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Everything posted by Emperor

  1. Kadawo, don't worry Sheikh Shariif can't win even if he gets 250 votes in the first round, think about 550 MP's .... it seems waa la isku noq-noqonayaa and it will take at least 420 MP's voting and getting them counted again and again and again, Lol.... My feeling is Barito unbay dhamaynaayaan and thats when we gona have a winner
  2. ^Shariif Sheikh Axmed unbaa yeeraysa, I think waxaan waa been waa lagu shubtay, fake waraaqo lasoo diyaarsaday baa naloo yeerinayaa
  3. Kadawo, don't worry Sheikh Shariif can't win even if he gets 250 votes in the first round, think about 550 MP's .... it seems waa la isku noq-noqonayaa and it will take at least 420 MP's voting and getting them counted again and again and again, Lol.... My feeling is Barito unbay dhamaynaayaan and thats when we gona have a winner
  4. Kadawo, don't worry Sheikh Shariif can't win even if he gets 250 votes in the first round, theink about 550 MP's .... it seems waa la isku noq-noqonayaa and it will take at 420 MP's voting and getting them counted again, Lol.... My feeling is Barito unbay dhamaynaayaan and thats when we gona have a winner
  5. Kadawo, don't worry Sheikh Shariif can't win even if he gets 250 votes in the first round, think about 550 MP's .... it seems waa la isku noq-noqonayaa and it will take at least 420 MP's voting and getting them counted again and again and again, Lol.... My feeling is Barito unbay dhamaynaayaan and thats when we gona have a winner
  6. ^Its the Presidents choice, why are you laughing, whats so funny?
  7. They are just holding up and down big empty envolopes.... Zup wiv tha
  8. Is there going to a change of the Speaker as well, or Adan Maboobe will retain his position?
  9. Not quite so about Mr Abshir's MP prediction, the next PM as of now is predicted to be this man and few intro about him... Sheikh Adan Maxamed Isse - A Canadian fellow who took part in the presidential election of Puntland only few weeks ago and lost, the man have never been part of the ARS group of Asmara or Djibout but now serves as an MP for Sheikh Sharif's ARS... Faroole malaha buuqa wuu joojin xoogaa, Lol, mase kanbaa uga sii darniini?
  10. Puntlander it is, and there have been a slight change of tactics, as of this Morning the reports I was getting have been predicting that If Shariif wins the election, the next PM will be Sheikh Adam Maxamed Isse - Gaadaale... We will see bal the outcome of this tonite...
  11. How many voted thus far? Hadaan soo kacayee, Lool and I personally know the man making the calling of the parliamentarian's names
  12. Universal TV carab ayaa naga Hack gareeysay.... Af-carabi ayaa kasocda kuwa hadlaaya sawirkana waa Somalida
  13. Ma Waxaa la dooranaya Madaxweyne Soomaaliyeed, mise UN-ta ayaa wakiil soo magacaabaneysa Khamis 29. 01. 2009 Marka hore mahad idilkeed waxaa iska leh Allaah, naxariis iyo nabadgelyana Rasuulkeenii ayeey korkiisa ahaatay. Intaas kadib, waxaa maalmahkan leysla dhex marayey in leysugu tagay Jabuuti, Mucaarid iyo mu’ayid ba. Waxaa la leeyahay waxaa la dooranaya madaxweyne Soomaaliyeed. Iyadoo aynu la yaabanaan jirnay qaabka loo soo dooran jiray madaxdii hore, ayaa maanta waxaa timi mid kuwii hore I qarso tiri, taasoo la yiri haleysku daro baarlamaankii hore oo ka koobanaa 275 xubnood iyo kuwa mucaaridka ee garabka jabuuti oo la yiri keensada 275 xubnood. Sida aynu la socono baarlamaankii hore oo ahaa kuwo aan innaba haba yaraatee isku raacsaneen, oo mid walba watay fikrad u gaar ah, oo qaarba qaarka kale kasoo horjeeday, loogana baran inay arin qura isku raacaan, ayaa sidaas ay tahay ay iska soo sharaxeen qaar baddan oo doonaya jagadaa madaxweynenimada, halka Xisbiga isbaheysiga ay ahaayeen qaar hal cod leh, oo