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Everything posted by Gabbal

  1. From Calanleey to Maakhire goormaa la gaaray? Waxaase iswaydiin mudan warmahaad la soo booday adeer halkaad kala timi mise wali sidii bay xaada kugu kacdaa markaad magaca Horn aragtid iyo afaara ku saabsan Kismaayo.
  2. Che, in an ideal world Somalis should be looking back at the 80's and 70's as if they were centuries ago, at least in so far as advancement and development is concerned. I am sorry this is not the case.
  3. Warbixin:Waxbarasahada Kismaayo Oo Maraysa Heerkii Ugu Hagaagsanaa Tan Iyo Xornimadii Dalka Nov 13,2007 by Kismaayo-GED-NN Magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta Gobolka J/hoose waa caasimada seddexaad ee Jamhuurayada Soomaaliya waxaana ka horeeya oo kaliya Magaalooyinka Muqadisho iyo Hargaysa, Kismaayo waxaa Saamayn ku yeeshay dagaalada Sokeeye oo burburiyay Kaabayaashii dhaqaalaha iyo kuwa waxbarashada oo cariiri galay markii ay burburtay dawladii dhexe. sanadihii ugu dambeeyay dadaalo ay sameeyeen aqoonyahanka gobolka iyo macalimiin howl kar ah oo guntiga dhiisha isaga dhigay xaalada qalafsan ee waxbarida ubadka Soomaaliyeed ayaa haatan laga dareemi karaa magaalada Kismaayo oo dadka tacliinta ku mashquulasani ay ku soo kordhayaan. ilaa 12kun oo arday ah ayaa u dareera dugiysada waxbarashada ee Hoose,Dhexe iyo sare, waxaana ay iskuuladu isugu jiraan kuwo ay taakuleeyeen heyado khayri ah iyo ururo ay leeyihiin jaaliyadaha dibada ee dadka degan Kismaayo walow aysan tiradaan badnayn. Dugsiyada ugu caansan waxaa ka mid ah dugsiyada Hoose Dhexe iyo Sare ee Axmed Bin xambal, Faanoole, Jubba, Maxamed Jamac, Rugta iyo kuwa kale, dugisyada dhexe ayaa aad uga badan kuwa sare oo billawday muddo haatan laga joogo afar sanadood oo kaliya ayna sanadkii 2006 soo baxeen ardadii ugu horaysay ee ka qalin jabisa Dugsisa Sare, marka laga hadlaayo arinta Dugsiga sare Kismaayo waxaa ay ka hoosaysay qaar ka mid ah gobolada la ayniga ah laakiin waxaad moodaa in wax badan ay isbadalayaan iminka oo xawli ay ku socdaan howlaha furitaanka Dugsiyada sare. Jaamacada Kismaayo ayaa noqotay tii ugu horaysay ee laga hirgaliyo magaalada Xeebta ku taala tan iyo 1960kii oo ku beegan markii uu dalka qaatay madaxbaanidiisa, Jaamacada waxaa iminka ka furan Kulliyadaha Dhaqaalagha iyo maamulka iyo Daraasaadka iyo Shareecada islaamka, Jaamacadaan oo la furay sanadkii hore ayaa iminka waxaa ku jira afar dufcadoood oo kala dhigta labada kulliyadood waxaana socda mashruuc lagu dhisayo Deegaanka u gaar ah oo ay Jaamacadu leedahay. Ma’ ahan in jaamacadaan oo kaliya ay ku taalo Kismaayo ee Tan Loo yaqaano Jubba ayaa iyana wada tacliinta sare in kasta oo la dareemayo in wali aysan israacin,hammada loo qabo Jaamicadaha ayaa la sheegayaa in Kismaayo ay u baahantahay jaamacado dheeraad ah hadii ay bixinayaan kulliyado ka duwan kuwo ilaa haatan la soo bandhigay. dhinaca Barashada Diinta islaamka iyo xifdinta qur,aanka Kariimka, Magaalada Kismaayo waxaa ku soo badanayaa Madarisooyinka iyo Macaahida u gaarka ah ee lagu abaabiyo ubadka Soomaaliyeed si u helaan mustaqbal wanaagsan oo aduun iyo aakhiro, tirada ardada aada dugsiyada qur,aanka kariimka ah waxaa lagu qiyaasaa 8kun oo xilliyo kala duwan aada Dugiyasa. xeeldheerayaasha ayaa sheegaya in xilligaan uu yahay kii ugu wanaagsanaa dhinaca tacliinta ee Magaalada Kismaayo taas oo loo anaanaynayo in barisamaadkii ay dhalinayaradu ku mashquulsanayeen ka xoogsiga mashraaciidii hormarinta ee Gobolka J/hoose ka socday iyo Ciyaaraha gaar ahaan Kubbada cagta oo ay Kismaayo caan ku tahay. Tirada dadka xiiseeya ee noloshooda u gooyay kubada cagta laakiin waxaa wali jira caruur fara badan oo aroor kasta u kalaha Xeebaha Magaalada oo xilliyada Cunnada mooyee inta kale Ciyaar ku dhamaysta, qaar ka mid ah ururada Maxaliga ah ayaa wada dadaalo ay caruurtaan ay ugu samaynayaan waxbarasaho lacag la,aan ah si loo taakuleeyo hadii ay waalidiintood awoodi waayeen in ay ka baxshaan lacagta waxbarashada. Kariimoos-GEDO-NN Source=beerdhiga
