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Everything posted by Emperor

  1. ^Adeer Yusuf Yey is a living legend, he is a statesman and lives in the Presidential palace of Yemen's capital Sana'a, his legacy and baby project of Puntland state of Somali is thriving, you and few others keep insisting that he's a refugee living in the Somali camp of Aljaxiim, LOoool... does that mean A. Qasim lives with the Sudanese refugee in the UN camp of Ciaro... haye adeer if it makes you sleep well, Yusuf is a refugee in Yemen, OK. As for your hero clown Mr. Salaan, like you said earlier he should just go back running his own business... meesha waxba uma yaalaan, warka intaas ku ekee, maanta dhan muran kuma jiraynee...
  2. ^But that's true, what role do most of the Somali media play apart from fueling the conflict? Yusuf Garaad comes to mind...
  3. ^For the first time we see Ahmed Abdi Salaan's SOL compassionate supporter.... ma moodayn # TL, Adeer both Nur and your hero Mr Salaan were brough by Yusuf Yey, and now are no more part of the Somali government, gone with Yey, these are FACTS. Live with it...
  4. ^One is the defence, the other would be something like management, a minister of the Management
  5. Ina Cabdirshiid haddii cadaaladda aad wax u qeybiso ay sidaan tahay dadka aad bustaha u soo huwatay ee aanan ku aqoon ha arkeen qofka aad tahay(Waxgarad ka hadlay xukuumadda cusub) Waxaa si is-daba joog ah inoo soo gaarayey qoraalo cambaareyn & dhaliil loogu jeedinayo Raisul wasaaraha xukuumadda federaalka Cumar Cabdirashiid Cali Sharma?rke waxaana dhaliilahaasi ay ka kala imaanayaan waxgarad isugu jira ganacsato, siyaasiyiin, haween, aqoonyahano & shaqsiyaad ama kooxo ka kala tirsan qeybaha bulshada. Xubno ku hadlayey magaca Jaaliyada beesha Murusade ee ku dhaqan wadanka Imaaraadka ayaa sheegay in ay la yaab ku noqotay markii ay akhriyeen liiska golaha cusub ee wasiirada. "Markii aan aragnay liiska golaha cusub ee wasiirada ee uu soo dhisay Raisul wasaaraha waxey nagu noqotay anfariir, waxeyna tallaabadaasi qar iska xoornimada ah ay haadaan ku riday kalsoonidii ay shacabka u hayeen Ina Cabdirashiid, ujeeda looga horyimidna ma ahan oo keliya sida aqool xumada ah ee uu wax u maamulay, ee dowladda uu soo dhisay waxaa ku jira shaqsiyaad dhagarqabayaal ah oo wadanka burburiyey, waxeyna ahaayeen shaqsiyaadkii raaliga ka ahaa ama baraarun jiray in dadka la laayo, qeyb weynna ku lahaa xasuuqii Xamar ka dhacay 2007 iyo 2008, waxeyna aheyd wax aan la qaadan karin in dadkaasi lagu abaalmariyo xilal dowladeed, wadankaan waxaa xorreeyey muqaawimo, iyaga ayaana wadanka ka kiciyey gumeysigii Xabashida, in marka muqaawimada cadceeda lagu waro oo shaqsiyaadkii gumeysiga garabka u ahaana xilal lagu taxo waxey la mid tahay GEEL CALOOSHA LAGA RARAY OO TUURTA LAGA CEYNSHAY" ayuu yiri Cabdullaahi Warsame Siciid oo ka mid ahaa ganacsatada beesha Murusade ee Imaaraadka. Mar