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The main actors of the SNF: General Maxamed Siyad Barre Former Somali President later demoted to become the founder and leader of the SNF militia when ousted in 1991, the master minder and was the supreme don of the SNF. General Cumar Xaji Masalle: No picture found - to be searched to bring to the attention of the world. Very experieced man, former right hand of Siyad Barre, on of the main architects of the genocide, a man who used outside power against his own tol...
General Maxamed Nuur Ahmed Former Somali officer, the man who believed the be handled and excuted the policy that resulted the death of half million people. Cusman Hassan Caato The brain of the USC and the financier of that militia, a greedy man who made millions over the blood of many innocents, this had no mercy nor respect for human life but only to get rich, the first man to introduce drugs in Somali peninsula
The main actors of the USC/SNA: General Maxamed Farah Aidid The supreme leader of USC gang and main the policy maker, the man who's militia have been responsible for almost 70-80 percent of this genocide. Yusuf Siyad Indhacade Former Aideed gang militia leader later self declared governor of Shablle, this man have controlled this regions with iron fist untill late 2006.
The groups that had a role in this genocide and the main actors: 1. USC/SNA - United Somali Congress - SNA wing Wikipedia: On January 26, 1991, the USC stormed the Presidential palace in Mogadishu, taking control of the capital and forcing Siad Barre into exile. In November 1991, factionalism between Gen. Aidid and Ali Mahdi Mahammad caused a split in the USC. Mohamed Qanyare Afrah was chosen to be the Chairman of the smaller, breakaway "USC Madhi" faction. This leadership position was not recognized by Gen. Aidid. Leaders: General Mohamed Farrah Aidid, Dr. Omar M. Hassan, Hussein Ahmed Mohamed, Abdi Hilowle Hassan, Hassan Mohamud Moheddin, Hassan Omar Mohamed: 2. Somali National Front (SNF) Wikipedia: Loyalists to Siad Barre, the remnants of his army forces founded the SNF militia after his ouster from office. Their intent and goal was to recapture Mogadishu and reinstate the regime of Siad Barre, and to etablish regional state in Gedo, Middle and Lower Jubba. Leaders: General Siad Barre, General, Mohammed Said Samatar ('Gacaliye'), General Omar Hagi Masallah.
^Correct not feasible now, not at this moment in time, the nation has to stand up and start from the grass roots... Originally posted by N/AA: You probably seem like a fool even to yourself. lol, Did I hit a nerve, we are only discussing, Im only presenting history. No need to rewrite it, I, you and the whole world knows the groups that commited this henious massacre, the ones who employed the sick killer tactics no matter who they allied to at the time.
^No where near it... the proportion in Biadoa and around that region was a lot larger than anywhere in Africa let alone Somalia... The reactions from the world was absolutely massive bacause of the scale of the disaster, no where in the world have received that sort of attention during the time... will post the news of this later
^How do u compare? Do you have a sense at all? Theer have never been anything like it in the whole of Africa. The hollycaust of Africa must be remembered, the nubmer of death toll were estimated to be half a million people, that's the same number of people that's living in Mogadishu today... Think before you ask...
Originally posted by N/AA: In their retreat, this is where the SNF made sure the people of Bay did not act with them as they had acted the first time. It was a time of great sadness, anger, and frustration for all Somalis and particularly some groups. Even the crops of those groups were burned but they did not necessarily starve because their crops were burned, as Somalia has always been accustomed to drought. Aydiid had a lot to do with the starvation because he also prevented the international community from transporting food to them when he used the food as political tool. N/AA you made a good point. However it's very sad that to this day and age you still seem to justify the mass murder that was commited by the SNF militia men, I believe there was mistreatment from some local members of Bay and Bakool against the fleeing people of Gedo but not enough to justify the killing of some half million people, the burning of plantations and the policy of extinction of generations... it wasn't about retaliation of one group against another as you want us believe but rather a sick plocy and well thought of plan employed by the USC/SNA and SNF militia's in Somalia.
