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Everything posted by LANDER
^Even more pertinent is the fact that the DJ port is managed by the Dubai group which has tonnes of experience worlwide and has become a leader in that type of management. Djib for decades has been upgrading its port structure with the help and interest of various foreign countries, groups and parties so in as far as infrastructure is concerned they are definitely ahaead of any port in the area. Nevertheless Berbera has plenty of oppurtunity because DJ is an overpriced port and is often run in a greedy fashion thinking they already have a monopoly locked down when in reality it is not the case. U ppl are absolutely right when you speak of having an independent organ run the port in berbera I think that would be the best option to improve competitiveness. However, as with all things in business, the port's success is positively correlated with the business savy and ingenuity of its managers private or otherwise.
Originally posted by Northerner: ^^I'm just messing with odeyga. I'm sure no one knew what voting Bush in was going entail. ^It is likely half if not more of the muslim population in the U.S. voted Bush/Cheney in 2000. Not sure if you remember the alternative was Gore/Lieberman. Some Muslims tagged them the 'jewish' candidates and decided to mobilise people to vote against them. Senator Joseph Lieberman gave them a real reason to worry since he was an unwavering supporter of all governments of Israel and their policies and in addition is very hawkish when it comes to middle easter affairs. At times he makes republicans look moderate and supported the Iraq war from day 1. Nevertheless, those who know U.S. politics could see through Bush's rhetoric as far as 'limiting U.S. involvment abroad' which was the platform he ran on that yr. Question is would Gore/Lieberman be different from Bush? I'd like to think so, eventhough there would have been serious pressure coming from Lieberman to persuade Gore to attack this or that country. I think the U.S. involvment post-911 would have been limited to Afghanistan.
Yes Howard is a bigot and that is no secret, but what makes Obama great? Aside from being against the war in Iraq what do people really know about Obama's stance on all other majjor issues (foreign or domestic)? next to nothing from what I've seen so far. Let me know if you guys have some info I'm not aware of. Where is Baashi when you need him?...Baashi if your reading this tell them how you voted for Bush in 2000 cause you thought he would be good for the 'muslims'. I'm sure people could use a word of caution when jumping on political band wagons.
Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: looooooooooooool@Ngonge and i didn't understand the North-west States May be she meant United States ,,,,, I think it was rather the Xinjiang and Tibet of China Either way this surely doesn't help the alleged prisoner and I'm sure his family is loving the fact that his case was used for a publicity stunt. Looks like a big farce really but if there is real concern for this man's well being, my approach would have been to have his elders contact members of the Somaliland administration be it in the gurtii or otherwise. Elder to elder talks usually get things accomplished in good ol somali fashion. President Dahir Riyaale Kahin Fax: 00 252 213 8324 or 00252 252 3848 Email: sl_victory@yahoo.com Odagu ma yahoo buu isticmaalaa? lol^, notice most of the listed people have the same exact e-mail address sl_victory@yahoo. Is this the only Asha could get her hands on or what. Maybe its a community e-mail box lol.
Originally posted by Caano Geel: ^ No, not all TFG supporters are from the north east ( man i hate the puntland name .. i mean if they were going down that line at least puntterra would of made sense .. that aside...) second, not all the members of the government are of one clan either, so that one doesnt stick. Its a puppet gov. call it that, but dont throw aroud veiled clan comments, or what could be interpreted as that please. We already have enough of those to deal with. thanks Something tells me you understand where the 'kid' is coming from despite his inaccuracies, and yet feel like patronizing him.
Originally posted by Caamir: If World Bank is to extend loan to Somalia on the reconstruction of its devastated infrastructure, it would give it to the TFG , the transitional federal government under which both "Somaliland" and "Puntland" are part of its system. The article had nothing to do with the above. Matter a fact it was written at a time not so long ago when the TFG still didn't have official international recognition before the courts came along and gave the TFG the legitimacy it seeked in the eyes of the west. So where is the proof? Do you really understand the meaning of the word propaganda?
I fail to see what this nostalgia is all about. So back than somalis engaged in foolish wars and had more sophisticated weapons to kill each other with. At the rate the somali race is advancing will be fighting with sticks and stones fairly soon.
Libaax your right some things don't change. The Point why u mad man? after all people from 'Ottawack'(as some call it) consider a trip to toronto a holiday getaway.
Ethiopian leaders throughout history have been far more clever, cunning, and sophisticated than their Somali counterparts. We as a collective Somali Peoples, have been out maneuvered, outthought and outclassed at every 'turn'. The sooner we come to this realization and start being honest with ourselves, the better for the Somali Nation and its future.
Originally posted by ThePoint: ^For what? good question
the author's name is Eric Margolis , a well known columnist in Canada for the Toronto Star and other newspapers. Read it this morning in print but don't know where che got the web source. He usual as a good grasp of the bigger picture, nice opinion piece.
