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Muqdisho:Dagaal la isku riiqay oo maalinti afaraad ka socda Muqdisho 10. maj 2009 APL Tool Send This Article To A Friend By Email | Saaxiibkaa warkaan ugu *** Email Print This Article | Daabaco warkaan Muqdisho(Allpuntland )-Dagaalo la isku riiqay ayaa xalay saqdi dhrexe ilaa saaka ka socda magaalada Muqdisho , waxeyna dagaaladi dhex marayaan dhinacyadii uu ka bilawday oo ay ku soo bireen xisbul islaam garabka Cumar Iimaan. dagaalada ayaa xoogooda waxaa ay ka socdaan xaafadaha wardhig;ey , Yaaqshid iyo wadooyinka warshashadaha iyo sodonka. dagaalka ayaa saaka waxaa ka qeyb galaya ciidamadii hore ee dawlada ee lagu soo tababaray Ethopia kuwaas o ku xireysnaa xarunta madaxtooyada somalia. ciidamada maxaakimta ayaa waxaa xalay saqdi dhexe looga itaal roonaaday deegano badan sida Suuq bacaad , iyo saldhiga yaaqshid. dagaalka oo wali xawli ku socda wixi ku so kordha la soco xafiiska wararka Muqdisho AllPuntland
This is sad, both involved groups must stop this nonsense war... Subhanallah, may Allah protect the innocent...
Duqeyn ka Bilaabatey Garoonka Stadium Muqdisho, Dad Badan oo ka Qaxaya Xaafadaha ku Dhow Horseed Media Breaking News Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegaya in goor dhoweyd qeybo ka mid ah magaalada ay ka bilaabatey duqeyn xoog leh. Duqeynta ayaa sida wariyayaasha Horseed Media ay soo sheegayaan waxaa ay si aad ah uga socotaa degaano ay ka mid yihiin garoonka kubada cagta ee Stadium Muqdisho iyo agagaarka Isgoyska Ifka Xalan illa wadada Towfiq halkaasi oo lagala wareegay gacan ku heyntooda xoogaga Maxkamadaha iyo kuwa dowlada isku dhinac ahaa. Duqeynta ayaa u muuqata mid madaafiic xoog leh lala beegsanayo gudaha garoonka kubada cagta iyo agagaarkiisa, halkaasi oo ay ku sugan yihiin xoogaga dowlada ka horjeeda ee Islaamiyiinta. Weli lama oga khasaaraha ka dhashey madaafiicdan, laakiin waxaa dhinaca kale sii kordhaya khasaaraha dhimasho iyo dhaawac ee ka dhashey dagaaladi xaley illaa shaley ka socdey magaalada. Ku dhowqaad 100 dhimasho oo u badan dad rayid ah ayaa la soo sheegayaa in la ogaadey, halka dhaawacuna uu 130 ko u dhaafayo, waa tiro koobyada hordhaca ah ee goobo yar oo caafimaad laga helayo. Waxaase suuragal ah in khasaaraha uu intaa ka bato maadama dagaalka iyo duqeyntu weli socoto. Dhinaca kale waxaa bilawdey barakaca dadka shacabka ah eek u noolaa goobaha diriru ka socotey, dadkaasi waxay ka soo cararayaan xaafadaha Towfiiq, aaga garoonka Stadium Muqdisho, Xamar Bile, Xamar Jadiid iyo xaafo ku dhow madaxtooyada sida Siinaay iyo Wardhiigley. Dadka ayaa u caraya xaafado kale oo amaan ah, waxaana ay ku cararayaan gaadiid iyagoo wadooyinka magaalada buux dhaafiyey dadka qaxa ah.
