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Everything posted by Bambina

  1. Salam Alaykum , May Allah grant Janna to those who past away! The floods have caused extensive damages and diseases might be on the rise because of the water contamined. The HCI ( Human Concern International)is raising some funds to help Jabuuti so that people can get food , water , shelter and medecines. Date and location :On Saturday , May 1, Alummni Theatre , Carleton University ,6:00-8:00Pm City: Ottawa
  2. Bambina


    Salam Alaykum , Do the SOL girls think alike I wonder ? .I dont mind a girl calling me nayaa but she got be my friend first , cuz I dont see myself called nayaa by an unkown girl , let alone a guy!
  3. Salam Alaykum , Hey sweet_gal wassup , if I understood your topic does that mean you cant take pictures of your friends and relatives? I havent seen my parents for a while and I wanted to send them some pics of me , but islamically I dont know if it is right, so sista could you confirm this for me?Thanks.
  4. Salam Alaykum , Interesting topic , Im sure a woman who's fed up of doing the dishes and running after kids wihthout any help from her husband , might look for another man specially if he's willing to do what her husband lacks. But , would a woman really leave her husband just because someone called her " partner "? Im sure if she doesnt want to be again in the same situation with another man , she will try to find out some informations about her so-called prince charming by using her best friends as spies or if she got some money hire a detective , and Im pretty sure if her casanova is a sitting cafe guy ,she will soon know it ,lol.
  5. Salam Alaykum , A woman should always seek her husband's permission wherever she goes , but I do believe that a husband who cares also about his wife will let her know where he goes knowing that she might worry . If a woman wants to go out , she must specify where she will go and what time she will be back ,the man should do the same thing if he respects his other half. But if the man doesnt want you to go out for no reasons ,I think you should agree , stay home and talk with him without screaming and ask him questions , Im sure he has his own reasons.Maybe he wants to spend his time with you , Allah knows best! Just figure out his reasons and everything will turn out OK!Inshallah.
  6. Salam Alaykum , Silent-Sistah , there are truly no recipes to get over someone you loved as quickly as possible. You cant know how long it will take to heal the wounded heart but you can do your best and live your life without having any regrets. Though I never had a relationship with men , I had friendships with guys that had gone sour .Once ,it took me 2 years to let go off of someone who wasnt even worth it.Here's my advice , dont repress your feelings , your regrets , your memories of him . Just accept the fact that you hurt and will get over him inshallah and when you do that you will wake up one day noticing that you slept without thinking about him.It worked for me.
  7. Salam Alaykum , Some of you might think Im weird but Im addicted to mayonnaise , gotta have it on my food or else everything becomes tasteless which explains also why Im so chubby Also , Im addicted to the SOL , hindu movies and japanese animations. As for the rest , moderation wouldnt kill me , there was a time I used to drink Coke everyday but now Im done.
  8. Bambina

    i HATE....

    Salam Alaykum , Hum so much hate ,I guess its good to write it down isnt it ? if I had a mic I would have screamed so loud that the SOL would have shut down by itself ! 1-I hate the state we mulims are in , for things are not the same since our beloved prophet Maxamad (SAW)past away. 2- I hate kids that do not respect their parents and parents who do not appreciate their offsprings 3- I hate shopping walaahi ,I do not stand malls at all ( I must have been a guy in a previous life)and if I had a twin sista , I would have sent her everywhere to get my stuff 4-I hate people laughing out loud specially for no reasons 5- I hate when I live in a small place and get all the smell of the food on my clothes before going out 6- I hate school knowing that half of the knowledge that I get wont be any use aakhir zamaan 7- I hate sundays cuz I know I have to get up the next day 8- I hate guys slowing their pace so they can watch you when you walk by them and becuz of that , I slow down too and waste my time 9- I hate women who would complain for hours just becuz they didnt get their new diraac for the coming wedding 10-I hate looking for a job And at last but not the least , I hate this topic ,noooooooooo,this time , Im joking , I luv it
  9. Salam Alaykum , 1- I was born as a woman , got not choice but to love what I am. 2- If I make up a sad and desperate face ,guys will come up asking me if Im doing OK ( naah thats a joke wish it was true) 3- I can get emotionnal , ruine everyone's life and still get away with it :cool: 4- I can be sexy ,wear flashy clothes and high heals and still nobody will call me lesbian ,in other hand it must hell for guys Dear Mombasa_Queen , I thought men and women were equal , does that mean we dont picture them naked too ?
