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Everything posted by Emperor

  1. ^Your point? Read again my comment and pose a question if you have any, remember always focus on the topic, the sign of a healthy depate.
  2. but certainly they have the hearts and minds of millions of Somalis. Certainly thats not the case but for you Juje, it's may... Where do u get your statistics from? What evidence do you have that the semi-wadaads plus secular politicians and former drug merchants's meeting draw much popular support than any other entity in the country? Perhaps your millions is just 1+1 = 10001... Even Most of former UIC sympathysers that I know do not support this,...
  3. Meeshan ma Muufo, Digir iyo Canbuulo iyo Dhuuso ayaa laga hari waayay... Iska wata anigu banaanka ayaan uyara baxayaayee, a bit of fresh air is indeed a must for any human being, Hawadi ayaa xoogaa yara qamiirtay
  4. ^Is Ali Ghedi's wife Tigray? I never heard that, Is that true? Maya in Ethiopia lasaaro ma dhibayso ee wuxuu kanaxsanyahay Nimanka Xashiishka dhuuqay ee beenta umada usheegaayo. Labo bilood haday Etiopia kusaari karaan, mas Asmara ayay Afawerki u niikin lahaayeen. , Afawarki ayayba qaban lahaayeen laftiisa
  5. I say Good luck to Asmara group, I hope they make a big turnaround, rethink of their strategy and plan for a peaceful and a lasting solution for the country. Surely this is yet another opportunity which this group can grap it wisely and meaningfully, however that would depend on who's in control of the steering of the "Shir", I hope Afawerki doesn't run the show for the Somalis but I doubt the dictator would give a full freedom for the Somalis to make their decision. Lets wait and see.
  6. ^Ramadaan Mubarak to you all
  7. I have only one question for the smpthysers of this group; let's hypothetically say that this shir went really well, it was smoothly run and concluded as expected (Just a thought), what might the outcome be? How would this group be able to drive the Ethiopians and Ugandan troops out, how would they fight the TFG. Knowing that the TFG is a legitimate recongnized body and is supported by both the regional states and international community, how would they compete with it politically, economically and even militarily. What the usual suspects like Sheik Aways, Sharif and Dr Galayr and the rest that attended this meeting will be able to do which they couldn't do before this Shir... this group is seen as one and have done nothing before, they harbor the same veiw, the same goal and purpose, what brought them toghether is purely because of their anti-TFGism movement. The TFG is getting stronger and becoming more credible by the day, and the only good thing that can come out of this Shir is may be to form a normal opposition political party that recongizes the TFG and takes part in the political process i.e. elections.
  8. Masha'alaah, Good news that the Imams and Sheikhs of Banadir are on board. The TFG need to do more of these meeting, it's productive.
  9. Oodwayne, like your usual old rants, what you produced is high class daac-daac ala style of Oxford Uni Fadh-kudirir, I would have prefered a lot had I seen anything more like a pure Somali fadi kudirir. All I did is post a report, today's headlines, bring yours or refute if you have anything. Red Sea, I don't know if it was the initiation and the work of Melez but I know that there were two British MPs and the British Ambassador to Ethiopia were involved in it, the three men met Riyaale himself a week ago and had come out of that meeting quite pleased with the result. All in all, what matters is the end rather than the means, if Melez is to do that and help the TFG realise their targets i.e. this noble goal, why not him? I think this is good for all of Somalia and particularly SL must come to terms with the reality and grap this opportunity to become the federal state of Waqooyi Galbeed of Somalia.
