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Everything posted by Emperor

  1. Maxaa sababay in guddoomiyaha baarlamaanku cadow ka dhigto qaar ka mid ah saxaafadda Soomaalida? Nairobi:-Shalay ayay ahayd markii ugu horraysey ee ay la yaab ku noqotay qaar ka tirsan saxaafadda Soomaalida ee ka soo warrami jirey shirka Soomaalida tan iyo intii uu ka furmay Eldoret sannadkii 2002dii in lagu wargeliyey inaan loo ogolayn gelitaanka hoolkii uu ka socdey fadhigii baarlamaanka ee ugu danbayntii isqabqabsiga iyo leystaanimada ku soo gabagaboobey. Markii dhammaan suxufiyiintii ka socdey warbaahinta Soomaalida ay isku dayeen inay u gudbaan goobtii kulanku ka socdey ee hoolka shirarka Grand Regency Hotel ee magaalada Nairobi ayaa waxaa is hortaagey qaar ka tirsan ciidammada ammaanka ee dalka kenya oo sheegay in la sugayo mid ka tirsan hawlwadeenada xafiiska Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka oo kala saara cidda la lo baahan yahay inay gudaha galaan ayaa waxaa yimid halkaas nin lagu magacaabo Maxamed Sheekh ,kaasoo markii uu soo istaageyba u fasaxay inay gudbaan koox ka tirsan suxufiyiintii halkaas ku sugnayd ,dabadeedna amar ku siiyey Booliiskii halkaa joogey inaysan cid danbe soo deyn,amarkaasna uu bixiyey guddoomiyaha baarlamaanku. Markii weriyayaasha qaarkood weydiiyeen sababta keentay kala midab sooca weriyayaasha ayuu ninkaasi ku jawaabey "waxaanu sii deynaynaa inta weriye ee aanu naqaan",taasoo markiiba ay suxufiyiintaasi u macnaysteen inuu ka wado inta annaga nagu fekerka ah ee aanu xiriirka dhow leenahay,taasina waxay la yaab ku noqotay weriyayaashii oo aan hore u arki jirin in shir aan albaabadu u xirnayn la sii daayo saxaafadda qaarkeed halka kuwo kalana lagu horjoogsado albaabka hore. Run ahaantii waxaan ammaan iyo bogaadin u soo jeedinaynaa qaar ka tirsan golaha xukuumadda iyo baarlamaanka oo aad uga xumaaday falka kala takoorista saxaafadda iskuna deyey inay arrintaas xal ka gaaraan,iyagoo sheegay inay baarlamaanka hor dhigi doonaan si hawshaas wax looga qabto. Arrintaan oo ugub ku ah shirarka ay yeelan jireen baarlamaanka iyo xukuumaddu ayaa waxay ceeb iyo fadeexad ku tahay guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan maadaama hawlwadeenadii xafiiskiisu ay hawshaas ka soo shaqeeyeen,isaguna uu raali ka ahaa sida warar xog ogaal ahi muujiyeen oo weliba wararkaas qaarkood xaqiijinayaan in habeenimadii laga shiray cidda saxaafadda ee loo ogolaanayo inay ka qaybgalaan shirkaas taasoo ay birtu ku dhacday oo la isku raacay inaan hoolka maanta loo ogolaan suxufiyiinta ay ka mid yihiin kuwii ka socdey: -Puntlandpost.com -Radio Gaalkacyo -Allpuntland.com -Radio Daljir.com -SBC Radio -Kasmo.info iyo kuwo kale. halka laga sii daayey kuwii ka socdey BBC.com,Horn Afrik,Shabeelle,Dayniile.com,iyo kuwo kale. Haddaba waxaa isweydiin mudan maxaa ku kallifay in guddoomiyaha baarlamaanku qayb saxaafadda ka mid ah cadow ka dhigto qayb kalana soo dhoweysto? Runtii jawaabta su'aashaan ayaa siyaabo kala duwan loo arki karaa : 1-Waxaa lagu macneeyey inay arrintu salka ku hayso cabsi la xiriirta in kuwa la reebay ay soo tebinayaan xaqiiqda dhabta ah ee jirta. 