  10. Salam , Again you failed to notice the positive sides of feminism and I think you're doing it on purpose just to prove yourself that what you say is right. And since you mentionned that you did some research , Im interested to know in what book or website did you get your definitions.Cuz Im pretty sure the way you portray feminists doesnt exist anywhere. And yes as for the rise of divorce , it might be due to men as well to women. Unlike you I dont only use feminism to explain the rise of divorce in muslim communities it might be adultery and lack of responsabilities of both gender or even physical or emotionnal abuses. And since you have enough knowledge of Islam Im sure our religion preaches equality between men and women ,rights that feminists preach too and dont say the opposite. And as for calling feminists non-believers I think you meant non-muslims because a non-believer is someone who doesnt believe in God and associate partners with God ,and does not believe in the messengers of God. So did you mean non-muslims or atheists? I do believe atheism is not preached by feminists in case this is was you meant. So brother you can ignore my response or answer by coming up with some real facts because you're the one who's getting all emotionnal here.This will be the last time I reply to your posts concerning feminism and if you want to have the last word so be it , I wont refuse you this satisfaction , since its one of your hobbies.Salam.
  11. Salam , Garab tuujiye , what wouldnt I be surprised to read your reply? Like always you like to come to Qac Qaac's rescue , both true partners in crimes , one is Dr Jekyll and the other Mister Hyde , I see .To be honest the fact that you think alike scares me a little bit Well tuujiye , I've never guessed that feminism which mainly focuses on women's rights in the society was a bunch of crap to you.I do understand you , after all what would some men like you care about women? But you said feminism is haraam and bad , so I challenge you , prove me the opposite brother.
  12. Salam , Qac Qaac brother , maybe I do not get your definition of a feminist, after all we are different people and I respect that. But why look for a more complicated definition of a feminist when you can simply admit that a feminist is just a woman who cares first about women's rights? I dont believe any feminist would like to destroy family values , unless she is crazy. Perhaps you referring to feminists who dont want to be reduced to the role of mothers and do not want to depend on men.Im sorry that you only stick with this image. If any woman in the SOL is able to reply to these questions , they will definitly know what values they stand for ,I thought some quotes might make you understand and yes I did some research, thanks to your advice Qac Qaac. Quotes: 1-Do you think men and women have equal talents, abilities and potentials? Then you are a feminist. 2-Do you think men and women should receive equal pay for equal work? Then you are a feminist. 3-Do you think women who spend their lives making a home for their families deserve respect for the job they are doing? Then you are a feminist. 4-You're a feminist if you favor equal opportunities, equal responsibilities, and equal treatment for men and women. 5-You are a feminist if you think promotions in business should be based on talent and not on gender. So Qac Qaac , you might wonder why Im bothering myself to explain to you what is feminism? Because I hope you might change and reconsider your thoughts about feminists. My job is done , let me know what you think about this.
  13. Salam Alaykum , Dear Qac Qaac , you failed to understand what a feminist is , you keep throwing this adjective to DA or to her supporters as if they were some parasites , you need to learn what are the positive side of feminism instead of looking for the negative points. As for advising me about DA ,unlike you I truly believe she posts topics because she has a personnality , no doubts about that. I had a lot of respect for you Qac Qaac and I was always looking forward to your posts , but I sadly noticed that you dont respect people who dont agree with you and this is not an islamic attitude.You call OG_Girl an immature , you call DA a feminist or a devil ,here's a simple solution ,just avoid replying to her posts if you dont like her that much ,lets not even talk about Darman that you like to put down . Your "knows it all" attitude , shows your lack of respect and sensitivity and Im surprised that most of the SOL community doesnt remark it instead of focusing on DA.And if to you a feminist has to be your enemy , so be it , cuz Im proud to be one. At last but not the least , Im sorry that this wedding topic turned to an online WWF challenge ,cuz that wasnt my attention.