Originally posted by HornAfrique: My haunch. Some news sites like Waagacusub are reporting thievery of milk cartons. Rape would have long bombarded this forum if it was happening. I guess if the rape was Allegedly commited by the Somaliland authorities you'd be first to cry foul right? What was her name that young girl your like was parading around for weeks? Yasmine Duale I think was her name. But maybe you consider ethio rape to be a lesser crime.
Good news, if only Somaliland had the foresight to have been first movers in this before the Nigerian experiment though it would have been much better. Most commercial farmers will probably be attracted to lush destination in west africa but we'll see if Somaliland can attract some too. On top of that the government hasn't even formally made any invitations to these farmers, another sign of incompetence.
So Riyaale is not the brightest man alive or the most eloquent speaker. Often, he is a real embarrassment. As I see it, Somaliland's political future rests on a Riyaale defeat in 2008. Anything less will be nothing short of disastrous for the country.
lol@libaax, haven't been here in a while have you? you must miss good ol Toronto. Flemo has changed too man.
Aisha wlc, or should I say Kamalakhi or kamalakha I forget which one is male and female. You have every reason to be a proud Eritrean although in this world you will always find people who wish to bring you down because of their own insecurities. Case in point sheikh Fiq. You have to forgive this character he is suffering from the political situation in Somalia at the moment as many in this forum have given him a tongue lashing for supporting the presence of ethiopians in Somalia. Hence, the reason you see the oversized somali flags and pictures on his signature and why he is trying to unload his frustration on you. Salaam
U.S. Operations In Somalia Not Over Ethiopian And U.S. Forces Still Pursuing Al Qaeda Terrorists In Somalia 'U.S. operations there were not over, the official said.' 'Michael E. Ranneberger, the U.S. ambassador to Kenya, made similar comments to the BBC. He also told the BBD the United States would support moderate Islamic-oriented politicians participating in a Somali government of national unity' "The three high-value targets are still of intense interest to us," the official said. "What we're doing is still ongoing, we're still in pursuit, us and the Ethiopians." CBS news
Garaad Jaamac arrives in Atlanta to a huge welcome!
LANDER replied to Fiqikhayre's topic in Politics
Suldaan, Garaad and any symbolic tribal leaders, hasn't their time expired? I don't know much about the history of Garaads and how usefull they've been throughout the ages, but it seems a little primitive. Nevertheless, this particular garaad has received alot of attention within his communities and alot of hope has been placed in him and I hope he emerges a constructive leader. but sort of like the Barack Obama of the democratic party in the states, he seems all flash and nice words, but what does he really stand for and how does he hope to solve ths problems facing his community? who really knows, maybe all a Garaad is usefull for is parading around like the queen of England. I'm open to be educated on Garaadism 101 if anybody is offering classes. -
I can't think of a worst time to be somali. We really are a primitive people.
^Norf how dare you man, these are true nationalist who love Somalia. They are selfless human beings who only have the best interest of all somalis at heart. They believe in One Somalia because all somali peoples are brothers and sisters in Islam. One religion, one language, one blah...I think you get the point. I'll tell you what though, many of the real TFG supporters are keeping quiet these days because they have enough decency not to parade their two faced natured on the web.
Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Actually he is the right one for the time being ,,,,, i would mind giving him another 5 years ,,,,,,,,,,,,, why do you think so? Originally posted by Sophist: Brown!The "army" and ragtag malitia take order from adeer Tadhase!!!same shite if you ask me! If people asked you I'm sure you'd come up with a million and one things you don't like about Somaliland but that's not the point. Same shit huh, so when have Somalilanders had ethiopians fighting their battles tell me? NO, it is not the same ish and if you insist on it your just being dishonest with yourself. If Riyaale is too ****** to understand the political implication and the timing of such a visit I'm sure the Somaliland populace from whom he gets his mandate is not. His days are numbered and the 2008 elections will Inshallah mark a new day for Somaliland.
^I'm glad u choose the school for the blind, there was a fundraiser not so long ago for it in Toronto and I unfortunately wasn't in town for it. Btw I didn't know you brit kids played pick up ball. I was in east london couple yrs back I must say the native brits were not great at all, the only good players were spaniards and immigrants from the balkans. Must explain why u pulled a calf so quickly, stick to football mate
^Norf, on top of the three US warships they now have an aircraft carrier on the southern somali coast which only means more fire power. You've gotta wonder if this was all ment to coincide with Bush's key note address last night otherwise how can a few isolated fighters warrant this many resources?
^I wouldn't put it passed the Israelis, it may not be so easy for them to actually go through with these plans whitout Washington looking the other way, but they will surely practice them and make sure they are a go at a moment's notice. Iran as they see just might be the last potential threat in the entire region, cripple Iran and they can focus on other expansionary goals within their vicinity (i.e demarking an internationally recognized border for themselves within large chunks of the Westbank). Ahmedinejad being who he is will pretty much guarantee Iran gets Israel's full attention for the next few years as I see it.
Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran Uzi Mahnaimi, New York and Sarah Baxter, Washington http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2089-2535310,00.html