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Everything posted by Emperor

  1. ^What do you mean good work Shariifow, Adeer Shariif Ahmed and his supporters used to accuse Ethiopians forces of doing exactly the same, and now his militia are taking kids from their houses killing them cold bloodedly in a broad daylight, even worse denying to bury the dead... Subhanalaah.
  2. Ciidamada ayaa la sheegay in ay wiilashaan ka soo kaxaysteen guryahooda kadibna ay madaxa kaga toogteen bartamaha Wadada laamiga ee Macmacaanka gaar ahaan Agagaarka Sarta Xaaji Gaabow waxayna diideen in maydka Dhalinyarada la qaado kadib markii ay Waalidiinta dhalinyarada la laayay isku dayeen in ay maydadka qaadaan si ay u soo aasaan waxayna wali yaalaan Goobtii lagu dilay. Ina'lilaahi WA'inaa Ilayhi Raajii'uun, Allaha yarxmad.... Killing the innocent is onething but denying their parents to bury the dead bodies and leave them to decay out is totally a whole new and different chapter in the Somali conflict...
  3. Nin ka tirsan Dadka deegaanka oo aad u yaqaanay Dhalinyarada ay dileen Ciidamada DKMG ah ayaa sheegay in ay ahaayeen dhalinyaro aan lug ku lahayn siyaasadaha isla markaana mid ka mid ah uu ahaa ganacsade ka shaqaysta Electronics-ka halka kuwa kala ay ahaayeen Dhalinta Sports-ka.
  4. Ciidamada DKMG ah oo Madiina ku toogtay 3 dhalin yaro ah By Somalimirror on 29 May, 2009 2:31 PM in Main, Wararka Ciidamada DKMG ah ee ku sugan degmada Dharkeynleey ayaa maanta Abaare 11:00 duhurnimo waxay si bareer ah toogasho ugu dileen 3 dhalin yaro ah oo ka tirsanaa dadka deeganka Madiina. Ciidamada ayaa la sheegay in ay wiilashaan ka soo kaxaysteen guryahooda kadibna ay madaxa kaga toogteen bartamaha Wadada laamiga ee Macmacaanka gaar ahaan Agagaarka Sarta Xaaji Gaabow waxayna diideen in maydka Dhalinyarada la qaado kadib markii ay Waalidiinta dhalinyarada la laayay isku dayeen in ay maydadka qaadaan si ay u soo aasaan waxayna wali yaalaan Goobtii lagu dilay. Nin ka tirsan Dadka deegaanka oo aad u yaqaanay Dhalinyarada ay dileen Ciidamada DKMG ah ayaa sheegay in ay ahaayeen dhalinyaro aan lug ku lahayn siyaasadaha isla markaana mid ka mid ah uu ahaa ganacsade ka shaqaysta Electronics-ka halka kuwa kala ay ahaayeen Dhalinta Sports-ka. Ciidamada DKMG ah ee ku sugan Xaafadda Madiina gaar ahaan Macmacaanka ayaa waxaa aad uga cabta dadka shacabka ah iyo Gaadiidleeyda ka shqeeya halkaa oo ay kula kacaan falal isugu jira Baarasho iyo tacadiyo kale waxaana degmada yaala Isbaarooyin dhawr ah oo ay lacago baad ah ku qaataan ciidamadaasi.
