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Everything posted by Nephissa

  1. L0L@FB. Keep it "halaal" waryaaa! *Jumps up and gives Bil Kiss a chest bump* * Welcome.
  2. ahaha, Yeey markastaa waa la maslaxaa sidii naag ninkeeda ka soo carootay! Miskiin.
  3. Ooooooooooo :eek: :eek: you know Somali too? *Hi Grant*
  4. Odaygan waa jaasuus. Halayska jiro.
  5. BOB, kan waa lagu khasaaray, meel daran buu la'yahay. Iga daa, iga daa! Anoo ina addeertiis buu biif-baaf ii dhiibay aan cayaalsuuqda ku buufiyo. Intuu Minesterial Position aan ku dhargo i siin lahaa. A&T can take his biiifbaaf and shove it - -
  6. Good to see you again this morning, Xiin. Weli laguma xirin, I see .
  7. Gee, there are other Mothers outside of your 'group', y'know? Ummmm, well, why notice them eh'? They're like waiters at a fancy restaurant, they don't exist for the patrons. Dukey, you are so self-focused [and self-centered) that you chose to stay ignorant and blind as to what the other 2 million 'poor' Somali mothers on this planet are going through. Ninyahoo xishoood.. ish!
  8. Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn: quote:Originally posted by Nephthys: quote: obviously, back home things like that were prolly not discussed.. back home we didn't know what a molester was, I remember nin chauffer noo aha, marku schoolka iga soo qaado he used to rest his hand on my tighs.. markuu labo jeer igu sameeye, I moved to the backseat, i let my younger brother sit the front seat, asagiii xanaaaaq! To this day, I didn't tell my parents.. You know,waxaa laga yaaba it may have been a classic case of mistaken actions. If you have driven gaari marsho ah(what are the chances,you were driven around,L0L), Then you would have known that,When shifting gears(birimo especially )gacmaha "weey farxbaxsadaan"(like sibix nooh) and sometimes gacmahaas cajiraha wee gaaran in the process. On the otherhand,He could have been one dirty saqajaan. You should have told your Aabo. *Yes,i am back Beaches* *Yeeeey* FB, missed ya tons, Cadaawe! Welcome back. Farabaxsadaan@ehehe. Remind me to bring a table or something to put between ani & adi hadaa baabuurka weligaa soo raaco..
  9. Gheele, all the single pple waa u dhacatay, markii jiq kugu noqoto, gidi gidi lee u seeexo! kkkkkk. Istaqfurulah.
  10. thanks nuune . NG, it stopped. The dude quit afer a month or so..
  11. obviously, back home things like that were prolly not discussed.. back home we didn't know what a molester was, I remember nin chauffer noo aha, marku schoolka iga soo qaado he used to rest his hand on my tighs.. markuu labo jeer igu sameeye, I moved to the backseat, i let my younger brother sit the front seat, asagiii xanaaaaq! To this day, I didn't tell my parents..
  12. hehhe@ghelle. i would imagine so!
  13. Originally posted by Ducaysane: LOL@ Jini baa galay when she was in the bothtub. This reminds me back in the days when we come to Minnesota. Mid baa inta ilbax iskaga keen dhigay, Mamada inta uu u yimid buu wuxuu ku yiri. Gabdhaha kastuumo bir ah u soo gada meeshu waa qabow badan tahee. micneey? is it true, whe you sleep flat on your back jini makes love to you?
  14. What about the young men, women and children who are near and dear to me that the axmaar bombs everyday? did you think what a hard pill this was for their mother and father, the siblings ****** waryaa! [ November 13, 2008, 04:40 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  15. is it b/c some of them were your kinsmen? must be a bitter pill to swallow eh, one of yours 'expectant group' going against you. aaaahh!
  16. MS DD, Gabar jini [acudubilah mina shaytani rajem] galay ma maqashay, after she poured hot water on them in the bathtub while showering? Jini [acudubilah mina shaytani rajem] ba ka dhex qayliye, saying: waan jiifneee caruurtay iga gubtay!
  17. *Ululuuuluuuu* Waa inaynu, Waa inaynu Ciiidnaaa.. Shubahada! Why haven't they responded to this thread? Kashafy brother, 2 words - ALLAHU AKBAR.
  18. tied on a tree @ . Must be knee length. Bet they could tie it in a knot too... ick! L0L
  19. What I find funny is how the traitorous lackeys who brought the most primitive people on earth to our soil, to colonize the brightest and proudest now turn around and point their hypocritical fingers. I think I've told you this before, but it bears repeating, "Oh my God :eek: , you are f'ing brilliant" Dukey. I love when you ask why I'm not joining . For a ******, you do encourage Shabaabism alot! You should pay the rest of Somalis back for the air you needlessly squander by breathing! [ November 13, 2008, 05:19 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  20. Originally posted by hamza9163: Ah ah ah, does anyone else see what I see? . Rag cilaan marsashada ku dheereeyo baa nala hadlaayo.
  21. and what exactly do you do outside the "comfort of your PC?" butcher the blood sucking b@stard Shabaaabs? cut them in pieces? yeah, yeah? You are man for woman far braver, . Nin rag ah baa tahay. xaax!
  22. . He made no statement for anyone to take offense to, really. Only a sniveling waste of skin would think "cooking pasta and raising kids" is an insult. Try again Mistah...