2-Arrin la xiriirta deegaan gobolleed . 3-Hawl siyaasadeed oo la xiriirta dhanka saxaafadda oo qaarkeed ay si toos ah u taageerto guddoomiyaha halka qaybta madaxa bannaan ee xaqiiqda daabacdana uu u arkay cadawgiisa oo dhanka kale ee ay siyaasadda isku hayaan ay la jiraan. 4-Iyo inay jirto xiriir gaar ahaaneed oo ka dhexeeya saxaafadda qaarkeed iyo guddoomiyaha ama hawlwadeenadiisa. Guud ahaan miday tahayba waa arrin aan ku fiicnayn habdhaqanka suuban ee saxaafadda iyo madaxbannaanideeda iyadoo aan horumar lagu gaarayn in la isku dayo caburin saxaafadeed oo xilligaan war isgaarsiintu horumartay oo aan war ku qarsoomi karin diidmo suxufi gaar ah loo diido goob shir ka socdo oo uu si fudud ku helayo warkii balse waxa keliya oo ay kuwii diidmadaas sameeyey faa'iidayaan ay tahay oo keliya in daafaha caalamka laga ogaado siyaasadooda gurracan ee ku aaddan xorriyadda saxaafadda ,iyadoo aan aad uga xunahay in annaga oo wax dhoobdhoobi jirney oo inta badan asturi jirney ceebaha baarlamaanka kuna shaqayn jirney waddaninimo in naloo diidey goob lagaga doodayo masiirkii ummadayada halka loo ogolaaday kuwo ajnebi ah oo meel kasta ku soo bandhigay fool xumadii shalay ka dhacday hoolka shirarka oo xalay oo dhan laga fiirsanayey Televisionada caalamka gaar ahaana kuwa Kenya. Si kastaba ha ahaatee waxaa laga sugayaa guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan Shiikh Aadan inuu xusuusto kaalintii saxaafaddu ka soo qaadatay hawlihii shirka dib u heshiisiinta iyo shaqadoodii mutadawacnimada ahayd ee ay soo qabteen uuna raalli gelin buuxda ka bixiyo falkaas foosha xun ee ay shalay ku keceen hawlwadeenadiisa uu isagu shaqada u soo dirsaday,haddii kalana loo arki doono ku talagal qaawan oo uu ku kacay guddoomiyuhu. Jaamac Ismaaciil Dharbaaxo Puntlandpost,Nairobi,Kenya
  2. Juma.. loooool..., how low can one go Sxb but nevertheless nice celebrations... Madaxa Banaane Maanta Dadkii Midowye Maanta Madaxwaynahaaga Maanta Magaciisa harraagee Maanta Maandeeq hashaadi Maanta Edited: Maanta Maanta Mantaa waa Maalin Madowee Maanta. Prof. Ghedi tin tin tin tin tin tiriririiiire But why not let Eedo rest in peace...
  3. Kick boxing??????????? yaah good Sxb A. Yusuf agtiisa waa lamari waayay aa ladhahay. Duqa Kickboxing miyaa mase Karate aa qatar lagu yahay nooh. Sabaaxada iskaba dhaaf, labadoo aa lasiiyay Sabaaxad abuu Galkacyo boor aa kakacay Ka ag carara duqa aa kadhacday. Deerow safarti hore aa ladhaga dhajiyay safartaan duqa waa aarsade aa ladhahay, jilib lees tuuraaye koo aas kalida kudhuftay matag aas kuwaashay