  5. Wasiirka Amaanka Qaranka Somalia Col. Cumar Xaashi Aadan oo lagu weeraray Deegaanka Mustaxiil ee soonka 5-aad ee Soomaalida Itoobiya Mogadishu Friday, 29 May 2009 SMC Wararka naga soo gaaray Deegaanka Mustaxiil ee Soonka 5-aad ee Soomaalida Itoobiya ayaa sheegaya in weerar lagu qaaday wasiirka amaanka Qaranka Somaaliya Col. Cumar Xaashi Aadan isagoo doonayay inuu kaga soo gudbo Gobolka Hiiraan. Lama oga cidda ka dambeysa weerarkiisa ayaa haddana wararku waxay sheegayaan in khasaare dhimasho iyo mid dhaawac loo geystay ilaaladiisii qaaska ahayd, iyadoo aan la garanayn khasaaraha wasiirka gaaray, waxaana la sheegayaa in ciidamada Itoobiya ay halkaasi gaareen. Col. Cumar Xaashi oo todobaadyadii ugu dambeeyay ku sugnaa dalka Itoobiya ayaa la sheegay inuu deegaanka Godey ee Ismaamulka Soomaalida ku soo gaaray diyaarad gaar ah, dabadeedna uu halkaas kasoo bilaabay inuu dhulka soo maro, isagoo ku soo socda Magaalada B/Weyne ee Gobolka Hiiraan. Wararku waxa ay sheegayaan in Saraakiil ka tirsan dowladda Soomaaliya ay cadeeyeen in qorshaha wasiirku uu ahaa inuu dhinaca dhulka ku tago degmada Baladweyne ee Gobolka Hiiraan. Somaliweyn Media Center “SMC”
  6. ^Dissappeared Mr. Juje, what happened? You are seen here only when you hide behind someone else's post or comment... You hardly post or take part in the discussion, take it easy mate, haxishoon intaas inaad ka adagtahay ayaan waligay kuu haystay Meiji Adeer, again beer jileeca iska dhaaf, how many times do we have to tell you that this is the politics section, post and report what you like and ignore what you don't...
  7. ^This story is from Waagacusub, the doze of blame you have for Yusufites is deafening and blinding you from the truth, you have death in and mass graves in Mogadishu today caused by what you call 'M soceity' elders like Axmed Diiriye and politicians like Aweys and Sheikh hotel yet you find courage to blame Yusuf who's chilling in Yemen and his supporters turned a desert into a great state of Puntland enjoying the paradise of the oasis Bosaso... Again, I know you blinded by hate but read before you post, the story is from Waagacusub and not Yusufites... keep the dice rolling
  8. Nothing special about this room and that fancy looking table, Aden Madoobe must be the special dude here
  9. ^Adeer we told you before that Axmed Diiriye was a looter, Hassan Dahir a spoiler, Inda'ade opium farm owner, Musa who Yalaxow and Qanyare former check-point operators and the list is long, that's the kind of leaders you produce.... now your Sheikh hotel has succumbed to this gangs and hence become one of them, he sold the Somali sea for greed and profit, he is killing and displacing civilians in Mogadishu today, yet all you can do is blame Emperor... when will you honestly stop this silly excuses and take responsibility for your actions... With all the madness, massacre and displacement of civilians, almost a million refugee and Mogadishu being turned into a slaughter house by Hassan Dahir and Sheikh hotel, now all the clan web portals such as waagacusub can do is blame Yusuf Yey who is chilling in Yemen, ati Yusuf was on the phone with Hassan Dahir, loool....
  10. Haraam, Haraam, Haraaaaaam!
  11. ^Car wax kale hakuula yimaado other than his opinion iyo inuu dadka caayo mooyee, Adeer waqtiga ha isaga dhumin kanoo kale...
