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Everything posted by Emperor

  1. ^Good, Masha'alaah, lets hope they bring about a proper change, Viva Puntlanda
  2. ^Lol, you are right, two out-spoken dudes but will be good, because this is the right time that we need very load out-spoken men in the cabinet, specially after and if the Djibouti process turns out to become a fart... Who is Wasiirka Arimada gudaha, C/llahi Axmed Jamac, is that Ilkajiir?? What is Dr Saleebaan's post?
  3. I am glad that most of the old goons aren't in the list but I see Wasiirka Amniga Inna Siciid Samatar have returned, I don't know why, after all the security failure of Adde's Admin was partly his fault. Hureey, Nuuradin made it to the list, the Wasiir for Qorshaynta iyo Xiriirka Caalamiga... Wasaarada Warfaafinta iyo Isgaarsiinta is Warsame Abdi Shirwac, is this guy Seefta-Banaanka , I guess so, Odagi waa soo laabtay, Lol... I believe both the important post of Maaliyada iyo Arimada gudaha went to new guyz.... No more Gaagaab and Awaare, very good...
  4. Garoowe: Madaxweynaha Puntland Ku dhawaaqay galahiisa Xukuumada 17. januar 2009 XEER MADAXWEYNE Lr. 02, 17 JANAAYO, 2009, OO KU SAABSAN MAGACAABIDDA XUBNAHAN GOLAHA XUKUUMADDA CUSUB 17.01.09 DAWLAD GOBOLEEDKA PUNTLAND: Markuu arkay: Dastuurka Puntland qodobka 54aad, faqradiisa 19aad Markuu latashaday: Madaxweyne ku xigeenka DGPL Markuu tixgeliyey: Baahida loo qabo xulashada xubnaha Golaha Xukuumadda oo aqoon sare iyo karti leh Markuu Garowsaday: Hawlaha baaxadda weyn ee shacabka Puntland ka sugayo Xukuumadda Cusub Wuxuu Xeeriyey: Magacaabidda xubnaha cusub ee wasiiradda/Wasiir-ku-xigeenada iyo Wasiiru Dawlayaasha Golaha Xukuumadda: Wassaradda Caddalada, Arrimaha Diinta iyo Dhaqancelinta Wasiir C/risaaq Yaasiin C/lle Wasiir ku xigeen Max’ud Saciid Xusen Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha, Dawladaha Hoose iyo Horumarinta Reer Miyigi Wasiir C/llahi Axmed jamac -Wasiir ku xigeen Yuusuf Axmed Khayr -Wasiir ku xigeen Cali Yuusuf Cali Xoosh Wasaaradda Amniga Wasiir C/llahi Saciid Samater -Wasiir ku xigeen Cabdi Yaasiin Xirsi Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Wasiir Dr. Faarax Ali Jamac -Wasiir ku xigeen Cabdi Ibraahim Warsame -Wasiir ku xigeen Yuusuf Dahir Qodax Wasaaradda Qorshaynta iyo Xirrika Caalamiga ah Wasiir Nuuradiin Aaden Diiriye -Wasiir ku xigeen Saynab Ugaas Yaasiin -Wasiir ku xigeen Cali Axmed Gamuute Wasaaradda Xanaanada Xoolaha iyo daaqa Wasiir Axmed Xuseen Yuusuf -Wasiir ku xigeen Dr. Nuur Axmed Yuusuf -Wasiir ku xugeen C/weli Xirsi Nuur Wasaaradda Caafimaadka Wasiir Dr. Bashir Cali Biixi -Wasiir ku xigeen Dr. Maxmed Xirsi Ducaale -Wasiir ku xigeen Maymuun Cabdi Ducaale Wasaaradda Warfaafinta iyo Isgaarsiinta Wasiir Warsame Cabdi Shirwac -Wasiir ku xigeen C/shakuur Mire Aaden Wasaaradda Hawlaha Guud iyo Gaadiidka Wasiir Eng. Daahir Khaliif Faarax -Wasiir ku xigeen Warsame Aaden Guulled -Wasiir ku xigeen C/risaaq Yuusuf Cilmi Wasaaradda Beeraha iyo Horumarinta Biyaha Wasiir Xasan Cabdi maxmed -Wasiir ku xigeen Burhaan Cilmi Xirsi Wasaaradda Kaluumaysiga iyo Khayraadka Badda Wasiir Suleemaan Ciise Axmed -Wasiir ku xigeen C/kariim Saalax Cali Wassaradda Haweenka iyo Arrimaha Qoyska Wasiir Caasha Geelle Diiriye -Wasiir ku xigeen Xaliimo Max’ud Maxamed 13. Wasaaradda Shaqada, Shaqaalaha, Dhalinyarada Iyo Sportiga Wasiir Maxamed Nuur Cagweyn -Wasiir ku xigeen Axmed Cigaal Cawaale 14. Wasaardda Ilaalinta Deegaanka, Duurjoogta iyo Dalxiiska Wasiir C/qani Yuusuf Cadde -Wasiir ku xigeen Cismaan Cawad Cali 15. Wasaaradda Dekedaha iyo Gaadiidka Badda Wasiir Eng. C/risaaq X. Gacayte -Wasiir ku xigeen Eng. Max’ed Ciise Lacle 16. Wasaaradda Duulista hawada iyo Garoomada Wasiir Axmed Cilmi Cismaan -Wasiir ku xigeen C/llahi Jamac Roorshe. 17. Wasiiru Dawlaha Ganacsiga Maxa’ud Faarax Max’ed F.G. Xubnaha Golaha Dawladda oo an liiskan ku jirin dib ayaa laga soo magacaabidoonaa. Xeerkani wuxuu dhaqan gelayaa markuu Madaxweynuhu saxiixo. Dr. Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud (Farole) Madaxweynaha Puntland
  5. ^Adeer, I wasn't talking to you. Gabadhaan qoute-kaas markay igu waashay Ethiopia this or that after I made myself load and clear about the departuer of Ethiopia, hadaad macno kale haysid la imoow hadii kale igala tag cantabaqashka....
