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Everything posted by Gabbal

  1. Duke- It is rather exasperating debating with you, it is so base sxb. Every time I write a sentence why must "JVA" filter into the conversation? Clearly it is a way for you to avoid the discussion at hand but it is rather childish of you nonetheless. Wassalam sxb.
  2. Duke, yesterday I read in one of the debates a very good question put to you. Clearly your concern is not about warlords or the likes, or whom subjugates whom but as long as the people in question can help further advance Abdullahi's transitional presidency. It is a good thing the Shabelle natives are tasting freedom but it is the saddest thing that their plight has become a political tool for you and the likes.
  3. Castro, Villa Baidoa is former prime minister Mohammed Ibraahiim Cigaal's, alle hau naxariisto, state house.
  4. Jimcaale, Islamic Courts exist and have existed beyond the call for political power. Gedo is to be praised for the peace and security it has secured for two years now, ever since the successful ending of the Garbaharey Conference that ended all inter-clan hostilities and laid down necessary protocols intended to prevent a recurrence of former activities.
  5. Janagale, threat to whom? As for importance and the likes, I respectfully disagree. You have had a major firefight in the third largest city in the former Somalia which also happens to be the second biggest port. You have had a displacement of major military proportions and refusal of the named administration to go back to the city unless Ethiopia comes in and "disarms" the supposed "terrorists" who expelled them and now you see the firing of the president's most trusted officer in order to compromise with the people of Kismaayo (for whatever reason by the way). I believe the president has been politically outplayed and the standoff is a result of that. Neither the president nor his group have the ability to embark in certain adventures around there and nor will Ethiopia and the U.S come to his aid and fight his tribal fight because of the political campaign undertaken by the people of Kismaayo. Explaining the current impasse as some sort of "unimportance" is rather naive and certainly insults one's own intelligence. Try again adeer.
  6. HornAfrik interview with Col Ismaaciil Khaliif Shire concerning Afgaduud's nonsense and the reason for his expulsion from Kismaayo.
  7. Col.Ismaaciil Khalif Shire Oo Beeniyay Eedaymo Uu Col.Afgaduud U Jeediyay Barre Hiiraale May 22,2007 by Kismaayo-GEDO-NN Taliyahii Guutada Saddexaad ee ciidamada dawladda federaalka ku meel gaarka ah Col. Ismaaciil Khaliif Shire ayaa meesha ka saaray eedayn uu taliyahii guutada koowaad Col.C/risaaq Afgaduud uu ujeediyay Xildhibaan Barre Hiiraale oo uu kum tilmaamay maskaxda ka dambaysay xiisadaha Kismaayo. Col. Ismaaciil oo qabtay shir Jaraaid ka dib eedaymaha ka soo yeeray Afgaduud ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in eedayntaasi ay tahay mid lagu sumcad dilayo Xildhibaanka oo mudo badan isku dayay in ay nabad kuwada noolaadaan dadka walaalaha ah ee J/hoose. "Barre Aden Shire wasiirkii Gaashaandhiga ayuu ahaa mana galin arrimaha Kismaayo, Afgaduudna meel ka dhac ayuu ku sameeyay Xildhibaanka, isaga ayaana ka leexday habki dawladnimo oo galay hab qabiil waana midda uu ku fashilmay” ayuu yiri Col. Ismaaciil Khaliif Shire oo dagaalkii 23kii April la safnaa C/risaaq Afgaduud. Col.Afgaduud ayaa waxaa uu ku sheegay waraysi uu siiyay saxaafada in Barre Hiiraale oo abaaulay dagaalkii looga saaray magaalada kismaayo islamarkaana uu abaabul cusub ka wado gobolka Gedo. Eedaynta C/risaaq Afgaduud ayaa timid maalin ka dib markii xilkii ay hayeen laga qaaday C/risaaq Afgaduud iyo saraakiishii kale ee hogaaminaysay ciidamada dawlada marki ay dhacayeen dagaaladii 23kii April. Saarkiishaan ayaa lagu wadaa in ay u ambabaxaan Magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta taliska Xooga dalka Soomaliyeed. GEDO-NN-Kismaayo-News Desk
  8. On the contrary Libaax, Hiiraale's firing was scheduled for sometime now but it is Afgaduud that is a true casualty of his own actions. Political analysts would allege this is Abdullahi Yusuf's attempt at garnering back the confidence he lost from the Kismaayo populace especially in light of Ethiopia's refusal to engage militarily in that area and the political/military standoff that had occurred there as a result. How much he succeeds, we can only see. I say Yusuf's entrapment between a rock and a hard place must have been to great for him to fire his only man. Only exhausting all other cards could have made him come to this point, including analyzing the feasibility of military incursion.