  4. Iskama ay uuraysan kaligeed dee sxb maad lasocotaa Uureeyihiibaa joogoo Og waxay umulayso
  5. Great man, I can't pronounce his name proberly but I bet he's more Somali than us. Good job.
  6. OG saqajamkaga igala tag huuno OK huuno, sorry again never meant to ofend...
  7. Yeah I do, we are going around circles sxb
  8. So Duke supplies 'odeyga Yeey' with special girls, no wonder he is very defensive of his adeero... business must be booming he Duke.... don't misinterpret my words warya, Juma dhib badnidaa sxb, Duke I never said bro.. dagaal ha igu soo qaadin.. All I intended to say was OG-girl might need Odaga numberkiisa so who is there to help... OG-lady sowie just joking
  9. if it will make easy for you even if the parliament approves Foreign troops we will not recognise it. LOOL, Juma again trying to be clever, Sxb who is to deny the decision of the Parliament? You Juma? Yeah then If it is you I have much more faith in you than those you support in Nairobi. I believe you can do that but not them not at all. Sxb, if they are able to deny anything they would have said No to the Presidency of Yey(coz he made thema bunch of pathetic sore losers), and then Ghedi came out of them all the Xamar Warlords put together and they couldn't do shit.. Now what do you think they can do anything apart from fake Heshiis and waiting for the Parliament decision. Sxb be sensible and reasonable, these men have no power, nor do they have commonsense. Do u think they Love the law and respect the Parliament decisions, NO don't lie to yourself they are just hiding behind the parliament decision because they have no POWER at all, hiding behind Shirka labada GOLE ee beesha H, What is this if is not an excuse to escape from the reality. Sxb Meeshan waa lagukala baxay, Maalinba nin ayay aduunyadan usaarantahay, maanta waa Abdulahi nimankaana tabar ay meesha kuhayaan majirto marka ha is wareerin bal aan sugno marka aduunyada wax isbadalaan hadana qofki soo baxa... But my simple adive to you is the Game is Over..simple as that and As I said I have much more faith in you doing something than them.... from Now on all they could do is leave the government and go back to Mogadishu to get prepared for War iyo inay Hubkooda aruursadaan...Which is by the way a suicidal move from my point of view, you can have different view on this, think of waxa dowlada ay soo wadato.. Musa who, Yalaxow who???? or Was the other one Ato???? Qanyare knows his fate, he is aware of the situation, he hides behind and ka barakaystaa Shariikfa(Asharafta laga ag dhawada) and that's he has too much repect for the President. Muse has no clue Yalaxow: garkaa biyo la'aan looga xiiraayaa Atto: waqtigii dhamaayooo waad dhigi doontaaa Cheers
  10. I like Dayniile, Amazing reports I admire them and read their news just for Fun. Nothing more nor less, Simple as that...Love them guyz! Fair balanced and professional reporters
  11. War gabadha iska dhaafa ha baashaashee.. OG, Ina abti Do you Love the President? Just imagine how cute he was his young days Duke has his phone number, warya pass it to her and tell Odaga she is one special girl..
  12. I salute Mr Togane for he's up 4 it, the pain and xasaasiyada and nothing but that pure Xasaasiyada.. Whether you like it or not, Surely it's time you should give it to the man, a man who affords to go beyond the line ..... the line of the enemy i.e Qabyaalada, he aint giving a damn cake
  13. Malcolm X AKA El-Hajji Malik El-Shabazz's uncompromising slogan was "by any means necessary" which he explained thus: "When you hear me say, 'by any means necessary,' I mean exactly that I believe in anything that is necessary to correct unjust conditions---political, economic, social, physical, anything that is necessary." By any means necessary: that was the mantra and the measure of Malcolm's utter and uncompromising loyalty and commitment to the struggle of the black race for freedom for justice for dignity. Likewise all sane Somalis are now united in their utter and uncompromising commitment to making Mogadishu once again the peaceful and proud capital of the Somali nation. By any means necessary. Read More
  14. Only 95 MP's....... the last time I checked the number of MP's were 275... Sxb nimanka intii aan lagaarinba codayntii Baarlamanka ayay jabeen oo laga adkaaday... 95 kaliya haday saan qabaan out of 275, then what are waiting for - meesha waaba lagu kala baxayee. Marka codaynta lagaarona kuwaanbaaba qaarkood xage aadi doona intay shaarka bedeshaan.. waa sugaynaa bal the Big Day! It's shame thou at least they should have exaggerated and said 200 or so ... Niyad disasho camal NooooooooooooooooooooooooooH
  15. Amazing how can someone be whoever/whatever he wants to be... Wonderful..and thats why I highly admire Juma's great strength.
  16. No pics sxb No time to read all these, Need to see some pictures
  17. Shimbir baa dhuustay Shimbirihibay Shirisay And my friend Juma eagerly awaits for results from Shirkan
  18. The power of the Alliance in Kismaayo. I know you never meant to say this
  19. Wiil sxb, are you trying to reason with insane people, these men have no foreheard nor do they have consistant tail. Mad Mad Mad Men Crying For Survival... Do not fall for what they say, It's all gona end up as Sheeko sheeko ..Sheeko xariir Shinbir baa dhuustay Shinbirihiibay shirisay Maxaa kasoo baxaya?