isku aragtiya, oo ka mideysnaa qaabkii looga soo horjeeday DFKM, ayaa haddana uu u sharaxaan yahay kaliya Shiikh Shariif. Haddaba ma waxaa leysku jilayaa riwaayad, oo sidee ayeey wax u wada dooran karaan ummad aan isku dheeli tirneyn, mise waxaa laga faa’ideysanyaa boogta baarlamaankii hore, oo waxaa la ogaaday in sidaas wax loo marsiin karo. Maxaa riwaayadda leysagu jilayaa, miyaanay habooneyn in si toos ah waxa la damacsan yahay loogu dhawaqo oo loo meel marsado. Haddii la yiraahdo 2 + 2 ayaan doonayaa inay kasoo baxaan natiijo ah 5, ilmaha xalay dhashay xitaa ma qaadan karo. Runtii anigu shaqsiyan Shiikh Shariif waxaan u arkaa Hogaamiye Soomaaliyeed, oo hanan kara maamulka Soomaaliya, ummaddana ay baddankoodu ku kalsoon yihiin. Haddii ley oran lahaa inta jabuuti isugu tagtay mid ka dooro, oo taladeydu ay tahay mid meel mar ah , isagana dooran lahaa, laakiin Shiikh Shariifoow nasiib daro qaabka wax loo wadaa waa mid aan Soomaali damiir leh u cuntamin, oo xitaa adiga ka shariif ahaan meel kadhac kugu ah. Anigoo aan hadalkeyga badineyn ayaan waxaan oran lahaa maxaa waqtiga loo dilaya, oo dadka loo maaweelinyaaa, natiijo iska cad halka loo wado, maad noo dadjisaan oo ku dhawaqdaan. Jabuuti waxaan u arkaa inay abaal weyn ay ku leeyihiin Soomaali, oo ay arimo baddan ay nagala qeyb qaadatay, laakiin maanta in gogashii ay fidiyaan in sidaas Soomaali loogu bahdilo, runtii maaha wax na qabta, ee libintii ay Soomaali idiin heysay heyska dayacina. Dhammaan indheergaradka Soomaaliyeed meel walboo ay joogaan waxey u arkaan doorashada ka dhaceysa Jabuuti inuu yahay mid ay UN-ta wadato, oo aan la garneyn qaabka ay ku saleynayso. Runtiina waa arin aan u cuntamin Soomaali meel walboo ay joogto. Waxeynu sugnaana waa bisha sodonkeeda iyo madaxweyne Shiikh Shariif, nin ku raali ah iyo mid diidanba. Wey dhici kartaa in xag alle ay si kale wax ka noqdaan, laakiin xisaabta aynu naqaan waa sida uu qorsheynayo ninka Soomaaliya uga wakiilka ah caalamka. Waxa halkaas na dhigayna waa ayaandarada ina heysata ee Soomaaliyeey sidan ma xalbaa, jawaabtaasna idinka ayeey idiin taalaa. Qalinkii Cabdixakiim Jaamac Jooje.
  14. Xildhibaan Cabdi Cabdulle Siciid (Jini Boqor) oo ka hadley shirka Jabuuti Thursday, January 29th, 2009 at 8:12 am Horseed Media News monitoring Xildhibaan Cabdi Cabdulle Siciid (Jini Boqor) ayaa sheegay in uu ka tanaasuley u tartanka jagada Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Mar uu saxaafadda la hadlaayey maalinimadii shalay ayuusheegay sababta dhalisey in uu isaga haro tartanka, Jini Boqor ayaa yiri: kadib markii aan arkey sida loola dhaqmaayo xildhibaanadii hore ee Baarlamaanka, Kadib markaan arkey sida aan haba yaraatee wax xurmo ah loo hayan dastuurka, isla markaasna loo derdaraayo, kadib markaan arkey sida shirku u afduuban yahay iyo qaabka loo wado hanaanka Soomaaliya, Xildhaabanadii cusbaa oo haba yaraatee aan waxba kala socon nidaamka doorashada iyo xeerhoosaadka ay ku dhaarteen, iyo sida loo soo dedejiyey Maalinta Doorashada, waxaan goostey in aan isaga haro Xilkaas in aan u tartamo. Xildhibaan Jini Boqor oo ah Siyaasi caan ah laguna yaqaan afkaar adag ayaa sheegay in Shirka lagu wado si afduub ah isla markaana xildhibaanada la jajubayo loona ogoleyn in ay yeeshaan wax mas’uuliyad ah, waxa loo keeno Mooyee. Waxaa lagu wadaa maalinta Beri ah in 550 xildhibaan ay doortaan Madaxweyne, waa tiradii ugu badneyd ee wax doorata, iyada qaabka Doorashadu tahay qarsoodi loona tirinaayo mid mid taas oo keenaysa in ay qaadato waqti badan. Dhanka kale waxaa durba ka bilowdey Magaalada Jabuuti ololaha Doorashada, warku waxa uu intaas ku darayaa in Labada nin ee ugu cad cad ay yihiin Sh.Shariif & Nuur Cadde, halka dadka qaar ka faalooda siyaasadda Soomaaliya ay sheegayaan in xildhibaanadu ay dooran doonaan nin loo soo xulay.