Muqdisho:Xasan Dahir oo sheegay in uu dagaalka ku soo biiray 10. maj 2009 Muqdisho(AllPuntland )-Xasan Dahir Aweys hogaamiyaha mucaaradka ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in uu ku soo biiray dagaalka oo uu la soo saftay xooagaga Al-Shabab. Xasan Dahir ayaa sheegay in dagaalka ay ku qasbeen in uu soo galaa dawlada somalia oo uu sheegay in ay weerareen sida salshigyada wardhigley iyo tawfiiq oo ay daganayeen ciidamadiisa. Xasan Dahir ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in dagaalka lagu soo qaaday uu ahaa mid la soo qorsheyey maadama lagu soo beegay xili ay nabadeyn ku jireen. Xasan Dahir ayaa sheegay in ciidankiisa ay dhankooda is difaaceen isla markaana iyaga weerar lagu soo qaadayy, waxaana uu sheegay in dagaalka markiisa hore lagu qaaday Xoogaga Alshabaab oo fikir ahaan aan is raacsanahay. Hadalka Xasan Dahir ee ah in uu dagaalka ku soo biray ayaa noqoneysa mid sii cusleysa awooda xooagaga mucaradka. Xafiiska wararka Muqdisho AllPuntland
Muqdisho:Madaxweynah a Somalia oo dagaal ka dhan ah mucaaradka ku baaqay 10. maj 2009 Print This Article | Daabaco warkaan Muqdisho(AllPuntland )-Madaxweynaha dawlada Somalia shariif sheikh axmed ayaa ku baaqay dagaal ka dhan ah mucaaradka marki uu saaka la kulmay Wasiirka amaanka ,saraakisha ciidamada xooga dalka iyo kuwa Police-ka . Madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa kulanka waxaa uu ku sheegay in dawladu aysan dulqaadan Karin wixi hada ka dambeeya , waxaana uu iclaamiyey dagaal ka dhan mucaaradka oo idil . Baaqa madaxweynaha uu dagaalka ku iclaamiyey kadib ayaa waxa dagaalka ku soo biiray Ciidamada dawladii hore ee lagu soo tababaray Ethjopia iyo kuwo dhawaan ka lagu soo c arbiyey bdalka Uganda oo tiradooda lagu qiyaasay ilaa 1000 Askari , waxaana hor kacaya saarakishooda. Ciidamadaan ayaa waxaa la arkay iyagoo jooga safka hore dagaalka degmada Yaaqshud iyo aggarka saldhiga wardhigley . Baaqa maadxweynaha ayaan la ogeyn waxa uu ka badalayo dagaalak oo galay maalointiisi afaraad Xafiiska wararka Muqdisho AllPuntland
Join Us To Congratulate Our Brother Dabshid For his ............
Emperor replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in General
Congrats to you brother Dhubad iyo Qalanjada Dhubad-ba... Wish you Gabar iyo Caano, Wiil iyo Malab... Baraakallahu fiikum wabaaraka calaykum, Wajamaca baynakumaa fii khayr -
Habarta have become some sort of celebrity, she's invited to all kinds of meetings, wedding and even church congregations Loool, somefink is going for her ayaan maqli jiray, her grandson is the President of the US , maskiinta energy ayay kadhameeyeen...
Nairobi:Faroole Told No Money 4 U/Administration Tied To Piracy
Emperor replied to Mintid Farayar's topic in Politics
^You are wasting your time trying to link uncompatible dots and making all sorts of nonesensical allegations... contrary to your title, no where in your thread it said funding will not be given to Puntland. Let's for sake of argument agree with you and say that Puntland is not funded to deal and fight with the piracy, then fine the world must fight them out in the seas... it's simple not a big issue, Puntland have come up with an idea and is willing to stop the problem, fund us and will deal with them or else deal with them and shoot them like the Americans did whenever you find a pirate in the sea... Markaa adeer madaxa ha iska wareerin, if Puntland is funded to do this job is good, if not there is nothing to worry about not a big deal, all is good... but just one quesiton for you, why are you so intrested in this and all other Puntland related issues... -
Nairobi:Faroole Told No Money 4 U/Administration Tied To Piracy
Emperor replied to Mintid Farayar's topic in Politics
Suldaanka Awoowe lets not drag this forever, I can say Puntland tried to do something, surely Faroole can say that too to the rest of the world, its not only about trying or saying that you tried and failed, its about doing it, securing the whole of 1500km long coastal line and completely stopping this problem once and for all, otherwise what's the point of trying... To do all that Puntland has to find the logistic and economical means, the world seems to understand that, the piracy issue is not as simple as trying your best, these guyz are few men here and there, very mobile and spread all over the place from Sanaag coast all the way to Hobyo and as far as Mogadishu to Merca, if you chase them from one side let's say from Bari they move to somwhere else and set up all they want in less than an hour, very effective and mobile groups, the world fully understands this and the only opportunity open to them, in order to stop this, is to fund and engage with the only authority that exists in the vacinities where most of these problems happen, and thats Puntland... -
^OK bal, mideeda kale Sheekadaan dagaalka dhacay ma runbaa ninyaho mase niman meel cidla tagay oo yiri Xuduudki ayaan soo taabanay, waa iga dagi la'adahay wali? lool