  12. Dowladda Talyaaniga oo shaacisay in bisha soo socoto qaban doonto shir looga hadlayo xalka Somaliya, kana Qeybgalayaan Dowladda iyo Mucaaradka Mogadishu Thursday, 21 May 2009 SMC Wasiirka Arimaha Dibadda ee Dowladda Talyaaniga Farnco Faratini ayaa sheegay in ay qaban qaabinayaan shir looga hadlayo arimaha xalka Soomaaliya iyo sidii wax looga qaban lahaa arimaha burcad badeeda ee ka jirta Xeebaha Soomaaliya. Wasiirka ayaa sheegtay in gogasha shirkaasi ay fidin doonto Dowlada Talyaaniga, waxuuna cadeeyaya Wasiirku in 10-ka Bisha soo Socoto ee Jun uu ka furmi doono magaala madaxda dalka Talyaaniga ee Roma. Dowlada Talyaaniga ayaa ****olka ka qaatay in shirkaasi ku marti galineyso Dowlada KMG ah iyo kooxaha ka soo horjeeda ee mucaaradka ah, waxeyna taasi noqoneysaa markii ugu horeysay oo Dowlad reer Yurub ah ay mar qura ku marti galiso Dowlada KMG ah iyo kooxaha ka soo horjeeda ee mucaaradka ah. Dhinaca kale Dowladda Talyaaniga ayaa u muuqato mid u soo jeesatay in ay xal u hesho arimaha Soomaaliya, inkastoo ay Adag tahay sidii ay ay Dowladda KMG ah iyo Mucaaradkeeda ay shirkaasi ka wada qeyb galaan. Somaliweyn Media Center “SMC”
  13. Muqdisho: Al- Shabaab oo ciidamo xoog leh uga soo baxayaan Dugsiyo tababar oo kuyaala Koonfurta Soomaaliya. 28. maj 2009 APL Tool Send This Article To A Friend By Email | Saaxiibkaa warkaan ugu *** Email Print This Article | Daabaco warkaan Muqdisho(AllPuntland )- Ururka Al- Shabaab ayaa awoodiisa Milateri gaarsiiyey meeshii ugu sareysa tan iyo wixii ka dambeeyey markii ay bilaabeen dagaalada ay uga soo horjeedeen dowladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya, waxaana warbixintii ugu horeysay oo laga helay Saraakiisha Al- Shabaab ay tilmaamayaan in ay hada tababaro usoo xirmayaan ciidamo ka badan 2000 Kun oo ka amar qaadanaya saraakiisha Al- Shabaab, doonaya in ay la dagaalamaan dowladda Faderaalka. Saldhigyo ama goobo ciidan oo gaaraya 300, luguna tababaro ciidamo ka tirsan dhinacyadan ayaa laga furay dalka Soomaaliya dhamaadkii sannadkii 2008-dii, sida ay xaqiijinayaan Warbixinada Hoose ee ay AllPuntland ka helayso dhinacyada kala gedisan ee ka tirsan Al- Shabaab. Saraakiisha Al- Shabaab ayaa xaqiijiyey in ay ciidamo badan oo ka tirsan ururkooda hada usoo dhamaadeen tababaro ay mudo ku jireen, isla markaasna waxa ay sheegeen in ay tababaradaasi ka socdeen Saldhigyada Milateri oo kuyaala gobalada Jubooyinka, Baay & Bakool oo ah goobaha ay aadka ugu xoogan yihiin Ururkan Al- Shabaab. Dagaalyahanadan cusub ee ka soo baxaya saldhigyada Milateri ama xeryaha tababarka ayaa lagaynayaa sida ay Al- Shabaab qorsheysteen magaalada Muqdisho iyo goobaha ay joogaan dhinacyada ka soo horjeeda, waxaana qorshahoodu yahay sida ay xaqiijinayaan Xeeldheerayaashu in ay la wareegaan Koonfurta dalka Soomaaliya bisha nagu soo aadan oo ay ka taliyaan mar guud ahaan Koonfur Soomaaliya. Al- Shabaab ayaa hada ku hanjabtay weeraro ay ku qaado Madaxtooyada iyo garoonka Muqdisho oo ay labadaasi xarumood amaankooda sugaan ciidamada nabad sugayaasha Africa,inkastoo ay Al- Shabaab sheegeen in aysan wax awood ah laheyn dhinacyada ka soo horjeeda. Khuburada arimaha Siyaasada ee dalka Soomaaliya la socda gaar ahaana xaaladaha milateri iyo Siyaasadeed ee ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegaya in ay Al- Shabaab gaartay guulo la taaban karo maalmihii ugu dambeeyey, waxa ayna sheegeen in ay badalaad mug-weyn ku sameeyeen xilalka ururkaasi oo isku shaandheyn lugu sameeyey Xilalka ururkaasi, badankooda ragii lasoo dagaalamay ciidamada dowladda Itoobiya abaalmarin lasiiyey lana dalacsiiyey. Siyaasiintan ayaa sidoo kale qaba in hadii aysan helin dowladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya awood xoog leh todobaadka nagu soo aadan daaqada laga tuuro oo ay Muqdisho ka taliyaan ciidamada Al- Shabaab, marka laga reebo ayay leeyihiin Khuburadu awood yar ee Midowga Africa oo ay sheegayaan in aysan meel fog gaarsiineyn. F. C. Geylan AllPuntland
  14. Well, it is expected, anyway italy had always wanted to host another and new Somali peace conference... It seems they are getting ready for that now, the 20th Somali conference...
