamaale@hotmail.com Xaafiiska Waraqabadka Allidamaale.com Allidamaale.com
  6. ^Lol, what you laughing for, Jiniboqor has got a style, Odaga can speak as well, waa big time Aftahan and can give a speech for 12 hours on going
  7. ^I know, its sad too see Mogadishu going back to the clan days. We hoped, waited for and expected a government of national unity, and the return of the glory days of Mogadishu... This is what qaybdiid had to say: " Sida muuqata goobaha ay hada qabsadeen Kooxaha ka dagaalamaya Muqdisho, waxa ay uqabsadeen Qabaa'il, qabaa'il, taasna waa mid keeni karta dagaaladii Sokeeye oo soo laabta" Ayuu si caro leh ku yiri Taliyaha ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliyeed Cabdi Xasan Cawaale (Qeydiid).
  8. What's happening in Mogadishu, where is the TFG and Sheikh Shariif's ARS... Mogadishu is returning to its old fashion, Dayniile and its Airstrip is for Qanyare's subclan, Madaxtooyda is for Abdiqaybdiid's, Ceel-Macaan port and most of the North is for Shariif's and Indhacade's clan have taken most of the South strategic places, all the while Alshabaab are raoming on the streets of Mogadishu... We hope for a change this time round but it seems things are getting much more complicated...
  9. Muqdisho: Jeneraal Cabdi Qeydiid oo ku sheegay la wareegitaanka Xarumihii ay ka baxeen ciidamada Itoobiya, mid Qabaa'il dantiis lugu difaacayo. 16. januar 2009 Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Taliyaha ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliyeed Jeneraal Cabdi Xasan Cawaale (Qeydiid) oo ka hadlayay Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ka digay talaabada Kooxaha kala duwan ee ku sugan Muqdisho ay kula wareegayaan Xarumihii ay baneeyeen ciidamadii dawladda Itoobiya. Cabdi Xasan Cawaale ayaa sheegay in Kooxaha ka soo horjeeda dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya, ay goobihii ay ka baxeen ciidamada Itoobiya ay degeen una muuqdaan kuwa Sidii qabaa'ilkii uqabsanaya meelahaasi. Jeneraalku wuxuu ka digay dagaalo ka dhaca Magaalada Muqdisho, kuwasoo lamid noqon kara dagaaladii Soomaaliya ka dhacay 1991-dii, wuxuuna sheegay in looga baahan yahay dadka ku dhaqan Magaalada iyo Hareeraheeda in ay ka hortagaan falalkaasi. " Sida muuqata goobaha ay hada qabsadeen Kooxaha ka dagaalamaya Muqdisho, waxa ay uqabsadeen Qabaa'il, qabaa'il, taasna waa mid keeni karta dagaaladii Sokeeye oo soo laabta" Ayuu si caro leh ku yiri Taliyaha ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliyeed Cabdi Xasan Cawaale (Qeydiid). Jenenku wuxuu tilmaamay in hadii ay baxeen ciidamadii dawladda Itoobiya, loo baahan yahay in dalka nabad lugu soo dabaalo, maadaama horay dagaaladu usocdey lugu macneeyey kuwa looga soo horjeeday joogitaankii ciidamadii dawladda Itoobiya ee gudaha dalka Soomaaliya, inkastoo uu sheegay in aysan arintaasi waxba ka jirin ee la doonayey in dagaaladaasi lugu burburiyo dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya. Warkan ka soo yeeray Taliyaha ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliyeed Jen. Cabdi Xasan Cawaale ayaa ku soo aadaya xili Magaalada Muqdisho, laga dareemayo in Maleeshiyaadka kala duwan ee ku sugan ay kala dageen xarumo kala duwan oo ay muuqato in Qabaa'il ahaan meel walba ay qolo udagtay. F. C. Geylan AllPuntland
  10. I like the Shirt with the suite, Lool
  11. Cabdi Cabdule Saciid {Jiniboqor} oo isusotaagay xilka madaxtanimada soomaaliya(Daawo Sawirada) Cabdi Cabdule Jiniboqor oo ku sugan Magaalada nairobi ee Dalka kenya ayaa shir jaraa'id oo uu ku qabtay Nairobi ka sheegay inuu u taagan yahay xilka Madaxweynenimada Soomaaliya, isagoona muujiyay sida uu doonayo xilkaas. Xildhibaanka ayaa sheegay inuu si weyn u rajeynayo inuu ku guuleysto xilka Madaxtinimada, isla markaana shacabka uu doonayo inuu dhibaatada ragaadiyay ka samata bixiyo, isagoo adeegsanaya waaya aragnimo iyo karti dheeraad ah waa sidoow hadalka udhigaye . Waxuuna sheegay xildhibaanka inow asaga kaduwan yahay xildhibaanada isusoo sharaxay xilka madaxtinimada soomaaliya oo uu donayo inow mideeyo garabyada siyaasada soomaaliya mana sheegin wax qabadkiisa ku aadan madaxtanimada.. Kaliya waxuu sheegay inow wax qabadkiisa ka horsheegi doono marki lamideeyo 575 xildhibaan ee matalaya umada soomaaliyeed.. Cabdi Cabdule Saciid {Jiniboqor} ayaa ka mid noqonaya Xildhibaano caan ah oo ka tirsan Baarlamaanka kuwaasoo ay ka mid yihiin Cali Maxamed Geedd iyo Guleed gacma dheere Maxamed Qanyare, oo dhowaantan shaaciyay inay u taagan yihiin musharaxnimada xilka Madaxweynenimada. Cadiraxmaan Diiriye Nuur Nuure1000@hotmail.com Nairobi Kenya
  12. Good show of display, Masha'alah great indeed, lets hope the Somali people will unite and bring about a lasting peace Insha'alah.