  10. Adis Ababa: Maamulka isku magacaabay Somaliland oo lagu qancinayo inuu qaab federaali ah ugu biiro Somalia inteeda kale Source
  11. Addis Ababa: Dowlada Itoobiya oo wada wada hadal siinta Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya iyo Madaxweynaha gobalada Waqooyi Galbeed ee Soomaaliya. 8. september 2007 Addis Ababa(AllPuntland)- Dowlada Itoobiya ayaa wada wada hadalo la doonayo in layskugu keeno Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya iyo Madaxweynaha Maamulka La baxay Somaliland Daahir Riyaale Kaahin. Wada hadaladan ayaa lafilayaa in ay dhacaan sida laga soo xigtay dowlada Itoobiya todobaadyada soo socda mar lafilayo in uu halkaasi booqdo Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya Md.C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed. Dowlada Itoobiya ayaa cadaadis xoogan waxa ay ku saartay Maamulka Hargeysa in ay ka soo dagaan mowqifkooda ku aadan in ay Soomaaliya ka go'ayaan ayadoo taasna dowlada Soomaaliya siweyn uga soo horjeedo. Raysal wasaaraha Itoobiya Meles Sanewi ayaa horay usheegay in dowladiisu wado qorshayaal Soomaaliya lugu mideynayo isagoo dhawaan aqalka Madaxtooyada Addis Ababa ku qaabilay Daahir Riyaale Kaahin lamana yaqaan waxyaabaha ay ka wada hadleen ,inkastoo labada Masuulba ay ka gaabsadeen. Saxaafada Caalamka ayaa labadii todobaad ee ugu danbeysay waxa ay ka faalooneysay wada hadalo dhexmara dowlada Faderaalka ee Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya iyo maamulka La baxay Somaliland. Wararkan ayaa waxa ay kaloo sheegayaan in Daahir Riyaale lafilayo todobaadkan in uu tago Addis Ababa ,markaasina uu dhaco wada hadalan la sheegayo in uu la yeelanayo Masuulka ugu sareeya dalka Soomaaliya. Madaxweynayaal African ah oo fara badan oo ay ka mid yihiin Madaxweynaha Kenya ,Madaxweynaha Jabuuti ,Madaxweynaha Ghana ,Madaxweynaha Ugandha iyo Madaxweynayaal fara badan ayaa lafilayaa in ay goobtaasi joogayaan. Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya Md.C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa dhowr jeer oo la weydiiyay in uu ka waramo xaaladaha gobalada Waqooyi galbeed ee Soomaaliya ayuu ka gaabsaday. Faarax C/qaadir Geylan AllPuntland
  12. Oodwayne you are trying to score a point but as always failed miserably, my post which was the report from Allpuntland never talked or mentioned about any skirmishes, this latest skirmishes is quite a new news to me, what the report stated is the Somaliland militia that is being amassed and brought in Sanaag particularly Erigavo and Badhan trying to go for another short with that of Puntland army. This report of Koora-Tuunshe is regarding an incident happened in Dhahar and says nothing about Badhan, thus the two are quite different, come back and try again mate... But I liked how some have falled for your nonesense and took you as the spokesman for Maakhir, lol, quite revealing but I would have like to have ago with them rather than you.
  13. Muufo? maxay tahayna? What is that? A combination of wheat and corn? what is the difference? War waxaas anaga xageennda Dameeraha ayaanu Siisanaa, it's the donkeys food and other animals.
  14. Naagihi way waasheen, no doubt... The only thing I could read in that page that mentioned the term Somali was regarding the food.