  15. Excellent work by the diaspora, this is the way to go... we need more of these in cities like Garowe, Laascaanood, Qardho, Carmo, Bosaaso etc...
  16. RR, If education is the arrogance you showed which was to insult the Engineer who owns Somalitalk and who dedicated his time to put together a magnificent work regarding this issue and anyone else standing on your way, then you can keep that education mate... Somali see is sold by Sheikh hotel and his crew, now you can defend him if you wish, but you are going about it the wrong way, do not insult others and give out any part of your land or for that matter the Somali sea...
  17. Some people never make sense, if this was not true and only a rumour, or the terriroty didn't even belong to Somalia or it was under the UN then we wouldn't have had any signed agreement between Somalia and Kenya... Mr. Shakur along with Shariif Sakiin signed an agreement with the foreign minister of Kenya infront of the international media, what was that? I guess they were selling Ina'ade's drug farm in Afgoi... Adeer because of your clanish attitude and defensive nature for Sheikh hotel, now you begin to sound weary and nervious starting to doubt or even deny the Somali sea... don't you know there are other ways you can defend Sheikh hotel than 'Inkiraad' of parts of the Somali country...
  18. This is becoming more than imposing rules over the city, it's more of attention seeking, how many different rules came of out the Shabaab admin this week, funny! However, this is not a problem and not a big deal, the city is peaceful and the people of Kismayo are living a better live today than many areas of Somalia, like I said in another thread not holding a big wedding does not kill anyone, people are dieing in Mogadishu and the youth from the beautiful town of Burco drawn in the oceans in search for a better live to the west while Riyaale's house hold go to Paris for a shopping... Live your life in peace, no matter the restrictions, you will be gobsmacked to find others are worse sometimes... If anything, this rule will help the poor young men from the city of Kismayo not to call for a wedding and will use it as an excuse agaisnt wife-to-be when she demands to throw a big party..
  19. ^Saaxib this criminals deserve nothing but severe punishment.... They made a habit of killing, suicide bombing and targeting elders, government officials and public figures of the state of Puntland.... In Galkacyo alone, more than 30 traditional elders and well known business men were killed in the past six months or so... What do you expect to be done, actually the admin have been taking soft measures, they must change that crack down the criminal, punish the perpertrators and secure the peace....
  20. ^These guyz are showing their weaknesses and lack of strategy by the day, I mean what is the point of announcing 'we are ready to fight' knowing that a fight will happen whether they are ready for it or not... perhaps it is the tactic of the master briliant brain Sheikh hotel to scare the hell out of Alshabaab... Alshabaab bewarned and run, fear, fear for you lives, Sheikh hotel has announced is ready to fight
  21. ^Lool, from 'we will defeat Alshabaab and take the whole country in ten days' to 'we are ready to fight'... Sheikh Shariif is proving himself to be a master tactician by the day!
  22. He has already answered that, in his earlier post remember he said, no need to demonstrate in London because Ethiopia and the 90 year old from Puntland aren't there, however our resident hater forgets that the massacre, the shelling, death & destruction of the city, mass displacement of the refugees, hunger and the despair still continues, so why not hold a demo, that was my question.... So now it is clear that our resident hater only cared for and looked at where the individual on the top seat hailed from...
  23. Nice development, the only great thing that's coming out of this new constitution is the Multi-party system... Wonderful staff
  24. ^Jahawareer ma maqli jirtay! Nuune, if you are talking about the oil expoloration happening in Bari, then things move on, dril, dril, dril it baby Meiji, what a new brave history is that, I knew the man behind the genius invention of 'M society' will come up more daring inventions loool Keep it up yaa M of Society
  25. ^Lool, ninamkaan are confused, we neither mentioned nor talked about Yusuf here or in any other thread yet they keep bringing the old man into every post, what can a failed man do but excuse his failure by finger pointing at others... Abwaan, adeer Yusuf is gone, resigned from politics and will not come back, that much of your point is very well taken, but stop hiding behind the obvious excuse lines... What have you got to say about my earlier statement, that you don't need to do mass demo in London because the massacre is being committed and mortar shelling is done today by Uganda rather than Ethiopia, and the head of state is not an old man from a far land but a 40 year old young from the locals or as Meiji calls it the 'M' Society