Originally posted by Kashafa: a) What dawlad-isku sheeg has fully incorporated the USC remenants and the JVA alliance in it's ranks, together with the Ethiopian tanks and armour ? (Hint: acronym = TFG) This is not true sxb, the TFG is inclusive of all Somali people from Ras Asayr to Ras Kamboni, the groups you talk are the ones that are sidelining the TFG they are working hard and long to stop as they did to every government, indeed a group that feels threated by any form of instability, the only two groups that have gained more and benefited from the long Somali civil and hence inflicted more pain, death and rape than any other Somali militia group. b) Is it not than rank stankin' hypocrisy and disgusting political oppurtunism for one to profess support for the same entity that supports, protects, and rewards the architects and leaders of the ethnic cleansing, in Baidoa, and else where in Somalia. The leaders and architects of this genoside are being hunted by the TFG, they are not helped or empowered but weakened by the TFG, although the TFG’s top agenda is to restore security and complete the reconciliation process, time will come when the ruthless thugs (that masterminded the policy of starving young innocent Somali kids to death) will pay the price. c) What do you call someone who conveniently 'forgets' the massacres and genocide committed by men he worships because of clan ties, yet trumpets the massacres of 'the enemy', yet incredibly, turns around and defends and protects 'the enemy' because now, they're on 'our side' ? I have yet to come across a word to describe such a person in the Arabic, English, and Somali languages. Sxb I have no Idea what you are on about here, I can only imagine your sincerity of this case but will you for once stop the selective memory and obsession with the TFG, we have heard your case in every post, you are against the TFG just get over it and use to live with it. You see if someone talks about a girl night out party or a boxing match on the TV or anything for that matter you always love to sing the tunes of the TFG is this or that, I have respect for you brother but seriously now can you blame the TFG for this, an entity that was born a decade later in which it’s senior leaders not being played party, they have supported and liberated the regions in question notably Shabelle, Bay and Bakool, Baidoa was the seat of the government and welcomed by the local people. Ookiyaale Soo gasho next time
Human Rights Development reports: In March and April, the fighting in Mogadishu began to subside somewhat, although chronic insecurity remained. The lull followed the failure of a major attempt by the Aidid forces to overrun the Mahdi enclave at the end of February. It also coincided with the threat of a renewed offensive by the forces of the former dictator Siad Barre, the Somali National Front (snf), composed mainly of Siad Barre's ******* clan. General Aidid patched together a coalition of forces to confront the snf, and succeeded in drivingit into Kenya in April and May. Aidid also defeated forces belonging to the Somali Patriotic Movement (snm), consisting mainly of the ****** clan, and captured the southern port of Kismayo. The military campaign saw widespread abuses against civilians, including the selective killing of scores, possibly hundreds, of ******* in the towns of Belet Hawa and Luuq. The ********* towns of Baidoa and Baardheere became the sites of some of the most appalling famine camps seen in Africa. Death rates reached extraordinary levels, and starvation was common . By the end of November, death rates were reportedly dropping in Baidoa but had risen sharply again in Baardheere, due to a new outbreak of fighting. Source
Xasuuqii Baydhabo
Hard to follow this I guess, well unless you can scroll like a roller... Just pop in and act like the party coord..
More pictures
What have this young khabardaar kids done to deserve this man made hunger and extinction. What, what ooh what? Hard to believe...
In pictures, heroes of Photography:
The bolded part of this report says and I qoute, From 1969 to 1990, the Siad Barre regime further subordinated the groups living in the river valleys. In 1990, Barre's troops fleeing from Mogadishu destroyed all the southern cities including the regional capital, Baidoa. They also indiscriminately wiped out rural villages, confiscating property and killing young men between the ages of 15 and 30. Later, the Aidid militia completed the destruction to a point where the people could no longer sustain themselves. As late as September 1992, an average of 200 persons were dying per day in Baidoa alone. 200 people were dying a day on average, at some point this rate of death was much higher, and amidst all this disaster the two militia's were enjoying controlling the city and all of the sarouding regions at the expense of the locals, they have had guns, food, money as they looted the whole regions and once became the richest groups in Somalia, bal wixi ladhacay oo intaas maskiin loo baabi'iyay aaway hada, hal maalin ayaa lagu qayilin Xaaraanti faqri unbay kasiiqaadeen... Xasuuqi intaas ahaa iyo danbiyadii kale oo dad gabdhahiisa lakufsanaayay la iska kaxaysanaaya xooga bilaa guur, wax hadlay ama iswaydiiyay majiraan, waligay xasuuq sidan oo kale kama dhicin