  14. DA , you have my full support sista , keep on posting and state your opinions whether it hurts some or not . :cool:
  15. Salam Alaykum , Damn!!! I can see this issue is still on the rise judging by the popularity of this topic in the SOL , shall we say even among somalis wherever they are ,lol. I dont think there's any harm when guys gather in cafes ,after all ,they are places to relax , eat and chill with friends.In fact ,I cant even judge the guys there because I dont know who comes or not everyday ,plus its unislamic .I'll probably be a loser if I had to count those who were sitting yesterday or the day after and since I dont go to cafes ,Im not concerned. But I heard rumors about the ritual of some young and old dudes sitting in cafes everyday and to be honest I dont get it and I pity them since they have to stay in the same boring place ,poor souls ! The guys that I dont like ,are those who stand in front of cafes ,if they were sitting inside and drinking some coffe or sodas it would have made sense ,how can you stand up for hours outside if you can just go in and sit down? Unless you got no dough!
  16. Salam Alaykum , I came across a wonderful article in a muslim website about excessive laughter and I thought it was useful to post this topic and paste some of the author's ideas because the text was quite long. The author said :"According to a saheeh hadeeth, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Do not laugh too much, for excessive laughter kills the heart (i.e., spiritually).” (Reported by Ibn Maajah, no. 4193; Silsilah al-Saheehah, no. 506). According to another report, he said: “… too much laughter corrupts the heart.” After knowing this, if a Muslim laughs to excess it is as if he is undertaking a journey that he knows will lead to his doom." He recommends all muslims to avoid mixing with jokers , resisting laughing as much as possible and changing subjects that may lead to laughter. Of course ,it doesnt mean that laughter is haraam but excessive laughter is not useful thus make us forget our islamic duties.In fact , he also stated that the person who makes us laugh might not be respected even though we laugh at his or her jokes. So my question to you nomads is what do you think about excessive laughter? Where you once embarrassed by a friend who was excessively laughing in public? I noticed white people tend to laugh excessively at nothing and I thought more than one time what were so funny about some of their jokes. So how do you define an excessive laughter?
  17. Salam Alaykum , OneManGang you didnt specify what were somali girls complaining about nor did you precise in what domain are you guys viewed as inferiors to whom? To white or blacks ? Or maybe both ?You tell me. I dont think all somali men are messed up , of course you may have some exceptions such as bad boys and in this case , you must only do one thing , carry on with your life and find the nicest ones. The same goes for guys ,if they come across somali sisters who do not fully appreciate them , they simply have to look for better ones. Back to the issue of guys warming up the walls in malls , I'll be lying if I said I didnt care, of course I do care. Malls might be great places to eat, to shop ,to meet some friends but I do not like when they become places where guys just stand and waste their time hollering at girls.And Alhammdulillah , all somali guys are not like that ,otherwise it would have been a problem.
  18. Salam Alaykum There are so many myths among somalis and sometimes they are so ridicule that you end up laughing.Here are some that I know , feel free to add more. 1-Some female relatives though well educated will believe that if you cut your hair , you will end up bald (they forget that hair comes from the roots). 2- My mom and grandmother think that if a girl eats too much spice , she will get large breasts which is very bad. 3-If a girl doesnt get married before her 20's , conceiving children will be a hard task for her or a man wont be interested in her. 4-If a girl thinks too much about her studies she will forget how to be a woman , meaning she will forget how to cook and clean.
  19. Salam Alaykum , There's this bad habit among somalis to believe that girl past 20 will have some difficulties conceiving children and it makes me laugh everytime.Its like saying after 20 , you're good for nothing ,lol. First of all , things are calaaf. Second of all , its not cuz ur physically able to get pregnant that u might get ready for marriage , its a psychological state , u need to be emotionally prepared. My parents wont allow me to get married unless Im done with my education , to him education is a bonus so I wont have to depend later on my husband financially and emotionally.
