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Wish you all a very happy and blessing Eid, Kullu Aam Wa'antun Bikhayr... Anyone fasting today? Anyone on a mission to slaugter 2morow? Happy feast eating, for those in the Muslim world, lucky you..... keep the invigerating stories of the Eid coming Insha'alah.
Wish you all a very happy and blessing Eid, Kullu Aam Wa'antun Bikhayr...
^Interesting suggestions... A mip-point convergence is great move to break the barrier and end this circle of never ending violence...
Kismayo topics are back so is Horn Horn feed us in, have the junior JVA joined the ranks of the Alshabaab or is power shifting process going on from the late humiliated hero of yours Hiiraale's boys to the more obvious usual chasers....
Teachers and Judges? Isn't this a bit of a stretch from the truth, now have the UIC not been contained other dominant movers and shakers of the Somali politik than a mare teachers and judges... I would fairly think so...
^Very well noted, keep coming back, sure you will get on well with the rest... Is it a concidense that Horn reappears only when Kismayo is mentioned... No worries Sxb Kismayo way iska ahaani, the rulers of it habartaan how to fish while it lasts instead of only getting high on qaat at the expense of the small tax collected from the port... Waa intaas unbay ujoogaan wax badan samayn maayaan , A confident hunter has the quality of being patient and knows it is time to...
Adde have been unwittingly unstable in his actions, confusing in it's order of activities... that much said I dislike all sorts of unsubstantiated allegations, the only thing remained for me to question is why would he avoid the Parliament depates? anything more to it? or seemingly innocent as he always have imitated himself to be.... I wonder why close the room for any depate at the crucial moment in time for the Puntland Admin....
^Welcome to the Politik section, hoping for a war, bloodshed of the Somalis in that part of SOOL, your stance is noted... we should see you more often that not. Garoowe: Madaxweyne Cadde Muuse oo su'aalo ay weydiiyeen Baarlamaanku Buuq ay sabababeen. 18. december 2007 Garoowe(AllPuntland)- Madaxweynaha dowlad gobaleedka Soomaaliyeed ee Puntland Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi (Gen .Cadde Muuse) ayaa shalay hortagey Mudanayaasha baarlamaanka Puntland. Baarlamaanka Puntland ayaa su'aalo culculus weydiiyay Madaxweynaha Puntland kuwasoo dhamaantood ku aadanaa xaalada ay hada ku jirto dowlad gobaleedka Soomaaliyeed ee Puntland ,ayna sababeen in buuq iyo Sawaxan uu is qabsado Xarunta baarlamaanka Puntland. Xildhibaanada ayaa weydiiyay Madaxweyne Cadde Muuse wax uqabsoomay tan iyo intii laga qabsaday Magaalada Laascaanood ,isagoo sheegay in ay Xukuumadiisu ku jirto diyaargarow isla markaana ay dhawreyso go'aanka ay gaareen Isimada dowlad gobaleedka Puntland ,gaar ahaana kuwa ka soo jeeda Magaalada Laascaanood. Madaxweynaha ayaa su'aalo badan ka dib wuxuu ku dhawaaqey in fadhiga baarlamaanku xiran yahay ,isla markaana wuxuu ku dheerigaliyey Xildhibaanada ay deegaanadoodii kala aadaan oo ay dad wacyi galin usameeyaan. Intaasi ka dib Xildhibaano badan oo ka mid ah Baarlamaanka ayaa diiday go'aanka Madaxweynaha sheegeyna in ay taageerayaan oo ay wadayaan fadhiga baarlamaanka Puntland ,ayagoo ku dhawaaqayay hadalo ka soo horjeeda Madaxweynaha Puntland. Baarlamaanka Puntland ayaa lahaa mudooyinkii ugu danbeeyey fadhigii 19aad ayagoo hada waqtigan dhiman uu gabagabo yahay oo ay ka dhiman yihiin Maalmo kooban ,sida ay ku doodayaan qaar ka mid ah Baaralaamka Puntland. Faarax C/qaadir Geylan