  20. , with no hesitation at all, guts you have are as great as you can be a good reps of the clan you hail, I must say. Thumps Up bro I really like your courage and honesty. It isn'nt a joke, when I say you are one of few SOL members that I really enjoy their input.. on to the point. It's good see you around.
  21. Juma No it doesnt sxb, cause he is trusted by the people he does not represent. people he doesn't represent?????????? Do u mean the prime minister of Somalia does not represent people like Duke, Wind and their clan. What a comment!! Do you mind if I say this was a clear tribilistic comment.
  22. Horn, Did I not predict a while ago that the Ethiopian soldiers issue would be uniting a lot of people whether it's negative/positive concerning the transitional government? I wish sxb, but you are dreaming bro, I have no idea of anything and I mean it when I say anything by nothing that Somalis Unite. OOH Sowie, Qabiil, I forgot that but hey remember this one doen't unite Somalis but certain group of poeple. Is just sad we don't have what unites us. As you clearly see this decleration is signed by not all but one group(and by the way who are not altogether with this). Sad isn't it, other groups should have joined, we should have had one Somali voice, not the and that, which I doubt if we will in the near future. And I also doubt if such thing will bring any touchable outcome Sad Sad Sad thats all I can say
  23. Boorsamindo aan naloo dhigooyaa, I don't see anything worth mentioning in these so called talks. It is only good when hear it but nothing real happens on the ground. Honetly, all I wait is in laga xaaqo meesha these barbaric thugz. War bal dad maatidooda iyo dadkooda ugu sokeyay ku cayaarayay baa maanta gacmaha is qabsanaaya and for what, do think for a good reason? I hope so, but I doubt. AFter all the time they had, They should be ashamed of themselves inay sacadan gacmaha is qabsadaan.... caqli laawayaal One nation, Somalia.
  24. Xoogsade Saxib, guryahaaga lagaama inkiraayo. Adaa iska leh Waa Mahadsantahay Sxb, rajo lee nagalinaysaa, Laakiin goormaa nasiinee , Waaba shakiyay aniga adi lee kufadhidaa umaleenaa gurigeena Dadkaas aa sheegtay inta badan fikradahooda qalad ha u arkin, take it as constructive critisisms. I hope most of them are critising the bad and the ugly of Mogadisho out of love but not hate, they(we) love it so much, after all is the common factor that unites us, and thats why is the most discussed city of all Somalia(whether good or bad), and I hope this gives you the impression that "we"(critisisers) actully love but not hate, aright even thou some poeple's responses may be seen as hate but this hate might have many reasons other than the single tribal one that you always suspect. However, again im not pointing out any one, Im sure when I say the whole nation is at stake and Mogadisho is the head, and that's the basic fundemental reasons as why to is getting the most blame, not only that but with many other complicated problems. Sxb, is only fair to blame the Manager/Supervisor not the employees if a company loses some or goes bankrupcy even if the employees have contributed to the loss. Exactly that's where im coming from, all we can do is praise the work of Hargeisa, Bosaso and Baidoa and applaud for them but blame blame blame, Mogadishu is just a horrible place, lose faith in it, we are expecting much much much much more that its doing now, Much much much more that than not only any Somali city is doing but compete with rest of African capitals - All I see is bad bad bad coming from it, and to say I see to blame no where else but Xamar Cadeey and none other than my good friend Mr Xoogsade. OK now you have it sxb, do you want to take this as constructive critisims or destructive one and overeact? Inuu cariish xataa magaalada kuleheenaa laga yaabaa , camirasho yaah! waa ujeeda Laakiin ninka wixiisi waaba inkirtayee, xalaalaysi reer magalnimo yah lol, Alhamdulilahi markoo lee hadii aniga aadan iga inkirin Sxb kaqalee hee yarka 3 bilood lee xataa hasoo joogo gurigooda, kadib hadaa rabtid fisadi waa kadhacday kulaabo Hargeysa iyo Bosaso meeshi uu ka imaaday kudheh.