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Everything posted by Emperor

  1. Riyadh: Ururka Islaamka oo baaq udirey RW Cusub iyo Kooxaha nabada Soomaaliya ka soo horjeeda. 26. november 2007 Riyadh(AllPuntland)- Wargeyska Al-Xayaat ee ka soo baxa dalka Sucuudi Careebiya ayaa soo qorey wareysi dheer uu la yeeshay Xoghayaha guud ee Ururka Islaamka AKMALIDIIN ALJANADI ,uuna kaga hadlayay xaalada dalka Soomaaliya. Xoghayaha guud ee Ururka Islaam ayaa sheegay in dhibaatada ka jirta Soomaaliya ay ka danbeeyaan dad leh buu yiri dano gaar ah ,ayna ugu baaqayaan dhamaanba Hogaamiyaasha leh awooda hogaamin ay dalka Soomaaliya xaaladiisa si wanaagsan ula socdaan. Wuxuu ku bogaadiyey Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya sida uu wax uga qabtey nabada meelo badan oo dalka Soomaaliya ka mid ah ,isagoo sidoo kale sheegay in aysan dowlada Soomaaliya helin taageero ay ku qabato waxyaabo badan oo ay qaban lahayd. Xoghayuhu wuxuu ugu baaqey Raysalwasaaraha Cusub ee Soomaaliya Nuur Xasan Xuseen (Nuur Cade ) in uu wada hadal lagalo qof walba oo u arko in uu wax ka qaban karo xaalada dalka Soomaaliya ,uuna miisaan ku leeyahay dalka isla markaan uu si deg deg ah wada hadalo ula furo kooxaha ka dagaalamaya Muqdisho. Akmalidiin Janadi ayaa qirey in aysan jirin wax taageero oo ah dhaqaale oo ay ku taageereen dowlada faderaalka ee Soomaaliya ,isagoo balan qaaday in shirka ugu horeeya ee ay leeyihiin Madaxda Ururka Islaamka looga wada hadlayo dhaqaale ku taageerida Umada Soomaaliyeed. Sidoo kale Xoghayaha guud ee Ururka Islaamka ayaa ugu baaqey Kooxaha iskugu tagey Magaalada Asmara in ay udaneeyaan danta guud ee Umada Soomaaliyeed ,ayna ka tanaasulaan danaha gaarka ee ay ilaashanayaan iyo waliba kuwa Xisbiyeed loogana baahan yahay in ay fiirsadaan markooda ,lana tartamaan Xisbiga ay Siyaasada isku hayaan doorashada 2009-ka ,taasoo ka dhici doonta dalka Soomaaliya sida qorsheysan HADII EEBE IDMO. Wargeyska Al-Xayaat ayaa weydiiyey Xoghayaha in ay ayagu la socdaan qeybaha Soomaaliya isku haya mid ka mid ah ayaa wuxuu sheegay in ay taasi been cad tahay ,aysana jirin cid gaar ah oo ay la safan yihiin ,tani waxa ay ku soo aadey ayadoo horey loogu tirin jirey Ururkaasi in uu taageero Kooxihii Soomaaliya laga saarey. Wareysigan uu Siiyay Wargeyska Al-Xayaat Xoghayaha guud ee Ururka Islaamka AKMALIDIIN ALJANADI oo ahaa mid dheer ayaa lugu weydiiyay Su'aalo fara badan oo dhamaantood khuseeya arimaha Soomaaliya. Faarax C/qaadir Geylan AllPuntland
  2. Canadian oil chief in Somali region for exploration NAIROBI (AFP) — A delegation from Canada's Africa Oil Corporation is visiting the Somali semi-autonomous region of Puntland to brief leaders on its planned oil exploration activities for next year, a statement from the region said Friday. AOC chief Rick Schmitt President and two drilling experts arrived in the region on Thursday and held talks with Puntland President Adde Muse and government officials. The team also visited the prospective basins in the Nogal and Dharoor Valleys in northern Somalia where the company is expected to drill four exploratory wells early next year, the statement said. Puntland rulers and AOC, formerly known as Canmex Minerals Corporation, in January signed a Production Sharing Agreement despite opposition from local Somali clans. The firm will spend 50 million dollars (34 million euros) in exploration expenditures. Several other companies including China's CNOOC and China International Oil and Gas (CIOG) are reported to have signed agreements with Puntland, which was controlled by Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed before he became Somali president in 2004. The Horn of Africa nation, which has had no functioning central government since 1991, has attracted several foreign energy companies that are interested in prospecting for oil. Before the country plunged into anarchy in 1991, when dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was ousted, geological exploration indicated that Somalia could have oil reserves given its proximity to the oil-rich Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. A scramble for resources has fueled the complex Somali conflict that has defied numerous bids to restore a functional national administration.