  9. Che, that part is ku-tiri-ku-teen. Cabdiqaadir is a neighbor of a very close relative of mine and the man has not left his house. I would think the same is for the other men. The declining of the post, however, is very much accurate as having been told to I from private sources.
  10. C/risaaq Isaak Biixi oo diiday inuu qabto xilka wasiirka gaashaan dhiga (WYNWT)Muqdisho:-M/weyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa maalintii jimcihii markii uu dib ugu soo laabtay magaalada Muqdisho waxaa uu u soo jeediyey Mudane Col C/risaaq Isaak Biixi inuu buuxiyo jagada wasiirka gaashaan dhiga ee DFS. Sida ay noo xaqiijiyeen ilo ku dhaw dhaw madaxtooyada Col Biixi ayaa arintaas gaashaanka u daruuray, isagoo cududaar ka dhigtay in xilligani uu san ahayn xilli ku haboon inuu jagadaas buuxiyo, aysana ahayn xilli jagadaasi u cuntamayso. Mar uu ku soo hakaday magaalada Nairobi M/weyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayey is arkeen odayaasha iyo siyaasiyiin tageersan Malayshiyaadka magaalada Kismaayo qabsaday, oo ka codsaday inaan magaalada wax dulaan ah lagu qaadin hase ahaatee M/weyne Yuusuf ayaa arintaas kaga jawaabay in wixii ka dhacy magaalada Kismaayo ay meel ka dhac ku ahaayeen golaha xukuumada iyo dawlada balse inta karaankooda ah ay ay ku dadaalayaan qaab nabadeed in arinta lagu xalliyo, isagoo sheegay C/laahi Yuusuf falkaas uusan ahayn mid quruxsan. Waxaa iyana warar soo baxaya oo aan la xaqiijini sheegayaan in rag uu hogaaminayo wasiirkii hore maaliyada ee Soomaaliya C/raxmaan Jaamac Bare oo ay ka mid yihiin Maslax Max’ed Siyaad iyo C/qaadir Xaaji Masale ay hadda ku sugan yihiin magaalada Addis ababa ee dalka Ethiopia si ay uga codsadaan madaxda Ethiopian-ka in iyaga loo daayo maamulka magaalada Kisaayo gacana lagu siiyo. Axmed-Yassin Max’ed Sooyaan
  11. Lol @ Dhubad! Xaalku ma sidaas baa marka?
  12. Somalia is probably one of the least journalist-friendly places on this earth but it is unfortunately only at times of sadness do we remember the tremendous risk they face in getting us the news. With Nadaara still in captivity and the indiscriminate killings of the Jowhar Radio and SBC reporters traveling with the ambushed envoy of the Middle Shabelle Region's governor fresh in the headlines, we can only say thanks to the rest of the men and women out there risking their lives to give voice to the Somali story and say a prayer for those heroes who have fallen in the line of duty. Alle haydin naxariisto!
  13. This is an edited version of Allamagan's post. The administration Abdullahi Yusuf named for Kismaayo that forced the charade to be ended. Of Puntland origins: Ibrahim M Yusuf-Duqa Kismaayo Max’ed N Gacmodheere)- K/X 2aad Aden C Max’uud- Xog.D/Hoose Axmed M Xasan-Ag. W.M Ciise Max’ed Cali-Ag. W.Caafimadka Cabdi Askar Mire-K/X W.Canshuuraha Cabdi M Max’uud-Agaasime W. Samafalka C/R Cabdi Yacquub-Khasnajiga D/Hoose Axmed Geele Diiriye-Ag.K/X Fayadhawrka Max’uud Cariif Caddow-Ag. K/X Gadidka Xuseen Salaad Haaruun-Ag. K/X Kormerka Khadar Axmed Cali-Xaafiiska Kormeerka Aden *******-Hawlaha Guud All others: Cabdi Barre Cabdi-Ag. Arr. Bul "reer Gedo" Faarax X Gardhuub-Ag.K/X Samafalka "reer Gedo" C/R C. Ibraahim-Ag. W.Canshuuraha "reer Afmadow/Dhoobley" A. Xasan Bundiid-W. Dhulka "reer Afmadow/Dhoobley" Yusuf Sh. Cumar-Ag. W. Kormeerka "reer Jilib/Xaramka" Max’ed Cilmi-Ag. W. Gaadidka "reer Fia Afmadow" Cabdi Jaamac Cali-Xis.D/Hoose "reer Galdogob"
  14. Allamagan- Abdullahi Yusuf malaha waxuu is yidhi wakhtigana waa 1964, ciidankana waa ka beeleedkaadu ee saad rabtid yeel? Castro- Believe it or not Zenewi is looking for new friends. Abdulahi Yusuf was the only one of Somalia's former strongman who not only went to seek arms from him but was also willing to sell himself for political gain. Zenewi has all of all of former Somalia under his hands, some by force and others by proxy, and most of the former strongman are now more then ever opportunistic because they realize getting cozy with Zenewi entails political power. Zenewi is laying his aces down and you will hear soon his new favorite arise from amidst the competing hordes. I am more then sure his next favorite will come from among the key holders of Mogadishu. Because the capital outweighs all in political weight, whomever is most likely to advance his policy of imperialism in the capital will be the final one to be granted a seat besides his own. Abdulahi Yusuf is like his government; transitional in nature! Zenewi is already showing signs of discarding Yusuf when he refused to militarily support Yusuf's clannish ambitions in Kismaayo. He understands Yusuf is a polarizing figure and in this critical time of, so to say, laying his aces down he does not want to polarize the one whom he will choose to solidify his victory over Somalia. Mark my words, the climax to this saga has been reached and things will be exponentially decreasing for some...