  4. Positive development. The more international focus on Somalia leading to more involvement by the international community, the less Ethiopa is able to advance its secret vindictive interests in the nation. An international peace-keeping force de-legitimizes the need to have Ethiopian troops on the ground which will go a long way in stabilizing the situation. I cannot conceive why those in support of resisting Ethiopia would be opposed to such a development.
  5. Shir Sanadeedkii Ururka Somali Development Foundation Oo Ka Bilaabmaya Columbus, Nov23-24,2007 Nov 19,2007 by Columbus-GEDO-NN Warsaxaafadeed uu soo saaray ururka Somali Development Foundation ayaa waxaa dhammaan lagu ogeysiinayaa dadweynaha ku dhaqan magaalada Columbus, OHIO iyo nawaaxigeeda inuu shir sanadeedkii ururka Somali Development Foundation uu ka furmi doonoo magaalada Columbus ee gobalka OHIO. Shir sanadeedkaasi ayaa socon doono bishan November 23-24keeda, iyada oo aya ka soo qeybgali doonaan aqoonyahanno ka socdo wadamada Mareykanka, Canada iyo Yurub sida ay Gedonet u xaqiijiyeen qabanqaabiyaasha shirkan muhiimka ah. Shirkaan oo ka kadisan shirarkii horay loo qaban jiray ayaa diirada lagu saari doono qodobabo door ah oo taabanaya dhinanyada kala kadisan ee waxyaabaha aasaasiga u ah nolsha bulshada iyadoo laisu dayi doono in la mideeyo fakirka iyo ahdaafta dhamaan ururada ka dhisan qurbaha ee ku hawlan arrimaha buslda. Hadaba waxyaabaha uu ku saabsan yahay kulan sanadeedkaan si aad uga bogatid raac oo taabo xiriirada (links) hoos ku qoran. November 20, 2007. Dear Guest, The Somali Development Foundation would like to invite you cordially to an upcoming SDF 3rd Annual Conference which will be held at Columbus, OH. Nov. 22, 2007 @ 8:30 am to 6:30 pm Conference Nov. 24, 2007@ 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm Evening Event. This conference, which will be a forum style, is meant to shape a line of communication between Diaspora community, and local NGOs, including SDF, Hirdo, Iqra, Ganane, Markabley G.E.D.O., SSN and more. The underlining agenda is to focus on the current survival needs, such as security, education, health and human services and business and economical development for those regions. This convention will give us the possibility to contribute our collective efforts by undertaking those fundamental problems, and develop a wide-ranging and joined strategy. Prior to the conference date, we would like to know the subject/topic you wish to contribute by selecting one of the above topics. Please make sure you let us know by emailing us at . If you are unable to attend but wish to receive details of the programs and make comments in writing, please indicate it via email. There will be $100 dollar for conference fee. Students and Elders are discounted for $50 dollars only. We are looking forward to seeing you at the conference. Should you need additional information about this conference, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Dr. Warsame Hassan Ali, PHD EE President of Somali Development Foundation SDF 3rd Annual Conference November 23 �" 24, 2007 Columbus Ohio: Embassy Suites Columbus 2700 Corporate Exchange Dr. Columbus, Ohio 43231 Phone: (614) 599-2409 or (614)506-0645 Fax: (713) 270-0122 Email: Si aad uga bogatid faahfaahinta kulan sanadeedkaan bal riix xiriirka hoos ku lingaxan.