Dowladdaha Maraykanka iyo Masar oo ku baaqay inay DFKMGS iyo Kooxaha Mucaaradka yeeshaan Wada-xaajood dhamaystiran Mogadishu ,Isniin,December 17, 2007 SMC Dowladaha Maraykanka iyo Masar, ayaa mabda’ ahaan isku waafaqay in la dhamaystiro Geeddi-socodka Dib-u-heshiisiinta Qaranka iyo in DFKMGS iyo Kooxaha mucaaradka yeeshaan Wada-xaajood buuxa oo ay Beesha Caalamka iyo Urur-gobaleedyadda dhexdhexaadinyaan. Kaaliyaha Xoghayaha Arrimaha Dibedda ee dalka Maraykanka ugu qaabilsan Arrimaha Qaaradda Afrika, Jendayi Frazier, waxay kulan Khaas ah la qaadatay dhigeeda dalka Masar. Ambassador Shaamil Naasir, kaasi oo haatan socdaal raasmi ah ku jooga Caasimadda dalka Maraykanka ee Washington. Afhayeenka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibedda ee dalka Masar, Xisaam Zaki, ayaa maanta shaaca ka qaaday inay Labada Mas’uul kulankooda ku lafa-gureen Xiriirka labadooda dal, Arrimaha dalalka Somalia, Ethiopia, Eriteria, Sudan iyo Qorshaha Maraykanka ee uu ku aasaayo Taliska Ciiddamadda ka jooga Qaaradda Afrika “AFRICOM”. Afhayeenka, waxa uu sheegay inay Jendayi Frazier iyo Shaamil Naasir si gooni ah uga wada xaajoodeen Xaalladihii ugu dambeeyey ee dalka Somalia iyo dagaalladda sababay barakaca ee weli ka ololayo magaalladda Muqdishu. Labada Mas’uul, waxay isku waafaqeen inay muhiim tahay in la dhamaystiro Hawlaha Dib-u-heshiisiinta Qaranka Somalia ee aasaaskooda ka bilowday Shirweynihii Dib-u-heshiisiinta Beelaha Somalia ee bishii Okt. ee sannadkan lagu soo gebagebeeyey magaalladda Muqdishu. Kaaliyaha Xoghayaha Arrimaha Dibedda ee dalka Masar, Shamiil Naasir iyo dhigiisa dalka Maraykanka, Jendayi Frazier, waxay sheegeen inay muhiin u tahay in loo hawlgalo sidii ay Wada-xaajood buuxa u yeelan lahaayeen DFKMGS iyo dhammaan Kooxaha Mucaaradka,iyo inay Beesha Caalamka iyo Urur-gobaleedyadda gacan ka geystaan dhexdhexaadinta DFKMGS iyo Kooxaha Mucaaradka ku ah Diplomaasiyiinta, ayaa rumeysan inay Dowladaha Maraykanka iyo Masar isku aragti ku noqdeen Xal-u-helista Arrimaha dalka Somalia, wuxuuna Kulanka Jendayi Frazier iyo Shamiil Naasir ku soo beegmay iyadoo uu Ra’isul-wasaaraha DFKMGS, Dr. Nuur Cadde sheegay inuu soo dhisayo Dowlad ay ku mideysan yihiin Muxaafidka iyo Kooxaha Mucaaradka. Danjiraha Dowladda Maraykanka uga wakiilka ah dalka Kenya, Michael Rannberger, ayaa dhawaan sheegay inay Madaxweynaha DFKMGS iyo Ra’isul-wasaare Nuur Cadde isku aragti ka yihiin in lala xaajoodo Kooxaha Mucaaradka ee aan wax shaqo ku lahayn dagaalladda iyo Xag-jirnimadda. Somaliweyn Media Center."SMS" Mogadishu, somalia
