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Everything posted by Emperor

  1. Wariye Axmed Xasan Sh.Suufi (Cawke) " Waxaan dareemaa inaan imid Idaacad Xor ah oo dhaxdhaxaad ah , halka aan horey u joogay Idaacad laga sheego waxa uu jecelyahay Shaqsi cadifi ah " Kadib markii uu wariye Axmed Xasan "Cawke" oo ka mid ahaa lafdhabarada Idaacada BBC oo si toos ah ugu biiray Idaacada Codka Mareykanka ku hadasha qeybta Afka Somalia ayaa xalay Wareysi ay Idaacada VOD la yeelatay markii uu galay Studiyaha Ayaa waxaa marka hore la weydiiyey sababaha uu u doortay ku soo biritaanka Idaacadaan iyo sababaha uu uga soo tagay Idaacadii uu joogay waxaana uu yiri . " Idaacadii aan ka soo tagay waxaan dareemaayey in aanay ahayn mid xor ah oo uu wariyuhu sheegi karaa wax walbaa oo xaqiiq ah oo uu helaaa marka laga reebo in wariyaha uu sheego Siyaasada Shaqsi sida uu yiri oo la dareemi karay in uu ula jeeday Yuusuf Garaad oo hada Idaacada ku maamula Siyaasada uu aaminsanyahay ee Qaran-diidka ahi " Wariye Axmed Xasan "Cawke" ayaa wareysigiisa waxa uu kaloo ku sheegay in uu dhigi doono wacdare Xirfadeed oo qarsaneyey xiligii aan joogay Idaacada,waxaana jeclahay taagerayasheeda in ay arki doonaan karti fara badan oo muujiyaa. Mar wax laga weeydiiyey sababaha uu ugu daahay hadiibu uu aaminsanaa in meesha aan xor la ahayn waxa uu yiri . " Waxaan Aaminsanaa mar walbaa in la furi doona Idaacad Af Somali ku hadashaa oo la tartantaa tan BBCda hadana waa ay furantay oo waakan aan wada joognaa ragii cuslaa oo dadku ay ku yaqaneyn xirfad Saxaafadnimo" Ayuu yiri Wariye Axmed Xasan Cawke oo hadalkiisa sii wataa. Wariye Axmed Xasan "Cawke" ayaa noqonaya wariyihii 4-aad ee ku biira idaacada VODa ee BBCda uga tagaa dhaqanka guracan ee Yuusuf Garaad ku maamulaa BBCda,waxaana horey u tagay C/Salaan Hareeri o ahaa War aqriye ay ad u jecelyihin dhagaystayaasha Somalida iyo C/Raxmaan Yabarow oo isna ahaa Barnaamij soo saare si weyn ay dhagaystayaasha uga dabadhaceen. Intii uusan ka tagin Idaacada ayaa waxa horey u soo saadaliyey Kartooniste Amin Arts oo soo bandhigay isagoo u sii boorsa xixiranaya dhanka Washigton. Waxaaan wali la si saadalinayaa in ay ka soo tagaan BBCda wariyayal uu ka midyahay Saciid Cali Muuse iyo kuwo kale oo si weyn u diidan sida looga soo horjeeda in xaqiiqda la sheegaa. Ka tagitaanka wariyayashan Idaacada BBCiida ayaa dad badan oo Arimaha Saxaafada somalia u kuurgalaa ay rumeysanyihiin in ay keeneyso in ay BBCda oo awalaba weysay dhagaystayaal sababo Siyaasadaha gaarka ah ee ay daneyso ayaa hataan tani waxa ay noqneysaa mid ay si weyso,iyadoo hataan dhinaca kale u muuqata mid sii qoraneysa wariyaal Xirfad ahaan liita oo aan aqoon Aasaasi ah lahayn kuwaa soo tabaniya hadba waxa uu Yuusuf Garaad uga soo meeriyo London. Xafiiska warqabadka shabakadda wararka carmooyin.com ee Muqdisho. Contact:carmooyin@hotmail.com or carmooyin@gmail.com
  2. Suxufiyiinta waa wadan karaan howshooda balse tuugada kugabanaysa suxufinimo oo bambka hoosta kadhiibaysa oo maleegaysa qaraxyada waa laqabanayaa.
  3. Masha'alah, Galkacyo is expanding massively, great structure, extensive construction and development, waa hormar wacan, this culturally historic and old city deserves better, halkaa kawada Howsha reer Galkacyo.