  3. Shidaalka Puntland oo qoditaankiisa la bilaabayo 2008 Last Updated::2007-11-24 16:31:22 Garowe(HRNet):- Sida ay shaacisay hay'ada Warbaahinta AFP waxaa sanadka soo socda ee 2008 laga hirgelin doonaa Puntland qodista shidaalka. Arrintan ayaa soo baxday kadib markii wafdi balaaran oo ka socda shirkada AOC (African Oil Corporation) soo gaareen Puntland labo maalmood kahor. Madaxa ugu sareeya shirkada AOC Mr. Rick Schmitt ayaa markii ugu horeysay booqasho ku yimid dalka Soomaaliya gaar ahaan Puntland, asaga iyo labo khubaro ah oo ku takhasusay qodista shidaalka. Wafdigan ayaa magaalada Garowe kulan kula yeeshay Madaxweynaha Puntland, iyo xukuumada, iyo waliba issimada gobalka Nugaal, waxaana halkaasi lagu soo bandhigay qorshaha la bilaabi doono sanadka 2008 horaantiisa. Sida ay AFP sheegayso deegaanka Nugaal iyo dooxada Dharoor ee Puntland ayaa lagu wadaa in horaanta sanadka 2008 laga qodo afar ceel shidaal oo baaritaanka horudhac u noqon doona. Shirkada AOC ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in ay 50 million oo dollar gelin doonto hawlaheeda ugu horeeya ee ah qodista ceelasha oo hada usoo bandhigtay dowlada Puntland. Bishii Janaayo ee sanadkan ayey dowlada Puntland iyo shirkada AOC oo xiligaa la oron jiray Canmex Minerals Corporation si rasmi ah u kala sixiixdeen baaritaanka shidaalka Puntland iyo soo saaristiisa. Wafdigan ayaa qaar kamid ah booqasho ku tagay ceelka shidaalka ee Conoco halkaasi oo lagu wado in laga dhiso ceelka ugu horeeya ee shidaalka Puntland. C/risaaq Shiino Garowe, Puntland HorseedNet.com
  4. ^Very good read, thanks Caamir... On what basis do the NSPU think that Ato Nega's article is inaccurate and misleading?
  5. ^Indeed, the only thing I could agree with your thus far, a great point that was...
  6. GJ, I presented facts and provided names, influencial names that played leading roles in the Al-itixaad... On the other hand all your could present was talk, nothing but just dry talk.... In that case, I agree with you, let us end this conversation... With that the convo is officially terminated...
  7. ^Absolutely the former Al-itaxaad had no connection with this group, if you only need to dwell on Aways, then he was a member of that movement, many who were disassociated themselves from this ICU like that famous Shek from Burco Sheik Ali Warsame and Sheik Abdiqadir Gacamey who was the head of the Itaxaad movement that fought with the SSDF in Puntland. Wax miyaad iska dhahaysaa horta mase xataa xoogaa Idea ah waa ka haysataa...
  8. ^Sxb we hardly understand what you wrote, you need to do homework on your qoute thing...
  9. GJ, the ICU were nothing before Eritrea, they were small groups of different sub clans in Mogadishu that had seperate courts, they had not power and influence what so ever, they thou only conjoined, become ICU and took Mogadishu after the support of Eriteria. That is another very well known fact, whether you deny it or say it was legal and appropriate support is another issue... Al-itaxaad were different entity which I fail to see how they resemble the ICU, the ICU combined a twisted bunch of former warlords and drug merchants while Al-itaxaad were sincere and straight Islamic movement, even the former Al-itixad Spokesman Sheikh Maxamed Shekh Osman has distanced himself from ICU... the only decent group they contained were Al-shabaab which abondoned them now, the ones in Asmara are only a bunch of opportunists lost all credibility... What is this Puntland, Yusuf and Ethiopians you talk about? The conflict in the early 90's were mainly between Puntlanders; the Al-itaad movement fought with the SSDF and there was no single Ethiopian troop invloved and neither supplied any form of arms, Ethiopia at the time was weak, the Tigreys just taken power and was struggling to contain their own country... Every single detail of that conflict is documented, even some of the Wadaads ka qayb qaatay I meet them day in day out, so if you have anything concrete to preset the stage is yours... As for conquering Adis Ababa, we heard it announced by the ICU DM on the international media, on Aljazeera and on every other news wire, another fact that needs no denail... Wiilasha yar yar ee kuhaya "ADeerkaa", it would be better if you contribute or remain silent instead of repeating or being obsessed with the word "Atheer-ka", wax nin wayn topic ku contribute gareeyo everytime ma ahan... Ooh mase ADEER lasoo shirtag every time...