^Indeed Sxb, time to reflect history. The looters inc. have contributed nothing more than pain, isbaaro, occupy other poeple land and also extereme cases of rape, umimaginable large scale murder never happened in Somali history... ----------------------------- AllAfrica.com Somalia: Somalia's Silent Sufferers Email This Page Print This Page Africa News Service (Durham) OPINION 3 January 1993 Posted to the web 8 January 2001 Abdi Mohamed Kusow The Digil and the ********* Somali clans comprise roughly 30% to 35% of the Somali population and are two of the six major clan families. These two groups are socio-culturally and linguistically different from the other four groups. Their mode of production revolves around agro-pastoralism, a mixture of nomadism and dry-land farming. Geographically, they occupy the land south of the Shabeelle River. They speak the May language, a version of Somali that is as different from the Maxatire spoken in the rest of the country as Portuguese is from Spanish. Economically, their area represents the breadbasket of Somalia and once had the highest rural per capita income in the country. Despite these strengths, the Digil and the ********* have been politically and culturally subordinated over the past 30 to 40 years, and their language has been suppressed. Although the international community has been given the impression that Somalia is virtually homogeneous, the truth of the matter is that the ********* and the Digil are socio-culturally as well as linguistically distinct. Because the majority of the ********* speakers live in rural areas, they cannot speak the so-called standard language of Somalia. In fact, when a government official from the north goes to the south for an official visit, he or she must acquire a translator. This difficulty was demonstrated in 1992, at a Somali conference in Ottawa, when a ********* speaker posed a question to a leading Somali historian in the ********* dialect. The scholar had no choice but to seek a translator. Unfortunately, this historian and other students of Somali studies still insist in their writings on the existence of one language intelligible throughout the country. Furthermore, the United States government has recently recruited several hundred native Somali speakers as translators to go to Somalia mainly in the land between the Jubba and Shabeelle rivers. The irony is that these translators will need translators themselves, since the majority of them do not speak the May language, spoken in that region. The danger is that they will give their own interpretation of the ********* tragedy, which will further impose the control of other clans in the region. Politically, the Digil and the ********* have suffered discrimination for two primary reasons. First, they occupy the richest and the most fertile areas of the country and have been the most productive sections of the population. Second, along with the most southerly ****** clans, they have been the fastest growing group of the Somali population. These two realities have made other Somalis, especially northerners, leery of the ********* since the 1930s. During Somalia's first municipal elections in 1954, prior to independence, there were 20 parties competing for 281 seats. The party now known as the Somali Democratic Movement (SDM), which represents the ********* clan, won 57 seats, coming in second to the Somali Youth League (SYL), a *****-based party. But the first SYL-led cabinet completely ignored the Digil and ********* population. The prime minister formed a cabinet consisting of three ******, two ***** and one *** minister. Until the 1969 military coup, the predecessor of the SDM was the most significant opposition party in the country, leading to political reprisals against the ********* clan family. From 1969 to 1990, the Siad Barre regime further subordinated the groups living in the river valleys. In 1990, Barre's troops fleeing from Mogadishu destroyed all the southern cities including the regional capital, Baidoa. They also indiscriminately wiped out rural villages, confiscating property and killing young men between the ages of 15 and 30. Later, the Aidid militia completed the destruction to a point where the people could no longer sustain themselves. As late as September 1992, an average of 200 persons were dying per day in Baidoa alone. That Somalia's human tragedy has been concentrated in Baidoa (the regional capital of the ********* clan family) should not be seen as a coincidence or accident, but as the result of long-standing social and cultural subordination and widespread discrimination. The Digil and ********* clan families are experiencing one of the world's largest unreported "ethnic cleansings." More than 70% of the famine victims are from the ********* clan. Due to the recent U.S. military intervention, the number of famine victims is starting to slow down. But that is not enough. The gangs and the looters who have held the people in the region hostage over the last two years are still around. Those in the land between the rivers do not have any guns to defend themselves. If the mission of the U.S. troops is to help the starving, then they must remove the gangs and the warring factions from the area. Moreover, if the United States wants to understand the situation of the Digil and the *********, it must acquire translators from that region who can speak the May language and can understand the people. Finally, unless the United States and the United Nations provide special protection for the farming population, they will again be subjected to deliberate annihilation once the U.S. military leaves and the gangs return with their guns. Abdi Mohamed Kusow, who comes from the area between the Shabeelle and Jubba rivers in Somalia, teaches social science at Lansing Community College, Lansing, MI. Relevant Links East Africa Somalia From AFRICA NEWS, December 21, 1992-January 3, 1993
Video clip, Somalia as the faces of starving, Raqiya Omar makes good point and Prof IM lewis..
Famine in Baidoa was neither the result of natural or environmental causes, nor the result of the civil war. Baidoa is the richest city in the country and the capital of the most productive agricultural region, and did not experience the level of conflict that was the fate of Mogadishu, Belet Weyn and Kismayu. How then could Reewin suffering be explained, when they had no part in the power struggle? Some have argued that Baidoa was hit by famine due to its inland location which made relief deliveries difficult.