  4. What's so important/dissappointing about Geedi visiting/not visiting Puntland, nimankina Mucaaradka waxkasta inad naf kadhigataanbaa, wallee nin daad qaaday Xumbo cuskay... Juje you must be very happy that some Puntland owned websites reported Geedi's visit while he did not. What does that tell?? the wider gap and conflict between him and Yey? Huh, quite naive.
  5. ^I think it is you, you need to look beyond your prejudice, loook inda'ade in different eye, the man who saves Somalia who is gona invade Adis Ababa, that Maroodi is back in business, watch your back
  6. Just watch it backfire to them and they are already loosing supporters by thousands just simply cause of Indhacaddes appointment. You must hear it load and very load at what the supporters of this appointment say, supporters or no supporters does not matter, what matters is some1 who provide the necessary tools and kids to bomb other kids and his local street in Mogadishu, Inda'ade. It is very logic to me, absolutely, given the choice of a man who can supposedly throw grenades at Mams cleaning the street and children at school in Mogdishu and one who encourages, and glorifyies that action in the comfort of Asmara, thus any same man, a genuine supporter of Asmara group would support the man that can do rather than that says while under Harka qabow. Had I been sincere supporter of the ASmara group I would have passionately supported this nomination, definately. Inda'ade huraareey go on, all the way, I think it would be taugh for TFG to face this man
  7. Duke-ow waa sosol , Thats why I have respect for pple like Turki, Indha'ade brave my Kastuumo , hada waan afuray wax waan tuurtuuri karaa ma ahan Xiinow? Politics section adigaa Sheikh ka ah baa layiri... Originally posted by Xiin: ^^That was a serious spin . Shiekh Turk and Ceyrow are in a different category when it comes to this struggle. They came out and opposed the Asmara meeting. They simply were not part of it. Critical info for your next analysis that is That was not a spin my friend but thanks for the critical info will consider it next time, thou I was aware of that, I had only used that argument to tackle the notion that one, such as inda'ade, was given a position simply because he is at "maydaanka al-xarb" with somewhat powerful teknicals and only bombing kids and women in the streets of Mogadishu, I was wondering where that maydaan al-xarb was? and what track record does inda'ade have facing these gaalo enemy? Perhaps the group in Asmara too think they are at the Maydaanka. Xiinow I know that Turki is in differnt league than most of UIC or Amara top leaders and I do believe that he's least interested in power nor would he take pride to take any position let the alone become the leader of this entity, what he's most interested is the Islamization of Somalia. I was fully aware of all this when I forwarded the above argument, but Xiinow let's hypothetically say that Turki did not boycot the Asmare conference and have supported it much like he did during the UIC, would you say that he would have got the top position or the defence based on his record of being against gaalo in every sense of the word, oh well that's really questionable? Care to tell me what is the difference between him and let's say like some1 the leader Sharif Ahmed or the defense Inda'ade...
  8. ^ Asamara groups waxaan uqabay inay iska cayaarayeen, ileyn nimanku dhab ayay ka ahayd Note to the TFG: Be scared, better be very scared, the Asmara group are not for a joke, they are for real, Indha'ade is "supposedly" going to bomb more kids and women, it's getting real and serious and now since he's named the defence minister thou not on his way to take Baidoa with UIC's militia but hiding in the unknown probably outside Somalia much like his real friends. If this nominations was about boldness, desire to defend the motherland and bringforth fierce resistance for one's cause, then I know no one that showed more resistance and fought harder who was real and honest about his struggle, spent all his battle wagons, men and blood for UIC's cause than Sheik Hassan Turki, the guy has the audicity to even put his face on aljazeera few days ago while on training with his militia preparing to liberate the country from Ethiopia. His milia took part in the fight of Biadoa and also fought in the Jubba regions for weeks while the entire UIC's forces crampled and Mogadishu fall in six days, all while the defence Minister Inda'ade run and dissappeared, Sharif Ahmed the head of UIC was having a cup tea with Renneberger, US Ambassador in Nairobi(sadly at the time America's heavy bombers were raining on Jubba to defeat Turki's militia), and the head of the Shura Sheik Aways showing off his clean suit in Asmara. Thus if this is about genuine struggle, boldness, islamic, truthfulness and standing for one's position then Turki leads in all these categories so why not name him the President of the movement, the head of the Majlis or at least the defence minister, let the alone to top titles not even a small title, Oops I must be wrong he's from the wrong clan, how possilbe? he can not be the Amiir of the islamic state of Somalia. If this Asmara group or the UIC had nothing to do with clan entirely, then Turki would have led any such opposition movement and have been the President of the mother of all oppositions, I say this because of the man's record, strong position and what he would do for that. Very Simple really, oOh no I must be wrong seemingly "Sheikh" Indha'ade deserves more power than Sheikh Turki but why?, perhaps his supporters above could eloborate.