Ergyga Khaaska ee QM ee Arrimaha dalka Somalia oo qiray inuu ku hawlan yahay diyaarinta Kulan-weyne ay isku arkayaan Wakiillo ka kala socda DFKMGS iyo Kooxaha Mucaaradka ku ah Muqdisho Talaada , December 18 2007 SMC Ergayga Gaarka ee Xoghayaha Guud ee QM ugu qaabilsan Arrimaha dalka Somalia, Axmedu Walad C/llaahi, ayaa ugu baaqay DFKMGS inay si aad ah u midoobaan, isla markaana la hadlaan Kooxaha ka soo horjeeda. Axmedu Walad C/llaahi, ayaa hadalkaasi ku sheegay Wareysi Khaas ah oo uu siiyey Idaacadda BBC-London, kadib, markii uu xalay Warbixin guud siiyey xubnaha Golaha Amaanka ee QM, oo kulan gaar ah ka yeeshay Xaalladihii ugu dambeeyey ee dalka Somalia. Wareysiga uu Ergaygu siiyey Idaacadda BBC-da, ayuu ku sheegay inay lama huraan tahay inay DFKMGS si aad ah dib ugu midowdo, isla markaana ay la hadlaan Kooxaha ka soo horjeeda. “Waxaan ugu baaqayaa Dowladda Federalka inay dadaal Siyaasadeed muujiyaan, isla markaana ay aad u midoobaan, lana hadlaan Mucaaradkeeda, sidoo kale, QM, waa inay Joogitaan Ammaanka iyo Nabadda ku yeelataa Somalia,” ayuu yiri Ergayga. Ergayga Gaarka ee Xoghayaha Guud ee QM ugu qaabilsan Arrimaha dalka Somalia, Axmedu Walad C/llaahi, waxa uu ku nuuxnuuxsaday in loo baahan yahay inay DFKMGS xoojiso dadaalka ay kula xaajoonayaan Kooxaha Mucaaradka, si loo dhiso Dowlad Midnimo Qaran. Sidoo kale, Ergayga, waxa uu Qaddiyadda Wada-xaajoodka DFKMGS iyo Kooxaha Mucaaradka ku soo bandhigay Warbixin uu xalay siiyey xubnaha Golaha Ammaanka ee QM, wuxuuna tilmaamay inu shaqsi ahaan ugu hawlan yahay sidii loo diyaarin lahaa Kulan Heer Sare ah oo dhexe marayo DFKMGS iyo Kooxaha Mucaaraadka, laguna qaban doono dal ku dhow Somalia oo uusan carabaabin,. Isagoo arrintaasi sii ambaqaadayo, waxa uu carrabka ku dhuftay inay Kulankaasi ka soo qeyb geli doonaan Hoggamiyayaal Siyaasadeed, xubno ka tirsan Ganacsatadda iyo Soomaalida Qurbo-joogga ah. “Waxaan rumeysnahay haddii dadka Soomaalida iskooda u wada hadlaan,, inay diyaar u yihiin inay ku biiraan Dowladda iyo inay dadaal u galaan sidii uu dalkooda dib cagihiisa isugu taagi lahaa dhowrka bilood ee soo socda” ayuu yiri Axmedu Walad Cabdullaahi. Dhinaca kale, Ergayga Khaaska ee Xoghayaha Guud ee QM ugu qaabilsan Arrimaha Dalka Somalia, waxa uu ku booriyey Dowladda Sacuudiga inay door hormoodnimo ka qaadato sidii Nabad loogu soo dabaaali laahaa dalka Somalia Ergayga,waaxa uu sheegay in Boqorka dalka Sacuudiga, ahna Khaadumka Labada Xaramayn ee Shariifka, Boqor Cabdalla Bin C/casiis iy Dowladaha deriska ee ay joogaan Qaxootiga ugu badan ee Soomaalida in lagu casuumo sidii ay kaalin uga qaadan lahaayeen arrimaha dalka Somalia” ayuu Ergayga u sheegay xubnaha Golaha Ammaanka ee QM, wuxuuna intaasi ku daray inay suurtogal tahay in taageeradda labo Dowladooda oo xubno ka ah Isbahaysiga NATO ay ku soo biiraan. Ergayga, ayaa kulankaasi kadib u sheegay Suxufiyiint inuusan weli Dowladda Sacuudiga kala hadlin inay Ciiddamo u soo diraan dalka Somalia, laakiin, waxa uu tilmaamay inay moraal u hayaan arrintaasi. Mar wax laga weydiiyey Dowladaha laga yaabo inay ciiddamo u soo diraan dalka Somalia, waxa uu sheegay inay ka kala imaan doonaan dalal Afrikaan ah ama Dalal ku yaalla Koonfurta Qaaradda Asia ama ilaa labo dal oo ka tirsan Isbahaysiga NATO, wuxuuna Ergayga xusay inay suurtogal tahay inay dalalka Indonesia, Urdun iyo Pakistan Ciiddamo u soo diraan dalka Somalia.