  15. Che, his honor exists for those whom it concerns.
  16. Yahuud was an emotional hyperbole directed towards the foreign mercenaries used against him and the inhumane killing of his wounded men. It was nothing more to that although those of Yey's supporters rejoice in repeating that gaffe continuously. Perhaps it is in their interest to have Hiiraale in the same morally bankrupt position their man is? Perhaps it is a legitimization thing? Hmm mayhap it is; legitimizes Abdullahi Yusuf a tiny bit more? Sxb Hiiraale hadii ay run katahay mar hore ayuu wax uu qabo sheegi lahaa, bal kawaran asagoo wali ah Wasiirka gaashaandhigga hadii uu kasoo horjeesan lahaa wixii Xamar kadhacay It is common knowledge the man was under house arrest with Ethiopian tanks placed in front of his house ever since the moment he told Abdullahi Yusuf and the Ethiopians not to engage in urban combat because of the civilian loss it could cost. Zenewi is the president of Somalia, even now Hiiraale is using politically correct language although getting his point across.
  17. Intriguing how the one man lauded by all Somalis including some of the more trustworthy personalities in the ICU as a fervent patriot, anti-Ethiopian interference can now be accused of excitement towards Ethiopian invasion. If that were the case, would not one have used Ethiopian muscle during the Bu'aale fight when all others, including Puntland state and the group in Baidoa were physically being protected by Ethiopian armour as well as men? Then again, some of us have always been looking to vilify the said man including smarting when the more trustworthy personalities in the ICU such as Sheikh Sharif and Sheikh Aweys used to praise the man on national radio for his legacy and his history in the civil war. I dear say Hiiraale's famous hyperbole which resulted from his anger at the conduct towards some of his wounded soldiers in the hands of ICU tribal militias and his resentment towards the other side's use of foreign mercenaries against him when his own principles prevented him from using Ethiopia in the Bu'aale fight, must have made someone's day. Hiiraale and Ethiopia? Come again men! AS for whether the man supported or opposed what occurred in Mogadishu, I would say ask his former arch-enemy Qaadisiya!
  18. Rokko, I would presume all the guys asking questions here got their answer straight from the horse's lips.
  19. I do not understand how a man's simple travel to a city his supporters hail from could garner so much media attention and speculation. So he lost his ministerial position, so? All Somalis know by now the man did not support the civilian bombardment and utter catastrophe subjected to that city of Mogadishu and its innocent civilian population. All Somalis also understand that is why he lost his position, a position he has absolutely no regrets about losing. Anyways, this is an interesting interview on HornAfrik in which Hiiraale gives more insight into his moral abstaining from the war against Mogadishu's civilian population, his reasons for coming to Baardheere, his confidence (if any) in the Somali reconciliation conference, and what he will do in the very near future, and whether he is or is not headed towards Kismaayo, which has been under the hands of his supporters for some time now. Interview.
  20. Originally posted by The Duke: ^^^No saxib, Barre was a legend wrong ot right I have not insuleted his person, may Allah forgive him and give him mercy. My point was after 21 years of hand feeding the clan, and giving them titles and estates. The elast they could do was defend him in Gedo/.Cabudwaaq. They instead let hom down and he died in exile. A shame you agree? Duke, who did Siyaad Barre (AUN) hand feed :confused: Siyaad Barre (AUN) himself did not have an estate to his name except the state house, nor had he embezelled a shilling from the Somali coffers and put in outside accounts. Somali waa iyadu tiraah gaal dil gartiisana sii, ha jeclaan marxuum balse haka been sheegin. Musuqmaasuq hadii marxuumka lagu yiqiin Gedo iyo meela kaloo la ogyahay ayuu dhisi lahaaye. Now I will not get into an unproductive debate with you but I will leave you with this; kaftanka hagaaji sxb dabeecadaadu wax badan baa u dhimane.