  6. Adeer no one cares what you say, if Puntland is not significant or less influencial you and your clan web portal wouldn't talk much about it... take a rest dude, if indeed Puntland is nothing then you have nothing to warry about, chill and keep underestimating us
  7. Yaa yiri the Odayaal of this clan can't be in Mogadishu, of course Mogadishu is a Somali city, rag badan Odayaal ah ayaa kudhashay, walina stay there as they wish. However, the point is, we have never heard of an organisation of this clan-based Odayaal before formed in anywhere in Somalia, be it Bosaaso, Garbahaarey or Hargeis. Now the use of this qabiil-based sort of political party that releases statements which was created in Mogadishu is dead wrong - the term that contains the qabiil name wax dhadhan leh ma ahan.
  8. ^Habo you are running around beating drums and going in circles, no need really and you don't have to speculate or presume things about me, I have said it clear and load bear time, I rejoice the departure of Ethiopia. However, the other fact that was presented in the article as you said, is clan militias taking positions along the 17 year old rivarly bases, sort of border line and territory in which no one should transgress otherwise will triger a full blown out war between the clans. Let me make clear to you again, this is what I was against and you were for it, I am suprised as to why you should be happy about it. Please let's not go back to the claim of 'you are angry because Ethiopia left' , I made my point about that and is on record, so shall we for a second leave Ethiopia out of the equation. One question for you, would you be happy as much as you are in Mogadishu, if Hargeisa is divided into four or more and were said that the Habar of Siilaanyo control the Airport, and Habar of Waraabe control the main Market while Habar of Egaal control Madaxtooyada and all the small Habro control few streets and one Hotel. Come back and let us now, sometimes I like the way you make yourself to sound so innocent and claim to not know clans or whatever thats happening in Mogadishu while on the other hand making wild statements such as the 'rightful owners', hopping and clapping for clan rivalry in Mogadishu and coming across as an expert in those issues. If you don't know then take a step back listen and only observe till you get to understand, or otherwise, If you know go ahead and make your statements, you can't have both.
  9. ^I agree, reer Puntland have every right to secure their borders and focus on the development of the state, and I don't think or agree with a full seperation from the rest of the republic, after all Puntland is almost 40% of Somalia and many visionary technocrat politician which played a great role in former republic are from this region, so why seperate when you can declare yourself to be the republic and represent everyone. Ispector give another five to eight years, if Mogadishu doesn't get its acts together and take its leading role then I think Puntland should flip the coin and declare Garowe the capital of the republic and invite all Somalis from as far as Kamboni, Baidoa, Hargeisa to Ras-asayr, I guess Puntland will have enough time to build its economical capability and infrastructure to get to that stage Insha'alah.
  10. ^Adeer you and the above dude are on a different airwaves, everything that contains the D term is somehow cynical to you and is only for the purpose of Yey and Puntland miyaa Lol, so lowly of you... FYI, I am more alarmed and disturbed by the use of the term, and I believe some politicians in Mogadishu are behind this new phenomina to make a case and use it later for their political purpose, I doubt there are any Golo-Guurti of the said clan in Mogadishu. Isimada iyo odayaasha reerkan meelaha ay joogaan waa layaqaan. The city of Mogadishu is famous for coming up with clan-based organisations, ala style of Ururka reer Hebel , adeer that's not something we approve and find it appealing in Puntland. And like I said in my earlier post, although the message of the said Odayaal is not bad, I certainly don't think that name is cool.