^Thiery thanks for the compliment dear friend, I too know that your are honest, young intelligent gentelman. Perhaps we should complete the rest of the convo over a Koob shaah ONLF's leader is a clever man, a strategist who knows his enemy and inteligently sets his targets without causing much provocation, staying away from anything that may turn many Somalis against his struggle, his message towards TFG and UIC was clear and his stance against Ethiopia is very well known to us all. That is why he earns the support of Caamir and many Somalis that passionetly support the TFG, contridictions it may seem to you but like I said before it is a complex and sophisticated world. ONLF chose not to minggle with the Somali politics. Make no mistake, there is no one single Somali person that likes Ethiopia, it is the current Somali conflict that created the status que, and it's Ethiopia that prefered to deal and support the TFG rather the other, had it been the other way round we would have witnessed many Mullahs reading verses from Adis Ababa instead of Asmara. The TFG need the support of an outside force to stand against the unruly militia that have had deep roots and controlled most of the South for the whole period of the civil war... What most of us support is not necessarily Ethiopian presence in our country, far from it, it is the bleeding factor we couldn't get away from it... as much as I like to support the TFG and defend some of it's policies, when the Ethiopian factor comes into question, I find myself speechless, weak and an able to answer, merely lose that whole argument... and that seems the only line many anti-TFG have used and used, over and over again, the only life line remained, they are not necessarily using that argument for the benefit of the country but to continue their illegal scrap trade... Ethiopia is the only logic argument left on their card thus far, agreed to that, although I believe TFG needs some time to disprove that factor, let us give the TFG the time and chance... Again I feel like I need to repeat that point, it's not the enemy of ONLF that many of support but ONLF and it's not Ethiopia that many of us support but the TFG. If at this moment in time, the survival of the TFG depends on the presence of Ethiopia or other FT should they arrive, what other choice do the TFG and it's supporters have? the Somali government is not fully ready to maintain the security of the country, it's short of trainees, lagistics and infrastructure and against very dangerous allied groups of former militia men, crazy mullahs and business that can't stand any form of government.
^Say what? Somailand recognition? Now in the year 18, the dream continues, what amazes me the most is how it can never fell under the table for a single day, shall we give a rest, this boredom...
Thierry my dear friend, all your seem to be applying here is the basic theory of my enemy's enemy is my friend... now that's too basic in my corner of the world, ONLF leaders recongize the TFG and distanced away from the UIC... what do you have to say about that... YOu see, the world we live in is complex and sophisticated, I wish it to had been as simple as your logics state...
GJ, What does that news suppose to mean, it's only a news and not direct statement of the ONLF... Its getting weird by the minute, stop claiming the credit of ONLF, simple as that, you have no right to do that, even so when the organisation in question have distanced themselves from you...
Anybody listening? SSC People have spoken! By Ali Artan December 06, 2007 The self-styled administration of “Somaliland” conducted a remarkable campaign of war which culminated the mutually preserved peace in the north, a security dilemma in its purest form I must say! Nevertheless, assuming that the dust of Buroa and Hargeisa celebrations have subsided now since the fall of Las Anod is about two months old, this interval, I think, is an adequate time that a rational person can reclaim his/her diverted or manipulated consciousness thus, to me, there could not be a better time to share my thoughts on this issue with my countrymen so they can ponder the message and the essence of this article. Apparently, the ad hoc conference of Bo’ameh III, of which the invasion of Las Anod invoked, was wrapped up on November 22, 2007. This was a highly tuned conference by many including Somalis, international community and some political analysts who have an interest in the political discourse of the Horn. This assembly drew heavy weight folks from Sool, Sanaag and Cayn (SSC) regions including elders, intellectuals, religious pundits and various representatives of civil societies. Bo’ameh III produced a comprehensive declaration that was clearly and deeply expressed in regards to the illegality of Las Anod invasion. The first article of Bo’ameh Declaration states, “We inform the international community and the Somali people that we are not part of nor do we recognize the administration that calls itself "Somaliland" and that there are no agreements between us (*********** clan) and "Somaliland" in the past or the present. We believe that the unity of Somalia is sacrosanct.” This declaration also informs the international community that the destiny of SSC people rests solely on their shoulders contrary to Hargeisa administration's claim which consistently by default views itself as the divine group who decides for the other communities in the north. A union voice among the people of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn is heard loud and clear, that they are not part and parcel of "Somaliland" Hargeysa administration. Ever since the ethnocentric "Somaliland" invaded Las Anod on October 15, 2007, the capital of the Sool Region, the relative semblance of