  10. ^^What was so classic about the comment Yes the Islamic courts were funded, armed and trained by Eriteria, it is a well known fact you can never hide that... they are now gathered in Asmara in the hope the Alshabaab movement will do the dirty work for them, drive Ethiopia out and ultimately Afewerki's dream of conquering Adis Ababa will be achieved... The Mullah's gathered in Asmara have repeatedly promised to take Adis Ababa, what purpose did that serve?
  11. SOOL, Sanaag and Cayn, Togdheer and Waqooyi Galbeed are part and parcel of Somalia... one day Hargeisa will come under the authority of Mogadishu, hence there should be no reason for one to be rushing... Step by step things will change, you should not be deselussioned by the succession attempt and the never forthcoming recongnition, it is only a BS... Of course Somaliland will remain to exist as it is as a federal part of the Somali republic.
  12. ^The opposition in Asmara's main purpose is to safeguard Eritrea and serve Afewerki's agenda and not entirely for Somalia, one may argue that we(Somalis) have the same enemy and thus goals as Eritrea which I doubt, Eriteria's main agenda is to have war between Somalia and Ethiopia, on the other hand the Interest of Somalia is to have peace with Ethiopia, hence you can never reconcile those agenda, the theory line of not having a border with Eritrea is irrelevant in this case... Furthermore, the group in Asmara have no power, control no where and serve different purpose, it's the Alshabaab that's throwing the shots... so if one needs to see the real Somali oppostion group, it's the Alshabaab movement that need to be made peace with and bring them on board... The New selected man is only new Premie, neither I nor you can predict the future... We await and see...
  13. BNP leader to speak at university Press Association Saturday November 24, 2007 5:33 PM [/b] Hundreds of protesters are expected to gather at Oxford University after students voted to allow BNP leader Nick Griffin to speak at their union. Controversial historian David Irving, who was jailed for Holocaust denial, has also been invited to the free speech event. Their presence on the list of speakers had already prompted a series of high profile withdrawals from the platform, including Defence Secretary Des Browne. Despite opposition, the Oxford Union Debating Society members voted by a margin of two-to-one to extend an invite to Mr Griffin. Martin McCluskey, president of the Oxford Student Union, said it was "disgraceful" the pair were being given the same platform as past speakers who include Mother Theresa and the Dalai Lama. Sabby Dhalu, secretary of campaign group Unite Against Fascism, said: "If the event goes ahead as it stands, it does not even have the appearance of a 'debate'. Oxford Union will have to hold itself responsible for any subsequent repercussions on the threats to the safety of students if it proceeds with this decision." Lee Jasper, secretary of the National Assembly Against Racism, added: "Oxford Union is jeopardising the safety of the students by continuing with this event. It is not too late to rescind these invites - Oxford Union gathers growing condemnation with every moment it continues being complicit with facilitating a meeting promoting fascism and Holocaust denial." Defending its decision, the Oxford Union Debating Society said it was important to give people of all views a platform. Luke Tryl, president of the society, said: "They will be speaking in the context of a forum in which there will be other speakers to challenge and attack their views in a head to head manner." Mr Griffin, who was convicted in 1998 for incitement to racial hatred for material denying the Holocaust, has repeatedly insisted the BNP is not a racist group. Mr Irving has insisted he was not a Holocaust denier - despite spending three years in prison for the crime. Source Is there anything wrong if one gives the extremist of any form the platform to speak?
  14. Emperor

    Team NGONGE

    ^In your dreams In my dream it is a character I can never get on my mind... Will try and look hard to recapture the whole scene... takes time
  15. Emperor

    Team NGONGE

    ^ Ahem AHEM... Nino comment, I have yet to recover from the tiring dream of NGONE What a dream that was, every little detail of it was remembered and covered in the story, I expected nothing less from NG, the only member in SOL who has that much good attention to detail, a skill I can never match... I used to wonder you how perfectly imitate some members of the forum... War ninku Riyo ku xasuus badanaa, this must be some next level nightmares ...