I have come across a long but informative article which I need to share with you. This is to remember a very tragic incident that happened in Biadio(widely known as the city of death) in which approximately half a million Muslim and Somali lives perished, the perperators of these cruel and inhumane crimes still continue their work they change names, colours and come in different forms, the former SNF and USC-SNA militia now turned into Jubba Valley Alliance or the so called "Walaalaha Galgaduud" have made Somalia into what it is today, we live and Somalia suffers today because of the consequence of these innocent blood. If one gives a close look at the events of Somalia, surely and constructively without any bias one can deduce that it's the combination and the work effort of the two groups previously mentioned, especially as the case with the city of Biadoa and the sarounding regions and cities in which Somalia's most tragic storeis occured. Armed militia's fighting against one another was one thing but ethnic cleansing and genocidal acts against innocent civilians was the behaviour of this groups, with the events and the massacres of cities like Mogadishu, Galkayo, Kismayo and Baidoa and many more in the 90's, its all documented and the stories published fully available on the public domain. This is one of the reports, the author Mahmed Haji Mukhtar: In January 1991, Mogadishu was captured by USC, and Barre’s regime collapsed. However, this was not quite the end of this story. Barre’s forces maintained strongholds in the inter-riverine regions of the country for almost a year, during which they pursued a scorched earth policy, destroying the infrastructure and bringing agricultural production to a standstill. Because the Reewin were excluded from high ranks in the Somali army, the SDM, had no access to arms and lacked sufficient means to protect their people. It is estimated that nearly 500,000 people died in the man-made famine that followed. After Barre’s army was forced out of the country in mid-1992, Aideed militia looted Baidoa once again, taking everything the dictator’s soldier’s had left behind. One relief official in Baidoa in 1992 said of the starving Somalis: ‘These people look like they are from Auschwitz’. The monthly death rate in August in Baidoa was 3,224; that is 104 a day. In September, the figure rose to 5,979 people a month, or nearly 200 a day. The looting and rampage increased when the US Marines landed in Mogadishu, and the fleeing bandits went on a last minute rampage in Baidoa.
Originally posted by Abwaan: where Isqambuus and Carfuuda What? Sxb waa xagee halkan? runti ma maqal meelahaad sheegtay, waxaan isu qabay inaan koobay Puntland Goboladeeda, degmooyinkeeda iyo tooyinkeeda oo dhan, laakiin meeshi miyaaa sidaa ubalaaratayna waaban kala gaarin waayee... Sxb bal noo sheeg Geography-ga waligay kuma fiinayn meeshuna haday iska noqoto qaarad oo kale kasii daran, anigu inta degmo iyo tuulo aan maqlay ayaanba tira badnidooda qaban waayay kuwa kale miyaa sii dhimanaa?... mase waad nagu cayaaraysaa oo waad iska alifatay kolay haday jiraan wax yaqaan waa laheli waana kamid dhulka hadii laga dabaaldagayna waa gobonimo kale
^Just to make it 2001, not the year but the post