security enjoyed in that region has been put in grave jeopardy. It should be noted that Puntland and "Somaliland" deserve to be commended for maintaining relative peace in their dominions. However, the assault of Las Anod was a wakeup call for all concerned in particular to the people of SSC. Paradoxically, this ill-executed mission on the part of "Somaliland" brought to the surface the true colors of the Hargeisa administration and its pursuit of clannish hegemony in the north. Throughout history, war has destroyed property and devastated lives therefore it appears that "Somaliland" misjudged its endeavor of occupying territories that do not subscribe to the ideals of secession and what "Somaliland" represents. Obviously, neither opportunity cost nor centripetal forces was taken into account as Mr. Mohamoud A Gaildon questions the sustainability of such an invasion in his article “Las Anod speaks” recently published at Wardheernews on November 22, 2007, and some other Somali News Web Portals. No matter, how hard "Somaliland" portrays itself to be a constitutional democracy with multiparty system, let it be known that these catch phrases do not reconcile with the views of others in the north of which SSC people are part of. "Somaliland's" political calculus has become more complex and took an inexorable turn in the wrong direction. Ironically the anticipated outcome of the occupation is a miscalculation of the highest cost, and the intended outcomes never materialized, a huge setback for the Hargeysa administration. I, being a concerned citizen from the area, urge the administration of "Somaliland", its constituents, elders, and intellectuals, in order to avert mayhem in the north to withdraw their militias from SSC regions expeditiously and unconditionally. In addition, "Somaliland" should reciprocate what the declaration is calling for and exercise in good faith on its part by preventing this looming war. The detrimental consequences on the peaceful coexistence of the neighborly communities in the north are in great jeopardy if "Somaliland" continues its aggression and illegal occupation. One thing seems for certain that Las Anod invasion is becoming a futile exercise by the day and the president of “Somaliland” administration, Mr. Rayaale, did not make the rational choice and take advantage of diversionary theory of war by misleading his populace in order to prolong his rule. I advise Mr. Rayaale that using coercive diplomacy and ultimatums is unproductive and simply does not work. Besides recognizing the rights of coexistence, independence, equality of others is the way forward and by doing so might have the prospect of a spillover effect on the other side. As evident, this ineffective invasion did not win the minds and hearts of SSC people, as some hoped, quite contrary it solidified their unity and cohesiveness which makes their reprisal inevitable thus "Somaliland" leadership needs to go back to the drawing board and considers some other alternatives that can be attained as a lasting peace in that part of the Somalia. Finally, SSC people have spoken and made clear to the world that "Somaliland’s" reasoning that all the territories of the British colonizer when the entire continent was under siege by European invasion is within her indisputable jurisdiction, irrespective to one’s desires for self-determination and/or political association is indeed inappropriate, illegal and misleading. Ali M. Artan Email: aliartan@gmail.com
^Keep repeating yourself with the same words...
Jabuuti: Dowlada Jabuuti oo qiratey in ay dalkeeda ku qabatey Shir Qarsoodi ah. 10. december 2007 Jabuuti(AllPuntland)- Dowlada Jabuuti ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in dalkeeda lugu qabtey Shir qarsoodi ah oo ay yeesheen Xubnaha dowlada Soomaaliya ka soo horjeeda ee doonaya in ay la hadlaan dowlada Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya iyo Qaramada Midowbay Ergay ka socda. Wasiirka Amuuraha dibada Jabuuti Maxamuud Cali Yuusuf oo uwaramayay Tv-ga dowladaasi Jabuuti ayaa sheegay in ay wada hadaladan qabsoomeen dhawaan soo tibaaxay in ay dhexmareen Ergayga Qaramada Midowbay uqaabilsan dalka Soomaaliya iyo Xubno ka mid ahaa Midowgii Maxkamadihii dalka Soomaaliya laga saaray kal hore. Wada hadaladan ayuu sheegay in ay ka soo baxeen go’aamo wax ku ool ah ,wuxuuna sheegay in ay qireen Xubnahaasi in ay doonayaan in ay la kulmaan Madaxda dowlada Soomaaliya si uga qeybqaataan dajinta dalka Sooomaaliya. Wasiirku wuxuu sheegay in ay Xubnahaasi ka mid yihiin Ibraahim Xasan Cadoow oo ahaa Xogyihii arimaha dibada ee Maxkamadihii laga saaray Soomaaliya ,markii ay dagaal ku qaadeen ciidamada dowlada Soomaaliya ee kala joogay gobalo ka mid ah Soomaaliya. Mr. Maxamuud Cali Yuusuf wuxuu tilmaamay in ay Xubnahaasi ka socdeen dowlada Jabuuti in ay dhexdhaxaadiso ayaga iyo Madaxweynaha Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya si buu yiri horey loogu sii qaado wadiiqada nabadgalyada wuxuuna sheegayna in ay ka aqbaleen xubnihii Ka socday QM. Wasiirka arimaha dibada ayaa intaasi ku daray in ay dowlada Jabuuti ay gacan lixaad leh siineyso kooxo walba oo Soomaaliyeed ,doonaya in ay ku wada hadlaan dalkeeda ,ayadoo soo dhaweysay dalabka ka yimid Xubnaha horey uga tirsanaa MMI. Warkan ka soo baxay dowlada Jamhuuriyada Jabuuti ayaa ku beegmaya xili ay dowlada Mareykanku shaaca ka qaaday in ay dooneyso in ay wada hadalsiiso dowlada Soomaaliya iyo Kooxaha ka soo horjeeda. Faarax C/qaadir Geylan AllPuntland
The ONLF is a whole different entity that exists in Ethiopia, they have their agenda and have no links with UIC or anything thats hapening Mogadishu, Somalia. They recongize the TFG and arguably be said that they have good relationship with the TFG and Puntland than the fake Mullahs...