  11. ^Oh my god, the hater is here, good morning hater Edit: Waryaa Generale, the girl isn't a dude... I think AT come up with that Lol
  12. ^Sorry I haven't been here for the past few days, I don't know whats been happening. Earlier on I was reading a topic possibly in the General seciton in which AT was accusing one of the girls to be a lad hiding behind a screen name, is it him? who started the rumour that you are a man, I can disprove their allegation and be a witness that you are not ...
  13. What is this man, your friend?
  14. ^Gabadha uyartartiibi, don't be hard on her ninyaho waa kusidee, let the girl make her point Is Abwaan the hater? Inuu gabdhaha kudaba gabado waan ogaa balse I didn't know if he was a hater, from now on he will be that hater
  15. ^LOol, Crowned by the devil in other words, Jiniboqor , thats my candidate.... I heard Azhari is also running, A. Qasim I heard to be hiding behind but will soon declare he's a candidate, who esle is running?
  16. ^Tell him young man... Twisted Logic, adeer that's not the point, the main point is Puntland is big and runs a vast amount of land. Originally posted by Blessed: Emp. No, I just thought it odd that a person who is wadani would be sad at the departure of foreign troops that were unwanted by his people. Then I was right in my earlier interpretation my dear, you actually got it wrong for the second time and to make things clear for you so you don't come back again with the same line, I am happy that Ethiopia have departed the land and my capital, what I am angry with and was against is militias taking over places along the clan lines, its what kept our capital in hostage for the past 17 years, that's the message the topic conveys and the main reason I posted but you seem to be fine with this lawless and unruly clan militias and called them the 'rightful owners' over moi.. Ma Indha'ade ayaa iga xiga Mugadisho? How? Because that's what you said and is there for all to see...
  17. ^Lol Are you telling me the President will be selected even before the making of the 550 MP's Waar bal give us your thought ineer, who do you think will end up being the President, I know you don't get inside nafaqo from the caravan crew or don't make direct calls to Shariif, or perhaps you do, but just speculate, who do you think will be the next President or how long will the process take, a month, two or three
  18. TwistedLogic, some of the areas that you mentioned Puntland do not controls them now, but do you know the distance between Garowe and Bosaaso. The order that's released tonight from Garowe will take effect immediately and be enforced early tomorrow.
  19. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: "War cawdibilaysta, Jinni baa nagu dhex jiree" -- Xildhibaan Casharo Haha, , I remember this one few year ago, Casharo made that comment and the meeting room turned into a boxing ring, Jini-boqor throwing bunches , heh that was funnyyy
  20. Blessed, your rhetorical question was meant to provoke the poster and show as a bitter man who was angry about the departure of Ethiopia and the 'righful owners' taking positions, and also doubted his 'wadaninimo', mase sidaa ma ahan walaalo... Lets leave there bal Mr Twisted_logic, for god's sake don't compare Bosaso or Burco to Mogadishu, and we weren't talking about neighbourhoods or inhabitants of an area but who has control or the authoirty that runs a place. Adeer there thousands of Kilimoters between Bosaaso, Galkacyo, Qardho, Dhahar and all of Puntland and the orders come from one house in Garowe. Similar to Burco and Berco is controlled from a single house located in Hargeisa. Marka adeer bal yara naso meesha waad kucusubtayee
  21. Xiin-ow Ma kaa dhabaa mase Riwaayad baad noo dhigaysaa? What is this shir between the government and ARS oo hadana furmay. Nimanka heshiiskooda ma dhamaado miyaa, soo iyagii heshiiyay iskuna wada waafaqay saxiixayna one month ago, oo 550 MPs lasameeyo kadibna dowlada lasoo dhiso. What I thought to have been the next step, and was waiting for is the selection of the 550 MPs and finally go for the Presidential race or elections and create a government. Dowlada iyo ARS waa heshiisheen waxaan dib ufurmaaya madadaalo miyaa, I would rather see in Asmara group ahaan lahayeen waxa uu shirka ufurmay, laakiin Ahmed Abdi Salan iyo Sheekh Shariif ayaa hotel kushiraya in djibiout is a waste of time...
  22. ^I hoping for the better brother, balo masaadinaayo, Magaalo madax aan kunoqdo oo nabad ah ayaan rabaa, but all the signs and the activities that's been happening for the past 24 hours since Ethiopia vocated lead to the report of the topic. Qayb-diid ayaaba yaabaye, war halaga joogo Blessed, if it is within that context, and I mean with that dodgy half-statement half-question context , then one will have a reason to make all sort of interpratation, Lol... and I am extremely suprised that of all people, that has to come from Blessed
  23. ^I didn't know but that's good to hear, if he already made contacts to Mogadishu and with the AMISON forces then Faroole is doing the right thing, he's the leader now and thus responsible of everything regarding Puntland.