hadhwanaag 2007-07-01 (Hadhwanaagnews) Waxaan maanta BBC afka somaligu ka dhagaystay: 1) Wasiiru-dowlada Arrimaha Dibadda Itoobiya, Mr. Tekede Alamu ayaa booqasho kedis ah oo aan hore loo sii sheegin maanta ku yimi magaalada Hargeysa 2) Iyo, ciidamada Darawiishta ee Puntaland oo lagu wareejinayo Dawlada Fedaraalka ah. Haddaba waxaa la yaableh sida labadan arrimood maalin kaliya u wada dhaceen. Waraysiga Wasiiru-dowligu markaliya ma uu magacaabin Somaliland, YAAB!. Waxaa uu Mr. Alamu u yimid Hargaysa si Dahir Riyale loogu sheego in ciidamada Puntaland ku biirayaan Ciidamada Dawlada Federalka ah, arrimaha lagala hadlayayna waa kuwaa, tanina waa qorshe ay Dawlada Itoobiya ay ku doonayso in ay Somaliland ay hoos gayso dawlada Federalka ee Somalia ee ay Itoobiya xukunto. Hadaba waa maxay dhibaato Somaliland ugu jirta in ciidamada Puntaland lagu wareejiyay dawlada Somalia? Dhibaatada ugu jirto waxa ay tahay ciidamada fadhiya Sool iyo Sanag bari waa ciidamo ka tirsan Dawlada Federalka. Tanina waxaa khalkhal ku abuuraysa Somaliland. Maanta ciidamada dalkeena ku jira ma noqonayaan kuwa Puntaland ama *******NIYA, ee waa ciidamada DAWLADA TNG ee Federalka Somalia, tanina waxay bilow u tahay isku dhacii Somaliland iyo Dawlada TNG ee uu Cabdilahi Yousuf uu hogaaminayo. Waxaad kale ood ogaataa in uu Cabdillahi Yusuf iyo Geedi ay sheeganayaa in ay Somaliland xukumaan. Markaa waxaa sii xoogaysanaya murankii ay dawlada Federalka Somalia ay ku sheeganaysay inay xukunto Somalia. Bari ka maalin, haddii ay Dhahar, ama Laascanood ay ku dagalamaan ciidamada Somaliland iyo kuwa Darawiisha ee Puntaland. Dagaalkaasi noqon mayo dagaal Dawlada ******teeniya iyo Somaliland dhex mara, lakiin waxaa uu noqonayaa dagaalkii ugu horeeye ee dhex mara Dawlada Somalia iyo Somaliland. Haddaba, Dawladani Dahir Riyaale ee dadka Beenta iyo HUUHAADA ku akhriyaya waa in dadka Somaliland ka TASHADAAN. Maanta waxaa Somaliland ka taliya koox dalkani baa’binteeda ka shaqayasa. Haddii aad kooxdani MAAFIYADA ah ee uu Dahir Riyaale madaxda u yahay Illahay inaga badbaadiyo, waxaa Tariikhda Somaliland lagu baran doona BEENTA DAHIR RIYAALE iyo Dawladiisa. BEENTA uu Dahir Riyaale dadka reer Berbera u sheegay sanad guuradii 47 ee ka soo wareegtay, markii aan xoriyada aynu ka qaadanay maxmiyadii Ingiriiska, waxaa noqon doonta BEENta ugu waynayd ee Dahir Riyaale looga barto. Waxaa la yaableh meesha laga soo kaxeeyay NINKA CAD, ee majarafada iyo dhagax loo dhiibay. Talow ninkani Ma MAAFIYAYAA, mesa waa DIBJIRA YURUBIYANA oo SUUDH loo xidhay. Inay soo xaqiijiyan shakhsigan cida uu yahay, waxa uga tagayaa Wariyayaasha iyo dadka Somaliland ee dalalka Yurub ku nool. Waa wax lala yaabo, NIN kaniligii ka socda sharkad saddex mashruuc oo waawayn dhisaya oo ku kacaya lacag dhan 300,000,000 (SADAX BOQOL OO MILYAN OO DOLLOR). Lama hayo XAASHI Dawlada Dahir Riyaale la saxeextay sharkadani!, oo dadka tusaysa halka ay ka imanayso lacagtu, Design-ka warshadaha iyo waxii la mida. KHARIIRA aqal 5000 oo dollar ayaan arki jiray, macdala warshado iyo mashruucyo ku kacaya 300 Million oo dollor. Waxaa uu Ina Riyaale yidhi BISHA RABADAANTA ayaa dhismaha warshada la bilaabayaa. Waxaad iga gunudaa mashruucyadani inay sidan u dhaci doonto:- 1) In Bisha November waxa ay bilaabi doonan Dayr, waxaan dadka loo sheegi doona inuu dayrkani yahay dayrkii warshada. Xusbiga UDUB iyo ina Riyaale HUUHAADA iyo BEENTA ayay ku akhriyi doonan dadwaynaha si ay doorashada dawlada hoose ugu galaan (WAA HADDII AY QABSOONTO DOORASHU). 2) Bisha March, 2008 waxaa la qodayaa Sees, waxaana la soo kaxaynayaa laba nin oo CAD CAD oo lagu magacaabayo inay ENGINEERs-kii warshadaha dhisayay yihiin. Waxaa dadwaynaha Somaliland Dahir Riyaale iyo Maafiyaddiisu dadka ugu qodbadanayaan in dhismihii warshadu bilaabmeen. Dahir Riyaale BEENTAASI ayuu doonayaa inuu dadka ka iibiyo si dadku ugu codeeyaan Dahir Riyaale (WAA HADDII AY QABSOONTO DOORASHU). Dahir Riyaale waxaa uu cayayaa GARAADKA ummada SOMALILAND. BEENTAASI kaa soconmayse, ee ka huleel XAAJI. Waxaan dadka Somaliland kula talinayaa in ay u diyaar garoonan sidii ay cadawga GUDAHA ee uu Dahir Riyaale u madaxda yahay iskaga ridi lahaayeen. Cadawga dibada ee uu Cabdilahi Yusuf iyo Geedi u madaxda yihiin ay dalkooda uga difaaci lahaayeen. ENG. Omar Yousuf slwadani@yahoo.com Submited By hadhwanaag : 2007-07-01