^It should be, should you wish to add something to the thread or otherwise what would you be contributing to the topic, only commenting on what others might or might not say on the topic! Ghanima I understand your point but surely you have stance on this issue... mine seems contradictory to you while not so to me, I can explain but not on this current thread... This is for every1 to share their opinion ragarding Sayidka... Let me be blatantly reer baadiye meaning state the fact without any isku qarin It's not entirely coincedence that most of our brothers and sisters from SL have either avoided to comment on this topic, those had the audacity to comment raised objection and cynicism towards the Sayid while others like my friend Norf entertained himself with what I, Emp or Dhubad might say on the topic... It is all a coincidence? Or Perhaps it is... We can all agree to disagree, just let it out, very simple...
^Self rightousness, self rightousnees... ONLF is different than the fake Mullahs in Mogadishu, claiming the victory and credits made by ONLF against their enemy isn't going to get your anywhere... the last time I checked the leader of ONLF, General Ahmed Cumar renounced the fake Mullahs violance in Somalia, distanced himself from their wicked agendas and also adviced them to join and make deal with Mr. Yusuf and the TFG. He even praised Mr Yusuf as an able man who could return the Somali republic back to its former glory... Where is the connection between ONLF and the UIC... none but just a Wishful thinking, Now Abwaan mistakes the ONLF for the UIC by posting this
Val why my dear, Why? Sad to see that the whole thread had been reduced to a mere political tit-4-tat... Norf enought with the repetitive finger pointing, I shared my bit about this issue, whether I contradict myself or not is beyond the point, simply present yours regarding the said Sayid Mahamed Abdille Hassan, I dare you to prove me wrong, my early predictions Nomadique, I disagree with you on that, we could put our disagreements into a discussion on a different thread... In this, one should only comment about remembering the father of the nation as it clearly says in the title.
^TFG ayaa madaxi kaa gashay, It is a legitimate inclusive Somali government, it's head is very well known Somali colonel former leader of Puntland and played major roles in the Somali politics for the past 50 or so years, the Parliament contains 275 members from across the Somali mainstream, the ministers are all Somali, the local governers of every region are Somalis from the local community... And Sayid Maxamed was the founding father of the Somali dream, the Father of Somali nationalism. In the past, notably during the leadership of President Barre Somalis have achieved most of these dreams only to crash in the early 90's due to the civil war, Im sure you have reserved your bit of hate for Barre's government as well, name one good thing that you like about Somalia? not it's early struggle and history, the great Sayid, not the current TFG or even TNG and not the longest serving Somali leader... In that case how do we evaluate, measure or respect your input on Somalia's matter even so when very predictable... However much one can presume your share on the current thread, I have yet to see your stance regarding the symbol of the Somali struggle against the British, the father of Somali Nationalism.
Red Sea good question. Now that was clever, turning the ball to my side was just impressive, I say the ball was in your corner answer it first then I will assure you to share my views on this matter. Red Sea why are you against the TFG's use of Ethiopian army while you believe that British force's bombardment of Somalia along with other Somalis against Sayid Maxamed's darvishes was a right move... Norf you may try answer that if you are really interested in a 'discussion' otherwise do not hide behind other characters on SOL...
^Your biased oneliner and naive arguments have become a sensible discussion miyaa? LOOL... Waan kabaxay Get on with your "discussion" LOL