  15. ACuudu Bilaahi Mina Shaydaami Rajiini
  16. ^^^Dear Mr Oodwayne Your wishful thinking and desire for a war between the people of the same clan is a wild dream, Maakhir is no different than Puntland but rather an extra opportunity for the same people to extend their power, authority and regional administrations. Maakhir clan is by nature Puntlanders and thus have their representation in Puntland administration, the people of Maakhir are part of the Puntland army and the majority of those in Sanaag are from that region, the leading commander of Puntland is none other than the great talented colonel Gorayacowl who's from the same region. One more thing, Maakhirians like any other Puntlanders have as much power as any1 else in all areas of Puntland, few weeks ago they went to the capital garowe with their heavy artillery technicals and militia due to internal problems, that was not seen as an aggression as they are part of the people, Makhirians can do that in cities like Galkacyo, Bosaaso and Laascaano, likewise any other Puntland militia can go to anywhere in Maakhir or for that all of Sanaag and that won't be a problem, the only problem here is when a Somaliland man with a gun gets his butt on that territory would mean an aggression and thus will face the toughest resistance possible... Sxb you want us believe your propaganda and twist this case as an incident similar to that of Mijiyahan or to do with the deforstation, yes there is a problem with that but that's a low level case and concerns the sub sub clans that reside there, internal conflict, it happens in Bari, Mudug and Nugaal. Remember Cagaaran skirmishes in which a sub sub clan from Mudug was fighting with another sub sub clan from SOOL over a well, so nothing more than that, nothing political about that and definetely is not anything that could lead to this Big development and headlines on allpuntland. Oodwayne we know Somalia's current situation and political manouvering, perhaps it has been decades since you last visited there, I have just left few years back and witnessed all the clan infighting; your assertions do lack that bit reality on the ground, that the people of Maakhir woudn't fight for Somaliland and certainly not against Puntland. Remember that infamous line of your demoted defence minister over Dhahar debacle, "Dee Kuwii aanu isku halaynayay ayaa Xabada nala dhacay", lol, I hope this time your Vice president Mr Yaasiin wouldn't get fired. Regards, Emperor. PS: The style of my writing is not to provoke nor cause any hurm within your body, it's purposely done for you completly comprehensive understanding.
  17. Whats with the Somaliland militia :confused: Perhaps they want to give one heck of a good short this time , after that infamous incident, Dhahar.
  18. Galinsoor: Ciidamada Dowlada Soomaaliya oo furay Wadada isku xirta Gaalkacyo iyo Galguduud. 