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Everything posted by Nephissa

  1. I cannot truly relate to Wallac having never gone through it myself, but each and every person is different and have reactions that are sometimes more severe than others. is there a pattern that we can tell beforehand? Yes [i think], if it's easier to get along with her when she's "PMSing".. she will be the type to love you to bits markay Wallacayso. Kuwa she-wolf ka noqdo ka carar, look for the nearest exit. I know it's natural to get hormonal and all but to make others suffer it ain't right. Explains why some men completely disappear on business trips naagahoodoo uur leh.. L0L.
  2. BOB, hayeh? Gabar Galti aa u kulushsahay aa maqlee? Mid markaa af jinigii Kismaayo 'xajaa xujuuu xijiiii' aa la gashid, afka kuugu dhufato oo 'Af Dayuuus' kani waa maxay ku tiraa, L0L. sidii nuune Hargeeso loogu soo caaayay camal.
  3. So far anagaa ilmo isku ah oo is dheel-dheel siino. I would have loved to have atleast one before I turn x0 [in 11 months..yike that hurts] in the meantime I'll enjoy being an auntie to 8 little ones who completely own me as it is. Faynuus, afar indhoodoo nabad ah, abbaayo, mukulaal matagtay Allaha kaa dhigo!
  4. As Xiin would say, "najjaasaa fay leh" maanta. L0L@Cabdiyo. Ceesaan bahal inuu yahay waa iska maleeyay, laakin eri ma u qabin.
  5. No no, no wonder panties here. I'm building one naturally, doing the donkey kicks once a day 100 kicks per leg. You should try it sometime, Cara. Or buy this.
  6. I will look into that, Ziizi, and I know I can always count on you to be a ray of sunshine on these boards. Thank youuu sis!
  7. ^L0L. Careful, there are booty padded panties for the flat ones, don't be tricked. Cara, if you can put some meat on me.. me love you long time!
  8. Oh bummer, I'd have made you sweat, Sheh style, play beach volley-ball, sand sculpting, sand tic tac toe, hopscotch.. etc etc.. having fun in the sand and the sun.
  9. Very soothing! Masha Allah. I've always wanted to learn to recite the Quran with proper tajweed. Qofkaan u sheego wuu igu qoslaa, i don't know why. Waxaa la igu yiraa, see u gali, ma children's tajweed competition-kaad ka qayb geli. :mad:
  10. war hooy ka joog! . Teeda kale, waxan ku waydiiyey, are you the fit/athletic type, mise Cali Shabiix, the isku-dees ones?
  11. ^ You have reminded me to check the lottery results. If I've won i'll give you a tenner.
  12. Originally posted by Ms DD: I have found a society that adore fat ladies. Never knew there were somali blokes who were into fat ladies. Going to gym is not one of my fave things to do. I have to incoprate excercise into my daily life. That seems to be working for now. Doesnt help though, that when i lose few pounds, i treat myself to a scoop of ice cream Still fat ladies are bubbly, cheerful and happy (so i tell myself lol) , allaa maxaa isu been gurtay! Nobody likes fat ladies, not even the blind! Ever seen Ray, the movie? Funny scene when some heavy woman tries to seduce Ray and he felt her hands..L0L, that was enough to say 'no thanks'..
  13. Originally posted by Malika: So basically your saying, one can chew for 36hrs and still yet maintain a relationship and employment by just popping a pill? @ maintain employment? L0L. Are you kidding? the dude would be too sore to accept any jobs.
  14. Males Zanawi wax rajo ah oo ka heysa xukunka Cabdulaahi Yuusuf ma jirraan, wuxuuna iminka ku howlanyahay sidii uu oga taqalusi lahaa odayga 80 jirka ah ee uu ku tilmaamay in uu howlgabyahay, isagoo ka hadlayay kulan ka dhacaya Washington ayuu sheegey in lasoo gaaray xiligii xilka laga diiri lahaa wax uu ku tilmaamay hogaamiyeyaasha cantatabka ah ee curyaamiyey shaqadii Soomaaliya uu ka fushan lahaa. Good riddance. Now some village in Puntland can have their id!ot back.
  15. JB, saaxiibteey walaasheed, oo Canada ka tagtay baa ku dhimatay Hargeysa ayadoo taxi saaran oo Borame u sii socota reerkooda, AUN. Ma maqashay geeridaas?
  16. waa lagu dabagalayaa oo waa lagu soo wareysanayaa dabadeed waa lagu xirayaa ee sidii aad ugaa bixi lahayd u diyaar garoow. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: I've just emailed his article to the concerned people ,,next time haduu yimaado shaqaa laga qabanayaa waana la tusi doonaa wuxuu rabay inuu arko. , you proved his point, haddaba. Maxaad la murmi?
  17. I'm not surprised that I got your usual ignorant, senseless comment. You say I'm 'unimportant' an hour after you've been running after me like an annoying chihuaha runs after his owner. Bwahahaha! I tell you what, adeerkaa iyo adiga can go to ell, so you could rot there like the rest of the low lifes caano boore, like you. This is my last reply to you, little boy. ps. PM me one more time, walahi banaankaa soo dhigaa. Wir PM me mar kale.
  18. Meesha wax dhareeraayo ma joogo, adaa malaha isku dhareeray. Aniga ha ila qabsan mar kale. Thanks. edit: I like the fact that you're editing and adding more insults to your post. Keep it coming... Unfortunately, what you, dirty-bigmouth, deserve I am not allowed to say on here.. :rolleyes:
  19. Ziizi!!! *Hugs* where in the world have you been, woman? missed ya SO much!!! Welcome back, Haneefy.
  20. ^ ahah. I'A the atrocities will stop and a healing process will begin after Yeey. Dairy Queen, next time see a doctor for your head and get it screwed on straight, then you can get your head out of your butt and maybe not insult most of the people on SOL. You really are an insulting Little guy..
  21. ^ u mean Monica? Your running mate can play, can't he?
  22. So says the man that's responsible for the despicable mess that has killed and injured hundred thousands of Somalis. What about his troops, will he withdraw all of 'em? Caku, yaa axmaar saaxiib ka dhigan jiray! They turned the tables on Yeey, blaming him for 'xal-daro-da.' Aahh, . Waa loo qayilay odega. I wouldn't mind seeing angry civilians with machetes chase him into Puntland. Kadib Youtube la soo geliyo, Yeey, mad and sweaty oo ruc ruc sii leh.