kale wuxuu yiri Cabdullaahi "Sheekh C/qaadir Cumar & Cabdiraxmaan Janaqow waxey ku jiraan dadka bulshada dhexdooda sumcada ku leh ee ka soo qeybqaatay sidii wadanka shareecada islaamka loogu xukumi lahaa, waxaa loo qaataa in aaney ku kadsoomin xil beenaadkaas, waana in ay ogaadaan ujeedada laga leeyahay keliya waa in sumcadaada lagu lumiyo Ibraahim Saalaxudiin oo ka mid qurba jooga ku nool wadanka Ingiriiska oo Rayigiisa ku cabirayey dowladda cusub wuxuu yiri. Sheekh Shariif waxaan leeyahay Haddii ba aad raali ka nqootay in xukuumad sidaas ah la dhiso, Cabdullaahi Yuusuf waxba kama duwanide, u yeero ciidamo shisheeye ama Xabashi si ay kuu ilaaliyaan. Dagaalkii uu isagu iclaamiyey ee uu doorka ka qaatay ee shacabkii lagu xasuuqay, dadkii taageeray, iyo kuwii uu dhiigooda heerkaa ku gaaray inuu ku tunto xuquuqdooda waa wax aanan la qaadan karin, waana nasiib darro in dadkii cadowga nagu soo hogaamiyey loogu abaal gudo wasiiro sida Jurile, Maareeye, Ciro, iyo shaqsiyaad kale oo xukuumadda cusub ku jira " Wixii Rayigaaga ah ee ku saabsan xukuumadda cusub ku soo hagaaji dayniilenews@hotmail.com, adigoo aanan u gafeyn cidna. dayniilecom@hotmail.com deyniilenews@yahoo.com
  6. Wasiirka Cilmi Baarista Wasiirka Dhaqan Celinta Wasiirka Degaanka iyo Bey'ada Wasiirka Gargaarka Aadamiga ah Wasiirka Jaaliyadaha Dibeda Wasiirka Tacliinta Sare What are all these post suppose to mean? Given that we have few woman ministers, how would Alshabaab agree to this cabinet, it seems the PM and the President have totally forgotten about Alshabaab when they were thinking about this government.
  7. Magacyada Xukuumada cusub ee uu Ra’iisul Wasaare Cumar Cabdirashiid Friday, February 20th, 2009 at 7:07 pm Horseed Media Breaking News cumar_pm Raisul wasaaraha KMG ee Soomaaliya Cumar C/rashiid Cali Sharma’arke ayaa goordhoweyd ku dhawaaqay liiska xubnaha golaha wasiirada ee DKMG ee cusub. Raisul wasaare Cumar C/rashiid ayaa ku dhawaaqay liis ka kooban 36 wasiir iyadoo wasiir ku xigeenadana dib loo dhigey magacaabistooda. Xubnaha la magacaabay waxaa ka mid ah: 1. Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibada Maxamed Cabdullaahi Omaar 2. Wasiirka Maaliyada iyo Lacagta (AHNA Raysul wasaare ku xigeen) Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan ( Xubin Isbahaysigii) 3. Wasiirka Arrimaha Guddaha Cabdulqaadir Cali Cumar ( Xubin Isbahaysigii) 4. Wasiirka Qorsheynta iyo Xiriirka Caalamiga ah Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur Warsame ( Xubin Isbahaysigii) 5. Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga Prof. Maxamed Cabdi Gaandi ( Xubin Isbahaysigii) 6. Wasiirka Amniga Qaranka Cumar Xaashi Aadan ( Xubin Isbahaysigii) 7. Wasiirka Kaluumeysiga (AHNA Raysul wasaare ku xigeen) Prof. Cabdiraxmaan Ibraahim Ibi ( Xubin Isbahaysigii) 8. Wasiirka Ganacsiga Cabdirashiid Maxamed Ciro ( Xildhibaan) 9. Wasiirka Tamarta & Shidaal (AHNA Raysul wasaare ku xigeen) Cabdiwaaxid Cilmi Goonjeex 10. Wasiirka Gadiidka Cirka & dhulka Cali jaamac Axmed Jangeli (Xubin Dowladii Nuur Cade) 11. Wasiirka Hidaha & Tacliinta Sare Prof. Ibraahim Xasan cadow ( Xubin Isbahaysigii) 12. Wasiirka Cadaalada & Garsoorka Cabdiraxmaan Maxamuud Janaqow ( Xubin Isbahaysigii) 13. Wasiirka Warshadaha Cabdiraxmaan Jaamac Cabdalla 14. Wasiirka Beeraha Col.Xasan Maxamed Nuur Shaatigaduud (xubin Dowladii Geedi) 15. Wasiirka Dekadaha iyo Gadiidka Badda Maxamed Ibraahim Xaabsade (Xubin Dowladii Hore) 16. Wasiirka Macdanta iyo Biyaha Cabdalla Boos Axmed (xubin Dowladii Nuur Cadde) 17. Wasiirka Dastuurka iyo Arrimaha Federaalka Madoobe Nuunow Maxamed (Xubin Dowladii hore) 18. Wasiirka Caafimaadka Qamar Aadan Cali 19. Wasiirka Warfaafinta Farxaan Cali Maxamud 20. Wasiirka Awqaafta iyo Arrimaha Diinta Sheekh Nuur Aadan Cali 21. Wasiirka Arrimaha Qoyska iyo Haweenka Fowsiyo Maxamed Sheekh (Xubin Dowladii hore) 22. Wasiirka Jaaliyadaha Dibadda Cabdullaahi Axmed Cabdule Azhari 23. Wasiirka Dhaqan Celinta iyo Naafada Maxamed Cali Ibraahim 24. Wasiirka Gargaarka Aadamiga Maxamuud Cabdi Ibraahim 25. Wasiirka Cilmi Baarista iyo Teknoolajiyada Maxamed Cali Xagaa 26. Wasiirka Shaqadda iyo Shaqaalaha Maxamed cabdi Xayr Maareeye (Xubin Dowladii Geedi) 27. Wasiirka Waxbarashada iyo Barbaarinta Axmed Cabdullaahi Waayeel 28. Wasiirka Howlaha guud iyo Guryeynta Maxamed Cabdi Yusuf ( Xubin Isbahaysigii) 29. Wasiirka Horumarinta Reer Miyiga Khadiijo Maxamed Diiriye (Xubin Dowladii Hore) 30. Wasiirka Isboortiga iyo Dhalinyarada Saleebaan Colaad Rooble ( Xubin Isbahaysigii) 31. Wasiirka Xanaanada Xoolaha Abuukar Cabdi Cismaan 32. Wasiirka Hantida Qaranka iyo Qalabeynta Maxamed Mursal 33. Wasiirka Dib u dhiska Xuseen Ceelaabe faahiye (Xubin Dowladii Hore) 34. Wasiirka Dalxiiska iyo Durjoogta Maxamed Xuseen Giriig 35. Wasiirka Boostada iyo Isgaarsiinta Prof. Cabdirisaaq Cismaan Juurile (Xubin Dowladii Geedi) 36. Wasiirka Degaanka iyo Illaalinta Bay’ada Burci Maxamed Hamsa
  8. it is not like an article which claims to represent facts, figures or political opinions Ever heard, a picture is worth one thousand words, sometimes a simple cartoon may convey a more powerful political message than any facts, figures or political commentry you may have... Go and ask the man himself, Amin Amir, that if his cartoons represent or present a more powerful message than the entire facts, figures and political opinions of other Somali websites, I can guarantee you his answer will be in the affirmative...
  9. ^Wax uu kashifay majiraan dadkaan ayaguu lack of comprehension haystaa, this topic is regarding Shariif Ahmed's silly response towards the cartoon, we rediculed and denounced Faroole's foolish reaction exactly the same manner, marka faham yaraantaa dadka kubadan However this doesn't mean that we can't question Amin Amir's judgement and his outragious LIE...