  20. Salam Alaykum , My dear garab , when I read the first couples of your story , I thought u were going to be pulled over by a police car not by a hot woman , U said u were in a mini relationship , so I believe to u this relationship is not that long enuff meaning u can explore and take advantage of other opportunities . Brother , the only way you would know what to do is to simply ask yourself if you love your actual girlfriend. If the answer is yes I think you have to forget the other woman. If not , even if u might hurt ur gal , u have to move on. One thing's for sure , u cant be with ur girl and go out with another one at the same time.Good luck!
  21. Salam Alaykum , Before coming in Ottawa , I lost some pounds in Tdot , because I had my own room . Since I became a sharerato and lived in Ottawa , I gained a lot of weight , because my aunt's sons were at home , I couldnt take off my hijab nor wear pants. I have some bad eating habits and I only feel good when I do some excercises. I learned that a fitness center for muslim women opened in Tdot last year and I'll try to look for it this summer. I once visited a gym , to my surprise I saw women showering naked , there wasnt a curtain to hide them , I was disgusted and I promised myself to look for a muslim gym next time. P.S: Treadmill is divine if u wanna lose hips ,butts and thighs.
  22. Salam Alaykum , Losing my hair was a joke ,lol .Besides if I lose my hair one day and if the causes of that damage is the studies .I would have stopped studying right away ,lol.
  23. Salam Alaykum , Underdog , I dont really like the message that you are trying to convey in your topic. I believe a femenist is a woman who struggles for women's rights to be recognized.I notice that some of you view the femenist as a woman who competes with men , live by her career 24H/7days a week and has no place for a man and children in her life. First of all , a lady can be a femenist , have femenine qualities , work and take care of her household (husband and children). Lets say ur a single woman who needs to make a living , what ru goin to do ? Work of course and since we live in the west where life is so expensive ,I dont see myself waitin for the dude whos going to pick me up and marry me so that I dont have to worry about money. I have nothing against marriage , in fact , I pray that Allah will grant me a muslim brother. Of course once I get married things might be different,I will have to take care of my children, stay at home and my husband will provide me with everything we need. And I dont mind since my children's education comes first.But what if you are not married , what if you havent found the husband u were looking for ? Am I going to be called a femenist? Do u know even know what a femenist stands for ? Some femenists can be extreme and wont allow a man to control their life or even dont want to have children so they cant be only reduced to the role of mothers.Just because some women are extreme ,it doesnt necessarily mean that the sista who chooses to have a career is called femenist.And I believe a real woman is the one who knows how to compromise and make sacrifices to maintain the well-being of her family. Let me give u another example lets just say that ur 45 years , ur husband works , ur children are past 20 years old either working or getting a degree. You're alone in your house and you'd like to do something else besides seeing ur neighbors 24H/7 days a week. What if you want to work ? Would that be a crime? I believe a husband who really cares ,and I mean litteraly cares about his wife , wont see the negative side of letting her work as long as he knows where she's working and comes straight home after that. Do u guys think it's easy for women to stay at home all the time? Unlike you guys women are locked up in their homes running after kids , cooking and cleaning.If for u its cool to have a nice meal waitin for u when coming back from home ,for the woman it might have been a crazy day.A woman is not only a mum but a lady who needs to prove to herself and not to the world that she's capable of using other skills besides taking care of children and thats why she needs to work. To conclude my long speech women who are willing to sacrifice their families for their careers are losers and this is also true for the guys who are willing to do the same. We have soulmates in this world , we might yet dont know them but we cant live without the opposite sex thats a true fact.The " me , myself and I" thing doesnt work , men and women have to complete each other.
  24. Salam Alaykum , My favorite movie would be "Ghost" as for the rest I like any Sharukh Khan's movies specially "Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham " and " Kuch Kuch Hota Hai"
  25. Salam Alaykum , Garab tuujiye stop copying my life , .I ,Bambina ,solely came from the noisy Toronto to end up in Ottawa studying at the Ottawa U . Exams are closer than ever , right now Im losing half of my hair , half of my patience , lol. I luv to surf the Internet , read ,watch all kinds of movies ,specially bollywood movies (Sharukh Khan is la crème de la crème) and Japanese animations.Im planning to go back in Tdot for the summer and hopefully find a job before landing back in Ottawa.