  15. Waar anigu Shankaroon-taaba iigu daran The man is simply creative , and the other thing Puntland anagaa iska lahayn buu yiri nimankaasaa naga xadeen, LOol
  16. ^Horn you have no point dear, who named the TFG's or even the Arta TNG parliamentarians, by Yusuf Yey or Nuur Ade or was it named by A. Qasim... How do you think one man should nomanate 275 MP, and stand for the election at the same time, bal who will these elect? Very silly indeed What most people are asking for is transparency, surely there has got to be another authority that can nominate the parliamentarians other than a presidential candidate Like one member said before, this is not a election but more of an innugaration...
  17. Originally posted by Garyaqaan*: Mr waraabe added that originaly name land of punt Secessionists was their idea but was stollen by reer puntland. L0oooooooooo0L,
  18. ^Waa runtaa Awoowe, although you are only few miles off the road, you can hardly be spot, very hectic schedule.... and the other night secret-ka yaan kaa qaadan lahaa but .... Duke-ow Sophist howla culus culus iyo Jamaahiir shirar waa iska jiraan , but honestly ninku waa busy with family life and work...
  19. Meiji, its you that's wasting time, stop hiding behind the smoke screen, in this boards of SOL you get things as straight forward as they get, so present what you have in your basket... reveal your true colours, identity an stand... Calankaaga bal lasoo bax oo soo daa waxaad hayso hadii kale sii soco... Twisted logic, if something becomes legal by how effective and productive it is, then the most organised, effective, profitable organisation Somalis ever made is the pirates, they did not only alarmed the whole world and created headlines accross world wide media streams but they also made $150 million in the year of 2008 alone...
  20. Horn, you are confused as ever, your hero Hiiraale hasn't attended and signed it hence you think these men have no weight and their plea means nothing, of course had Hiiraale signed it you would have had different veiw... As for Shariif's clanish stand, that's not the point and its not what I said, if you ask me I actually think he's not clanist at all. Also If pay more attention, all I said was that the foreign community is only doing more harm to the Somalis than good by only respecting the input of Shariif Ahmed and Nuur Ade and ignoring all the rest of the Somalis and treated with no significance, men like Prof Galayr, Jurille and Inna Siad Barre etc... That's the simple point, not that Shariif is clanish man, but we are simply saying that he can't represent and hand pick parliamentarians of Puntland, Gedo and the Jubba's, that will cause a problem, waa intaas....
  21. ^Now come that man with the twisted logic and compares Bosaaso and Berbera to Mogadishu... Dooradu yaysan kugu qoslin.... Adeer,the use of the illegal port of El-ma'an for personal profit is the worst form of Isbaaro... Meiji, adeer what is your point, are you questioning me or simply entertaining yourself, do you think you have posed hard question? The report is there posted for all to see, trust is not the issue here, whether you like it or not its up to you... And for the last point, Yes all this are linked, this is Somali politics and hence a simple math will do. El'main is owned by Abukar Cadaani, who is closely related to Sheikh Shariif and his main financier. In Somali politics the re-opening of the port can be normally, simply and so easily linked to Shariif Ahmed in any way, shape or form, Markaa live with that and come up with some else, more original line. Surely you need to be staying around in SOL for a while to be taken seriously.... PS: Now if you pay more attention to my post I haven't actually critized Shariif Ahmed or accused him of doing such thing but I only adviced him to denounce this and distance himself from it, simple...
  22. ^Saaxib, the secessionists don't understand so is the international community, they think Shariif Ahmed and Nuur Ade can and should make all the decisions of Somalia, hand-pick parliamnetarians and sit at driving seat. The guyz must have been living in an underground for past few decades, yaa usheega Somalia is diverse and more complex than being reduced to Nur Ade and Sharif Ahmed... Inteey wax xaliya isleeyihiin bay kaga sii daraysaa, halkaasna weeye meesha uu Suldaanka rabo... The secesionists have this Formula: More problems for Somalia is directly proportional to most likely recognition of Somaliland
  23. Duke, if indeed all of this men of different veiws, calibre and profession have gathered and reached this decision, then this is indeed a united greater-Clan... its a worrying development! This has never happened before in the entire long Somali civil war. The famous members of the clan including one the worst arch enemy warlords Jees and Morgan who fought each other for almost a decade in the South of Somalia and who have never agreed on anything before are now making a joint press release, exteremely unexpected... Some people have actually predicted and warned of this which may lead to a new main clan clashes similar to the 1991. The international community is to blame for this, the way they are approaching to solve the Somali problem which is only to value and listen to the input of Sheikh Shariif (as the opposition) and Nuur Adde or Ahmed Abdi Salaan (as the government) alone and sideline all the rest of the Somali community is dead wrong and pouring more petrol to the fire...