  16. ^ Waaxayna Sheekadu Originally posted by Oodwayne: Walee waa cajiib; war talow, Ina-libaax-sanka-taabte makhaayadiisan SOL, yaa yidhi wixii ****** ah, wixii ****** ah, iyo intii haybtood garan waa ah, oo dhan heysugu yimaadaan halkan. Waxaan, filayaa, hadaanad kuwaa aan soo sheegay aheyn, in aad tahay kuwii, dhadhaab iyo Kenya ***** la-aanta loogu dhaley; oo waliba ***** hoostiisa ku calool-galey habeen gudcur ah oo modow, oo ay askartii kikuuyada sangadhuudhiga aheyd, ee xeryaha qaxootiga Somalida ilaalineysay ******. That was absolutely out of order, are you out of your mind Oodwayne? Oday ayaaba ahaydee maxaa kuhelay... Miyaan ku xirxirnaa dee oo ku karbaashnaa Odagi Petrolki iyo Bariiska ayuu isku walaaqay! I thought SL was winning the war, what's with the ISFIILITO, , take it easy sxb... and please don't go Oodwayne on me... [ November 24, 2007, 04:05 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  17. ^What is wrong with the Qatland Admin, I thought Qat addicts could, however long or hard may deem, organise themselves...
  18. I don't think there is or will be much difference between Howard and this New dude, but it's always refreshing to see an old racist dog booted out of office...
  19. ^Perhaps it's the birth rate, it is high among the black pple so should the death rate... Isak Newton's law: "Every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" Where is Caano Geel? Our Physicist, was that the second or third law of Newtons, is it applicable in this situation.
  20. The media is just getting crazy about this issue, some of the individuals listed do not exist or were unawere that their names is published on some sites.... They should respect the elders, it's the reckless web portals that are pouring petrol into this conflict.... Allow Amuuraha Sahal... Walahi I rather see this left out between the two Admins and the heavy politicians involved in both sides...
  21. Viva Somaliland Waaw What a speech that was, brother Shabahz great man great orator, very genius... Ilahay ha u naxariisto... Aamin.
  22. ^You have no logic to present, you are full of prejudice and pesimism, what we say or do matters less, it's what the new PM and the TFG does that matters most, I personally Know nothing about the named man, negative speculation is not an option for me, he's a well presented, very old and wise man, played roles is the former Somali governments. I have every reason to be optomistic about the future, now that does not necessarily mean I have a gauarantee that things will taste honey and be rosy, they may be or not, but I have no reason to be cursing him and hope that the rivers in my country turn into blood, like you lot do... Tell me one good reason why you dislike this him based on his background and early history... if you have any present it, I will have no choice but to agree with you should that sound logic.
  23. Who are these Somali opposition groups? What do they stand for and why in Asmara? Who and what do they oppose? How are they qualified to be called as the Somali opposition when infact the same group believes that Somalia is under occupation. Ma anaa waalan mase cadan baa laga heesayaa? I rather think it's a group gathered and used by the most anti-Ethiopia man, Afwereki, who's sole interest is to strengthern his stance... these Somali men in Asmara have no purpose to serve the Somali interest but that of Afewerki and their bellies... Somalia's interest is to make peace with its neighbors, recover from the long civil war and rebuild their country, while Afewerki's is to use Somali as a sheild agaisnt Ethiopia, muu la dagaalo isaga haduu nimanka iska dhicin karo... Melez and Ethiopia of today is avoiding that scenerio, full blown off war between Somalia and Ethiopia, it will be a disaster for them knowing that they know what we are capable of as a Somali United... The last thing we need is to have Mullahs that threaten to conquer Adis Ababa every other day, profound irresponsibility... They are simply Ethiopia oppostion group with the wagon and the fuel of Afrewerki hosted in Asmara. Somalia have a government, and a new PM is just recently named, let us give them a chance and hope that things will change for the better this time round... Expecting anything from the former drug mechract Mullahs in Asmara is expecting the return of a dead man from the graves...
  24. The guy is an experienced man and played important roles in the old Somali guard (like Riyaal, if Riyaale delivered for SL, did he? why not him )with fresh new face, let's hope for a better future, the return of the former republic, united Somalia...