  6. Anigu waxaan kaa dareemay inaad leedahay UNta baa bartay oo i quudiso, reer Laascaanood waxaan rabaa inaan baro sida UNta loola xiriiro. Marka maxaad kaloo tiri aanu ku maqalnee?
  7. Marka waxaad i leedahay adigu UNta sida quud looga raadsado waad taqan balse reer Laascaanood wali maysan baran ee corso ayaad doonaysa inaad u dhigtid?
  8. Hadee hadalku halkee ayuu kaa maray? Jawaabtaaduna anigu aflagaado iyo magac dil baan u qaatay, gobol dhan dadu leeyahay degan yihiin oo bilicsan inaad maanta tiraahdid waa shay dayacan ee adigu aad wax u qaban karaysid eeyan dadkeedu u qaban karayn. War ninku isla hanwaynaa.
  9. Konton kunka barakacay adeer sidee la yeelaa? Kuwaa xaqoodaa maqan, xaqooduna waxuu ku xiranyahay ciidan beeleedka soo duulay inuu xaduudiisa ku laabto. Anigu waxaan qabaa in wali faraha laysa saarin.
  10. Khalaf, the situation has made it perfect for individuals with rather dishonest veneers to try to reinvent history and heroify the said ICU, particularly in so far as its latter stages is concerned. The current situation in Somalia and the emotions running high as a result of it provides the perfect spider's web, so to say, that is used to lure unsuspecting and rather largely uninformed persons to the historical re-inventor's position and makes it effortless for them to recruit these persons to lead and/or be part of what would be deemed witch-hunts, in every sense of the world. While I am not in agreement with a good number of the sentiments you seemed to have expressed, I am happy to say I share your sentiment that the ICU has a large part of the blame concerning what is today happening in Somalia. I would even go so far as to say maybe even the majority of the blame considering the ICU, as Somali entity, carried the responsibility of the masses it spoke for on its shoulders, something the blood-thirsty and largely opportunistic Ethiopian regime did not. One would then be justified in alleging it was the ICU hawk position and daily rallying calls of "we will invade Ethiopia" and the more news-catching "we will invite foreign fighters in from the Middle East and South-Asia" that is the cause of all our problems as it is what legitimized Ethiopian incursion into the nation, legitimacy being something it has not coveted before and largely prevented them from admitting to anything other than a handful of trainers of theirs being in the territory of the Somali Republic. Bear in mind that is also what in the past ruled out any sizable force of theirs being in the Republic; at least large enough to have its presence noted by journalists. Despite the emotions reigning because of the current situation, one must at all costs try to stay honest and attempt to speak the truth even if there are re-inventors waiting at every turn seizing the chance to discredit and/or vilify anyone speaking contrary to their re-invention of history or what they deem as necessary to attain them solidarity and sympathy, if that is anything they are missing in light of the barbaric Ethiopian actions in the country.
  11. Duke over 3/4 of the Benaadir Region's civilian population has been forced to flee and a humanitarian situation threatens the nation that is equal to if not greater than the early 90's. Regardless of our political positions, this is something one cannot ignore.
  12. Alle aanu u barino, kolay ummadaas masiibo soo martay kuna dhex jiraane.
  13. Alle hau naxariisto marxuumka, kolay un maanta waa uumka aakhiree.
  14. ^I personally have no problems with what he said personally as opposed to the fact the position of neutrality he is supposed to hold in the carrying out of his SOL duty. If he was not the moderator, would he have crossed the line time and time again? Nacnacda haynagala wado, waxuush wax u dheg dhigtaana jirin balse anigu waxaan leeyahay aan oranayay wakhti muda ah haatan in talada meeshaan loo dhiibo qof u qalmo. With that said, I have went on an self-imposed boycott once before and I am permenantly leaving this place now until someone more deserving is given moderator position. Wa sallam, Ciid wanaagsan dhamaan.
  15. ^Adeer Ceerigaaba Kismaayo kaaga dhaw, ayaduna maalin walbaa lagugu gumaadaa adigu laftigaadu, Kismaayo kumanaan kilometer kaa jirto maxaa kaa quseeyo hadaan ku su'aale? Allamagan, adeer waxaan oran kartay waad tiri, waadna sheegtey inaad ka xuntahay waxa Kismaayo ka socdo, intaa ka dibne baroorta orgiga ka weyn inaad u jawaabtidba kuguma haboona.
  16. ^Ka xorey adeer, cid ka xoraysaa la waayaye.