3. september 2007 Galinsoor(AllPuntland)- Ciidamada dowlada Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya ee gobalada Dhexe ayaa ku guuleystay furidda wadada isku xirta gobalka Galguduud iyo gobalka Mudug. Ciidamada dowlada Soomaaliya oo kaashanaya waxgaradka Magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa ku guuleystay in ay howlgallo burcad sifeyn ah ka sameeyaan wadooyinka isku xira labada gobal ee Mudug iyo Galguduud. Taliyaha tababarada ciidamada dowlada Soomaaliya Col. Xasan Muuse Samatar oo jooga degmada Galinsoor ee gobalka Mudug ayaa AllPuntland usheegay in ay qabteen kooxo ka mid ah kooxihii wadada xirtay isla markaana sharciga la horkeenayo. Taliyahan ayaa sheegay in howlgalladan ay wadayaan ilaa inta ay ka sugayaan amaanka wadada isku xirta magaalada Gaalkacyo iyo gobalka Galguduud oo uu sheegay in meelo ka mid ah dagen yihiin Haraadigii Maxkamadihii awoodooda la wiiqay dhamaadkii hal hore. Taliyaha tababarada ciidamada dowlada Soomaaliya Col. Xasan Muuse Samatar ayaa sidoo kale shaaca ka qaaday in ay wadayaan howlgalladan noocaan oo kale ah isla markaana uu xil ka saaran yahay amaanka gobalada dhexe ee dalka Soomaaliya ayna sugayaan. Wadada isku xirta gobalada dhexe ee Soomaaliya ,gaar ahaan gobalada Mudug iyo Galguduud ayaa xanibneyd mudo dhan 7 Maalmood ayadoo uxirnayd kooxo Burcad ,balse ugu danbeyntii ciidamada dowlada Soomaaliya halkaasi ka saareen. Xiliyada habeenkii ah ayaa wadada dheer isku xira labadan gobal waxaa roondooyin ka sameeya ciidamada DFKMGS waxa ayna ku raadinayaan kooxo habeenkii gaadiidka safarkaa baarta. Talaabadan ay qaadeen ciidamadu waxaa saaka laga dareemayaa suuqyada magaalooyinka Gaalkacyo iyo waliba Cadaado ayadoo Gaalkacyo ay soo gaareen Baabuurtii keeni jirtay Khudaarta halka ay tageen Cadaado dadkii ka tagay magaalada Gaalkacyo. Faarax C/qaadir Geylan AllPuntland
  19. Garoowe: Ciidamo ka tirsan Maamulka Somaliland oo usoo ruqaansaday gobalka Sanaag iyo kuwa Puntland oo heegan la galiyay. 3. september 2007 Badhan(AllPuntland)- Wararka naga soo gaaraya degmada Badhan ee gobalka Sanaag ee dowlad gobaleedka Puntland ayaa sheegaya in ciidamo ka tirsan Maamulka la baxay Somaliland ay goobahaasi ka wadaan dhaqdhaqaaq ciidan ayadoo kuwa Puntland heegan sare la galiyay. Warka ayaa sheegaya ciidamada ka tirsan maamulka Hargeysa ay ka soo guureen fariisin ay daganaayeen ayagoo soo gaaray deegaanka Shimbiraale oo aan Masaafo dheer ka fogeyn magaalada Badhan. Ciidamada dowlada gobaleedka Puntland ee jooga gobalka Sanaag ayaa lugu waramayaa in ay saaka dageen meelo aan waxba ka fogeyn goobta ay joogaan ciidamada Maamulka Daahir Riyaale Kaahin. Gudoomiyaha gobalka Sanaag Maxamuud Siciid Nuur oo jooga Magaalada Garoowe oo AllPuntland uwaramay ayaa sheegay in ciidamadooda Puntland ahaan ay halkaasi joogayaan hadii weerar lugu soo qaadan ay iska difaacayaan. Maxamuud Siciid Nuur wuxuu kaloo sheegay in ay gobalkaasi ka da'een roobab mahiigaan ah isagoo sheegay in roobabkaasi kuwoodii ugu cuslaa ay ka da'een degmada Badhan ,isagoo intaasi raaciyay in uu khasaare dhinaca xoolahaa geystay. Warar ugu danbeeyey ee laga helayo dhaqdhaqaaq Milateri ee halkaasi ka jira ayaa lasheegayaa in aysan Saaka ilaa xalay jirin wax dhaqdhaqaaq ah oo ay sameeyeen ciidamada Maamulka la baxay Somaliland. Gudoomiyaha gobalka Sanaagna wuxuu sheegay in hadii weerar kaga yimaado ciidamadaasi ay iska difaaci doonan ,isagoo sheegay in ay baaqyo badan dhowr jeer ujeediyeen. Horaantii sannadkan ayay ahayd markii ay dagaalo qaraar dhexmareen Maamulada Hargeysa iyo Garoowe ,waxaana lasheegay in ay dagaaladaasi ku awood roonaadeen ciidamada Puntland ayagoo gacanta ku dhigay Magaalada Badhan isla markaana ciidamada Somaliland laga qabsaday gaadiid dagaal. Faarax C/qaadir Geylan AllPuntland
  20. ^Your love for Laascaano is indeed apparant, very...