Nairobi:Faroole Told No Money 4 U/Administration Tied To Piracy
Emperor replied to Mintid Farayar's topic in Politics
^You are not funding anything or any operations, you can't list what needs to be done, or not.... The President of Puntland state of Somalia have had a successful meeting with the international community, the outcome have thus far been according to the plan, the president ticked the right boxed and made the right moves, the international community on the other hand have listened to his input, welcomed to meet him and will hopefully fund the operations to fight piracy by the Puntland. Remember west and the big donors must work with Puntland, and I mean must cooperate and work with Puntland because that's the only way to end and stop piracy, they couldn't do with all the destroyer ships on the sea, it has to be on the group hence fund Puntland to fight them on the group, its simple equation adeer... There is no pressure on President Faroole adeer, if you think that was the case then you need to re-do your homework... He absolutely made it clear that his government is not capable of controlling a 1500km long coastal line, he's willing to do it should the funding and the logistical means to do so be provided... -
^Hahah @ Hub dagaal lagu qabsaday loool... Suldaanka you are funny really. Whats the point of talking about dagaal, Hubkaas horta makii dowladii hore ee Somalia mase Hub cusub oo SL ay soo gadatay? Dagaalka iyo sheekadiisa hanoo danbeysee.
Nairobi:Faroole Told No Money 4 U/Administration Tied To Piracy
Emperor replied to Mintid Farayar's topic in Politics
Mintid you are getting far too desperate adeer, you are learning how to twist and misinterprate news but you are failing with it terribly... Where is the turned down funding by the international community you talk about in this news, do you really think the title of the thread really match up with the content of the news... like I said you are trying to learn how to spin but you need one heck of training... Markaa adeer will you just for the sake of your health rest this case before you go mental and so you can have peace of mind... Adeer bal yara naso xoogaa, at least for a week or two, Puntland is this or that iyo sidaan baa Meles noo qaabilay ayaad kuwaalatay loool ... -
^C'mon JB, you must sing along the rest of your secessinist crew, all of them believed this story and you of all people, Riyaale's PR say its S&N
^Hahaha, dagaal baa dhacay maxaa khasaaro meesha kadhacayna, meeqaa dhimatay mase dhaawacantahay mase pugland militia sidii shimbirii way buubeen markay arkeen Mujaahidiinta SL
^Really? Did any thing happened horta? Riyaale keeps you entertained and you all get in the line... Waar nimanku siday wax u aaminaan yaaba ugu daran!
Loool, its not April 1st is it? Oo hada xuduudka miyaa lasoo xiray??????
Adeer the quote was clear enough for anyone to decode the message and even had the name Somaliland mentioned in it, marka we know waxaad lacabaadaysaan ee baqdinta iska daaya
Mogadishu: Ahmed Diriye other fake elders no longer safe...
Emperor replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
^Don't change the subject we are talking about MMA's quote of the girl who questioned the looter 'Elder' Diiriye, don't politicise social issues adeer... I said no where else have changed in Somalia like Ifka iyo Akhiro except some parts of the South, if you know anywhere else eleborate -
Whether he's secessionist or not, not matters adeer, he made it clear in his statement that any money given to Puntland will mean an attack against Somaliland.. go re-read the quote above... Unlike others I only concentrate on the content of what is posted rather than the writer of the article... I don't care who wrote it
Mogadishu: Ahmed Diriye other fake elders no longer safe...
Emperor replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
^Adeer, everything is the same anywhere else in Somalia except Mogadishu and some parts of the South -
"So, what you need is a system whereby you can accommodate the current Somali government, but they should not be given everything in terms of guns and money because like in Puntland, if you give them weapons or arms then they may use it for goal scoring against other enclaves; like they may fight against Somaliland," he said. , the secessionists have let the truth slip out of the lip, ilaa nimanka intaan bey la cabaadayeen, all fear loool.... Ati if you give them.... they will attack us
Mogadishu: Ahmed Diriye other fake elders no longer safe...
Emperor replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Although I have no sympathy for the likes of looter Diiriye, I am absoletly against this form of assissination against Somali people, gross brutality and must stop... -
Tragic! Ilahaay ha unaxariisto, Aamin.