  13. Masha'alah, keep it up boyz, very nice development... Puntland leaders and politicians should concentrate more on the development and progress of Puntland, they should allocate all of its resources to the state and put it back into the regions of the state.
  14. As I have said before, this was going to turn deadly and very ugly... Rabinna Yasahal-almuur, God may ease the pain and suffering of the innocent and shall bring back stability Insha'alh.
  15. LST, I agree with you on that one, however Alshabaab should at least make a proper procedure to excute someone, otherwise what will the difference be between them and the former thugs that use to kill and murder innocent citizens of Kismayo. The young always to rush to carry a death sentence, what is the rush, not really necessary, take your time and think of the consequences.
  16. Inaa lilaahi wa inaa Ilayhi Rajicuun... Althought, I disagree with Barre Hiiraale's advance and attack on Kimsayo, and those who support him, however this kind of action is unjustified and unislamic to say the least.
  17. Masha'alah, this was great indeed... Hope things will even get better come next election
  18. Fahiye, if you agreed and seem to be entertaining the same line of thought as Oodwayne, and also believe that his quote below captures the reality on the ground and thanked him for it, then all I can say to you is, nin xanuunsanaya ayaa tahay ee ilahay haku caafiyo . NO more, kaharay anigu Originally posted by Oodwayne: Mr. Emperor, I see that you are given him (i.e., Fahiye), a song a dance, in-order to sooth his bruised clannish ego... But, be that as it may, one wonders, when will the likes of Fahiye will see in action “larger Clannish brotherhood" that you so eloquently speak of here. Is it the case that the only the time, that him and his likes are needed to be a hired foot-soldiers of Col. Yey will be the only time that we shall behold this “mythical brotherhood” in action. And therefore, all other times, his concern (even if it is a clannish one) will be discarded by the said "trinity", with what will amount to a good conscious on their part, so to speak,...heh,...dear lad? Furthermore, this lop-sided "clannish arithmetic" that pirate-land’s parliament is based on, is not something that is new in here; for the designers of this fiefdom from the get-go all along knew “this simple fact”. However the likes of Fahiye and Caamir (or at any rate their clannish representatives back in pirate-land) thought that in time the “political greed of the trinity" will be sated; and hence a genuine political representation of the "equity" kind could be build, afresh, at least for the sake of this fiefdom. But, what they never seemed to cotton on is the idea that the likes of them were always thought of to be at best as those who will make up the "necessary numbers" that will not threaten the hold of the “trinity” at the helm of pirate-land. Or at worst, they were thought of as nothing but “biddable foot-soldiers” that will go wherever the likes of Col. Yey could leisurely assigned them to.
  19. Somalia is one, and insha'alah will remain to be so... One nation, one people, one country under the beautiful blue sky and flag.
  20. ^You have no rights at all, neither can you forgive nor can you turn in anyone more powerful, you can run only after those you presume to be less-powerful... Adeer turn in everyone including Riyaale, or no one else waa kabul dheh, Ina Cali Samatar hadii lagu eeganayaa tol maleh, ragii awalba u istaagay ayaa hadana u istaagaa, all the Somalis in America ayaa tol unoqonaya sidi awalba dhacday. PS: Correction for Suldaanka: Ina Cali Samatar has never been a PM for Somalia as far I as I know, he was the Vice President, I could be wrong.
  21. ^Odwayne soo dhacyeeeeeeeeeey Little do you know, little do you know my friend, when you indulge and swim in the matters of Somalia you get quite humorous, but when you even go an-extra mile to sound expert in the affairs of Puntland then you become the real laughing stock. Calm down philosopher
  22. ^Riyaale, the chief of Barre spy, the notorious NSS...
  23. Fahiye, although you have accused me of being partisan and chose to disgregard or ignore my input, nevertheless I will say few things regarding your topic and the issue at hand. Brother Puntland is not perfect, never have been and never will be, the matter of the fact is also members of the parliament we have aren't doing their job and voting for the biggest bidder, that's the issue we need to focus on more than the clan structure. Faroole won this because of how he convinced the electors and what he paid and not of who he is... let's get that one straight As for the clan structure, if that is not correct/fair or some stackholders of this great region feel a little bit under-represented in the house of the parliament, then that should have been an issue open for a discussion before the election, or any election for that matter and during the formation of Puntland, or even now after the election. I don't think the clan share politics in that region is fair or unfair either, I believe they did their utmost effort to make every single one or sub sub clan represented or at least most of them. People can come together as brothers again, young or old, sit down together as many times as they want to rectify any issues that may seem to be a problem, and the elders of the those that have a complaint should inform all of Puntland elders and authorities, its not a big deal as I believe to be a simple issue which can be resolved, although I doubt any make up that will be formed to reduce complaint will achieve that or guarantees no more complaints from any other groups... What is important is that we stick and respect in what, we all the stakeholder, agree upon, that doesn't mean there shouldn't be a door for a reform, certainly that door has to always be open, but generally we should respect and follow through that line. PS: The great idea of Puntland was not that Yusuf Yey's or any other politician, but that of a quite and huble fella, Abshir Muse.
  24. Originally posted by Muj Red sea: I sent her a Pm out of respect to try to address me in accordance with SOL rules So, you admit that you send her PM's Lol, PS: Mj Red iyo Qalbi gabdhaha halaga xishoodo, dooda yay idinla tagin meel fog. PS2: No anymore comment regarding the thread.