  10. What if Somalia was part of and one of the many states of United States of America.
  11. People don't understand, no one is defending or talking about the reaction of Faroole or Shariif Ahmed in the case of this thread... but that of Amin Amir's logical judgement and the reality on the ground regarding the Somali issues, he can choose to be a caroonist form of Dayniile if he so wishes, then no one will really bother at anything he attempts to make, do you ever see anyone really caring about what Dayniile like web portals write, it's a good laugh for all, so let him be another laughing stock or choose to authenticate his political message... warku waa intaas, ninkan hadii layirahdo waa nin runta sheega oo dhaxdhaxaad ah warkiisuna uu noqdo BEENHAWAAS, wax isgali kara ma ahan... Again Faroole and Shariif Ahmed were not the issue here....
  12. Hade maa noo sheegtid dee? Anigu ninyaho I think, it will be Buuba, and that's a pure guess, half-truth and half-rumour I heard...
  13. ^LOol, an hour before the announcement? Juje, will you have a printed version of the list at least an hour before it is made public, LOool... caadi matihid... War bal taas hanoo danbaysee the one post that was said to have been taking sometime, the Foreign ministry naga jaahil bixi, yaad umalaynaysaa in laga dhigaayo?
  14. ^Hahah @ Suul kusaxiixan, Presidentiga qalinka maqaban yaqaan miyaa Soo qor listiga Awoowe, cidna haka baqinee
  15. ^LOool, qabiil majiro, anyone would get a post specially the oppostion.... nuune horta adigu soo opposition ma aadan ahayn against Shariifka, Lool. Djibouti tag waxaad Shariifka kutiraahdaa I respresent the SOL's opposition group against your government, hal minister post ayaa lagugu dhajinaayaa
  16. Xoogsade that was good input, xoogi iyo dagaalki waad joojisay, saas ayaa loo baahanyahay, good to see you brother and welcome back to SOL.
  17. The Somali cabinet will be announced late tommorow or on Saturday. At issue is the number of ministers, I am hearing that a heated debate is still going on about this matter, the international community is pressuring both the President and the PM. They have asked them not to exceed a max of 18 ministers, the Somali parliament has also threatened not to pass it if it is any less than 32, the PM thinks an average of 22 makes sense, and finally the President wants it open, in other words limitless, and to use it as a weapon against the oppostion, to slap any opposition with a ministerial post to shut them up... All that said, however the Somalis would have made something, whatever and what have you, but I am hearing it is the international community that is the taughest here, with 550 MPs they categorically and wholeheartedly gave a RED card to any cabinet which is larger than 18... Again at issue is the foreign ministry, Ahmed Abdi Salaan is lobbying and doing everything to pressure the President in order to get this post, Mr Sharmaarke thinks the post should go to reer Hargeisa, and specially have Buubaa in mind... The third main issue is the clan structure, how will the most important cabinet posts be shared, the foreign, interior, defence, finance and vice PMs... these clans are in fierce battle for these posts, the SNF clan, USC/SNA and SNM clan... It will be soon, tomorrow or after tomorrow that we will know it all...
  18. Qorshel is a great man, undoubtedly one of the best, if not the best, ministers that served former administrations of Puntland, he's more than qualified and has the experience and ability... very civilised and diplomatic sort of reer-Magaal way, ninkaan waa uqalmaa waxkasta.
  19. ^Dhab kama ahayn dadkuu rabay malaha inuu kaqoslisiiyo, but bad luck he had a taugh audience
  20. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, I honestly have never laughed this much for sometime, the speaker far from being clanist, I believe he can make a great comedian... From his 'going to Ilford with a map' analogy to Mogadisho's 2 seats for Pakistan, 2 seats for Italians, 2 seat for Carabta and 2 for the H clan... HAHAHAHA Waxaa kasii daran after every few minutes siduu uleeyahay, waa soo diyaariyay Kulli Laptop-ka ku xardhay wax badan aan kafakaraaayay Typical educated comedian , war ninkaan iska daaya waa miskiin allow sahal ah. Garyaqaan you aren't caadi, brother hada maxaa keentay inaa dadka shirkooda ugu dhax dhuumatid
  21. ^Turki actually Ambasador to Israel, if Somalia will have diplomatic relations with them