  9. ^And they have being taken away by his forces i.e. the TFG police. No conspiracy theoreis Juje, If you have facts present it otherwise Ramadaan Kariim
  10. ^And you are the sessionist, all maxaad hal bacaad kulistay Ramadaan Kariim, Ayoub Sxb. JB is daji sxb, you are getting a bit out of control with your SL obsession, perhaps you need an overdose to cool it down, suprisinly you have become the most hardcore secessiont of all the landers in here in a very short time, what a turning point from Ciyaalka xaafada besaaniga part of the Baro family to the leagues of Mr Faysal Waraabe, quite remarkable achievement.
  11. I was really suprised at the statement of the French foreign minister, that was really provocotive and clear indication as it regards to the direction of the West and their position towards Iran... The guy dares to say that they should be a ready for a war with Iran.
  12. ^LOL you know what brother Duke, it get's me laughing out load whenever I hear the term "Baarlamaanka Xorta ah"
  13. ^Ok waayahay Maandhay raali noqo. Ramadaan Saciid to you,
  14. ^Who is talking to you? I was refering to Nur and not you Layzie. The Menu and the number of options which one can choose from were displayed in the first post of the topic, you may read it again and choose your pick rather than comment my choice or expression.
  15. Originally posted by Northener: Says the man who supports the invasion and occupation of his country,,,,,such nationalists Brother that is your intepretation of my stand, it's magic how u can read pple's minds, you what thou, it is Ramadan and I can't take part in a tit-for-tat conversation. I shortly can say to you that Im not supporting an entity thats occopying my country, I support the legal government of my country, what you interpret as an invasion could totally mean different to others, we are all different and have different brains or intellect, I respect your veiw thou.
  16. Sure will be looking forward to watch this program tomorrow insha'alah, what time is it thou? If it comes on at 8 pm that will be a good time, just before taraawiix and after the AFur or otherwise no time will have to see it on youtube few days later.
  17. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: It is amazing how certain Slanders enjoy the misfortune of Southern Somalia...Shame shame shame... Indeed it's sad and absolutely shameful, there is an Arabic proverb that says "Muusibatu qa'wmin cinda qa'min farax", or in other words one man's misfortune is another man's great content, or perhaps a joyful achievement .
  18. The stableness of a country isn't measured by how many students graduate or whether there were any graduates or not. Mogadishu alone had produced more graduates than all of the former Somali republic combined. Again there are other parts of the said Somalia that are stable which is being ignored, huge parts; which are peaceful and have a fully functioning local administrations, and can compete or perhaps score better in any field than Somaliland. Why are these places being ignored and why always exploit the misfortune of the few areas in the South, why always it's hardcore secceniosts and other Somaliland advocates that are trying hard to compare the unlucky warzone areas to Somaliland and not forexample, the much greater land and more successful than theirs i.e. Puntland. I would like to see that next time, should a sessionist Lander tries to do an article or organise a event such the above.
  19. Originally posted by Duke: You welcome brother Emperor, one saw the ammusing reaction from certain quarters to this news. Great news, those who wanted Arab support should be happy right now. Well, the president asked for Arab and Muslim troops to replace the Ethiopians. However, I think the arrival of any peace keeping troops would be unnecessary should the UIC style insergency of killing and bombing innocents moms and kids stops, disarm and embrace peaceful end or even form a non violent political opposition party.
  20. Its good news to see that the country is getting support from the Saudi Kingdom. I advice you to pray for the return of peace, stability and well being of our country during this blessed months of Ramadaan, Insha'alaah things will change for the better.
  21. ^Ramadaan Kareem to you Duke and to you my dear Kahina. Ramadaan Mubarak to all the politicians.
  22. ^Thus this topic is not a bout ICU and neither the group in Asmara represnt the ICU, they are former clan loyalits, former TFG members, few ICU faces, former drug lords and other remnants of Arta, the likes of Jama Ali Jama and Galaydh, so tell me what's so ICU about this, and what sort of popular support do they have, remember most of them were chased out of their towns by their people...
  23. ^I agree this group will never get to anywhere unless they correct their foundations... it's prety tough thou... very unseemingly, Any sane person sees this like you do, I hope for the best. Aamin Ilaahay Amuuraha hasahlo