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Everything posted by Nephissa

  1. I much prefer that he not be impeached, as tempting as that may be. For one thing, the dude just looks worse and worse as time goes by. I would rather he just hangs there like rotten fruit on the tree.
  2. Emperor, salaan sare! . Ha is uur xumeenin abboowahiis, adiga ninkaan ciribtiisa xataa ma gaaraysid.. I'A wax "kaa dul-raran" Allaha kuu sahlo.. yaah. Haneefah, there are plenty but this dude takes the cake! Come on, you must know him.. L0L@aliyah. af-xaar beesho, trouble ha i gelin.
  3. @ "Hooy! Hooy! Afrooy! Haddaad halkaa lawska ah liqdo iyo hadddii aad soo tuftoba intaba waad iga furantahay ee la soco." War ileen! Oo looska maxaa loogu diiday Afro? Al macnaa, maxay tahay, calaashaan? Waxaa suuro gala in aan isticmaalo magac yadiina SOL, gaar ahan akhyarta magacyadoodu ku xusan yihiin hoos: Baashe, Bishaaro,Mafia, Wiilo, Tuujiye, Jabarjaan Xiin, Fandhaal, Kulmiye, iyo Afro. Habo, iska isticmaal, laakin axsaan samee, naag jamaljaan ah ha u isticmaalin magacayga or mid jaad ruugeeyso, lol thanks. Sida kale, waa OK. Oh, ragganna xaas oogama dhigi kadhid. Thanks.
  4. I nominate our very own - - - , [eventhough his absense for the last few days from here has been the best gift we could have received ]. - - -although af-xaar in nature, is clearly an intelligent individual, who while opinionized, makes valiant attempts to back up his opinion even if they are wrong. But make no mistake, - - - is a mainstay and an important cog in maintaining the variety of this forum. And for that I salute you Mr. - - -. I'm sure you don't get thanked often for your work, so here, Thank you ...
  5. Nephissa


    Hey Malika, I envy that you admited that! .
  6. Woow girls! I'm glad that this one fell into your "I-feel-like-chicken" category.. . Ka joog markan idin lahaa, maxaad ii dhagaysan waydeen? :rolleyes: I was greeted with this news as soon as I logged in to my computer this morning.. Pregnant death-dive survivor is now mother of two ‘My babies kept me going’ says mom who was expecting when chute failed By Michael Inbar contributor updated 10:33 a.m. ET, Tues., Dec. 16, 2008 Three years after she cheated death in a skydiving adventure gone terribly wrong, Shayna West and her toddler Tanner share a mother-son bond like no other. Unbeknownst to Shayna at the time, Tanner was in her womb when she survived hitting pavement at 50 mph while attempting her first solo parachute jump. Now a mother of two, West returned to TODAY Tuesday to talk about her amazing story of survival and the long medical journey she has undergone to reconstruct her face after it shattered like an eggshell upon impact.
  7. Originally posted by Xidigo*: quote:Originally posted by Farancab: Ninkii u baahda riwaayad macaan oo ma dhamaato ah way socotaaye ku qabso, safka hore yaan lagaa qabsan. Sharaxii la tumaayay sheekaa ka danbaysay ahahah, tana ku dar: "Waa maadays TFG, Yeey-na wuu Matalayaa."
  8. L0L Cadaan. I like the Kia [maniac] commercial. That salesman is wild lol. I like when they dump the water on him..
  9. ear sucking? akhas! Where do people come up with this stuff?
  10. Originally posted by Cabdiyo Cabdi: This gets crazy by the day. Kabtii C/Yusuf wuuku socon waayey,inuu iska dhiibo maxaa u diidey? ^ . Ma dhiibaayo kan, ilaa kab lagu xooro, madaxa la jebiyo. Let's take pride in the fact that so far, half the job is done and the Parliament is doing the finishing touches on the other half, i.e. getting rid of the old goat. Alxamdullilaah.
  11. Originally posted by +Faheema: quote:Originally posted by Nephiso: Inaalilaahi wa Ina Ilayhi Rajicoon. Don't Do It. I have a bad feeling about this. I just don't trust that something wont go wrong; unopened and/or tangled parachutes. ^Bisinka, Walaal Shaydaanka iska naar, oo yara naphis wakhtigu ilahy noo qoro uun baan soconaynaaye. I'm telling you this because I.. I love you, dammit :mad: [i don't show it, I know.. but I really do.. ] :mad: . lol@shaydan naar. here --> Acudu Bilaahi Mina Shaytani Rajeem. Have a safe jumping, haddaa.. I'll pray for you tonight I'A, salaatul cishaha.
  12. I pretended to like whiskey once...UGH! I had to walk around with the glass for good half an hour to keep up the pretense.
  13. ahaa Afro , 'naagaha Hoostooda' maxaa ku tusay in lagu dhaho aa u dam-damleedahay oo thread kale lagaa qoro, miaa? ma joogtidoo waa is ogtahay dad a toosh kugu haayee.. kkkkkk.
  14. Inaalilaahi wa Ina Ilayhi Rajicoon. Don't Do It. I have a bad feeling about this. I just don't trust that something wont go wrong; unopened and/or tangled parachutes.
  15. Najiib, errr JB, you're hot and stunning dancer! .
  16. yaan ka neefiyaa? ma nin caruurta iga dilay? ayyyyy! war dhiig isku yeel. :mad:
  17. Students have been slapped, punched and had their ears twisted, according to an unpublished report by an imam based on interviews with victims in the north of England. One was “picked up by one leg and spun around” while another said a madrassa teacher was “kicking in my head - like a football”, says the report which was compiled by Irfan Chishti, a former government adviser on Islamic affairs. Unbelievable! Where are the parents of these children? Subhanallah. I can't believe this attitude still exists in todays day and age.
  18. L0L. No rubber band for this Xaliimo, yaa wajiga laga kuus kuusaa, may abbaay. I'll just push the flip ear side of my cell phone under my tightly pulled Hijab as I drive and talk and wave my hands. Ask not why you should not wear Hijaab, ask what Hijaab can do for you.. It's amazing!
  19. Haye Abwan, kolee uma qaab ekid reer Muqdishee, adiga shimee transit kusoo martay, I mean, reerkiina usoo guureen.. .
  20. Iyaaah Afro!! saana maxaa waaye abbaaay.. ma shiixdo ma shiidaado.. .
  21. Eid Mubarak everyone. Eidan eideeda kheyr & bash-bash baan idin wada rajeynayaa. Francab, thanks habo..
  22. ahhaa, money, raggeedii walahi! Dadkan is wada caruureenaayo adaa ka qatarsan, mid kasto anoo ciyaal ah & waxaa jiri jiray, aabaheeyaa nanac ii gadi jiray uu la soo shir baxay. Mid dhashiike aa saarnaa dhaho waa la waayay! Adi cayaal luushito waaye, abaay abaaay..
  23. ahhah! war hooy, hooy enough with the xawaaj io kabsar-caleentaa isku kor daadinayso. Waad ku shiiri wallee..
  24. Have no worries JB buddy. I have enough skills to cover up my accent. Markan card-ka qaato, waan jaw-naw-layn. Waadh ka baydha jidka, jaw, naw, diintii aabahaaa & waridkaaba @@#@!..
  25. Card-ka maxaas taraa horta? Rer waqoonyi & reer koonfur maas kala saaraa? Alloow Alle, yaa yiri Soomaali ma suubsanaayaan ayagane? Foreign passports aa la forge gareeyaa, macadaalik teesaro munashiibiyo ahhhhhh! . Biibtayaa lee io card lee suubsataabo, waa lagu haastaa abtoow!