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Everything posted by Nephissa

  1. Many women just like guys who dog them. That is why the pimp is able to make a living. They know the pimp does not give a damn about them, yet they sell their bodies. What can I say. The more some of the Rappers defame women the more women seem to run after them. Akhas
  2. Yea I watched it lastnight for the first time. It comes on Sundays here in the U.S. Guess it replaced Sex in the City. Husbands are cheating and the wives are seeking for Revennnnnnnnnge. Cool.
  3. I thought it was only women who cat fought. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  4. I thought it was only women who cat fought. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  5. Mr Jackson,your concern is deeply appreciated. I suggest you open your mouth next time you pay them a visit, rather coming here and telling million strangers other folk's business. As a Muslim it's better to come to someone if you have a problem with them. You might just get through to them and they might change. I never believe what I hear these days, because most of the stories get twisted around after a few hundred people hear it.
  6. You'r so behind. Who needs to be married to have children these days? If or when i decide to have a baby i'm gonna inject myself. I'll grow old with my child. Not Faarax. :rolleyes: Gabdho marriage isn't what you think it's. It hurts the relationship and you are more likely to stay together if you don't get married. Why do you think people date 5,7yrs and get divorced within few months? Iska dream gareeya. Everthing that glitters isn't gold. Don't let the soap opera fool you. Its much more complicated then that.
  7. Do we need to be married to have a companion? [Not in bed ofcourse]. Someone to eat popcorn with at the movies, opens and holds the doors for you. Someone to call when your car engine dies in the middle of a winter storm. Just having someone to count on. How about that? The idea of marriage freaks me out. I don't think i'll get married EVER. I'd rather die virgin then get married.
  8. Good advice Rudy. You could be the next Somali Dr.Phil. 1stLady sis, its not easy to kick off old habits. Try not to cut everything all at once, do it slowly, bit by bit just like Dr.Rudy suggested. Goodluck.
  9. Dadkiinan war iyo nac nac badnidinaa. 1st page baan maraayay, wixi dhexe oo dhan skip baan ku sameeyay. Waxaan filaya in weli sheekadu marayso DOOD & MURAN ma isku mid baa mise maya? Dood & Muran isku mid maaha. Dood waa Discussion, Murana waa Disagreement. Joojiya wareerka.
  10. Haduu wiil ina yiraahdo Abaa ii dhiib, waxaad ku tirahdaan Habartaa ha kuu dhiibto
  11. Ngone, bless your heart. Its the one thanks. Its a mobile phone, the size of a pen. Isn't loveley?
  12. The image is not showing :confused: If anyone knows what i'm talking about, please insert the Penphone image in here. Thanks.
  13. Does anybody have or know if the Haier Penphone P5 works in North America?
  14. ^^^ Caruurta meeshatan ha ku liqin ee isaga carar. LOL! ORGI LIQE, do tell us. Your elementary years were obviously in the 70's iska caadi weeye, but where and which school?
  15. Baashi, font ka inaga badal ina eedo, indhahii baa igu wareeraye. Mahadsanid.
  16. Since most of you are too young to have finished/started high school in the early 90's. Talk about your good old elementary-intermediate years. Which school and where? got friends from elementary school?
  17. Any sane woman would save her husband. Its the hubby, hubby and hubby. He's my cushion for comfort,the one i share secrets laugh and play with, will grow old with if life lets me. My son and brother will abandon me the day they find a wife of their own so why bother.
  18. Like you said Macalimuu "kabtaada iyo tolkaada waa lagu dhex jiraa". Guurso tolkaada wax aad taqaanid baad dhaliye. Nationalist, stop scaring me. You don't know my address, beenloow
  19. The issue is deeper then magazine articles and rules put together by somebody. No need to read a book to be a good father.Its a gift from above, it should be within you. You either got it, or don't. I find the article funny and irrelevant. It talks about dads who want to be superdads/ participate in every aspect of their kids life, some want to change the cough medicine Dr.Mom to Dr.Dad etc; Would be nice to have such a man really, a man who's willing to share house chorus and responsibilities is every woman's dream. Unfortunately, its a rare quality found amongst our fellow male species. Certainly way too unrealistic/much of a task for a Somali dad to be asking. Ninka Somaliga ah oo leh Aniga baa Cunada Karinaya, Dharka maydhaya, Caruurtana haynaaya bal i tus walaal. Realisticly how many of you in here are willing to be housedads? raise your hand please. " " °°°°°°°°°°°NONE°°°°°°°°°°°°°° If Somali men would think/do as such, the number of children who go to bed each night without a father in the house would not increase, and Somali women wouldn't have to shoulder the burden alone. Are you a father QL? If you do have a child, do all you can to meet the very serious obligations of fatherhood. Practice what you preach.
  20. Portrayed? Those men earned all the negative criticism, and deserved it. Dads and Heroes were the men of early 19th century, like our granpas and dads. Sorry to inform you there are none today.
  21. How do rumors get started? they're started by the jealous people and they get mad about somthin'they had, and sombody else is holdin' Look at all these rumors running me everyday I just need some time some time to get away from from all these rumors I can't take it no more I can't go no place without somebody pointin' a finger I can't show my face cuz when it comes to rumors I'm a dead ringer I'll think I'll write Admin and tell him to pass a bill the next time they catch Ngone started rumors-shoot to kill! lool, where the old schools at? anyone?
  22. looooool@@@@stiletto shoes. Khayr you know too much of a style man. Gacan baan kuu taagay.
  23. War maxaa dhacay, it got out of hands-e. This is not another battle of the sexes. Hanooga cayaarina meesha. I repeat this is not Somali men vs. Somali women. Blaming it on others(aniga maaha, waa isaga) is Waxa ay Somalia ku baa'baday. So Stop it. Some of you came here to defend this, some condemned it, but nobody gave any suggestions on how to make this behaviour less attractive. I realize making a big furore about the behaviour of such people only enhances their reputation, but is there any way to break this cycle up? To stop our children rejecting all the good values our society has to offer? Is there no way we can have a more positive and, creative outlet for children to sample? Why are we so screwed up that we fail to produce decent role models for our children? Answer that Rag & Dumarba you are equally responsible.
  24. I agree with Shabeele. I have never came across a Vulgar slash Agressive Somali man in my entire life. Allah ima tuso hadana. Xaggee ku soo aragtay kuwaas, aan soo uleeyee?