  21. ^No agenda at all, crazy buch of people got together thats all, few of them lost seat in the government, one was UIC head, some hate Yey for being reeer Hebel iyo jaba jaabo kale, waa intaas waxa meesha iskugu tagay, what do u expect from such group hosted by another Crazy Afawerki.... It's funny and would be good entertainment to watch this, I can't wait for the kick off loooool
  22. ^Somaliland republic is a day dream loooooooooooool @ rudy Im not laughing because of any joke you made but simply coudn't figure out what you wrote... All I understood is Duke's pain and the advice, xalal caliik, loooooooooooool
  23. A Ramadhaan Resolution The best thing about the month of Ramadhaan is that it is a time of purification. And because of that I would like to make my point to in a pure, plain, and blunt manner. I hope that you will agree with me that certain issues must be dealt with head on, and that it makes good sense, sometimes, to talk and listen to one another in a way that shows we have the courage to stand our ground no matter how hard the consequences may be. Ramadhaan is a time of abstinence from our everyday luxuries. But it is not only food and drink that I am referring to. As Ramadhaan approaches many of us, or so I hope, will resolve to do away with music and television and the stronger of us may even give up the internet except for what is seriously essential. Free from these daily distractions we have a hope of focusing our attention on the only thing that matters: becoming mindful of the Almighty and drawing closer to Him. We will watch our language and carefully guard our speech to avoid backbiting or lying. We will frequent the masjid and those of us who would otherwise miss prayer will become more heedful. Our Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, told that when Ramadhaan comes the gates of Paradise are opened and the devils are chained. We are told to fast for the sole purpose of gaining Taqwa (consciousness of Allaah). Allaah says in the Quran (what means): "O you who believe, fasting has been prescribed upon you as it has been prescribed upon those before you, so that you may attain Taqwa." [Quran 2:183] Ramadhaan is the month when our sins are forgiven, our prayers answered, our good deeds multiplied. One would be a fool not to take advantage of it. But I'd like to present myself and my fellow young Muslims with a challenge this Ramadhaan. Rather, I should say, after this Ramadhaan. Let me ask a few questions that I am sure have phased all of us after the conclusion of this month. Is our journey towards Taqwa exclusive to only one month of the year? After 'Eed Al-Fitr passes, do we just no longer desire closeness to Allaah? Are we so inescapably addicted to the diversions of this worldly life that we cannot stray from them for but one month of the year? This may end up being the case, but why must it be so? Ramadhaan is undoubtedly a special month. We are motivated to do good deeds during this period more than any other time of the year. And so here is where the challenge comes in. We must continue our gracious struggle towards Taqwa throughout the year, indeed, throughout our lives. As Muslims, we practice our religion in every aspect of our existence, at every moment we live. Islam is not simply a religion we adopt once a week, or once a year. It is a constant effort to gain greater faith through all of our actions, day and night, Ramadhaan or not. I ask my fellow brothers and sisters to not revive their mp3 collections on 'Eed day, to not bring their televisions and computers back to life after a long month of fast. To continue watching their tongues, and being observant of their prayer. It will be a struggle, no doubt, but Allaah promises help those who strive for His sake Saying (what means): "As those who strive in Our cause, We will surely guide them in Our paths. And indeed, Allaah is with the doers of good." [Quran 29:69] A mission even as simple as "doing good" is extremely difficult at first, with Satan's whispers deafening our ears and the worldly life's pleasures blinding our eyes. But according to Allaah's promise, if we patiently persevere, Allaah will guide us, thus making our paths easier. So as difficult as it may sound now, giving up the things that take us away from Allaah will get easier every day, until it becomes natural. It is in man's innate nature to seek Allaah, so it cannot be so hard after all. Allaah says in a Hadeeth Qudsi: "And if he (My slave) draws near to Me a hand's span, I draw near to him an arm's length; and if he draws near to Me an arm's length, I draw near to him a fathom's length. And if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed." [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim] If we continue to make an effort to reach Allaah, He will make our sacrifices easier and reward us thereafter. This year, let us make our Ramadhaan resolutions last a lifetime. Let us begin this blessed month with the intention of transformation. Let us struggle for the sake of Allaah day after day. Let us chain Satan and work hard to keep our gates to Paradise wide open even after Ramadhaan. Let us give the fruits of our fasting a true chance to last more than a month, a chance of influence our everyday lives, and eventually our Hereafter. Let us resolve to shape our lifetime and our eternity. Source: Al-Jumu'ah
  24. Number 3 please Jzk allah khayr
  25. Congrats to the brother, excellent performance