  17. Originally posted by Hunguri: [QB] quote: Originally posted by HornAfrique: It is interesting how a comprehension-lacking individual around here has the galls to single out clans, in the singular sense, for alleged involvement with Ethiopians when their homecity Baidoa continues to function as Ethiopia's unofficial capital and largest military base in Somalia. This since 1999 when the Ethiopians first left the border areas to fight within Somalia, when they backed the RRA with money, arms, and men to defeat the USC, something the RRA has been trying for over 10 years. An Ethiopian-led military campaign this same literacy-stunted individual continues to hail as "freedom fight" and a great historical moment for Baidoa people. Even with such enormous help, the RRA continues to function as the most conflict ridden, divided, and powerless organization with the most powerless representation in the political maneuverings of Somalia. We must thank the cyber net, such individuals will never have the galls to speak of such things publicly. Horn, Eid Mubarak. By the way, do you have a single doubt of MMA playing a queen card of the political ideology of Sharif Hassan. I have seen a number of times, crossing the decency limit of criticising people. How on earth can he brush the whole Caabud-Waag people with a brush of Xaaraan and zero tolerance vulgar words. No I do not have a single doubt good Hunguri and I am glad both you, Ojelle, and other impartial contributors see this thread and the conduct of some individuals for what they are. However, it is only cyber and people have the privilege of saying what they without being held accountable for it. laakiin dadkaan kale oo boorka isku qarinaya hadana wadaad iskaga kaa dhigaya ayaanba la yaabanahay. Ojelle, boorka laysku qarinayo kol horaan shaarka ka siibnay. Taasi wax haatan lasoo bandhigayo maaha.
  18. It is interesting how a comprehension-lacking individual around here has the galls to single out clans, in the singular sense, for alleged involvement with Ethiopians when their homecity Baidoa continues to function as Ethiopia's unofficial capital and largest military base in Somalia. This since 1999 when the Ethiopians first left the border areas to fight within Somalia, when they backed the RRA with money, arms, and men to defeat the USC, something the RRA has been trying for over 10 years. An Ethiopian-led military campaign this same literacy-stunted individual continues to hail as "freedom fight" and a great historical moment for Baidoa people. Even with such enormous help, the RRA continues to function as the most conflict ridden, divided, and powerless organization with the most powerless representation in the political maneuverings of Somalia. We must thank the cyber net, such individuals will never have the galls to speak of such things publicly.
  19. Xiin, what conference? Are you alluding to the one Abdullahi Yusuf is pushing forward to get political support? What is supposed to come out of that conference for the other side? The keys to Kismaayo? Kala saar hadalka, many things are occuring in Kismaayo now and while it is not very vusible, many things will be visible soon. Pay attention to the news tomorrow or the day after.
  20. Originally posted by The Duke: [QB] ^^^Mogadishu you have armed groups fighting? No adeer, you have insurgents in Mogadishu and if insurgents could be defeated hundreds of thousands of U.S soldiers would have already pacified Iraq. Now what is going on in Kismaayo is not clear even to I but I do know your usual colors and they do not hold sway with me. I will wait till I get a full picture of what is going on.
  21. Originally posted by Juje: quote:Originally posted by The Duke: ^^^All deaths are tragic, in Mogadishu you have an ongoing battle. Baidoa was calm and few deaths from the suicide bomber. Kismayu on the other hand you have a group, who claim to be part of the system and killing individuals from the local clans. Could you please expand on more about the 'system' you mention which justifies the killing of those in Mogadishu but abhors the killing of those in Kismayo. I knew you were sick Duke but I might have overly estimated you. Sick doesn't describe particularly when he ignores the fact that just yesterday a road bomb was set for the elders in Kismaayo from one clan. If his reasoning is universal, what is the difference between what happened in Kismaayo and what happened in Mogadishu?
  22. My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is: Emperor Hornafrique the Superficial of Barton in the Beans Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title
  23. Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn: Why did Yey go to Baidoa,when was the last time he went to Baidoa? Because the vote of confidence is expected to take place. Gheedi himself has departed for Baidoa.
  24. Che, while the Yamaarugley incident was primarily ticked off by grazing rights/borehole control, the unmitigated "aano-qaabil" (call it "ugaarsi") killings in Gaalkacyo had alot to do with it also. The conflict was unfortunate and many people lost their lives for nothing. Yamaarugley, Qaloocan, Isgoyska, Ceel-dheer, etc all were affected and the same people that fought continue to live with each other as they were doing before the conflict. Innocent blood shed for nothing.